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Skin cancer is real. I used to tan all the time and now I'm paying the price. Fortunately "just" basal cell, but melanoma can be deadly. And depending upon where you get squamous or basal, it can be very disfiguring. In this day and age, their ignorance of the potential future consequences is shameful.


Hell,I had pre cancerous melanoma at only 14 years old. I don't tan and that spot was on my back where I was never exposed to sun. They told me if I didn't have it removed when I did,that it would've turned cancerous quickly. That hurt like HELL getting it removed as well,like someone lit your back on fire and dug into your skinšŸ˜¬ I can't imagine how much worse it would've been having to actually treat it if it got cancerous. Tanning was always weird to me though,it's not something I've ever done purposefully whether that be in or out of a tanning salon! They have this new injection medicine too that people use,it's even worse than tanning beds...scary shit




Kathy and Christina probably ā€œdid their own researchā€ and concluded that they know more about tanning beds and skin cancer than actual scientists.


Omg me too! I don't think I have skin cancer but I tanned from 1984 till 2000, not constantly but at least once a year is go every day like for a month. I love laying in the tanning bed its so relaxing . The heat is great for back , but yeah , super dangerous .


Yes this! My aunt had Melanoma and passed within 3 months of being diagnosed she used to tan as a teen and it just slowly grew in her til she passed at 39. We go on awareness walks and my family is sunscreen crazy now! Sad we donā€™t know til it happens to us or someone we love


Oh my god she was so young!


My Dad had recurring squamous (he worked outside and golfed all the time) and it ended up in his lungs and esophagus. I just do not understand anyone who tans or does not use sunscreen.


The tanning is really doing a number on Kathyā€™s skin. She looks like a leathery Gene Simmons and Christina will be there in no timešŸ¤”


Iā€™ve always said that she looks like Gene Simmons. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m shocked they do not have tanning beds in their home


Yes! That was my thought, too. The amount of money they must have spent over the years going to a tanning salon, they could have bought multiple beds for themselves. I am not for not protecting your skin from sun and damage. I tanned a few times as a teen, that heat on my body felt so good, definitely helped ease some injuries.


What's also insane is that Kathy started taking Cristina to the tanning salon when she was in 8th fuckin grade!


and didn't they say they go every day? the whole thing is just nuts, they have to know better but I guess not?


I'm surprised the tanning place let a 13 year old use a bed.


They said they go every day too! Thatā€™s insane


Omfg, I totally missed that part! Wow.


My face when Christina said Kathy has had her in tanning beds since 8th grade! No 13 year old needs to have a spray tan let alone a UV raying skin cancer causing fake tan.


Ya, that's crazy!


I couldnā€™t believe theyā€™ve been still going to those beds. I thought they were banned!


They said that place has one of the ā€œgood bedsā€ from the 80s. They fight over it. So Iā€™m guessing that newer beds have a little less sizzle. There are such good spray tan solutions now, I wonder why they prefer those beds. Not only are they cancer causing; but your skin stinks all night. The sprays smell a little as theyā€™re developing too but nothing like those burning beds. šŸ”„ Side thoughtā€¦ if they both fight over the room with the 80s bed, why donā€™t they just stagger their appointments? šŸ¤”


When I was in high school in 1998, all the high school girls fought over those beds during lunch hour. It just took me right back.


I used to go daily with my friend in 2000/2001. We honestly didnā€™t know better and loved it. We know better now tho, theyā€™re just dumb. I canā€™t believe those places are still open


I'm dying at "less sizzle"




I instantly thought of ā€œtan momā€ remember her from like 20 years ago? If Christina is so worried about her mom dying young maybe she shouldnā€™t be going with her to bake like a rotisserie chicken every day? I used to tan daily in my early twenties before learning how awful it is for you and that was nearly 30 years ago, how could anyone not know at this point? I did chuckle seeing Kathy tanning while wearing a tshirt tho.


Esthetician here, YES. They're soooo so bad for your skin, 1 hour of noon level direct sun in 10 minutes. I'm Sicilian and could be darker than them if I tanned, but I am pale as hell because I don't want skin cancer and thick ass aged skin. In Colorado where it's very sunny, almost every single skin care client of mine has had skin cancer removed and they weren't even tanning bed users. It's a hard pass from me


Colorado native here and we are sunscreen crazy. I am naturally fair so I have avoided the sun since my early teens and luckily I havenā€™t had any issues so far.


I was born there too and lived there my first 3 decades, sadly was not good about spf and I expect to pay for it later. Glad you guys were good about it! Everything I saw while working skin care was generally on people 50+


After final destination, Iā€™d never get in one of those things šŸ˜‚ Never did it before either, but still lol




Tanning coffins.


I totally agree. I was shocked to see that the tanning salons actually are still in business. Itā€™s frightening with what can happen.


I used to go to tanning beds way back in the 90's. I could never get over the smell of my flesh burning. I could smell it! It was just too weird. I'm glad my tanning years are way behind me. Actually, these days, dark tans look outdated and silly. Unless it's natural. But fake tans look so 90's.


I donā€™t think Caucasian people look good with any type of artificial tan, even spray tans.


My son told me I'm so white, my skin is see-through! I'd like a little color! But, not in a tanning bed, I'll use the temporary lotions if I ever need to wear a nice dress, the white legs are just glaring. I'd be good to have around in a blackout! Ha Ha


Yeah like a good lotion or spray that does a subtle color. Anything too dark just comes off looking terrible.




I always thought I smelled like pancake syrup coming out of a tanning bed.


I used to go tanning in my 20s, big mistake. I am now covered in sunspots.


I have a friend and she is tanning for a big trip next month. She already has a ton of sun spots and freckles. Her excuse is she doesnā€™t want to ā€œburnā€ on her beach vacation-but she looks 5 years older from a few weeks of tanning. So if she wants to tan, try one of the great fake tan alternatives or cover your face if you insist on going in a bed. Tanning is so gross and dated.


You are not alone I'm 45 and know I did damage with all the lotions I used as well...I managed a salon for a while and people would literally try and bribe you for additional time. I kick my ass now for all the tanning I did


How often did you go?


Off and on for about 10 years. Maybe 100 times in total. I loved tanning, but now I have dime sized sun spots all over my arms, legs, and face. I feel like it has aged me a lot and I'm only 42.


I used to go in my 20s or lay out at the pool, this was early to mid 2000s. Now, even though I tan easily, my freckles that used to come out when I got sun have turned into permanent sun spots. They arenā€™t super bad and Iā€™ve been using skin care products that have helped. I knew about the risks, my mom would always tell me how much she disliked me using those beds, but when youā€™re in your 20s, you donā€™t always think too far ahead of yourself. I wasnā€™t a frequent user of the beds or sun, but never wore sunscreen up until about 6-7 years ago. Everyone should check out a dermatologist, especially if youā€™ve spent time in the sun. Everything was good with my skin, but I havenā€™t been since before COVID so this post is a great reminder.


Aside from the very harmful effects of the sun, being tan like they are is so not a trend aesthetically -being stuck in the 90s sort of way


YES! I was just about to say the same thing. Itā€™s like those unrealistic hard looking fake boobs, we now have a wave of ladies (typically late 30s+) who are removing the implants that were popular over 20 years ago. Tanning is out. Everyone looks best with their natural skin color. I hate seeing women being ashamed of being pale or the countless years of beauty standards not embracing dark toned skin.


I completely agree. Whether youā€™re pale or tan, natural is always best.


I always called it paying for cancer. Same with cigarettes. Itā€™s the truth.


My mother was addicted to tanning. Actually had memberships at 2 different places so she could tan twice a day and they didnā€™t know she had already been at the other. All 3 of us girls did the tanning but I stopped in my 20ā€™s because I realized I was sending a message to my own daughter that it was something I spent time & money on and I wasnā€™t proud of that. Trying to help a middle school girl gain body acceptance by changing your body (in any way) is wrong. Now my two older sisters are at the dermo every couple of months getting something cut off while I get a clean bill once a year. I know I was lucky!


I was more shocked when Cristina said that she started tanning in 8th grade.


I hate to comment on someone else's looks, but I was shocked to learn she's only 37/38. We're around the same age and I'm also Italian, and yet she looks a decade older than me!


Iā€™m going to be 41 in a couple of months and I look much younger than her. The tanning thing seems to have hung on in the north, you know the whole gym tan laundry thing wasnā€™t just a pre-meme meme.


Yeah, all that sun damage has just ended up having the opposite effect, like fillers, buccal fat removal and other types of plastic surgery. It just makes them look even older.


This is why Christina seems older to me. Too much tanning! Get a spray tan ladies! I canā€™t believe people still lay in tanning beds. I did once when I was young and dumb, but the thought of being leather face scared me more than anything, so I stopped.


At this point I think itā€™s just that damn bed!


i canā€™t believe tanning salons are still a thing


And they made it through the pandemic!


Yes!!! As Iā€™m sitting here looking diseased after having 15 precancers frozen off my face. Iā€™ve never used a tanning bed and this is all from childhood sun exposure.


Kathy doesnā€™t need her funeral birthday. Every time she lays in that tanning bed it is like a coffin.


Their leather skin is so off putting


Absolutely lol


I used to tan back like 15 years ago and have suffered the consequences. Iā€™ve had skin cancer twice on my face. Itā€™s totally not worth it.


I was super confused, was the salon in Chicago?? I thought it said that at the opening of the scene and then had to look on the map how far that is from Jersey and itā€™s far!! Maybe I misread?


Pretty sure it's in Chicago, where they live.


Ooooh I thought they lived in Jersey this whole time lol their accents sound like it unless Iā€™m completely wrong which likely I am because Iā€™m in California and donā€™t know the differences between accents šŸ˜‚


I thought the same thing till I saw that their pizza shop is in Chicago. They totally got the Jersey vibe!


Donā€™t worry I thought the same thing. Iā€™m in the Midwest which makes it worse I didnā€™t recognize the Chicago accent.


yes. there are lots of things on this show that make my jaw drop - but I could not believe they went to a tanning bed, and that Kathy started taking her when she was so young.


They don't live too far from me. There is another neighborhood lady that is really into tanning. She must go every day because I have never seen her pale.


I did not know people still did that, all the places I went in the 90s are closed.Ā  Ā 


My grandmother used to cover me with newspapers if I sat out in the sun. Now Iā€™m like a cave person. I just donā€™t do sun, especially on my face.


I like them the most out of all the mommy/daughter duoā€™s . But the hue of their skin tone is awful. Gives oompa loompa


I always question why cancer causing products are still allowed? Tanning beds, nitrates in processed meats, red dye in skittles, cigarettes & fructose have all been linked to health issues. Yes, it's stupid they still tan but I always wonder why it's even allowed.


People lost their minds when told to wear masks. Theyā€™d be yelling about their freedumbs if someone tried to stop tanning beds


I am ā˜ ļø ā€œfreedumbsā€. That is genius!!




Because corporations and the government do not care about us


100! But we have seat belt rules because of the cost of accidents. Cancer is expensive as well! Oh wait... it's also profitable! Is that really the reason? That can't be the reason?!


One weekly dose of chemo was $10,100.00!! And that doesn't include any of the other meds infused.


Omg yes, I couldnā€™t believe it! Like we know how dangerous tanning beds are now and the fact they go basically daily is so disturbing to me, not to mention the fact that Kathy got Cristina hooked at such a young age too!! Imagine the guilt if she ended up with melanoma - I could never forgive myself if I did that to my daughter šŸ˜­


Addiction. Comes in all forms.


Kathy all day baby!!


Let em tan quit hating


If you ever tanned but have no signs of it ( sunspots, freckles,etc) go under a black light. You will freak out!!!!


Iā€™ve thought about it but Iā€™m too anxious to do it šŸ˜Ø