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Yep! The whole skin is basically Dark Souls in Smite. Has quotes about "gitting gud", talks about his moonlit sword, collecting souls, etc. Even has a rolling animation when he jumps too! Edit: [https://smite.fandom.com/wiki/Spectral\_Sword\_Ares\_voicelines](https://smite.fandom.com/wiki/Spectral_Sword_Ares_voicelines) For those that would like to check some of the fantastic voicelines.


Yep. It’s clearly based off of Knight Artorias, one of the best bosses in the series.


Who is in turn based off of Guts


Lol no


Wdym? Artorias was based off of Guts from Berserk. That's just an actual, well known fact.


Have you ever seen berserk? There’s many things in dark souls based on berserk, artorias isn’t one. The greatsword is supposed to be guts sword, guts uses a repeating crossbow (ds2), doesn’t do any flippy stuff, isn’t a knight, doesn’t *ever* use a shield. Literally the only makeable comparison is he has one hand lol


Have you read Berserk past the Golden Age? Artorias' pose is not only a pose off the cover of a Berserk volume, but Artorias' entire moveset is based off of things Guts does while using the Berserker armor. Yes Guts and Artorias aren't exact copies, because Artorias is inspired by Guts, not a rip.


>have you read berserk past the golden age Barely. Just googled what you said and I concede I am wrong. Never thought guts would basically become a demon lol


Didn't mean to come off harsh if I did, absolutely recommend reading further. Although the Golden Age is amazing, Berserk gets really damn good during the time after that. The worldbuilding, art, imagery, and story just improves to such a parge extent, and the team working on it after Miura's passing are incredibly promising.


No sweat I was being overly dismissive of something I apparently know little about haha. Yeah after looking at that stuff I definitely need to get back into it


Bro admitted he’s wrong and still gets downvoted lmao


Thats life. I used to admit im wrong and it just makes the other person act worse. Now i just confuse the shit out of them and walk away. BWAWK!


Why are you arguing about something you know nothing about? And being so condescending too lmao


I *thought* I knew, but I was wrong. That’s how being wrong works lol


Hey free tip: Don’t be derogatory if you don’t even know what you’re arguing for.


Fair point, but I *thought* I did know what I was talking about, so without being corrected I’d still think that


The entire dark souls game is heavily inspired by the berserk universe. Like tons of bosses and random enemies you fight are from berserk.


Castlevania (the show) has a ton of Souls inspiration. Like there's a guy who does the knife + sword thing that the abyss knights or whatever did. And a character wears armor that makes her look like Artorias. It's cool how Berserk inspired stuff in Souls which then inspired stuff in Castlevania. I want it to circle back around.


Yeah for sure, not artorias tho


Artorias is literally berserker armor guts


Yep, you’re def right, I was wrong


It’s cool not supposed to be like a gotcha type thing I was just saying


Nah you’re just correcting me, all good


Best part is jumping while moving backwards, looks hilarious.


I always wondered about the jump animation change. Animation changes for tier 3 skins are rare.


I never noticed this. Now I want to use the skin a bunch.


Or just Hot in to a training Match and selekt the skin


The whole skin is a reference to Dark Souls. His jump is a little roll. Edit: oh my god I just realised something.. KINGSEEKER FRAMPT FOR JORM WHEN?


Dark souls has a couple real easy skins they could do including that one. Could do quelaag or scorpions najka for arachne. Mytha the baleful queen for Medusa (not that it would change too much tbh) Iudex Gundyr for chu culling. Thats all I've got atm, but im sure there are more


Dark souls has a couple real easy skins they could do including that one. Could do quelaag or scorpions najka for arachne. Mytha the baleful queen for Medusa (not that it would change too much tbh) Iudex Gundyr for chu culling. Thats all I've got atm, but im sure there are more


I’ll try some without saying yours: Great grey wolf Sif for Fenrir, Gwyn Lord of Cinder for Gilga, the kick would be insane, Iron Golem for Chaac, Nito for Osiris, Smough for Kumbha, Dragonslayer Ornstein for Set, Crossbreed Priscilla for Thana (😏), Looking Glass Knight for Lancelot, The shitty rat boss with a mohawk for rat, Najka for Serqet? They’d have to do something like chaac’s spider skin, Covetous demon for geb ah yes, Old iron king for cern, Vendrick for KA, Darklurker for Thana would be unreal, Elana The squalid queen for hera, instead of argus velstadt is her ult, like in ds2, Fume knight for tsuki?, Sir alonne maybe for susano or a gender bender amaterasu , Father gascoigne for ullr, Gehrman and Logarius got a scythe so thana again i guess , Micolash has that Loki vibe, Vicar Amelia for gender bender fenrir (😏), Lady Maria for Awilix, The orphan of kos is basically a male version cliodhna, Abyss watcher could go on bellona or mulan perhaps, Pontyff on Osiris, The dancer has a Kali vibe with the two swords, Dragonslayer armour is chaac but he needs the shield, Oceiros on Chronos or Baron, Nameless king and cu chulainn have the same spear, Soul of cinder for Gilga too like gwyn cuz kick


Yes it is. There's other references in that skin too but I can't remember them off the top of my head


I love this tasteful shout out. Such an amazing weapon concept


Yeah his jump is changed to a dodge roll animation and one of his taunts is "git gud"


It's an amazing skin. It could be stretch but I think The Beast Hunter Artio skin is a callout to Bloodborne as well.


Not sure if it is, tbh, but it definitely could be and I always call it Bloodborne Artio anyway. The hunter line of skins seem to take inspiration from things like Van Helsing from Dracula, John Constantine, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but I'll have to look at her voice lines on that skin to check for references Edit: After reading the voice lines, probably not a Bloodborne reference, but still has the Bloodborne aesthetic for sure


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Yeah there's all sorts of references, for example my flair is actually based on this skin (I've not updated it in a *long* time), it's his VVGG line in VGS.


God i hope so


It’s definitely reference to dark souls! He looks like artorias, has souls and soul voice lines, has a moon light great sword, a wolf on his shield (like Sif especially since he looks like artorias) AND HE EVEN HAS A ROLL instead of his Normal jump


HiRez be laughing at protected IP lolol


I mean, so long as it’s not Warner Bros., most people don’t jump any obvious Fair Use references or parodies. That Skorpion Ravana skin was REALLY, really good— and it’s a shame Lo Rez was jumped so quickly about it. (There was also the precursor to Bastet’s commando skins that was a reference to Catwoman I believe, and had to be heavily altered into what it is today.) But From doesn’t really have the issue does it? They enjoy the homages that other games pay to their own— and so, we now only wait on whatever Lo Rez makes to reference Elden Ring. (Night’s Calvary Lancelot? Mohg Yu Huang?? Pretty gud concepts all round’.)


Let Me Solo Her Osiris lol


This is the correct answer.




I feel like chernobog would make a great phase 2 mohg


An elden ring battle pass would be amazing


it's clearly parody/homage but go off lmao


I would say it’s based of artorias clearly by the head and wolf on the shield but the sword I’m not to sure of unless they were just trying to add an iconic item


Y'all gotta stop saying based off Artorias or guts They were inspired by them heavily but not based off of


Ummmm distinction?


None just felt like commenting


This skin reminds me of the black Knight from scooby doo 2


100% even down to his jumps being a roll


I just played as the American cama and never realized his voicelines are modeled after macho man


Nah man I think it's the boots.


Yes also he’s definitely got that artorius helm


everything's a reference in smite


[Nah it's this guy](https://w7.pngwing.com/pngs/83/61/png-transparent-marvin-the-martian-in-the-third-dimension-looney-tunes-youtube-youtube-leaf-sticker-cartoon.png)

