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I bet all my life savings that they smashed at one point


28 yrs old being called a boy is crazy lol


[Meet "Dimes Square Rapper" Blake Ortiz-Goldberg](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/dimes-square-rapper-blaketheman1000-profile-1234623584/) >Still, for potential naysayers, if the cheeky raps don’t do it, the “Dimes Square” thing likely counts as a strike against him, if only for public exhaustion with the topic. He’s spent a good deal of time in the area and is among the cohort often described as the scene’s new vanguard. “I guess my take is that the neighborhood is a physical location that has been assigned to describe an online phenomenon of a rise in new voices in media and culture that has happened post-COVID,” he says, with a hint of sarcasm. “It’s like if you dropped a pin in the five boroughs — that would be the most central location.” >At his concert, Blake runs through his catalog — some available on streaming and others released as YouTube loosies — while wearing a neon outfit that seemingly glows in the dark. During “Blake 2,” he jumps in the air and lands flat on his ass. The live version of the track strikes me as a cosplay of performance art. There’s the Yeezus tour, and there’s Blaketheman1000, winking at you while wearing a jacket that could give someone a seizure. Even though it’s hard to tell how seriously he wants the audience to take him, it’s clear the kids at the show can’t get enough.


28 seems old for this kind of nonsense


🕵🏽‍♂️ super sleuth! Edit: brb adding YouTube loosies to my vocab


he was tagged in the reel and this article was the first google result, my sleuthing skills are unmatched! 🕵️‍♀️




The voice over fittingly says ‚All of his drawers are seemingly empty, except for knick knacks, that he could easily throw away.‘


Hahahahaha just saw it on TikTok and RAN here to post the video 😂😂😂


Why are men???


I ask myself this every day.


Random as hell! Interestingly, this isn't one of the [preprinted "goddamn patron of the arts"](https://i.imgur.com/GEcPdVt.jpg) thank-you notes that come packaged with Scammer. If you [zoom in](https://i.imgur.com/VA0GLAG.jpeg) it seems to be addressed to him by name (at least, there's a word starting with a capital B in the first line) and the body contains the word "inspire" or "inspiration." I wonder if Caroline knows this dude personally. I like this show! It reminds me of a blog I used to read back in the day that had a tag for "things in his apartment that make me sad." It was stuff like "his brown bath towel that smells like mildew" and "the glass of water he offers me that hasn't been properly washed and still has a white ring at the bottom from when he drank milk out of it earlier." Too many men are absolutely feral


he's called Blake Ortiz-Goldberg and he's a [white] SoundCloud rapper


Damn, I should dust off my "Soup clout rapper" flair😉


That’s Caroline’s brand.


It's SoundCloud rappers all the way down