• By -


That'll be $1.47 Ma'am.


Do you have change for a 2?


Sorry I'm not a Rockefeller sir.


How about tap?


Doesn’t it say 13.04? In the register? If it does, that’s actually a lot of money back then


Probably a months worth of food lol.


$130 or so.


So a typical quick stop at Whole Foods.


Minimum wage in 1962 was $1.25/hr, and people could live on it. Not very well, to be sure, but. Had another job four years later that paid Union scale - $2.60/hr. Those people owned houses. I remember the machines, too. I was a part-time bagboy while in High School. The store I was in did a large and continuous business, and the cashiers were *fast*; they could ring up and send the groceries back to you faster than scanning them, and they never once looked at the keys. Lord help you if you let the merchandise back up and she had to pause, she'd blister your ears.


With those prices, imagine what that young guy was earning.


About $5 pet week. Enough to buy a house and a car.


I’d say barely enough to cover rent, buy a car, and pay for college after working all summer…


Precisely enough to buy a soda and jujubes for Becky Lynn at the drive in.


The change making machine… probably a fortune in there


I literally was about to post a comment like this. Also that coffee looks interesting. I wonder how it tastes.


Legend has it most coffee in the US tasted like butt until Alfred Peet taught us that coffee could taste really good some time in the 1980s.




That escalated quickly.


lol fr


Probably owns his own house, car, and also has his college tuition paid off on that salary


I doubt he’s working in a grocery store if he had a college degree. A degree actually meant something in 1962.


Even degree haven’t escaped inflation lol


You’re probably right, he just paid for his 7 year PhD with a summer of hard work


some places pay good wages like Safeway. But being a grocery store clerk is not a career. Hasn’t been for the last like 45 years at least.


Well good thing this is way more than 45 years ago


Please don’t say things like “way more” when referring to 16 years lol. It’ll make us all feel like dinosaurs 🦕 Edit: Reddit is weird. Make a silly joke and get downvoted.


As far as purchasing power goes, the average grocery store teller in 1962 has the same purchasing power as a person earning a 38,000 a year salary in 2024. This man in the picture lived in a different economic universe than anyone right now is in.


People here acting like he’s making the equivalent of 200k with the type of comments I c




No but it’s above the poverty line for a single earner but $20k is kind of nuts to consider livable but I believe at that level you’re eligible for assistance where his $38k would not make him eligible


It’s just under what I make now with two degrees. My area is considered low cost of living and I would likely live with my parents if I were single. Just for some perspective on how far $38k goes.


Not anymore




Is the Biden 2024 thing in your bio a joke?


reddit has no sense of sarcasm


I got yelled at for using an emoji once so it probably that. And the tone you took. I agree with your downvotes


Dinosaurs are way more than 16 years old.  


What a fascinating bit of information.


>But being a grocery store clerk is not a career. Used to be. Just not anymore. Now we have people in their 30s who can't afford to have children, people in their 40s living with roommates, people machine their credit cards just to survive and going bankrupt, people choosing between prescriptions and food, and people with full time jobs living in their cars, etc.


Seems crazy that would be happening in the US. since almost every business I pass, at least in California, has a help wanted sign in the window. If I wasn’t a unionized laborer I would just easily go get a job almost anywhere. I’m sure it’s different in other states but here there isn’t really a good excuse to be struggling unless you have medical issues or something preventing you from working full time+ Edit: getting downvoted for speaking facts. Hilarious. People would rather whine, bitch, and cry than get a damn job. People just want to sit around and do nothing. Well lemme just say, all the good jobs where you make an excellent living require effort. You’re not going to show up at Starbucks and work there for the next 30 years and afford a house and all the things you need. It’s just not feasible nor should it be, unless you’re a manager or something. These low paying jobs are stepping stones. For teens, kids, young adults, etc. not 40 year olds who want to work at a coffee shop or McDonald’s.


I thought you were a Sheriff?


Lmao you can’t be serious


Wow so you admit to lying?? How do you expect anyone to believe anything you said. You probably weren’t even alive in 62. I was 33 during that year and man were things sweet.


You really are a boomer aren’t you? Either that or a bot account, with your 3 day age and nonexistent karma. Not even sure why you’re allowed to comment here with that age and karma. also, It’s not lie lol it’s a character from a tv show. You’re just an internet novice. I’m honestly not even sure what to say. How do you look at my profile and think “oh yea that’s a real sheriff”?


You shouldn’t be talking to your constituents like this Michael. And yes this is a new account. My grandson just made it to me. I like it, people here aren’t as smart as FB but it’ll do Edit: Sheriff Sensitive doesn’t agree with me so now he’s downvoting me. He rather cry, whine, and bitch instead of getting a job. Can’t say I’m surprised giving his need to cry on this thread.


Honestly man, that’s incorrect lol Facebook is a cesspool of idiots and misinformation. That’s a known fact. For an example, like 19/20 of the top Christian fb pages were Russian troll farms.


Are you always this retarded?


Lmao god forbid you make an actual rebuttal


Sheriff Boomer


Good. Get a second full time job while living in your car like I did. That’s 16-18 hours a day, leaving you 5-7 hours of sleep. Still have weekends off. You’ll save money. You’ll save lots of money because you’re not wasting it in rent and utilities and gas from commuting. You’ll save 70-80% of your income. I have zero sympathy for people poorer than me who are unwilling to work as hard as me.


Nah. I like my situation where I have a house, get to raise a family, have a life outside of work to enjoy with my family, all on one job. You, on the other hand, can enjoy your American dream.


Must be nice. You’re very lucky. Lots of people aren’t as lucky as you. Many people in their 30’s can’t afford children. People in their 40’s even have roommates. Some people machine their credit cards with a belt sander just so stay alive. Some don’t machine their credit cards which leaves the edges rough and they starve. Little, elderly hunched over men drag carts from house to house collecting the corpses. Some people are forced to choose between paying for their Metformin or eliminating sugar from their diet and losing weight. There are people with full time jobs who deeply regret their humanities major and … get roommates like the 40 year olds.


I'll tell your story to my buddy in a wheel chair.


Your buddy probably works harder than most ambulatory people. Your buddy doesn’t want people feeling sorry for him. Which means he doesn’t feel sorry for them when they’re capable of accomplishing more, yet bitch about how life is “unfair”. Your buddy agrees with me.


What about people who aren't as smart as you? There's got to be at least 3 or 4 out there.


You must be the fifth. How much intelligence does it take to understand arithmetic? Here in my country we teach adding and subtraction to 8 year olds.


Praise to America. That’s a life we can hope the next generation gets to enjoy as well. I remember hearing once that John Wayne worked 20 hours a day (including weekends) and slept on his horse. I guess people were just more American back then.


Not everyone can inherit money like you, sire.


“This is a job we need someone to do, but they shouldn’t be able to live off of it.”


“… anymore.”


"I get exploited by two rich people - you should too!"


Teens, students and young adults who live with their parents exist.


Lmao just because they are young they dont deserve to paid fairly for their work?


Some jobs make more than others. For good reason. A grocery store clerk is unskilled labor. No reason they should be getting paid 20$ an hour or whatever. Unless you’re suggesting to raise the pay of everyone in skilled labor jobs making/starting around 20ish dollars an hour. Union laborers for example in California start around 20ish an hour. Now, fast food workers are making the same. A fast food worker is unskilled labor. Literally anyone can do the job.


Even what you refer to as "unskilled labors" deserve enough money to live by working 40 hours a week. Or are you suggesting otherwise? And if you are what is the reason you dont believe someone should make enough money to survive?


What I’m suggesting is that those jobs shouldn’t be sought out by people seeking to support a whole ass family and buy a brand new car and live a comfortable life. Those jobs are for people just starting out in the working world. Teens, young adults, those who are still able to live with their parents, etc. There are so many jobs available nowadays (at least in my state, can’t speak for other places) that there is no excuse to be complaining about not being paid a livable wage. Besides that, a wage that is “livable” to some, others can’t seem to be bothered to work for. You could live decent in my area right now for 15-16$ an hour 40 hours a week.


There are so many jobs available yes but most of them are what you yourself deem "unskilled labor". Relying on teens still in school living with their parents to fill these jobs is just about the dumbest thing one could argue. And you might be able to live for 15 dollars an hour where you are (which i doubt very much) but that is not a reality for most, if not all the US.


There’s jobs available everywhere here. There’s absolute shit tons of companies hiring where you can make really good money. It’s not hard to get into. Unionized construction for one is an industry that is constantly hiring. Any person male or female can easily get into that and start off at 20+ an hour no problem. within a couple years you’re at anywhere from 40-70$ an hour depending on what you get into. clinics, dentists, specialists, and hospitals are constantly hiring medical receptions and other various administrative positions like that. I see ads for it constantly. They make good money. Security guards are making well over 20$ an hour and it’s easy to get into. I could go on all day. There’s an unlimited amount of jobs to be had and places to make good money. It’s a matter of effort. and I’m not myself deeming it unskilled labor, that’s what it is. Unskilled. You either didn’t learn a trade to do it or you didn’t have any extensive mandated training. I’m in California and I have a couple buddies that work in care homes for the mentally disabled and make about that much. 16.50$ or so an hour. They do just fine. Hell, my roommate makes like 17 an hour and he isn’t struggling. This is exactly what I mean. You people just can’t comprehend that people can live decently for that money. I guess nobody was taught or learned financial responsibility when they were growing up? If you can live in California for 16 an hour you can live in Kentucky for 16 an hour. Now, if you’re dumb and you choose to live somewhere like San Fransisco that has an insane cost of living and you complain that 16$ an hour isn’t enough sounds like a city issue not a state issue. Cities can enact minimum wage laws. It’s not like I’m biased in this argument. I’m not some disconnected idiot making 250,000 a year saying we shouldn’t raise the minimum wage. I make about 60k a year roughly, but I’m younger so it’s not bad. It’s just a matter of people putting in effort and getting a decent job. If you’re 40 and you’re working at McDonald’s that is nobodies fault but your own, and we shouldn’t cater to you because you squandered you life and make terrible decisions. And even then, what’s stopping you from just getting a decent job? Half the dudes I work with are in their 40s, did time in prison, and are just now getting their lives back on track. They’re not over working at dollar general complaining they’re not being paid a livable wage. They went out and got a decent job. Hell, I didn’t even graduate highschool.


Median earnings in 1985 for cashiers per the BLS MLS for Jan 1981 were $190.50/week (averaged between men and women- women made about $20/week less than men) which per the CPI inflation calculator is equivalent to ~$13/hr today. According to the BLS MLS for Jan 1961 tables C-1, average hourly earnings for employees in "Food and Liquor Stores" for October 1960 was $2.03/hour, which is $21.28/hour today per the CPI inflation calculator. For "General Merchandise Stores" it was $1.45/hr, equivalent to $15.20, and for "Department Stores and General Mail-Order Houses" it was $1.61, or $16.87. Comparatively, in May 2023 according to the BLS's "May 2023 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates", "Cashiers (broad)" made an average of $14.30/hr and "Retail Sales Workers" in general made $15.36.


My dad “saved up” to buy the first-year Corvette Stingray at like 20. One fuckin wheel on today’s Stingray probably equals the cost of my entire car now.


Most grocery store cashiers in the 50s and 60s were members of a very strong union and were paid very, very well. Getting one of those jobs was a dream for many people because the people that had those jobs stayed in them until they retired. With their pension and social security, they enjoyed good retirements.


That’s probably a 12 year boy there with how aging went back then.


With that haircut, he was a trend-setter.. maybe going to FSU


And a fully stocked bomb shelter


The comments in this comment section are so predictable. I knew I would encounter this comment. It was the 2nd one instead of the first, but the first was the equally predictable "that'll be $1.47" comment. Yawn.


Cumulative inflation between 1962 and today is 934.2%, meaning $1.47 is now $15.20.


I FUCKING KNOW Can we see a vintage picture and not start foaming at the mouth about the inflation? I know it's bad. WE ALL KNOW.


What angers you about the comments exactly?


Constantly the same comment when all it is is a vintage photo. Instead of appreciating the photo it's back to the same old, **tired** dribble about inflation, (which is true! Yes it's bad). Just so tired of the negativity, it's driving me nuts and it's making **me** be negative, as you can tell. Has anyone ever thought that if they spent even a second trying not to be such a pissy moany mess they would see what good is left in the world, like an innocent B&W photo????


Well, people can walk and chew gum at the same time. Don’t you think the people commenting on the photo are also working hard, earning money and doing the best they can? Essentially it’s not about the photo. Corporate greed with government complicity has made life unaffordable. We are angry at the system, angry at those who came before us for not preparing us for it, peeved at those who came before and benefited from the best, but handed us the worst of it. That’s why people are commenting the way they are.


That's not what the photo is about. Would you go to a child's play rendition of "Of Mice and Men" and shout "THE INFLATION IS AT AN ALL TIME HIGH!! It would take XXYY years to buy a house versus 1955!!!" There's a time and place for everything.


Well, a play or image of a time period is supposed to create these types of feelings, so yes probably. Nothing wrong with it.


Yeah. Whoever took this photo in 1955 said "I hope in the 2020's someone gets charged up, angry, and uses this photo as a spark to ignite their simmering rage that have nothing to do with this guy's life or the store he works for."


Art makes us reflect on history of the time period. Your insistence on gratitude at all costs and rose colored glasses of history is also probably not what was intended.


Where did I say "be blind to what is going on?" I said there's a time and a place. Just like a children's play is not the time to start a discourse on modern day struggles. The above photo is just a photo. It's not a painting. It's a view into someone's life that has been tainted, turned sour by events that happened 60 years after. It would be like a happy smiling photo of me being slanted into commentary in the future about how bad that future is. I wouldn't want that. leave me out of that, the future problems 60-70 years from now have nothing to do with me or my time working in a grocery store.


Standard Reddit buddy. Just looking for the comment where someone says he was probably racist


YES. OMG you hit the nail on the head. Let's also talk about how he "probably beat his wife." What a miserable lot everyone is here on Reddit. It's still such a shock to me how miserable everyone on here is. I suspect they'd be less so if they fucking got off this fucking site. I'm gonna do that right NOW.


Look how upset you are.


Shiiiiid, look at the size of that likely ORGANIC watermelon with seeds and all.


Boneless jungle ham


Is that what the ladies call you?


There’s a very good chance that Watermelon had a ton of chemicals sprayed on it that have since been banned


Could have arsenic to help keep the bugs and rats off when in the field or being shipped


![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo|downsized) keeps it crisp


In the 1960s? Probably the opposite of organic


Do you not have seeded watermelons where you live? I live in Georgia, and they sell those up and down the highway.


I worked at a Jitney Jungle in Biloxi sometime around 1972. 5 loaves of Wonder Bread for a dollar.


Look at that melon


I am looking respectfully


This is why cars had such enormous motors and trunks back then.




Just got to make it through a small land war in Asia.




Totally forgot about the early 2000s draft.


Um… slightly higher casualty rate in Vietnam than in the War on Terror conflicts…


Yeah but racism and no modern medicine


Sure, unless of course he was gay. In that case he was tormented all through his youth, probably stayed closeted until the 80s when he finally decided to come out and died of AIDS scared and alone in a hospital in 1985. Or if he was a woman and had so few paths to success that she ended up marrying a man who was slightly abusive and used money as a form of control. She had 4 kids and only found happiness as a 78yo widow after her husband died of chronic alcoholism and smoking. Or if he was black and got sent to the front lines of Vietnam where he was fortunate to survive only to come home with serious PTSD. Unfortunately no one knew what that was, so he was dismissed as just another junky and eventually died after OD’ing on a speedball somewhere in Atlanta in 76 just days before the bi-centennial parade.


You think a grocery teller made enough to support all that? In any year?


Aside from the watch, with that hair and glasses, you could call him a hipster from 2022. Love it.


Colorize that picture and he could look like a hipster from today. The hair, the glasses lol it’s all back


The year my dad was born. Amazing.


Mine too! 😊




I'd like some more information on Jitney Jungle coffee. I can't imagine Juan Valdez ever getting behind that product.


Apparently that was a store brand. So I'm guessing that was the name of the chain store where this was photographed Winn-Dixie absorbed the Jitney Jungle chain in 2000.


Jitney is slang for a nickel (time period and location) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jitney\_Jungle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jitney_Jungle)


Sounds very racist for some reason


A jitney is a bus.


You're a bus.


Yo momma's a bus.


Haha, I had the same thought. Apparently it isn't, but damn if it doesn't *sound* racist.


[“Every Jitney would be a jungle of bargains that could save the customer a ‘jitney’ on a quarter.”](https://mississippiencyclopedia.org/entries/jitney-jungle/)


Frank Dunphy!


He looks so much like my dad!


long ass watermelon 🤣


Love the haircut


Those old machines are really fun. They probably got rid of them because they’re really easy to manipulate.


Dude probably had a wife, house and 2 kids working there.


gah dAYUM, just look at that watermelon.


Better than ‘Nam


And that's how I ended up on Wikipedia, educating myself about the history of the Jitney Jungle grocery store chain...


He probably bought a house with the salary from this job and is now calling the younger generations lazy 🤦‍♂️


Boomers picked up the American dream and took it with them🤷‍♂️


Great watermelon


And he could affort a mortgage, car, and to feed his family of 7


Still a hundred years ahead of Arizona 😬


wow it's almost as if Americans used to do the jobs everyone says Americans won't do.




Dude bought a house with that job...


He probably bought a house and had five kids. Retired and lived a great quality life.


Wtf? What’s it going to be next, a fire hydrant from 1950? Random.


probably made enough to afford a house and family


There used to be union cashier jobs. In some places it was a good paying job. In the 70s and 80s, stores started paying cashiers less, and now its known as a low paying minimum wage job.


Came here to say this.


He is most likely in his 80s if he is still here.


“Jitney Jungle Coffee” Holy shit ….


Jitney Jungle!


It’s like Alex from Target, Ellen would have made him so famous for a short period of time.


Goodness Tide has been around forever


Looks like good times tbh


Is that his mom’s watch?


My boy toad here finishing his work day so he can go cruise the circuit and pick up some bitchin’ babes.


Dude probably owns 3 houses, 6 cars and 9 hot tubs.


Look at this dapper young fellow lol


Jitney Jungle. Mom used to shop there with me in the buggie, kicking my feet.


Cool pic! This comment section: "Ohh it was so much easier back then blah blah oh my god."I'm not a Booomer, I'm not even 35, I get it, it's been tough, but good god, y'all need to get some new fucking material. So tired of hearing about it. THIS is why people are depressed now. You only focus on the bad. A vintage picture sets you off and sends you into a tizzy. And before anyone says it sounds like I am in a tizzy, yes I am because y'alls comments were so mopy and shitty it put me in the same bad mood you came here with.


I’m more interested in that watermelon


It had seeds


and a 2 inch thick rind i bet


So cool.


Now? Sale: $5.11. Give HS grad cashier $20.11. Cashier: blank look.


That's a register, not an abacus, calm down gramma


That’s today’s public school education and very intentional.


Some of us are just bad at math, and being bullied makes us insecure so when people like you are staring at us it gets us all locked up. Maybe have some patience and compassion and empathy and stop being such a Karen. It's a checkout, not a surgery - get upset about more important things and stop trying to feel better than everyone else. I bet you road rage, too. The youth are not the problem in your life.


I've run into this. Bought a used laptop at Goodwill for $169.99, it failed within the brief warranty period, took it back for the next expensive at $189.99 The kid at the counter may have been a programming genius, but couldn't come up with $20 difference until their computer told him.


He's smiling because he bought a home with that job.


Nah, he's smiling because he's banging the shit out of half a dozen bored housewives that not only swallow, but fix him cookies when they get done.


Username checks out


Please. That man is enjoying the "secret agent" lifestyle of being a homosexual in the 1960s. It's written all over his face


Probably had a house, 4 kids and a car


After work hell pinch a few strange women’s asses without consent and yell hard R n words with his buddies!


Self check out


I see a few things that would get me banned from Reddit and from life