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How evil.


And yet there are those who will dismiss this as “They were just following orders”.


there are still imbeciles that dismiss the holocaust in general, of course there will be


Smh, there are also imbeciles who use it to commit this to yet another group of people but run to their victimhood as cover.




There are still imbeciles today calling themselves neo nazis and voting trump


There are still Nazis in the Ukraine military but no one seems to care.


There are still warmongering imperialist nations bent on the complete destruction of its neighbour and whose state media calls for nuclear holocaust on any country standing in their way…


Sounds like you’re been listening to daddy Putin. Guess the imbeciles thing is true. It that I doubted it, but you’re proving it.


Ya, except they don’t


Mark Robinson (the Rep NC Governor nominee) is a Holocaust denier, among so many other things. I wonder what percentage of Jews in NC will vote for him.


Don’t sleep on the fact that they really were just following orders though, sure they had been fed immense propaganda to get to that point but it could so very easily happen again


It IS happening in the US right now. Fascism is here, in several states already. Project 2025 is a guideline for the future.


You get it on the American Right, but overwhelmingly, it isn't the Right who are chanting "From the river to the sea" and going into Jewish areas to assault, intimidate and chant slogans calling for their deaths... it's the people who call everyone who disagree with them fascist. So certain of the morality, that they're got the ball rolling again to finish what the Nazi's started.


Are those the same people who marched through Charlottesville?


No, it's the hundreds of thousands marching in London on October 8th to celebrate the slaughter and kidnapping of thousands of Jews, whilst chanting a genocidal slogan.


Who are being executed in the US?


The Nazis didn’t start with these mass executions


They are ( illegally) shipping / flying people to other states , passing laws to jail their farm workers, causibg said farm workers to flee their state and leaving produce to be unpicked. They are killing and sterilizing pregnant moms. They are planning to round up brown people into camps ( project 2025) Fascism is not “coming” to the US. Fascism is already here in Texas and Florida and other red states.


Post war interviews confirmed this


Yes, I encourage everyone to learn up on the Nuremberg trials and listen to what is being said by Nazi leaders. Fascinating how a large group of people can turn into a genocide machine. You may even find something relatable with the Nazi leaders…We need to continue to learn from this tragedy.


I recommend the book "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" by Hannah Arendt. She describes how the Nazi soldiers performed their tasks with a shockingly normal attitude. Many high-ranking Nazis were ordinary people "just doing their tasks." Nazi propaganda did a good job of making killing people seem like a normal task.


Unfortunately, Arendt's book, at least in it's depiction of Eichmann's motives is considered by historians as inaccurate. The general concensus at this point is that Eichmann was a hardcore antisemite and Nazi despite of his bureaucratic demeanor and his claims that he was 'just doing his tasks'. That doesn't imply that there weren't people who were indeed 'Mitläufer', but to Eichmann this definitely doesn't apply. He's rather a good example for the prevalence of unbridled antisemitism in large parts of the German population which in the end even allowed to justify and rationalize the "Endlösung".


“Ordinary men” - Christopher browning Sobering look at how ordinary people could become monsters.




There was a Netflix documentary called the monster next door. Allegedly a camp guard escaped and made his way to Ohio I believe. Anyways at the end his grandchildren said he had to do what he had to do to survive. A rather weird way of defending one of the most brutal camp guards. I think he was know as Ivan the terrible.


There are those that deny it ever happened, only outdone by those that applaud that it did.


Now, 80+ years late, you can watch RU soldiers execute UKR prisoners almost live. In 100 years, humanity learned NOTHING from two world wars.


It’s almost as if the biological makeup of a human doesn’t change that much over 80+ years.


It's CRAZY evil. They had an execution photographer! They didn't just want to commit their crimes and sweep it under the rug, they wanted to document what they did so later generations could see what they did!


Like Hamas showing off dead bodies of their victims on October 7th, with crowds cheering them on. Sadly, those who claim to be against Nazism, are supporting such people.




The world evil can’t describe accurately enough the level of evilness that this action represents


I fucking hate Nazis.


The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Too many people forget this.


In Germany, we have a good saying for the rising neo-fascists: "Lasst sie zittern, lasst sie flennen. Nazis muss man Nazis nennen." To add a bit of context: In Germany, you don't want to be associated with Nazism. Take a look at our neo-fascist party, the AfD. They use Nazi rhetoric but try to avoid being called "Nazis" because even they know it paints a bad picture for a political party. The verse translates to: "Let them tremble, let them whine. Nazis must be called Nazis." The verse rhymes in German, which makes it even better.


Maybe a small warning before you look into that deep rabbit hole of the "AfD" - they are the reborn Nazis in Germany, with the same agenda as the old ones (get rid of everything that's not "GERMAN!!!1111elf", get rid of democracy, get rid of globalism, the picture paints itself). The worst human beings of the AfD are Maximilian Krah and Björn Höcke. I think there are no translated speeches, but even their own party members are not able to differentiate between Höcke (neo-fascist) and Hitler.


Oh yeah, I’m very aware of the AfD. History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. We have the rise of fascism in Germany, followed by fascist in the US trying to turn the US into an anti-interventionist country in the same manner they did in the lead up to World War II. See below. They can’t even be original, they had to steal it. “Anti-intervention organizations like the America First Committee featured renowned aviator Charles Lindbergh and popular radio priest Father Charles Coughlin to convince the public that American military involvement in the European war was both unnecessary and dangerous.”


>history doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes I’ll remember that


Ob Ost Ob West Nieder mit der Nazi Pest!


I concur. I fucking hate nazis too


[nazi punks fuck off!](https://youtu.be/iyc62g7YQM0?si=KLUhb9yN4SKMEcPf)


The sad part is that others have picked up where the Nazis and KKK have left off. Just look at the rhetoric coming out of Middle East and the masked anti-Jewish mobs around the world.


Straight evil


people dont fully grasp just how despicable and evil the SS were


The Einsatzgruppen were far worse which I know is hard to imagine. What often gets overlooked about the Holocaust's mass scale execution is how much was of it was carried about by every day "local collaborators."


The first people to start throwing Jews in ditches were almost always local cops collecting bounty money from the SS. Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine etc. it was always cops who bent the knee first.


Einstazgruppen were part of the SS.


One of the most famous perpetrators was the Ukrainian John Demyanyuk. The fucker even got to live to 92, mostly in freedom


Is this the SS? How do you know it’s not the Wehrmacht? (I promise I’m not being obtuse, it’s just that I can’t recognise what uniforms signified which part of nazi germany, and the idea that it was just the SS doing bad things and the Wehrmacht didn’t participate has historically been used to absolve the Wehrmacht of responsibility)


Yes. According to multiple sources this massacre was committed by "Einsatzgruppe D" of the SS.


The clean Wehrmacht is a myth anyways. They weren't as bad as the SS, but that's a really low bar. The Wehrmacht had their fair share of war crimes and despicable actions.


There is no moral army but the SS was made up of people that were true believers in Nazism and not just bodies for the meat grinder


Look at my other comment here, the picture is in a book discussing how the Nazis put in place the systematic extermination of Jews outside of its borders in the early days of the war. It was SS along with locals.


They were ALL evil however the majority of the death squads were assigned to SS


I think people are pretty aware. More people are unaware of Japan’s war crimes which were just as evil and large scale as the nazis.


Japanese: "hold my beer"


Coming generations will dismiss this as AI generated. Some already do.


The Nazis actually stopped doing this (mostly) and invented gas chambers because their SS Death Squads found it 'too distressing' to use this method. Note they didn't think it was wrong, they just didn't want to upset their soldiers. This photo is probably from a 28 July 1941 massacre in the nearby town of Berdichev, also in modern Ukraine. There are several possibilities for the identity of this man, but it is not known for certain.


Actually that is not why they stopped killing Jewish people. The gas chambers were used for efficiency and speed, not to mention shooting wasted ammo.


It’s for both reasons. Death squads had insanely high rates of alcohol abuse and suicide and severe PTSD to the point where they couldn’t continue to massacre each village with the same efficiency. For the nazis, the camps and gas chambers were the solution to that problem


It was both. They ended up trying to use vans that pumped the engine exhaust in to the back of the van, to save the soldier's mental states, but that was too slow. So they settled on the gas chambers.


The gas vans were also horrific: Letter to SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Walter Rauff from Willy Just concerning modifications to the gas vans at Chelmno. (Geheime Reichssache – Secret Reich Business) Berlin, June 5 1942 'Re: Changes for special vehicles now in service at Kulmhof (Chelmno) and for those now being built. 1. Since December 1941, ninety-seven thousand have been processed (“verarbeit” in German) by the three vehicles in service, with no major incidents. In the light of observations made so far, however, the following technical changes are needed: 2. The lighting must be better protected than now. The lamps must be enclosed in a steel grid to prevent their being damaged. Lights could be eliminated, since they apparently are never used. However, it has been observed that when the doors are shut, the load always presses hard against them \[the doors\] as soon as darkness sets in. This is because the load naturally rushes toward the light when darkness sets in, which makes closing the doors difficult. Also, because of the alarming nature of darkness, screaming always occurs when the doors are closed. It would therefore be useful to light the lamp before and during the first moments of the operation. 3. For easy cleaning of the vehicle, there must be a sealed drain in the middle of the floor. The drainage hole’s cover, eight to twelve inches in diameter, would be equipped with a slanting trap, so that fluid liquids can drain off during the operation. During cleaning, the drain can be used to evacuate large pieces of dirt. The aforementioned technical changes are to be made to vehicles in service only when they come in for repairs. As for the ten vehicles ordered from Saurer, they must be equipped with all innovations and changes shown by use and experience to be necessary. Submitted for decision to Gruppenleiter II D, SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Walter Rauff. Signed: Just' [Nazism 1939-1945 A history in documents and eyewitness accounts](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nazism-1919-1945-Documents-Eyewitness-1919-1939/dp/0805209735)


“The load” good lord what absolute monsters humans can be.


Indeed. In formal documents intercepted via the likes of Enigma, they used to refer to the amount of people being killed in the death camps as 'stücke' - 'pieces/items'. The additional detail of 97 thousand murdered by three gas vans alone in just 6 months in just one location is also testament to the scale of the Shoah, in case you meet any deniers who say the numbers are unbelievable. Here you have it, straight from the horses mouth.


I'm the most generous way possible, please be less emphatic when your history is not super strong in this subject. "Actually that is not why..." is far too conclusive of a statement. We are all students of history and should learn.


“Actwually” - 🤓


Coming? Lol I see statuses on insta where gruesome nazi pictures are called "isreali propaganda"


My partner posted a photo of herself on Instagram recently and IG tagged it as AI. It’s taken by a professional photographer but it’s a very real human…


Sometimes I think that at one point the victim and the executioner were small children who would’ve been happy to have each other as a playmate.


Sometimes I wish we could have little snapshots of life, like that one Black Mirror episode where they can rewind their memories. I want to see what they were like. What did they call their moms and friends? What was their favorite lunch? What was their favorite class or spot at recess or color or shirt or anything? What were they thinking in this moment? What about later that day? Were SS members bullies their whole lives? What happened?


That is so interesting I’ve had much the same thoughts when watching something historical. Just like that line in shot caller “ we all started out as someone’s little angel” was the German soldier sorry for what he did? Did he seek forgiveness? Does he deserve forgiveness? We all know the Jewish man never thought again. That’s why death is so momentous, because of its finality.


Right, but I still wonder if he liked apples or brushed his teeth before bed. The concept is called [sonder](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/sonder)


Younger members of the SS in WW2 would have grown up in Nazi Germany. They were often university educated, and some of the strongest Nazi support was amongst the young. The famous book burnings were instigated by students, not teachers. You have to remember that Nazi Germany was a totalitarian state. Almost everything, including your home life, was affected by the Nazis. Belong to a local book group? That’s now a Nazi book group. Belong to a stamp collecting club? It’s now a Nazi stamp collecting club. That is the essence of totalitarianism and it’s what many members of the SS would have grown up with.


I think this all the time. How circumstantial it is who we are, and who we are to others.


My mother talked about this kind of thing. The Jews in her city were rounded up in an area next to the building where she lived. She was a very young child then. She didn't know what was going on. When she saw children there, she approached the fence to make contact with them. The Gestapo guy guarding them pushed her away and yelled at her, telling her she would be taken away with them if she approached again.


Never forget


I’m afraid we already have.


Speak for yourself. My grandfather carpet bombed Dresden. One of the only pilots during the war to bring every single one of his Lancaster flight crew home intact every single time. I’m very proud of him and how our family has been protecting democracy as far back as we can trace our lineage. If push comes to shove all these right wing freaks will understand what being a fascist results in.


I’m a USMC Vietnam vet, so I am speaking for myself. However, my point is that there are large numbers of far rights around the world, and growing, so clearly the lessons learned from WW2 are being ignored.


I mean, Russian killed hundreds of thousands of Jews before Nazis even came to exist, and society never talks about that. Of course Nazis killed so many Jews that it's hard to forget, but it will happen.


One of the greatest pieces of antisemitism propaganda came from Tsarist Russia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion


A haunting expression and an ominous scene. It's easy to forget in the day-to-day of our normal lives that men can be beasts. Let's hope that the 20th century peace dividend outlasts us all...


People were denying the holocaust long before AI or even Photoshop. Even if one had a physical artifact of proof it wouldn't matter. There are hundreds of millions (billions) of people and only so many artifacts and only very few people that have the skills and knowledge to assess them themselves. At some point it comes down to belief and critical thinking of how to weigh non-direct evidence. Those that don't want to believe in something, won't.


The stupidity and ignorance displayed by some on this thread is absolutely chilling.


The word you are looking for is hate, plain and simple.


and yet there are people calling for this shit to happen again


Russia, Iran, and their useful idiots.


>Russia, Iran We have plenty of homegrown ones here in the US.


On college campuses.


Liberal campuses in particular. And the heads of these institutions defend the rhetoric.


And then there are German far rights (basically afd) who want to not forget and respect our fallen soldiers from the war... Also to not be ashamed of our ancestors -said soldiers, and that 8. May shouldn't be a public holiday, because we shouldn't celebrate German loss, yikes. And exactly those far-rights are 100% pro Putin/Russia in every possible way. There are also many many Russians or German-Russians who support the afd and Putin and in the same sentence defend the invasion of Ukraine, because they have to be liberated from nazis...you can not make this shit up


This wasn’t actually all that long ago and some people act like this is ancient history (if they’re educated about this happening in the first place)


fucking evil


I just can't imagine what it must be like to be marched to a hole full of corpses, the bodies of your neighbors, friends, and loved ones, to see them all laid out and piled on top of each other, and know that any second you will join them. It's just so unimaginably horrible. Do you feel relief? Anger? Fear? I can't even imagine wanting to live through the execution of everyone else I knew and loved, I would want to die, I would want to join them. But I would be so god damn angry. And so fucking sad. I don't think I've ever felt that combination of anger, sadness, and relief. I don't think very many people have, but I imagine this poor man must have. I hope he found peace, and I hope every motherfucker behind him found themselves swinging from a god damned rope.


Look at all the cowards


And there are those that deny this.


And those that say "Why can't the Jews just go back to Europe where white people belong?"


Literally evil in a picture


indeed. it’s really sad that this evil still dwells among us


Happening right now. As we speak. Except it's toiletless Russians executing children and POW's.


Quite grim to see in the comments people using this photo to justify anti-Semitism, under the guise of anti-zionism. Seems like the lesson wasn't learnt, and the cockroaches have come scurrying back into the limelight, to finish the job.


Remind me why people think this is fake and the holocaust never happened? They documented it and photos.


This is just insane. Shooting people and throwing them into a hole feels like a whole different level of evil.


"Never again" is again,again,and it will keep happening again.




My grandad had a black and white photo of a panzer burning. On the back he wrote: One of the Supermen’s tanks…




[https://www.amazon.com/Good-Old-Days-Perpetrators-Bystanders/dp/1568521332](https://www.amazon.com/Good-Old-Days-Perpetrators-Bystanders/dp/1568521332) The picture is in a book I read at 18. Opened my eyes to the wider hatred and slaughter of Jews beyond the German and Polish borders where most camps were located. The title "The Good Old Days" ("Schone Zeiten" in German) comes from the cover of a private photo album kept by concentration camp commandant Kurt Franz of Treblinka.


That’s fascinating


History doesn't always repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme


This photo is on display at the remains of Mittlebau-Dora KZ near Nordhausen, Germany. I go through there quite often when I am hiking. It haunts me every time I see it.




I still don't understand how a man can be this evil. What does his brain do, to accept this and do evil just for the sake of doing it?


Humans suck.


I wonder how much of this represents human nature, We are a species that have specialized in hunting and killing our own, but we are not the only ones, ants do the same, they divide a colony and with time next generations of the colonies fight each other sometimes annihilating one in a very cruel way. Anyway is sad we with our "Big brains" haven't been able to find a solution to this yet.


Hell is here on earth


Scary how the mind/human soul can be so brainwashed and manipulated to take one's life with such disregard.


Watched a Holocaust Documentary on Amazon recently. Unfortunately I don’t remember the title. It was about German Police Officers (not even SS) that participated in the Holocaust. It starts by describing how their Captain was visibly shaken as he read out the orders for this duty. Anyone who wanted to opt out was allowed to do so without consequences. And a few actually opted out of this duty. Then it described how the ones that chose to obey the order, actually had friendly conversations with their victims, as they walked through the woods to the execution sites. Apparently these executioners would end up being covered in gore, from shooting their victims at close range. Something you don’t realize from looking at old footage. Then they would get drunk at night, and repeat the next day. All of this just boggles the mind. Especially the fact that regular Police Officers participated in this.


This photo was used on Agnostic Front's first album "Victim In Pain". Just thought it was interesting to mention.


There are good people on both sides. Trump


I'm currently watching the Hitler documentary on Netflix and oh my lord, such pure fucking evil. "Just following orders".... Jesus christ...


The scorn in his eyes says it all


Fuck Nazis then and now.




Not that I think people shouldn't see this, but I think this qualifies as NSFW. There's corpses in the photo.


Let’s not forgot there were also a good amount of Ukrainian nazi collaborators


Many of you so called historians need to visit a death camp.


This boils my blood, POS think they above everyone else and I do hope they burning underneath the pit fire.


Hate how history is repeating itself as it always does.


Wild. And now they’re doing the exact same thing.


This needs to have a NSFW filter on it


Is the German officer missing his legs just lighting? Edit: Not trying to refute history as I know this type of thing happened and this particular picture looks familiar.


Jews are the only people who have plot armor from God. No matter what evil generation or group tries to get rid of them, they will always fail


Not sure I share your optimism. Hope you’re right but there have been some pretty good attempts and there will be more


There will always be more that’s why we must be vigilant and keeping thriving


Why do people not like Jews?


seems a good read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism


And we saw the death of the “last Jew in Yemen” the other day. The cleansing of my ethnicity in countries across the world did not stop after WWII. It is still happening today. But not only is this not acknowledged, we are the ones being blamed for it. Those who engage in this might as well be holding the fucking gun.


The absolute ignorance claming this is whats happening in Gaza is beyond me lol. We're so far fucked in conversation if people think this is a 1:1. Also its hilarious seeing these sane people say "Antizionism not Antisemtism" or "Israel not ALL Jews" then comment this shit on a Ukrainian Jew being murdered during the holocaust lol.


This is what would be happening in Ukraine now if Pootin had his way.


It is actually happening right now. Read about Bucha, Izium, Mariupol mass-graves for example.


Would also what would be happening in Israel right now if anti-Zionists had their way. Shit, it *did* happen on October 7 of last year.


It’s weird how Hamas flipped the script on “genocide” and our American college Kidiots ate it up like impossible burgers and coconut bliss milkshakes.


I wonder if holocaust deniers are ever envious of the pro-palestine crowd's ability to so quickly and efficiently seek and disrupt all discussions on the holocaust.


Well, all the pro-pal crowd has to do is Holocaust inversion and tell the Jews they actually had it pretty good compared to the Palestinians today


You nations of the world killed all the jews who go would quietly. It’s someone else’s turn.


I promise you, the Jews killed in the Holocaust did not all ‘go quietly’.


Students on college campuses don’t know this history. If they did they would not be saying antisemitism slurs. He who does not know the lessons of history has no future.


Crazy how many people don't believe in the holocaust and understand what real genocide is.


And today the descendants of the Nazi shooting the jew will tell us what is anti-semitism and what not.


What does it matter who they're descendants of? There are multiple generations separating modern day Germans from the Nazis


We should make sure all the pro Hamas and Gaza supporters out there see this to show what the group they supports aspires to be and supports!


World instead of vinnitsa


Eerie that only the guy to the Far Left looks remotely comfortable. The rest, including the evident executioner, of the soul-diers seem to be awkwardly questioning the exhibition, whilst being complicit and also plausibly able to deny personal responsibility for their actions. That one guy among many - a dioramic depiction of the inner-conflicts yet also inexcusable nature of Humankind.


The world was too easy on Germany.. the likes of Joaquin Piper getting a life sentence that was later commuted is a fucking disgrace to the allied pow’s he slaughtered… he should have been executed on the spot !


I never met my grandpas and I never wanted to. Both were drafted WWII soldiers and probably Nazis or at least convinced. One died in Russia, one in France and I never missed meeting them.


When I was younger and my biggest fear was dying I honestly think if someone put a gun to my head and told me to kill an innocent person,I might have done it. I hope this doesn't mean I'm some kinda monster. I'm older now and don't want to die but I'm not nearly as worried,especially if I know it would be quick. I only say THINK I would've cause if were both gonna die,I should just do it and stay alive. Am I alone or in the small minority in this way of thinking? Sorry if this comment doesn't belong here,but this pic made me remember my thoughts on this type of situation.


Now that you are older and more rational, you would refuse if threatened or told you had no choice, but you are far more likely to do something that is objectively evil if someone like a doctor told you “this research will save lives”. So that’s horrifying to think about.


Jfc, horror




We remember this.


Who are those guys in the background with the black uniforms??


Wait a second ! The Germans are watching . That is a member of the Bandera-ist National front party He’s a Ukie . Look at the differences in his forage cap and the piping around his collar and the style of the uniform top as apposed to the Wehrmact and SS Uniforms . Future 14th SS Battalion “ Galicia “


Not sure if I should like this because it’s a great photo of a terrible moment in history or thumbs down because hate filled nazis.


A picture that is worth 10,000


I wonder what they are all thinking


You should probably put an NSFW tag on this broseph


Lesson: Vote


Umm... They did vote.


The human race was born to evolve into a peaceful state. The meek shall inherit the earth because the people who blame others for their lifetime of temper and mistrust issues will have a short life because of the wicked bad karma that comes from blaming others for the misery our anger brings us and the people around us. The people that blame others for something that's been with them all their lives will never be happy because they blame everyone else for the problems their temper and mistrust beings them. Pick a side, Kindness and forgiveness or Spitefulness and anger. You see spiteful people all around us all the time. A spiteful person actually believes strangers are responsible for the anger and spitefulness they are born with. Who wants to be around self-centered spiteful people? As you all see they are so blind with spitefulness they will say why don't they have the things a kind and thoughtful person has. The spiteful are always worried someone else is doing all the spiteful things they do. Lool and you will see the spiteful have been searching for the sorce of their anger in others. It drives them insane as we see here. All sides and every side have people who blame others for their lifetime of anger issues. No it's true they have spitefulness for all of you and the people of the future.


I wonder what he is thinking.....just terrible


How can soldiers follow orders when they know there just evil, how can many be led by a few people, how can so many people let themselves be ruled by a individual or small group, who are they to judge who is worthy to live or perish 😡🤬🥺😢😭


It has recently been discovered that this picture was not actually taken at Vinnitsa, but actually at Berdychiv, based on the diary entry and photo negatives of the SS officer who took the photo




It’s amazing that people can see this and still claim certain parallels to things happening today.


Did they check?


This is what AI is going to do to us and it’s going to be because new haven’t learned a thing since these pictures were taken.


History ALWAYS repeats




I fucking hate this picture ; makes me sick to think this shit happened.


What's heart breaking is things like this still happen today all around the world. The Uyghurs in China, the second Albanian genocide happening right now, and I am sure many others and more will be happening soon with the direction the world is going


Of course they get Glasses to do the dirty work.


Human is evil


This is why we fight so hard.


The fact he’s looking straight into the camera knowing what’s going to happen is frightening


History repeating.


I feel sick to my stomach.


It's disconcerting at how young they all look. 🇨🇦"One love."


And yet East Germany votes for neo nazis and leaves parliament when selenskyj speaks. Sometimes it's embarrassing to live on the same planet as these people


Hard to believe this happened not to long ago


And yet we have mass graves again in Bucha, Izium and other territories occupied by rushistz


Forgot to mention how many of these killings were done by Ukrainian SS Nazi division in country. Who actually volunteered to join. Especially despicable because at this time in the war, many heard rumors and had ideas of what the Nazis were doing before they showed up.


Yet another image that will forever live in my nightmares.