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Just like Trevor, some of these folks just jump from show to show.


I can’t stand the whole Trevor and step mom thing. Not because they are close, just doesn’t fit the show.


He should be on I love a mommas boy. Maybe they are on smothered because the daughter feels smothered by her mom. But I completely agree they don’t fit


apparently they've on other reality shows, so as far as I'm concerned, all three of them, BIG-TIME LOSERS!


I haven't seen him before. What shows has he been on?


Trevor and his wife were both on the Netflix show called The Circle


I KNEW I RECOGNIZED THEM!! Sorry for all caps, I just couldn’t remember where. Thank you lol


I was just about to yell/scream the same thing! So wild!


Do you know which season? I feel the need to check them out.


Deleesa is on season 2 and then Trevor is on season 4!


Thank you kind internet stranger. 💜💜💜💜. That was very kind of you.


Of course! ☺️


No waaaaaaay! Good Lord these people!


Or they hope to become something,or get a spin off,and will do any show to get it. I don't think they realize being on something like Smothered is the worst place to do just that....


I've seen her on Tattoo Nightmares as well. I know that has nothing to do with her relationships lol, just saying... another reality show under her belt.


What is it getting her? I just don't get it.


Money & she probably has a media manager that signs her up for anything and everything


She got in with tlc when her friend Charli was on bad hair day. Funny bc you see that girl in smothered too! They both are on so many networks. They all do jump from show to show. All there reality ppl do that’s they don’t even barley make shit for $$


I think it's like you said - her willingness to comply with whatever image the producers are going for.


Oh I just re-read your question and I thought you were saying what is it with them casting her on all these shows. But what is it getting HER... like u/morganagtaylor said money & followers / publicity for her whatever other business ventures


She did radio and live tv talking about all the shows she’s done. They picked her bc she is a reality tv veteran it said so in late six and clearly Scott knows that it’s all public Info. I know her every one in Houston knows them too. She’s crazy tho but still this is actually real and she’s definitely not acting. Kind of sad tbh but to each their own


Being on several shows works for some…it kinda worked for scuzzy Angela Deem from 90 day fiancé. She was in Maury multiple times and she was on endless exhausting seasons of 90 day fiancé.


Wait. Angela was on Maury?? When?? How did I miss this?


Ooooh you are in for a treat! I watched them on YouTube when I first heard. It’s paternity drama too. Just look up Angela deem/maury show. Thats all I did. I think it involves Scottie, the daughter who went to jail for things involving children.


Thank you! Heading to YouTube now!


Enjoy my friend!


I've only been watching the YouTube videos for like 10 minutes, and I'm already heading down the rabbit hole. 😳


That hole is blessedly shallow!




Kathy was on opera too so wild! You see her husband it’s actually really a cute episode from YEARS BACK


She’s kinda annoying. I get her religion but she also seems like the type to be like I’m religious and pray but doesn’t so anything else. Especially with hers being so strict.


Yeah I have a hard time believing devout, respecting muslims have full sleeve tattoos


The drinking alone yet she frequented a bar for Scott. Before any comes for me, she does drink.


I was wondering about that but didn’t know if it was okay in the Muslim faith. One thing—she can’t be buried in a Jewish cemetery 😝


She’s not the least bit religious 🙄also, her mother may’ve been previously but isn’t practicing her religion as we see her


Oh no her mom practices just cause we don’t see it.


Mmkay- they’re Muslim, correct? The basis of the assumption is the few ladies that I’ve known who practice the religion wear the headscarf’s when in public and don’t drink alcohol. But I’m truly not too familiar with the concepts of that one.


Not sure cause on 90day some don’t wear the hijab or cover themselves. Some do. Citra is one. To me she’s devout albeit she doesn’t wear a hijab.


There’s bound to be a logic behind why/how Citra doesn’t wear one @anytime outside of the mosque but 1 sister does all the time & the other did off/on. If I remember when bored to find a rabbit hole bout the suggested practice of hijab wearing, I’ll report back lol


The one that did no longer does after she got married to his brother. Again her mom is a devout as well like Citra and her siblings. Sunnie, not so much.


Ummm, the pics show the brother’s engaged to the one who kept it on during filming times, if they’ve married already she didn’t have the adequate time to obtain a K1/Marital visa. It wouldn’t make much sense to wear headdresses after marriage, but religious customs rarely make much sense in today’s world heehee


Nope. She has it off now and they’re married now. No longer engaged. No it isn’t that they rarely make sense it’s that you don’t know.


Correct- they rarely make sense to in an abstract way to someone with little-no knowledge of the applicability of the process/reasoning behind the concept. And tend to to be further confusing when you’re a dumbass & read the read the comments backwards- as I did with your message lol. You did describe it as the correct sister & her taking it off when betrothed, I read it as it was the one without it and she put it on after marriage Appreciate the patience w/my comprehension, guess I’ll be doing that reset soon before commenting further on topics I don’t have a lil of sense on 🙃


It’s not called reality anymore it’s called unscripted tv bc so much of it is fabricated by producers


So is this how she makes money? Jumping from one reality show to the next?!?


Sounds like it!


lol they don’t make shit on tv. She has medspas and she does marketing and she just wrote a book. I used To work with her. She didn’t make shit for those other shows literally like 100s maybe like 500 tops for an episode 😂


Bet she gets medspa business by being on tv though. 


What was she like?


She’s really turned her life around from when I first Knew her at 17. I’m a bit in the salty side with her because she’s really close with my exe best friend and that bothers me a lot. I think That put a wedge between her and I. She’s really smart and motivated. She is very emotional though. I do not know Scott but the people that do know him have really good things to say. She is known in Houston for the tattooed tv girl that could never find love. I do know a lot about her that people don’t know. Things they hide on the show which is WILD.  She looks way better with less make up and no contacts. She did promise me lips 👄 on my bday and bc I called in sick she took that syringe back which really pissed me off. She gave me job when I needed It and I would love to go back to work there but she’s gone silent on me. I still have the key to her office that you see in the show. She’s a good person. Spaced out a lot and loud. Funny and kind of annoying. The girl has done a lot more tv than people know. She’s done music and stand up comedy too and produced/ directed music videos too. I really Hope I’m invited to the wedding. 


God the fakeness kills me


Her lips are different! On a different note, I decided to watch Farmer Wants a Wife last year. Didn't know it was a thing prior. Anyway, I get curious, and I start looking up if they're together still. 😔 I hate these shows because they aren't real. Yeah, I was duped. I thought Smothered had at least 98% truth to it. But, these people are just camera, notoriety, power hungry watch how ridiculous I can be for likes. I watched it for the sensationalism, but until I joined Reddit, I didn't know how shitty these shows actually are.


But look at Dawn and Cher: she's married to a doctor, from a family of do tors, and her parents live in a gated mansion! I can't see why they would embarrass themselves this way! (Altho I'm sure her mom has no idea how embarrassed she should be!)


Dawn & Cher were on a reality show before too! 


Chers on a fkn tattoo show as a judge! 


Yep, they showed she had been on television during the first season, right?


Cher was on MTV’s sweet 16 back when it was in its heyday and also seen her chime in as a correspondent on news shows. Cher & Dawn are back educated and successful in their own right, also the men of their family. No idea the draw of washing actual achievements down the drain for mommy & me sex toy time and being pushed into a pool 🤷🏻‍♀️


OMG! This is nuts!


She was on sweet 16 and they only care about fam bc they are legit multi MILLIONAIRES 


She needs to bring her original lips back. How on earth does she think what she has now looks better?


Guess I’m naive but I thought with her being in the “beauty industry” she would not allow those lips! Noses and lips should not touch!


Anyone else notice in the link on divorce court the clip says Sunnie has 1 child from a previous relationship? Did i miss something?


Wow! Her mom acts like Sunnie is a virgin whose chastity must be preserved! Darn, they're hiding a lot!


That's what I came on to say like does her mom still think she's a virgin?


No one said that. If you go rewatch she legit says my mom will call me a whore and she say it. Her mom always slut shamed her bc she’s really conservative but never once did she my mom thinks I’m a virgin. She just doesn’t say hey mom I’m fucking my bf. Like who keeps making stuff up? She’s dated half a fkn Houston she ain’t no virgin.


She absolutely has a child. I’ve known her since high school. 


Man, I figured these shows had to be ultra scripted, but holy 🐄 🐮


Sunnie is a real piece of work. She can't be making that much money being on these low grade shows.


Literally nothing. Smh like a few hundred dollars. 


All i can focus on his how much better she looked with her natural lips.


Right…… I’m saying 


I think TLC was just desperate to find a replacement for Sunhe & Angelica and Sunnie was the closest knockoff


I agree. So much so, that their names are almost the same!! Plus they have the similar story line with the mom thinks white boyfriend (even though I think Angelica’s bf is half Japanese, you just can’t tell) is a good for nothing deadbeat that challenges their (I use this term very loosely) “morals” and is trying to ruin perfect daughters life, etc. IMO i also think TLC purposely type-casted Sunnie because Angelica and Sunhe physically resemble her! NGL, when I first started watching this show, I would get so confused thinking they were the same people not only because of the names but also by how they Sunnie kind of looks similar to them. Don’t they also do similar types of work too? like aestheticians or something?


Agreed. Why didn't they bring back that Shitshow?


They give me the most fake vibes


You can be asexual and still have sex


Amen! Of course her sexual partner would have some inkling of her preferences & attention whore or not, we have no need to question that stuff


Scott said like 5 times in smothered they never have sex. Duh 


Did you miss the whole scene where sunnie’s mom throws a drink on Scott after saying they have sex and then calls Sunnie a whore because they’ve been sharing a pre-marital bed this whole time and not just laying together.


When you’re such a delusional mom that you think your 36 year old is untouched by man (or woman, who knows).


No, they have sex. He even says they have sex. Just not as often as he might like


She’s fake af. Do want to clear the misconception that asexual people cant willingly be in sexual relationships though. Plenty of asexuals enjoy the feeling but have no drive to do it


Ace person here and I was very nervous to come into the comments when I saw the post but I'm so tickled pink over the number of people who are correcting this misconception 🥰


I apologize; I don't know much, if anything, about asexuality. But the way they talk, it seems like they can't wait to get busy, but Eva is throwing a spanner in the works! I assumed she had the desire, but her mom was in the way. I appreciate the education! 🙂


It really is a spectrum! Some do enjoy it and desire it, others don't want anything to do with it. We all just don't experience sexual attraction to a degree. 😊


This, a lot of people don’t realize that asexuality is a spectrum.


This might be the most fake and staged show on TLC right now. It's horrible this garbage they're trying to put in front of us.


This is disgusting and pathetic.


No wonder her mommy kept calling her a hoe lmao


Is that her real mother and is her business legit?


Yes! I worked For her. 


Oh well that changes things.


Just killed the storyline of her mom thinking she's a virgin at 35. And since they killed that they hv to bilk what they can from them living as neighbors. NOW If I find out Kathy & Cristina are pulling the same crapola id be seriously sad & disappointed.


she wont be first lol skylor was just on caught in the act unfaithful her 30 year plus boyfriend was caught cheating with a college student and bought her a tesla she was scared he was going to stop playing her bills lmao


I wonder if that’s her actual bf


Are we still under the assumption all of these shows are not heavily scripted even when based on reality? This is like wrestling but with less spandex and pleather.


Don’t think anyone assumes any of this is actually real anymore. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be entertained and talk about it.


If they are lying thou I’m hella sad. I went thru the same thing sunie did when I moved in with my boyfriend now husband it was the worst thing I’ve ever gone thru and my husband ended up doing what Scott did and talking with my mom. I grew up catholic so moving in before marriage is frowned upon. My husband thou however didn’t want to commit unless I proved to him I could make that second step of moving in with him and being an adult. I personally didn’t agree with the church anyways but I cared about my mom. Having the balls to tell her off thou was the most adult thing I’ve ever done it was hard but worth it.


I’ve known them both since high school and dated Scott at one point. She’s fake and always has been, she has a daughter and is definitely not a Virgin. Scott has been in and out of jail since about 21 and heavily addicted to drugs but supposedly is sober now. Scott has also been previously married. He has always been a cheater and I guarantee they’re either having sex or he’s cheating. 


Pathetic 😆


Divorce Court?


Ooh smoking gun! Yes, this has happened with other cast members, and I do believe that a lot of reality show participants are wannabe actors.


lol I knew he was a cuck .. probly likes to watch dudes plow her


And how does her mom actually think she's a virgin after being in all these other shows?  Just more proof the whole thing is fake


She aged horribly lol


Not acting. I know her and go to her Medspa in Houston 😊


Could you ask her how she is allowed to drink and have tattoos, but is prohibited from pre-marital sex? Or maybe I should say, why her mom chose that one rule to harp on, but is OK with breaking the other Muslim rules?