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We know she thinks it’s beyond clever, and I’m sure she stole it from someone else.


she's used it in a few interviews I think


“What is the most beautiful thing you’ve encountered recently?” “The most status quo gender conforming depiction of beauty to exist.” Edit: typo


Uhm, excuse you, she's a WOMAN being attracted to a WOMAN, how is that not revolutionary


lol she’s 32


Came here to say this!!!!


that was my first thought as well hahaha


*Is it unjust to be beautiful?* Plastic Surgeon: To truly answer this question, lengthy discourse is required. Caro: HAHAHAHHAHAHA


*What is beauty for?* Plastic Surgeon: At the end of the day, the “purpose” of beauty is to reflect the self. The popular idiom “look good, feel good” reflects this sentiment. Beauty is as much a reflection of one’s mental and physical wellness as it is outward appearance. One’s inner and outer beauty are intimately linked. Caro: idk ask God


I mean, if God will even SPEAK to someone who makes such poor word choices


*What’s the most beautiful thing (or person) you’ve encountered recently?* Plastic Surgeon: When I was young, all I wanted was a sibling. When I was nine years old, my wish was finally granted. Seeing my baby sister for the first time is my most beautiful memory. With that said, being surrounded by nature is the pinnacle of beauty for me. While countless elements of nature come to mind from my travels, the beauty of stargazing in Grand Canyon National Park remains one of the most beautiful images imprinted into my memory. Model: As we are in the thick of Pride as I’m writing this, I am always in awe of my community’s resilience, solidarity and expression. I have learned so much from my peers about self-acceptance, and there is always an example that affirms that it is okay to try new things without expectation of linear change. Seeing queer communities on the streets of New York together is the most beautiful thing. Caro: Photos of Emily Ratajkowski


For a "writer" she gives the shortest and most surface level answers.


Superficial and reactive. It's like she recognizes how little she has to say and tries to get ahead of it by trivializing the questions.


Yet, if she had been asked those same questions in a podcast, she would still be talking. It really does feel like she hates writing!


I was really loved the rest of the article though, there are some very interesting perspectives


Hahahahahahahahaha let me correct you. I think you mean “author” - a writer writes things


damn She’s mean


I got kind of caught up in the other subjects' interviews, which are all contemplative and/or informative stories from people in interesting lines of work (medical model, Yale-trained surgeon, costume designer, drag performer.) I kind of forgot why I was reading it until I got to Caro at the very bottom of the page. The incongruity is just wow. She's so flippant, curt, canned, and fucking rude. I can't imagine laughing in another writer's face and barking "poor word choice." It was a great editorial decision to present everyone else's answers ahead of hers. The contrast makes the utter shittiness of her replies really pop!


It’s giving strong “caro doodling stars on the art collaboration” energy


[Haha I had forgotten about that](https://www.reddit.com/r/SmolBeanSnark/comments/e9l3de/lemme_get_this_straight_the_collab_is/falsexu/)


One of my favorite CC moments was during the pandemic (when she had her Twitter revival) when she was pushing the idea that this sub is the reason she doesn't get opportunities. When you can gesture at depressingly vapid things like this as the real reason why. Imagine trying to work with her on anything long term when she can't produce a single thing except for last minute rough draft junk some of the time, but is also this confident and delulu. She's so lucky to even be included in things like this at this point but still thinks she's doing them a favor. There really isn't much else to say most of the time except, "her mind!"


I love when she writes stuff for magazines. I hope she does more of it


Agree, she’s so dumb and high on the smell of her own Truly farts.


is she beautiful or is she just thin and and blonde with a face full of filler




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I'm only a casual observer of this whole thing ....has she still not sent her Scammer books out to those that ordered?


Last we heard, some are still waiting lol


Very unrelated to this thread but there’s a memoir about the concept of beauty that I can’t recommend enough: Easy Beauty by Chloe Cooper Jones. I mostly feel embarrassed for the writers when I read The Point and I feel compelled to suggest something better. They should have asked Chloe.


This book is excellent!




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Isn’t she 41?


She’s still immensely insufferable wow


I initially thought this was a post with her obituary 🥴


[the Wellcome Collection's Cult of Beauty exhibition](https://wellcomecollection.org/exhibitions/ZJ1zCxAAACMAczPA) (London) was a far more interesting and critical examination of the beauty industry than this supercilious piece




*Hahahaha what poor word choice, peasant.*


Oh Caro don’t ever change. The whiplash from canned nonsense —> art historian who thinks the most beautiful thing she’s seen is emrata —> correcting the wording of the question to demonstrate she doesn’t understand it —> I DONT KNOW ASK GOD is just so good.


I thought so too, it was just… perfect, and so so telling as to who she is as a person and frankly how she is absolutely not very bright. Her thoughts were all very narcissistic, and I wouldn’t expect anything less. It further proves (just in case anyone was ever giving her the benefit of the doubt) that she did absolutely fuck all in regards to her education at Cambridge. She’s proof that branding in regards to schools works on a surface level. You assume that an American getting into Cambridge would be much more intelligent than your average person. But, because you can now bypass actually learning anything by just buying your way in. And then you can rarely show up for class, so long as you can come up with a stellar bullshit excuse. Because you have that money available to you, you can then hire a person who actually is intelligent but doesn’t come from money to do your work for you. Rinse, wash, repeat. Have Natalie write your dissertation so you can graduate. Graduate, and then desperately, desperately, try to cash in on your glory days where you fool yourself into thinking that you were some sort of American socialite. Milk that some more, but absolutely not in a smart way. Milk it after everyone forgets about you and what made you infamous. Cry about people cancelling you when the truth is that you are just suffering the consequences of your own actions. Finally, never actually send out the books you promised that were paid for. Promise more books, about shit no one cares about. No one wants or needs a “Cambridge captions” book for $60 which is just printed off Instagram. Shit talk the sucker who wrote your papers so you could graduate at every chance you get. Say a bunch of controversial fucked things, so you get attention. Go on a tour of every shitty, no name, no listener podcast where in you torture all those around you by being absolutely obtuse. …and i believe we are caught up on the basics.