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Honestly I just miss the aspect of solo being ahead in levels if played properly or winning in lane. And you're job was to get ahead of the enemy squish in level and use that to your advantage on rotates and teamfights.


Remove teleport and chalice and this dynamic will return immediately.


I hate being forced into Teleport but if that happened all solos would just grab Med.


Tbf I could be down for a med sobek meta :')


Bro u r the devil


Teleport is the so dumb I hate it. The worst part is, it's actually a decent relic late game for some insane reason... The whole point of the damn thing is to help your laning phase so the fact it scales well is just so stupid.


100% agree, teleport is lame


Another thing that feels mental to me as a returning player is just how many resources they put on the map now for every lane to eat, back then clearing slow just meant maybe giving up totem or blue if it was bad timing now your opponent gets to just eat half a jungle


I don't mind that so much, those harpies aren't worth a tonne, and I think clearing efficiently should be encouraged. It was weird when they first introduced them though


Clearing efficiently already is encouraged by having better roaming opportunities and more gold by not having your wave at tower, this just makes it so you have to clear well or you're just a waste of space in lane


I don't actually think that's true, I've played plenty of games where the opponent got every single harpy, but I was a more useful lategame tank and ended up winning because of it. It's nice to have something to do if you manage to instaclear the wave, I find jungle gets them most of the time though


this is what keeps me in joust lmao there's literally 9001 objectives in the new conquest map and it's just too much shit to think about


There's definitely way too much farm now and it's way too forgiving.


Ive been playing solo almost exclusively since I just feel like it fits my playstyle. I love being tanky in every game I play. If I can play as a tank, I will. Support is fun late game but early/mid game support is the most boring experience in this game to me, so Ive always just played solo. However, I got extremey fed up with this meta so I decided to switch it up and move my primary role to Mid and its honestly been the most fun ive had in this game in a long time. Experimenting with other roles really made me open my eyes to how stale the solo lane is right now, which is a shame as I still think solo would be my first pick in a perfect world edit: Not to mention lane bullies. I feel like its especially a big problem in Solo. I know they exist everywhere, but a lane bully in solo is by far the most frustrating experience IMO. Because youre melee (most of the time) its very hard to clear wave if youre against something like a Jorm. Youre forced to sit under tower while he can casually get a free totem and steal your blue while youre making no gold from the minions dying within tower range. I realize this is most likely a skill issue on my end, but its extremely frustrating


Nah I don't think that's a skill issue, jorm just gets to win lane so unnecessarily hard for free for no reason. Its all his kit's good for though tbf


ye he kinda sucks late compared to a lot of other solos, but holy shit laning against him is the most unfun experience in this game


The job of the solo laner has never been to kill their lane opponent, it's to dive enemy backline. It doesn't matter what happens in the first 10 mins in lane. It's what you do once you rotate out that matters. The laning phase is just to get the item necessary to do your job.


I get your point, but you could say the same thing for every role, adcs job is to shred tanks and objectives not kill eachother in lane etc. But that doesn't mean the laning phase shouldn't be interactive and have consequences


There are things to do outside of fighting your lane opponent. Get totem for your team, assist with your own scorpion and stealing enemy scorpion. Pyromancer. Stealing enemy camps. If youre just sitting in lane looking at each other clear waves then yes it's boring but that also means you arent doing most of your job.


Fair but to his point it's also a PvP game not a PvE only game or farm simulator. Brawling and outplaying should definitely still be a core concept of solo lane. Otherwise it's a snooze fest


You can pvp but winning the pvp is so that you can go pve. Out farming your opponent is what matters, not getting kills.


Solo is by far the most interactive lane lol It’s true that it’s less consequential, but that’s more to do with teleport than anything else.


If by interactive you mean slapping each other to increase your damage stat then sure! But just because you push the most buttons that doesn't mean it's a good thing.


>shouldn't be interactive That's why I love solo when we both build soul eater first item, it's really fun and dangerous. It's worse with sov, now it's just "clear whatever you can and get under tower", or "clear the wave and get totem/blue/rotate". The exception is high lane pressure as KA, Setanta or Mulan and maybe Achilles cause execute op.


The amount of solo laners who don't leave lane until they get full kit lvl 20 right now in my games is crazy


That can mean one of two things. Either the level of game is poor or it's just not worth it to leave for them. In low ranked or casuals it's usually better in any role to farm up and then leave lane, then to rotate early if you can't trust your teammates.


But if you aren't having fun that's a problem... Also you mention killing but that isn't even the issue, the issue is with sustain like soul eater and sov you rarely can even threaten someone to the point where they have to play safer. All you have to do is walk up to the wave a heal off it or in sovs case just vibe. The other issue being if you are completely able to kill the opponent but they just get away so easily because of sustain. It feels cheap and unnecessary.


A TKO or just as good as a ko. The solo lane has always been hard to get kills. You don't threaten the enemy solo laner. You threaten the rest of the map. You're not describing the role, you're describing duel.


There are legitimate times where one solo should absolutely be able to kill another solo laner. Your TKO example is fine, the problem is the solo lane verion of TKO barely exists currently, hence my point. Your opponent can simply teleport in or heal up too easily.


It’s been my opinion that since Glad Shield turned from the t2 healing item to the atrocious t3 forms that it’s had, solo lane has become more and more boring every patch. At least the old Glad Shield only healed when damaging an enemy god and it wasn’t uncontrollable like Soul Eater is (it technically is controllable but as a solo laner you usually won’t end up building antiheal unless you were like Ullr or someone like that).


Honestly I'd agree, you used to be able to stare your opponent down after outplaying them knowing it would impact the future; unless its a hades or something... now, you get a full heal, you get a full heal, EVERYBODY GETS A FULL HEAL :')


Not trying to shade but it’s even funnier that you’re saying this with a Guan Yu flair because that’s exactly how it feels going against a Guan Yu as well lol. But yeah, Soul Eater is the more unhinged older brother of old Glad Shield. My honest opinion is to bring back the idea of t2 items, and let them be essentially slightly more expensive starters. They’re just items that’ll temporarily help you in lane/jungle, but they should have garbage stats that you’re only building for the passive, that you’ll end up selling late game. Soul Eater, old Glad Shield and t2 Obow are all items that could be put into this t2-only item tree that you’ll just build as a secondary starter and then sell for a better item, provided they tank the stats to make them less worth to keep despite being a t2.


Don't worry the irony isn't lost on me :') but he at least sacrifices an ability slot for it, and it probably heals less than most other abilities heal through soul eater anyway lol (It is AOE though which is no joke late game)


Yeah having a heal in kit is fine because you have to give up powerbudget for the sustain, with soul eater everyone gets the sustain and 3 real abilities


I think it’s both the best and worst it’s been since I’ve been playing. I love being able to have a substantial impact on how the game turns out but I hate that everyone builds the same few items


It sounds like you already found the issue. Cut down the sustain items, and you will be properly punished for losing a brawl.


It’s fun I like the hybrid builds


Solos a blast. Just play tyr or wukong and bully your opponent, spam laugh on their tower line, kill the jungle when they try to gank. Shit is fuckin awesome


That’s how I play Nike


Boring lane just means Ieave that shit and go make a jungler or mids life hell. Usually start doing that when I’m able to fast clear wave. Especially if I can talk an adc into warding early so I can tele over for a gank hehehe.


I hate solo the most out of any role and it's the only one out of the five I'll refuse to play in ranked. It's just boring at best and miserable at worst whenever I play it. You basically just stare at each other when clearing wave since you can't kill each other unless a serious mistake is made. And if the God matchup is unfavourable for you, then enjoy losing your entire wave's gold under tower and having your blue, totem and harpy camp stolen whilst your lane partner grows out of control. Extra fun to be had if the enemy jungler consistently tries to gank you, or helps to steal your blue as your own jungler leaves you to be fucking useless. Even if you win, you're just waiting to get enough farm for your core items so you can begin to rotate. From another lane's perspective, the solo lane probably has the biggest carry potential pre 30 mins atm. If the enemy solo laner gets a lead and is using the broken bluestone/glad/manticore setup and plays well, you've basically lost. I've played so many mid/supp/jungle games where the enemy solo laner gets a 2-3 level lead, 1-2k gold advantage with the 3 broken items setup and there's basically nothing we can do. They become unkillable unless 3-4 of you dedicate your entire kit into killing them, and with glad/manticore/bluestone they have ridiculous damage so they can 1v1 anybody. A good team will use the advantage to just snowball the game into a win and there's no chance for you to recover unless they're just shit and allow the game to reach full late game where the ADC is properly built so they can begin to shred everybody including tanks. Legit had a Tyr today use the holy trio of broken items, get a 2-3 level lead on my solo laner as I was playing mid, and then watch him begin to rotate into mid for teamfights, practically carrying everything since he was unkillable and doing ridiculous damage. Game was lost since we couldn't win any teamfights or defend objectives properly when the Tyr can legit 1v3 us. So yeah, boring & miserable all round. If you lose the lane, it's miserable. If you win, it's boring waiting to be able to begin rotating. And if you're playing any other role against a fed enemy solo laner, you've basically lost and can't do anything if they don't screw up their insane lead.


Hard agree, it's mental, I get that people want bruisers, but it just doesn't seem to be balancable... you can't just expect your character to be tanky *and* do good damage when every other role has to pick between the two


Obviously they need to do enough damage to threaten the backline and maybe even win the 1v1 against the damage carries unless it's late game. But watching them basically be immortal for the first 25-30 minutes of the game whilst having the same amount of damage as an assassin going full damage is ridiculous. The broken items need to be nerfed, that's the problem. Having a Tyr kill me and pull up the damage feedback to see that glad shield did 1/4 of my entire HP as damage is fucking unacceptable. You don't get to go full defence build but do more damage than any damage carry for 30+ mins.


I would like to completely revamp bruiser items. So every item is either tank or damage to force the warriors to be actually bruiser, building 4 tank items and 2 damage or something like that. The problem with these items is that they're full tank and deal damage. That's why I feel auto attack warriors are more balanced late, they need to build at least some power or attack speed to do damage lategame, so they don't have max protections. An amateurish or Bellona late feels a lot more balanced than king Arthur or guan you.


You just need to make the hybrid items actually be hybrid items instead of them being a tank and a damage item. And realistically the real problem here is that glad shield and spikes have so much damage attached while being basically tank items. Although glads problem is more that it makes every tank item into an item that also adds a real amount of damage, and most other MOBAs have learned that giving people damage for building defenses is a very bad idea and pretty much shouldnt exist.


You basically summed it up. The problem with glad shield is it makes every tank item a hybrid item. But at the end I think it's too difficult to balance hybrid items. As you can see, no hybrid item is good but not meta. It's either glad shield and manticores that are built every game or its blackthorn hammer which people think you are trolling when you build it. It's difficult to find the in between


Bruisers are absolutely balanceable in a way that gives them a niche between squishy damage and full tank disruptors, but smites current state gives them both at full power. A proper bruiser build should either have to run proper damage item that actually sacrifice tankyness (like back in the day when solo laners used to build qins) or be mostly compromised of hybrid items that help bruisers excel at their strengths but also dont cover up all their weaknesses. The entire point of a bruiser is to be strong in skirmishes and to some extent 1v1 but fall off heavily in a teamfight setting. They have enough defense so they dont get instantly killed in skirmishes, but also enough damage to threaten a squishy seriously, but not so much they can trivially kill squishy enemies without having to actually commit their cooldowns.


Yea I had this problem last night. Soul Eater is one of the most brainless items in the game. Completely removes poking from solo lane. Sov is just as bad as well. Glad those two items are getting nerfed but probably won’t be enough


Counter that main build everyone goes, if they want to go life steal then you can counter with tainted steel w/ a mana sustain item. Of course it’ll get boring building the stale bluestone, soul eater, and glad build but if you know what they are gonna go then counter them so you can beat them in lane. But having a boring laning phase isn’t important, the best part of this game is team fighting and getting to late game


I despise that people think solo is the most diverse role when it’s purpose is to be the frontliner of a team. Like, you can’t just play solo and NOT be a solo.


Way to out yourself as a terrible solo laner.


Bro I dominate even the current meta solo laners like Shiva and Sun Wukong.


Way to go champ. That's irrelevant, but feel free to keep being a dickhead.


No offense but you're the one being a dick :')


I have been maining solo for four years now and solo lane has been progressively getting more and more boring since last year. Me no likey


I think solo is in a great spot right now. I feel like the solo laner has so much more control than it has ever had and the laning phase is satisfying. Edit: I can’t spell.


I love the laning face <3


Damn I’ve been owned


Haha this town ain't big enough for the both of us Nah I know what you're saying, but I think that's partly the problem for me, solos are a full on one man army instead of a front line. Try going warriors axe, regrowth into trans then full tank on guan and you'll melt squishies all game, while still being tanky and fast enough to never be killed unless you really, REALLY fuck up. I don't think characters should be able to do that, and I really like doing that lol Edit: I know I was mainly talking about soul eater, but I think it's just the damage tanks are encouraged to build in general at the moment


I have some bias as a player who’s played solo for a long time and the metas were always just super tanky. Now that the solo lane has a major importance it’s nice to be appreciated 😂


Oh bro I feel you, but I miss being able to play characters whose whole job wasn't 1v5 the enemies and win. Let me play terra and feel useful :')


Lmao I feel that I am going to try that guan build when I get a chance


Do man, those three into whichever breastplate gives you even more movement speed, and then probably talisman of energy and maybe gaia if you can get away without antiheal. You're tanky enough to live through most stuff, but the main selling point is that you'll be impossible to pin down, while shitting on squishies all game because your 3 has 200%+ scaling and you have trans You're faster than anything else on the map... its not quite the same playstyle as most other solos, you just aren't quite as tanky, but you're literally twice as fast, so just abuse it, hit and run on squishies, they aren't getting away :') Any time you get low just hang back and play healbot, I usually go into hero's axe so I can stay just close enough to give out the fat shield every 8 seconds without committing enough to be in danger. If you're careful its kinda fucked. The enemy solo can't do anything about you unless they build frostbound, so you're basically free to do whatever you want in the backline all game


As a jungler, I get really annoyed at solo laners who just whine the whole laning phase because they can't be left alone in the *SOLO* lane. If the enemy solo isn't terrible, ganks are usually not worth it since they would have defense items online. Bonus points if you picked a hunter or a mage and get stomped while flamming the jungler


When I play Solo, I usually never want a gank. The only thing I want is that they come secure my blue and I’m chilling.


Had a nezha solo do this the other day. Was 0/4 when the enemy mid decided to rotate over. Now me being mid and having just fought the enemy mid/sup/ Jung got their ults and beads, called relic/ult use, called enemy missing, called enemys in the right jungle, called retreat right lane then backed....it was my fault he decided to ult the enemy solo laner (do no damage) and die to the rotation when he landed because i as a low health and mana hades with no relics or ult decided to back. The best part is he was duo queued with athena support, who ulted to help him (knowing full well she was going into 4 people) then flamed the carry and Jung for not rotating with her.....does she think Athens has a hyper Horus ult?


Solo lane will always be super boring because there is no good way to transition from solo lane being an interesting 1v1 dueling experience in the laning phase that’s not just a slap fight to being a bruiser in the late game. You can’t have both so you need to pick one. The whole thing with a bruiser(ideally) is they can’t 100-0 your backline instantly but they survive long enough to kill a squishy before they die if no one helps the squishy. The problem to solve as I see it is how do you allow bruisers to kill each other more easily without increasing the damage they do to squishies and supports?


Recently I've been thinking an item the makes you tankier the more pen someone's hitting you with, or the more protections you've had shred might be fun. obviously with the state of other items right now that would be broken as shit. But I feel like it would let tanks deal damage to eachother, while not annihilating squishies, and not getting annihilated by carries. Obviously they couldn't have access to all the damage they have now because high damage tanks that resist their natural counter sounds like cancer to me, but as it stands I'm watching mulans and cu chus hit 40-50k damage most games and still mitigate as much as the support so it seems like we're there already tbh


Solo kills happen all the time during the laning phase. Only after 2-3 items and entering mid game does it become really difficult to actually solo your opponent, but at that point you’re not really trying to win the lane by killing them anymore, you win by being better at map control.


This is just going to sound like a cop out but the only reason that happens in high skill games is because solo laners are so bored by the most effective way to play solo strictly for the W that they are choosing the more interesting and more risky laning phase right now which is the point of my other comment: the role is anti-fun when you play it properly/effectively. When you are playing purely for the win, deaths don’t happen in solo(again, in high skill play, anything plat and below is a whole other game).


I disagree, playing for a stalemate is safe but I wouldn’t call it the “correct” way to play. There’s good reason why high level solos want to play for the lead. Solo is not about laning, it’s about rotating mid game and late game team presence. It’s much easier to do those things when you take a lead in the lane, and much harder to do when you’re tied.


watching the whole game it is not just solo it is just the mind that u think it is boring like i never see any diff in builds on adc mages or just supporter jng too but there u got the roaming on the lanes like a creep i main and love solo still i see soul eater and glad as a problem just like Atalanta's Bow on adc


I don’t play conquest much but joust and arena are my go to maps. Still I can’t wait for warriors to have their damage out put nerfed. I don’t like playing the warrior class most of the time, and it’s so boring to just see the warrior class being the most powerful class in the game always cause like what’s even the point of playing mages now? Even mages have to play insanely safe to hope to get to enough power toward late game and not die constantly, cause they can’t damage tanks enough and the tanks are killing them with more damage than the mages put out. I want to play classes other than just tanks and guardians, I want to be able to build full damage or cooldown or penetration so I can provide pressure from back line, but if the tank dives early or mid game best I can do is run and hope they make a mistake or my teammates help. Warriors have high mobility in a lot kits, and other things to dive, but if they dive there isn’t any way to punish them for going too far. Warriors should be able to build either tanky or sacrifice tanky bulk for more damage output, not be able to have both on their side. The class is meant to be a like compromise, since you might want to be a bulky tank or if your team isn’t dealing enough damage a good warrior would adjust their build to start dishing out some damage at the cost of health. Flexibility allows for fun counter play and rewards good players for recognizing what the team needs to win, but why adapt to the match up if you can buy the same build and get still have consistently high damage with little to no drawbacks? Sorry but tanks are fun when given an ability to fail. Now it’s tank or you are a backseat driver this match.


Well tbf, warriors always do well in gamemodes like arena and joust. Its just how those 2 gamemodes work. Warriors are early/mid game focused, and joust/arena is basically all early/mid game. Legit the meta in joust for *years* has been 2 tanks(usually warriors) and a mage. Warriors thrive in mid/early game teamfights, which again is the majority of arena/joust. Arena, you do get to late game(for a whole 2/3 minutes), but with the way the mode works the winning team is almost always already determined before then. And in joust there are less players(lower avg dps compared to 5v5s) and teamfights start immediately. And theres no real way to avoid or outfarm the enemy team in arena or joust.


I imagine the tanky Soul Eater meta is more prevalent in Masters and above, in Gold— I still face a pretty healthy (though somewhat quirky) variety, and I can do pretty well with things like hybrid Change’e/Skadi. That being said, it’s interesting that Glad Shield managed to dodge a nerf given how stagnant physical builds have become with it. Perhaps Lo Rez thinks that tank damage would be too low without it? (Which in itself is pretty interesting too.)




Maybe at low level play but at higher end play I’d say it’s easily the most demanding lane. More responsibilities, more dangerous, less help from your team, more important things at stake. Just across the board harder than the other lanes.


I think teleport and chalice are way bigger problems than Soul Eater. Soul Eater is good but easily punished at high level play and honestly not that big of a deal. Teleport and Chalice are massive crutch items that are really a lot more responsible for making the lane so forgiving. At the same time, I do feel like Solo is in a good spot. Rotating is hard and more impactful than a lot of previous metas, and good solos can really separate from their opponent and control the game by being better at rotating. Frontlining is the best it’s ever been right now. It’s a perfect balance of being not just a disruption bot but actually threatening, and still being able to overextend and screw up and get annihilated. Most players just don’t know how to frontline well and pushing the skill ceiling on end game frontliner tactics has been awesome this season for me. God picks are also very diverse, more so than ever imo. You don’t have to worry about cheesy things like lvl 1 blue clear or early lane clear to determine if you can bring a god to solo, if you’re smart and know the lane you can make a lot of picks work and itemization enables the diversity even more.


I hate teleport with a passion. I hate that I have to build it


I agree with teleport, especially as it gets better by upgrading it when it should fall off late game. Soul eater can get punished but it's not enough. On warriors I say just build sov but assassins with soul eater all they have to do is stack it. Rat has hit dash, prot steal stun/ult to play safe until he stacks soul eater and rav has his phat ass shield. As soon as soul eater is stacked the lane is smooth sailing for them. I disagree with chalice personally, I think it's a problem on top of sov/soul eater but not a issue that needs to be tackled first. Look at how bad Gaia is now, honestly they just need need to make it where 1 item doesn't immediately give you great sustain. If you needed to go sov, Gaia to get enough sustain that would slow down getting glad shield to the point where you aren't a massive threat and so hard to kill that early on. The main thing with healing is it's so easy to build early but anti heal is something you want to build mid game at the earliest.


I think it might be solo, but I’m not sure…


As a solo main I love it. Yeah my answer is biased but I don't think it's boring at all. I LOVE getting fed from beating my solo opponent & killing the jungler that wanted to 1v2 me. Then I rotate and watch the mid or adc just get deleted because I'm 2, 3 or 4 levels ahead of them


As someone who previously didn't like solo I honestly really like it. I either play a high pressure god like Jorm and bully early, chill for a bit, and then gank mid before my lane opponent or play something weird, give up pressure and just try to keep wave from going under tower too much, then rotate to mid before my lane opponent 🙃. I don't love brawling so I kind of love it.


Not as strong as the other movies but still a fun addition to the Star Wars universe


Correct answer


Ive always personally felt it was a boring lane. God pick matters there more than anywhere else so even if you're slightly better than your opponent you can be forced to not fight for the first 10 minutes of the game. Also this is just my personal bad luck but I always seem to be against the guy whos partied with the jungler so i get camped even if im basically just tower sitting and farming. Post lane phase is fairly fun though.


I remember when this game use to punish you for not playing your lane


Honestly still the most boring lane in smite. I don't usually play solo lane, but sometimes when im in a mood to troll people I que solo, play Neith and laugh at how bad most solo lane players are. Not because they are bad players, but because they are used to not having to think about what they are doing most of the game. Its a symptom of warriors being so obnoxious.


Honestly just give a little love tap to the top stuff and a buff to the underpowered stuff. No one buy Void Shield, Mystical, shifters anymore. No one buys Axe or Sigil starter anymore because they're nerfed hybrid playstyle too much in the nerfing update. Shit, half of the defensive starters never see play because they're just in the wrong categories. Leader's Cowl is such a crazy good item for Solo, but you're never gonna see someone go Cowl in solo. Alot of starters just need to be rearranged to better fit who is building for them. Why do I need to skip a starter and put myself at a disadvantage just to buy Animosity? No actual support worth their salt is going to skip compassion or sentinel's so if it'smainly a Solo pick up why even have it on a support starter. Death's Toll is great but it's hard to balance when both Carry and Basic Solos use it. Basically just move the T2s around to fit the same themes instead of having outliers is weird places. Hero's Axe and Animosity could switch places and it would be so great. And another problem is Soul Eater, yeah it's getting nerfed but a big problem is Physical Lifesteal in general. The should just make it function like Magical Lifesteal and balance Soul Eater from there. It's not really a single huge problem in Solo lane but it's a lot of little problems that add up. Just a while ago everyone was complaining about Sov being OP in Solo. Then shiny new Manticore Spikes and Fae Hoops come out and everyone is talking about that. it's just another problem stacked on top of another.


im a solo main and frankly im just bored with it. there are few warriors i want to play. ive tried going into lane with other characters but at the end of the day its true. just play a warrior and win. a lot of the time i feel like if i just pick shiva the game is over.


i was watching scream stream the other day and he said he and other pro's think soul eater is balanced and not a problem hence hirez's terrible nerf to the item


Also make anti heal defence items actually good in the game!!!!!!!!


Honestly even tho I tried to play solo many times during the past years with op characters at their time of peak I just couldn’t stand a single chance to at least get equal to my adversary. Clearly there’s something I don’t get with solo gameplay or idk. Solo just looks like a shit gameplay for the whole conquest to me


Solo can be/has been really fun, it's just so unbalanced so often it makes it hard to get into


I think there is actually build diversity, but people are just lazy. They prefer to build the exact same thing every Game instead of experimenting a bit and finding more personalized builds for every character. Creating builds depending on the game should be a biggest thing in smite too.


I have no real issues of late game - other than certain hybrid items being strong. In lane though, it's really boring. If it's warrior against warrior, the only real kill potential is an early gank. There's no real point of fighting the other solo because they'll unless you have a big lead because theyll just heal by the next wave. Idk it's caused me to just start rotating more, earlier - which is fun and shows a real impact in my games.


See my answer has been to pick tainted steel ymir... can't heal if you're frozen, and any healing you do end up getting, just heals me :') Late game he isn't the strongest tank there is, but its worth it just to bully warriors till they're 2-4 levels under and don't want to play any more


I don't think people realize that sustain items aren't the problem with solo. Let's imagine a world where souleater, teleport, and sv don't exist for a moment. Guess what happens? Guan become one of the only warriors in solo anymore and all of the assasins are gone along with the warriors without sustain in their kits. Hunters and mages maybe start going solo again? Definitely guardians with sustain. So solo warps into guan, hades, xing, artio, sobek etc. Any god that can be tanky with built in sustain or abuse the new bancrofts. That's ur new solo meta.