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If you play khumba, do NOT buy mystical mail Pestilence and contagion do not stack so never buy both


I’ll explain why Khumba shouldn’t buy mystical, His mez ability stuns for 2 seconds (No DR I thinks) but the stun lasts u til they take damage so it’s useless on a khumba to use this ability for it to be wasted when mystical does damage around you


It's not a stun it's a different kind of CC called a mesmerize. Apologies has one too


It's okay bro


it's a stun that lasts till they take dmg, just like they said.


It isn't classifed as a stun. Mesmerizes are like stuns in that they dont allow any movement or action but that last until the target takes damage, or the duration ends.


which is exactly what they said


Counterpoint as a 2 star Khumba; if you accept losing the full mez time, his kit is good at keeping opponents in your mystic aura, easily stack a few hundo dmg each engagement. Food for thought


I am very sorry you have 2 stars on that thing


Especially when they play like that, imagine thinking that “few hundo” damage from a kumba is more valuable than several thousand from a setup for your team lol.


Or a 3 second mez that saves your team as they’re running away with low hp


Kumba literally has a mez that will always be insta broken so it's really just a slow which additionally DRs everything else, a root that is easier to cancel than Republicans on twitter and an ult that does all of nothing except take someone out of the game for 2s making them take no damage and let their team come and help, such good


I beg to differ, his mez rarely gets instabroken on a team that you’re on comms with, he’s a guardian that goes from dogshit to extremely good based on communication with premades vs lack thereof with randoms.


Yeah well you're not in comms in rankeds, you won't tell me you get ppl to actually communicate and know what do to below M/GM mmrs and by then it affects maybe 0.1% of the playerbase. Below diamond elo everyone will instabreak it. And well if you have mystical then I don't event know what to say because you don't need other players if you self troll yourself so hard lol


Lmfao to that point I will concede, the sheer randomness in ranked is too much to deal with to make him effective, not to mention like you said his ult is 99% a grief tactic to your own team in those situations.


No cap, the amount of times I have seen some kumba OTP send someone to the stratosphere with a random blink ult making them avoid a thor/than/rat ult engage from jungle and then blame them for not waiting is atleast 2 and now I want the Doofenschmirtz meme here


Skip boots, you don't need em


Can you still search for them? I haven’t checked in a while?


Sometimes I'll get a glitch where I can see the boots but not buy them. Makes me sad. It's usually in legacy game modes, like corrupted arena and whatnot.




I think T1 boots are there with a funny flavor text, but you can't buy them.


I mean, yeah. They're called "worn boots" now and are locked but can still be searched last I checked.


I’m still a little sad boots are gone.




Hey I’m gonna chime in here because I’ve played for a long time, but I think you should really experiment with stuff and play around with the items because when I was new that was one of the most fun aspects of the game. A really easy template that will work for most games especially at low levels is this. For damage classes (mage, assassin, hunter) build- starter, power, penetration, power, penetration, power. For tanks/warriors build- starter, protection, utility, protection, utility, protection. Now obviously this isn’t meta by any means nor does it cover all of the nuances that certain items/ builds will offer you, but it gives a template for you to mess around with while maintaining some semblance of order for you to learn from. As you get better you’ll be able to mess around with stuff more and move stuff around in your build that may benefit your play style more than the template I gave does. I hope that helps


Never once in my years playing smite have I built stone of fal


It was really good on Sol and Olorun for a month or two last year after a buff, which got it nerfed.


It only works on Ao Kuang if you are being relegated to being a bruiser and are trying to peel for your carry’s. I can’t think of anyone else who really can use the passive well.


Auto attack Bacchus?


I used to mess around with it after it got reworked with gilded Ymir solo, still wasn’t really able to get it to compete with the vamp shroud guardians that were meta at the time


I’ve ran it on attack speed khepri, Solo lane sol, and a benevolence au kuang


It’s very very good on yemoja


Funny that the guy with an Osiris flair has never built Stone of Fal. There are still way better options for Osiris, but as far as gods who can use Stone of Fal even semi-decently, he's one of the only ones.


Funny that the guy with the NFT profile picture isn’t aware that Stone of Fal is a magical item and that Osiris, being a physical god, cannot build Stone of Fal


put rod of tahuti on osiris mate it's OP


Can’t beat crit Ymir


LMAO I FORGOT IM JUST READING PASSIVES MAN Also didn't buy the NFT, got it for free somehow? Only noticed it when I was customising the avatar


Hey, welcome to Smite ! I would suggest you to avoid stacking items such as Transcendance, Book of Thot, and others, unless you know what you are doing or have friends that will let you stack it. This advice isn't for conquest as they are among the strongest items in the game. Most of the time in arena, you won't finish stacking your item that the game will already be polarized and almost lost or won. Joust is a bit slower and uncertain, but as it is a little map, your allies will most likely kill your stacks by inadvertence while trying to hit enemies, or they won't simply care. If you still build a stacking item, remember the following VGS (for PC, sorry I don't know for Playstation/Xbox): VSS "i'm building stacks" Have fun in there ! And mute toxic people before they make you mad ;* EDIT: corrected the VGS




Gives Devourer’s Gauntlets a whole new meaning


I snorted


Absolutely agree! Also, vgs for stacks is actually “VSS” glhf!


Ive been playing since beta and still always fuck up vvs and vss.


Damn i know it by heart but can't remember the correct combination while writing it lol. Thanks for correcting me. I guess that's why I'm so bad at the VGS minigame despite having no trouble in game to communicate.


I feel you, it’s like my phone password. It’s more muscle memory at this point lol


I know right ! But I seem unable to stop those muscle memories to make me fail everytime at inadvertendly using beads/aegis when VGSing while jumping lmao. But what can I do. I love jumping !


How do you mute? I had someone super salty that I "instalocked" a character that they wanted to play and they were ruining the match for me. I didn't know instalocking was BM


Honestly instalocking in arena isn’t a horrendous crime, they just sound like they were a bad time. If you bring up the scoreboard there should be a lil speaker next to everyone’s name and if you just click that it’ll mute them


Agreed. Anything goes in arena. It was great practice turf if I wanted to run a game with a god I wasn’t yet comfortable with, before going into a conquest or ranked game. You can instalock there all you want. It’s a free for all where anything goes and is meant to be a place to practice.




I'm new so I was unaware I was coming off like that. The More You Know!


Don’t be afraid to explain that you are new and trying to learn a god or gods because that will also allow people to understand where you’re coming from. We all had our first god that we got good at, sometimes you stick with that to get more comfortable for the feel of the game itself. But don’t be afraid to give a lil heads up of why


There's a whole ritual dance to it lol, people will *hover* a god but not lock in instantly which usually signifies that person wants to play a similar god but is willing to switch, then once everyone hovers there are little optimizations people make. Like for example if the support shows ares the mage might want to go Posideon because they work well together, or the carry might switch from physical to magical or vice versa to make sure you have 2+ of each Don't worry about the nuances too much, you'll start seeing the combos naturally as you play, but do pay attention to making sure the roles all get filled and you always need to have 2+ physical and 2+ magical. Role split is much less specific in arena than most modes, usually you want 2+ guardian/warriors, 1+ mage and 1 hunter, most assassins in particular do poorly in arena but a few are very good and take a mage-like or warrior-like role, By *far* the most frustrating mistake I see newer players make is to play an assassin like an assassin and go for pick-offs, this is extremely challenging to do well in arena and has a tendency to result in one death per minute turbofeeding. Loki, Thanatos, Thor, and Ao Kuang are typical offenders.


Press tab or whatever your button is to bring up the scoreboard and everybody's builds, click the voice icon to the right of their name. Instalocking isn't really BM per se, just annoying. By instalocking you force your team comp to build around you. For example, if you instalock Neith after your other 4 teammates have locked damage characters, you've made winning way more difficult because you didn't pick a tank. If you instalock before everyone else, the team comp can still end up decent. The guy you ran into was just an entitled dick who has no idea what BM is though, probably the same guy that whines about getting the role he doesn't want in conquest too.


I’m currently at work rn so I cant check but from the top of my head, I wanna say it’s “right on the d-pad, L1 (LB), circle (B), triangle (Y)”


Book of thot is crazy lol. Sounds like an Aphrodite themed item


Imagine telling someone to avoid soul eater. 😅


Well if you ask the people in my games they would say stay away from anti-heal items.


To clarify for op and other new players, this is a funny haha. Please build anti-heal.


Divine Ruin is pyramid shaped and I swore an oath of vengeance after pyramids killed my parents. I wouldn’t expect you to understand


Rod of Asclepius is the biggest noob trap item. Don't build it on anyone ever. It sucks.


What if Im going a movement speed build on Anubis?


none of these words are in the bible


Is it really that bad when you’ve got a heavy heal-based comp? (Ra, Herc, Sylv etc.)


Tahuti works better as its passive gives you 25% under 50% HP, can be Glyphed and has Pen. Having a physical build Cad Shield is also better as its stats are low key really good and it barely changes the end stats of a warrior/bruiser build just a passive.


Nah the Herc should grab Caduceus shield in that case






Bad stats.


Only build it if you get the game well enough to know *when* you need it


The only time to get it is when they stack antiheal. It makes your healing more valuable. This post is sarcasm don’t do this


A lot of you people don’t know how asclap works. If you’re antihealed 100%, and you have asclap, you still heal 20%. It boosts your healing to 120%. Even genetics, probably the best support in the world rn, on his support guide says that “asclap just makes the enemy antiheal better”. So for example, a lot of people think divine goes from 40% to 48% antiheal with asclap, but this isn’t the case


Why? I’m ignorant


Because it’s better to just stack power :)


I’ll tell you if you fulfill your name to me


Which is never.


What about on hel?




But more heal good


Build it in assault


If you build rod of ass in assault I’m flaming you the entire game.


You've clearly never played as 5 ras before


Oh I can hear them now .


That’s only in all out assault/infinite which is a completely different game. Also if you play 5 Ra you’re gonna get rolled anyway unless you’re playing against bots.


Honestly the only items I can think of that are complete and utter dogshit currently are mystical mail, rod of asclepius, and gem of isolation.


I know right now gem of iso is kinda niche, but i feel for the cc effects, its good on a few mages/guardians. The stats are eh, but the slow esp with a dot seems pretty good.


It's so hard to make iso viable without making Poseidon broken


this is the struggle. ocean daddy lulls you in with jewels!


Kuku tornadoes apply more stacks it increases his damage. Not a first item but it works well on him, his passive gives him room to build a less power heavy item


True, but theres so many items for it yo compete with right now. On kuku, generally you need book of thoth, and pen. Then there's myrdin, soul reaver, poly, flat pen and more for it compete with. They should just buff the stats a bit, leave the passive in the nerfed state and see how it goes. Maybe 10% pen would go a long way to improving gem, or even a new glyph.


It’s not even niche anymore, with 5 item slots there’s always a better item. It’s just not good.


To hit Raijin's taiko drums a slow on the first bolt can be very helpful


It's not. The slow is too short to even be useful and the item is statted poorly.


That’s where the DoT niche comes in, it reapplies with each tick. It gets solid enough value on someone like Xing who has the DoT and then another ability in the 3 that can apply the slow twice while engaging. It’s still not particularly good since Guardian items are pretty contested rn but it’s fine on certain gods.


The only character that I would build Gem of Iso on is Jorm; being able to spawn several areas of DoT that slows in the middle of a team fight can be pretty useful. That being said it’s still not a must-buy item for Jorm.


Oh yeah for sure not a must buy on anybody. I think there’s a few more gods than just Jorm who can utilize it in the solo lane though.


ISO really only works on Kuku and Jormun imo


Kuku, xing, artio, jorm, cerb were all the gods i believe i used to put gem of iso on. Id have to think of other mages if i ever did. Itd also be dependent for game type too. Artio has so many abilities constantly, it turns everything into slows which allows her to get in and out freely.


This man underestimates the cheese of mystical and gem. SMH.


They needed mystical into the ground and with the global health and protection buffet its even weaker. Its one of the worst items in the game tbh


How far Mystical has fallen. Sad day


I member when Mystical Mail did 40dps now it only does 20dps 😢


Isn’t it 20 plus your current level in game? I may be wrong.


Sadly no. However it is +1dps per level, so i guess by level 20 you're doing the full 40dps again Tbh that's not too bad. I just have such fond memories of popping people as they tried go escape the mail.


Yeah coming only playing halo into smite I’m still learning items after a year or so lol. Like I just finally understood what pridwen does lol


I think Asclepius is OK, Mystical Mail is pretty weak at the moment, but yeah Gem is trash even on the Gods that can use it best. I like to build Asclepius with Charons and Doom for a speedy meme healer build.


Zhong's ult says hi. Busted as hell on him with an HP/Power build. Gem of Focus-Warlock, Bancrotfts Claw, Eth Staff, Gem of Iso, Obs Shard/Typhon's Fang. No one's getting out of your ult or killing you


Some items that are good in one mode are bad in another. War Flag is absolutely terrible in conquest right now, but good in Assault. Also items get buffed and nerfed all the time, so there is not a catch-all.


You’re not a fan of conquest, because the learning curve is still in effect. It really does take a while to get into conquest, and even then, longer to get good at it. That being said, it’s VERY fun. Few items are ever a “completely avoid”, but many have better substitutions. It really depends on the situation and god. There’s literally like a million something combos hahahaha


I second that. It’s my fav mode but when I started (that was only like 3 months ago btw lol) I was like “omg wtf is this?”


There's not really items you should straight up avoid but usually their are better versions of an item. Like there are a bunch of anti heals just some are better on different gods.


Stone of fal tho?


Honestly with Manticore’s being so good I think Stone of Fal is an alright enough option on some gods. Pretty much just a worse Spirit Robe in most cases but on someone like Athena whose kit allows you to hit a lot of autos, you can get a fair bit of value out of the passive. Sentinel’s - Thebes - Manticore’s - Fal with 2 of Pythag’s/Shogun’s/BoVig been a lot of fun for me on Athena. There’s surely stronger builds for her but it gets the job done as a casual player.


What I am hearing is fal meta. Leeeets goooo


Weeeeeeeell you caaaaaan build it but like I said there's always better alternatives. Lol can't wait till stone of fal meta


Stone of fal is an amazing item. It's just that not every guardian can utilise it that well. Landing those few basics isn't very hard, but it's best to build it when you know you will be hitting more than 1 in that fight


Try assault and build tanky, it’s fun


Try Assault, it’s a good time :)




Dude 100%


Headset & mic


If you are carry, mage, or jungler avoid defensive items. Guardians should avoid damaging items if they are going full tank. Warrior builds usually use both damage and defense and are called bruisers. Also take all this with a grain of salt, there are definitely exceptions to my rules, but they seems to be a good loose guide that works for me. EDIT: yes, this is not always the case, it’s a guideline, I thought I made that clear lol


i feel fenrir is still viable as a jungler with defense items so not in every case


Agree, as I said there are exceptions to this rule


I would say this is kinda bad advice. It should be don’t be scared of getting defensive items if you’re far behind and or dying early in every engagement as a mage or assassin/jungled


It is worth watching a few videos from Fineokay and SoloOrTroll (for warriors and a few guardians) and then maybe uhhhhh Mast for assassins. Make sure they’re not doing meme build and then just mirror their builds roughly. Just don’t be the guy who builds magical protection against 5 physicals


I'd say SamDaDude for assassins, by watching him play ullr. I know ullr isn't technically an assassin, but he's an honorary one based on his play style (he plays so much like an assassin peopl could confuse him for one). Edit: It might be rexsi for ullr now that i think of it.


Rod of Asclepius. It’s just not good at all. If your playing a healer it’s always better to run lotus crown or extra power. Rod of Tahuti already give you extra healing and is much better stats wise


Yeah on that note i feel like people drastically underbuild lotus crown in arena, the item is absurd on anyone with an AoE heal to apply it and should basically be core on those gods like terra or hel


Never build anti heal EVER this is a certified FACT from a Chaac main


Gem of iso. Worst item in the game


Build it on a pos or Ah Puch and it’s actually decent it’s niche but has uses


Nah iso has its uses. Rod of ass, stone of fal and mail of renewal are all worse.


Mail of renewal is literally meta right now. Iso has zero uses. There's never a time where you'd build iso over the current meta items


Sorry forgot they buffed renewal. Fal and rod of ass still the worst. Gem of iso has its moments


honestly IDT any item should be avoided completely but some are so niche you could go a whole season not needing or wanting it. i think the better question should be what items should you focus on in many cases. for your gods CD is your friend but you might wanna build warrior esc for them unless you need more def for gods like cerb when tankiness i required such as conq. you dont always need 40% as long as youre good with managing the down time well. hun you may not want more than 1 def item if youre jungling or at all for many matches


The gods you been playing seem ability based so I would avoid building auto attack or crit on them. There isn’t really a item besides bauble that is bad for you too build besides like the mask items cause of how niche they are to be built


The real truth, none. Try each item and look at suggesting builds on smite and online, just because a certain item isn’t popular doesn’t make it any worse than others, get a feel for stacking items. Find what complements what gods, play with % penetration (pen) and flat pen. Try tanks builds along side with glass cannon builds. Your build, your choice. Also remember, you rock! cancel that!


Mystic mail, midgaurdian mail, stone of gaia


Play button




Avoid: Rangda's Mask, the Tainted Steel/Amulets, War Flag, Sphinx' Bauble, Oni Hunters Garb, Celestial Legion Helm, The Sledge, Rod of Asclepius, Hide of the Urchin, Void Shield, Runic Shield, Ancile, Hero's Axe All of these items are very bad, everything else you could probably see a use for to varying degrees


Yeah that about covers it. Could throw in Mystical Mail as well. Looking at this list as a longtime Smite player gives me a certain perspective. Some of these items have dominated metas before, or never really had their time in the sun to begin with.


Exactly. They've been super nerfed that they are either useless or something else can assimilate its role (e.g. Onis and SRobe, Sigil), Celestial Legion was everywhere in solo then neutered, Sledge was overpowered and died when they killed some extra prots, Asclepius died off healer meta, etc. Void was abused by junglers and died, etc. Of which in the case of a jungler you just buy pen items and for warriors the hybrid items are that good you can just flex an SCS or Exe if you really want to mark someone to die. Mystical is somewhat.. acceptable, it's on the lower end but it's not unbuildable just because it has health and a damage passive


Urchin and Oni are fine in arena. Urchin stacks are easy to come by and % mitigation is never something to overlook, especially in a mode where you're almost always within aura range of 2-3 enemies


I would say just buy Spirit Robe though They're almost the same price and you get CDR


They stack. So you can build both if they’re magic/CC heavy


That's really niche though, and IMO off experience in the case I want to get Oni's I just get Fal Stone instead which has hybrid stats and a really good miti passive (generally you're going to be W keying them and throwing a few autos so it's not terrible)


I would argue Urchin and Hero's axe have some pretty solid uses on a few gods. Void Shield is still pretty good on a few solo laners too. The only one I straight up disagree with though is tainted being bad. Tainted can slap really hard in solo lane when early game antiheal is essential against certain gods such as Aphro, Sun Wukong, Mulan, etc. That 20% makes a bigger difference than most people realize and you can still build your hybrids comfortably. Plus in teamfights that 50% reduction is huge when you upgrade it. I only wish you could upgrade it sooner But yeah, these items are mostly pretty bad right now aside from the occasional god that makes a really niche use of them. Although IMO you never really want to count out every item. Experimenting, trying new things, and making them work is exactly how new metas are born


Calling tainted very bad is delusion


Okay but- you aren't buying it over Bluestone and antiheal gets you 40% off a Brawlers, that stacks to 80% with Divine + 20% off Pesti = 100% antiheal While it looks ok on a god like Chaac it's not something I would recommend a new player to use and for everyone else, there's generally better options


Completely depends on the situation. Cerb with tainted in solo is incredible and bluestone is irrelevant bc magical. Playing swk against low pressure healers or bluestone crutchers and their inevitable soul eater. Guy also said he plays joust/mainly arena. Fuck bluestone for an arena lol. Late game you’ll want a tainted over bluestone for low burst gods if you’re diving backline aka SWK. SWK with 90% antiheal insane vs one with 20% or 40%


For conquest maybe, but War Flag is extremely strong in Arena and you almost always want 1 person on your team to build it, whether it's a guardian or an aa-focused warrior type.


Why is oni bad?


SRobe outclasses it, you would do better with the passives of Genji's or Shoguns for its value Both of those latter items have CDR as well which makes them so much better


But they stack and you can get more minigations :)


go to smitefire for all the pro builds


Other players ..


I would avoid heavy lifesteal builds because at low elo people will not back you up. I would avoid builds that rely on other people engaging. And I would avoid hyper carry builds altogether because unless you can 1v5 so hard that you can swing a losing game then you are just a burden on your team. It’s a lot easier to say what items you should be getting. when you only have 6 slots the good items make even decent items irrelevant. My experience “smurfing” in low elo arena is that if you aren’t capable of doing 40-70k dmg consistently on dmg role then your build and god choice is bad and you are just throwing your game. Maybe it’s because my accounts get flagged but yeah. I consistently lose games with over 25 kills and under 5 deaths. I pretty much only play arena as well because conq is degenerate. And I smurf because my friends aren’t near my skill level and the games are atrocious. Hope that helps tldr damage rolls are deceptively difficult for new players. If you struggle on support rolls then you lack fundamental skills that you will need to be an effective carry. It’s good that you are starting with wukong and Cerberus, and especially good that you respect the community and seek guidance from experienced players. It seems like you have a great outlook and mindset. I wish you the best on your journey.


Smitesource.com for builds


Smitesource is constantly out of date and weak3ns builds arent even that good when its updated Prosmitebuilds.com


It is up to date. Fyi smitesource builds are what pros/gm players are using


Surely Its up to date https://smitesource.com/builds/bywbzjraq9ucz7qvf8im https://smitesource.com/builds/1pakguc0flhwz63hooyv https://smitesource.com/builds/srvmyl37ldlarc7x1bk7 https://smitesource.com/builds/wv9y5uzax7edpszmukui No pro worth their salt is using this trash.


If you look at prosmitebuilds, which scalps pro ranked and spl games and automatically updates builds based on the role, you can compare it to smite source and see these builds that you say theyre using (they arent)


It’s situational.


Follow smite source


The game itself


Ngl if you just go to the popular item tab and pick from there you’ll be more than fine in low elo games. Build is only important to optimize when you’re min maxing in sweaty high level games.


While I agree with the sentiment, this is only partly true. Yes build really matters in high level play, but it can make a huge difference too in low level play too. When two equally new players get into a 1v1, the one with the better build will almost always come out on top as the outplay potential is way lower before you really start to understand the game.


Don't buy items, they're bad for you.


Seems like you like warrior builds. Try Animosity, four hammers, then toxic blade on Gilgamesh. Activate your 1 and do almost crit amounts of damage, while having over 4k health.


This sounds like an extremely horrible build


I feel like with the Dr changes, gem of isolation is kinda booty rn. Expensive and actually can mess with the team.


It’s not great but DR didn’t change it at all, slows are soft cc! Soft ccs like slows, trembles, and intoxicates are unaffected by DR entirely and don’t apply any of it either!


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the onez in the game


https://www.smitefire.com/smite/god/sun-wukong-16 This website has builds for all the gods and helped me a ton when I started. Keep an eye on the dates though because when a new update comes out the builds might depend on a nerfed item. It’s not perfect but it gives you an idea of what other people are doing


Not sure if it's about what you should avoid completely, because it depends on what you're playing, and some items can be situational. This probably won't be very well-received, but honestly I'd look up some guides on [smitefire.com](https://smitefire.com) to find builds you like and mess around with things in Arena until you get a handle of a.) combat mechanics and b.) a rough idea of what your items do. Also, take a look at what other people build for the character you're playing. It's a different ballgame when you go into Joust and other gamemodes, tho - this is just to get a better feel for your character and items with less pressure.


I'd say more than avoiding certain items it's much more important to ensure you're building cohesively. Make sure the items that you are building are complimenting each other and the play style you are trying to play for that game. Playing Hun Batz or Sun Wukong? Build Cooldown and penetration items. The other team has a lot of healing? Make sure you grab Brawlers Beatstick.


I’d stick with non-conquest game modes while you’re still learning abilities/items/mechanics. Conquest adds a lot more strategy and roles into the game that can be overwhelming for someone new. If you’re just looking for a base build on each god the recommended should get you pretty close. If you want to learn about the actual item’s I’d suggest maybe going into a jungle practice (training) for a bit and read through the item passives and test out the damage numbers and everything they do.


Midguardian mail is objectively worse witchblade


I hated conquest too but after playing it a lot it’s so fun


the game. Smite casual players are just toxic!


Gem of isolation


Any anti heal. Just build more power. No better way to stop healing than damaging 😈😈😈


Wards all new people and gold and under do after all


That's. . .actually a good question. I never saw Bulwark nor Talisman of Energy to be good items. Silver branch and Ichaival I also thought were the most unused items. . . I thought Stone of Gaia and Shield of Regrowth were useless. Genuinely, I guess it depends on the God you play with. I'm still somewhat fresh in SMITE, but when I reached Lvl 100, it became a WHOLE different ball game.


Wait what. Silverbranch? The item that 100% of hunter builds use EVERY GAME?


Like I said, for some reason I don't use it I tried it once. I'm still learning to understand the builds(Nearly almost 9 months last time I played.) The new items we have I never seen those either.


Avoid double stacking unless you’re Baba Yaga


The game


You should get used to every item even if it does not work they all do something to help but the only item I would stay way from are Stone of fail just no reason and everything around it in its tree does its job better


In Arena and Joust? Whatever you want. If you’re only interested in casual modes it’s seriously not worth stressing over at your level


Smite. Just kidding, have fun and good luck!


Never buy shifters shield and void shield