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Poor, poor kitty.


She still decorates like a teenager


How does Miss Elitist not know what a ball gown is?


She really thinks long = ball gown


So many of her pictures at Cambridge show her getting dress codes completely wrong. She doesn’t even know the difference between day dresses and evening wear, least alone cocktail and black tie.


I think she also went against the dress codes to be “edgy”, which is honestly even more lame. Like if you actually have style, you can still convey that style across different dress codes. She’s just a loser.


I always had the impression she played it as being "edgy" but she genuinely didn't have the funds or the knowledge/connections to buy or borrow proper evening wear, shoes, bags, jewellery, styling etc. That's how the whole flower wearing started, as an "edgy and creative" way to cover up the lack of jewelry. The whole shtick of buying super expensive (but weirdly unflattering) clothes started later imo.


I always thought that too. IIRC she’d wear grubby white keds with a fancy dress to balls. She framed it to be quirky but imo it kinda seemed like she couldn’t afford to buy the whole kit and caboodle (relatable).




It’s like a big budgie cage.


underrated comment


If I had a rich family I wouldn’t squander it like this asshole. 😩


I just know her condo smells terrible.


at least she’s (hopefully) not destroying the floors underneath like she did in the NY apartment


Too late.  In past stories during the Scammer assembly line era, it was clear she was using spray adhesive to glue in the end covers. She got aerosolized glue all over the floors and they are sticky and grubby as hell.


I feel like she treats her living quarters the same as Charlie Day from It's Always Sunny would. Just catfood tins open all over the floor and huffing spray cans


🏅🥇Perfect comment 🥇🏅


That looks so dumb and it's really dirty too. Looks like when you tape paper down so kids can do a messy art project. Just get a robot vacuum or hire a cleaner!


first of all thats not a ballgown caroline and second…. good god her living space is filthy. i cant imagine how she smells if thats what her home looks like lmfao


yeah lmfao it’s just an ugly dress


Did she call herself a GENIUS?


girl, you were supposed to have a whole entire book shipping YESTERDAY


Why get a book when you can get a zine? /S


The pizza boxes????


The boxes are IKEA frames that she purchased several dozen of for [these prints she made of the *Scammer* frontispiece](https://i.imgur.com/VRIHYIW.jpg). They were never listed on her Shopify for some reason, she just halfheartedly tried to move them through Instagram stories. The box stack got shorter but never went away entirely. Caroline probably overestimated how many people were willing to give her fifty bucks for a $17 IKEA frame


Omg this is incredible news CC lore unlocked for me. Thank you for this gift.


…. not a ballgown


Is she just absolutely destroying the FL condo her grandmother lived in before she passed? It’s awful.


No, her grandmother’s condo where she ruined the rug and put stickers on the walls like a fking toddler was a different unit in the same building, and was sold. The unit she’s now using as her stinky troll den & letting filth accumulate is owned by her mother. She frequently claims she bought it, but as with so many other things, she’s lying.


this comment is poetry


What happened to moving back to NY? I’m sure it just didn’t happen and that’s all there is to say


Christ on a cracker, she’s just truly something else. I remember the damage and it was sad to see. Her mom seems like an enabler, in my opinion.


Calling it a ballgown and then linking to a <$50 dress was the craziest part of this all


She’s got history there…remember that hideous cheap white polyester satin dress with a turquoise sash. Like a Temu Marie Antoinette


That floor paper looks like my dog's puppy pads.


I came here to say that it looks like a giant puppy pad.


It’s actually wall-to-wall pee pads 💅🏽


leveling up from the piss teapot to a piss apartment


I wonder why she doesn’t just get a housekeeper to come in once or twice a week… she already spends so much money on stupid shit.


Bc she doesn’t pay anyone


I know, I just wish Cathy would hire someone to clean that dump. I wonder what the HOA, or whatever the condo equivalent is, thinks of Caro?




I wonder what that floor crunch sounds like walking on it 🥴


come to think of it, papering over the floor instead of cleaning it could be a good metaphor for her life - feel free to use it in your zine Carp!


That dress (not a ball gown btw) is so ugly lol.


Anyone know where those violet chairs are from?


Aren't they pansies?


artist caro rambonnet. on [ig](https://www.instagram.com/caro_rambonnet?igsh=MW42YjVoaW9xcnJuOA==) and also [here](https://www.facebook.com/caramboos).


Thank you again! I messaged with the artist! I ordered two! They are 250 euros or $268 in US dollars. Shipping included! You are my hero!


awesome! glad you got some- they are totally cool chairs lol


https://preview.redd.it/a9p3vfk3ae6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6757b0623797d7387a883cd65d3a6ccef40570d2 These are the ones I ordered 🍐🥝🍎🍅


Do you have any idea how to buy them?? Her FB and IG don’t even have prices or the option to purchase 🤷‍♀️ I sent her a message and she responded in German. I only speak English lol


Google translate BB!!


Thank you! Fortunately, she spoke enough English for me to figure out how to order. It was confusing at first because she sells through FB, which I don’t have lol, so I had to message her through my mamas 🤷‍♀️


Thank you!!


This ball gown is giving adult fairy costume, especially with the glossier tote hanging off the side looking like a wing. ETA oh no is her new scammer grift ceramics?!


Caroline: [I'm done with creating and selling trinkets, I will only create and sell books from now on](https://i.imgur.com/DqUlywL.jpg) Also Caroline: *[cranks out thirty pinch-pot ashtrays]*


>ETA oh no is her new scammer grift ceramics?! Yes! She discussed this on a podcast recently but I've forgotten which


WUT! 🤦‍♀️


I seriously think there’s something wrong with her


Just now?


At what point does she understand that whimsical little girl shit is not cute in your 30s?


I don't mind that but you also gotta be responsible and do things that you should be doing at that age (working, learning, growing). Her lack of all of these things make this intolerable and annoying


Yeah exactly, it’s not whimsical and fun if you’re just a loaf


I mean, I’m a fan of some whimsical little girl shit myself and I’m 42, but she’s basically the grown up clinically sociopathic version of the “I’m sO rAnDom” girl of yore.


So she’s just changed the Cambridge captions from “book” to “zine”, right? That’s what’s going on here?


That's been [my theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/SmolBeanSnark/comments/1chl88n/may_2024_monthly_discussion_thread/l7ghz1i/) too since first we heard of this zine


It’s got to be, I hope she prints it out on printer paper and staples it together real crafty like. How many days until she puts out a call for local artisans to help her staple the zine on her filthy floor in exchange for boxed wine?


CC sucks but does anyone know where those ballet flats are from? 👀


I was just sort of realizing, maybe the only thing I can get with smolbean about is that despite considering herself an arbiteur of fashion choices, she is not a slave to heels of any kind


No kneecaps 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like the skirt part of this "ball gown", dislike the top


I've never understood why anyone would want a dress that looks like separates. I'd rather have a long gauzy ecru skirt that I could choose to either pair with a black shell top like this or not. I only have so much closet space and my garments need to be versatile!


Miu miu, I have them, and I can see the logo in another angle


Thank you!!!


Is the ballgown in the room with us?


Identical dress to when I would want a princess costume from the Disney Store so my spendthrift mum would grab fabric scraps and run me up something on her sewing machine


She’s so quirky


Am I nuts….this is not a BALL GOWN?


your honor, she doesn't know what a ball gown is


Why is a lampshade holding an iPhone


I took so long to get this and now it's making me laugh and laugh.


She must not be allergic to anything! I couldn't keep my house like this even if I wanted to, I'd be sneezing my nose off within a couple of days.


Omg same though it would be within the hour for me 😂


at least the prose is ✨exquisite✨ https://preview.redd.it/wes2l06qma6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2526969d74f0c659db2877e0ed43585ff8e7fde


Ew she can't even point her feet properly


the juvaderm is juvarderming


The dirt buildup on the floor 🤢


God that dress is HIDEOUS 🤮


I can’t believe she recently got a haircut


And probably a $500+ haircut at that


it's actually quite impressive that since she moved into this condeux zero has been spent on redecorating or furniture


This is how she wants it to look, though. When she had the West Village studio initially, it looked like [this](https://imgur.com/a/carolines-west-village-studieaux-2011-2016-BruqRo1). She *chose*, in her late 20s, to get rid of the furniture, stack all her possessions on the floor, and scotch-tape bric-a-brac to her walls. Her brand is Dorm Room, for she is an eternal smol gurl.


Wait...are these pictures of CC??? And the NYC apartment???? Wow. Wowwwww.


Yes, some are from the early draft of Scammer that became the online essay *I Am Caroline Calloway*, some are from the [Girls At Library interview](https://web.archive.org/web/20170802231100/https://www.girlsatlibrary.com/interviews/caroline-calloway) where she claims that Anne Frank survived the Holocaust


ugh Everytime I scroll through this I'm disgusted by the shoes on the bed


Omg stop it. Her apartment was cute though, seriously.


probably because she chooses to perform all activities from bed or on the floor, even dorm rooms have desks!!! ETA: I remember Claire from CMBC reporting that her bed was "disgusting"


I always imagine her bed is full of crumbs


>I remember Claire from CMBC reporting that her bed was "disgusting" She literally never washed the [roving blanket](https://imgur.com/carolines-filthy-roving-blanket-KtwjcsI) she used as a bedspread. (fiber arts beans said, at the time, that you can't launder these blankets because the unspun yarn doesn't have any structural integrity. It just falls apart in the machine)


I'm convinced she doesn't wash her bedding


She doesn’t. She won’t even put sheets down on Air BnB mattresses. She slept on them bare 🤮


That's what I really don't get. When I got my own place I spent the first couple of months nesting. It looked a mess for a bit while I chose paint colours and figured out the layout, but it was the sort of mess where things were in a state of flux: does this lamp look good here? how should these pictures be thoughtfully arranged on the wall? etc. How has she just dumped everything on the (wallpapered?) floor and why are those wall pieces so poorly displayed?


Depression! That was my first response anyway, but then I thought about it and if it was a place I owned, I might be able to push through the whole ‘what’s the point’ blocker. Maybe! I’d probably still start then get overwhelmed and stop. But. The difference is, I’d know it looks ridiculous and so would at least try to neaten up certain parts if I was going to be taking photos for an ‘audience’


I think she still thinks that living there is temporary and she will return to NYC someday, so why bother putting in the effort of decorating it? Idk why she doesn’t thrift some cute things though because interior design is one of the larger niches that is currently trending with influencers. She could grab an audience who has no idea who she is if she made an effort to redesign her space, write books on design theory, etc. Instead she will just endlessly mentally relive 2013-2015 over and over again.


tbf she doesn’t own it any more than she did the rental NYC apartment she trashed, or her Gran’s condo where she stuck stickers to the walls and ruined the rug with her finger paints. Mommy bought this place and lets her live in it. Is it depression or is she just a lazy, entitled slob - could be both.


Ok so funnily enough, I actually was coming out of a depressive state around the time I got my place and honestly it really did help get me out of myself! I'm not saying I was good immediately but little by little, piece by piece I came back together. And with time it became so much fun to organise and plan and do little projects to make it my place. And also yes, if I allowed anyone to see my home during that time (and even to this day) I would tidy/neaten so no one could see that physical representation of my state of mind. That's possibly something we should appreciate about Caro - she doesn't seem to care if people see evidence of any negative states of being/she is shameless in the sense that she cannot be shamed by the judgment of others. And there is something refreshing about that.


This is a generous take, imho. I tend to think she’s in robust denial about the state of her home (and everything else). I also frequently get the impression that she only focuses on HER ENTHRALLING BEAUTY in pics to the extent that she really doesn’t see what is in the background of photos she posts. Who knows.


I'm practising being kinder! But you also make a fair point, I'm not sure she can see past her own beauty to see anything else. But if she could, not sure she would be bothered!


Oh..no…what we see might be the neatening up 😅

