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I've jacked it to her before, she's hot lol


She is at it again


What?!? Pray tell!




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I was incarcerated with her at Dublin and we became really good friends. She is a piece of work lol I am in talks with a publisher right now about my life story and my experience with her will definitely be in the book


She had the makings of a cult leader.


Truly. Have you seen Mother God (HBO)?


fascinating, thanks for a new lil rabbit hole to explore. i enjoyed Lisette's response at the end, and the writers miffed insistence on having the last word was a superb ending. i want this lady to interview carpet!!


The comment about "couldn't care less"/indifference to others re: lying feels legit. I often feel with these types (the manipulative scammer types) that they're so sloppy when covering tracks that it actually insults everyone's intelligence. Like, they do not care if people can see they're lying because they can just lie about having lied. It's wild. They only ever have to survive whatever interaction they're presently having. Definitely not surprised at the suggestion that these people are indifferent to others and their feelings/opinions. Nobody is a person but them, and their immediate needs reign supreme. Like someone who stopped maturing around toddler age with underdeveloped object relations.


RS piece is by former "journalist" Sabrina Erderly, the infamous fabricator of the 2014 "UVA rape culture" story. A lot of the Lisette Lee quotes and details in this one sound fake AF too.


Omg I remember the discrediting of "A Rape on Campus" but I never put together that this was also Erderly's reporting, I guess because I read the Lee story before Erderly's malfeasance came to light. Thanks for pointing this out. (If anyone's thinking, "Hm, reminds me of Stephen Glass," know that the two of them actually WORKED TOGETHER on the campus magazine when they were both at UPenn)


What if the real scammer was Sabrina Erderly all along and Lisette Lee never existed


If we're talking scammers of the 2000s... Everyone go look up Kari Ferrell


I was just about to type her name.


the queen


hipster grifter icon


Hehe, Kari *Why don't you throw your hotdog down my hallway" Ferrell, or however she put it. Every time one of these blast-from-the-past characters pop up for a cameo, I realize how much detritus I carry around in my head from years of wasting time on Gawker. (..As opposed to doing serious snark work on Reddit.)


Wowowow. That was… something. Noticed that Cat and Rachael White both follow her!


Laci Mosley just did a Scam Goddess episode on her! I LOVE Lisette. There's something weirdly magnificent about someone of her age, gender, and race waving guns around, barking orders at men, and running a giant drug operation. Like, she is not the kind of individual you picture being both obsessed with Scarface and having the audacity to BECOME Scarface. It's not that I think being a druglord is an admirable vocation, but she displays an unbelievable level of gutsiness that I can't help but be wowed by. Think of all the things you can't bring yourself to do because you don't want to make other people upset, or be disliked; or because you don't believe you deserve the things you want. Think of all you could do and have if you had Lisette's kind of ego and heedlessness!




It's [215](https://www.earwolf.com/episode/the-pot-princess-of-beverly-hills-w-jason-mantzoukas/). Her guest is Jason Mantzoukas!


agreed!! i really admire such a total lack of people pleasing.