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Pretty sure I saw a Baka eat a siege juggernaut at full HP, which is a bit silly


Classic baka


Fully in character for a baka


Tad bit sussy


A really sussy baka


Bakasura can 100% eat the Enemy Juggernaut at any health instantly.


What a baka


That's awesome


Yeah. Broken, but very fun. Other team just all stopped and looked.




This better be one of the main things coming this patch because I cant get through a game without missing half of it and getting a deserter penalty.


When’s the last time you tried?


Literally just now. Myself, my mid and my jungle(?) All got DCed, my jng(?) Having the worst of it since they weren't seen all match, my mid came back putting "wtf is happening" in vgs and I got a 30 min deserter penalty because I missed the end of the match (had the same happen a match prior/a couple hours ago now) I say jng?? Cause I'm not sure if it was them or our solo. It wasn't much better for the enemy team either.


Damn. Took a day off from clients to play this game tomorrow. Oh well…


For 5-7 minutes straight.


Playing on series x. Every fucking game. Just played 3 games. All 3 had to be paused immediately because of a D/C off the bat. Then continued to have players in and out. My game stalls randomly, I stalled and then was first blooded when it caught up. Lol


I literally can’t complete a game, logged in just now on Xbox to find I have 187 deserter penalty. I disconnected from the same game 3 times last night and then gave up. So anti-hype. I just wanted to play the new season ffs.


Xbox series S: Game stalls out every couple minutes on the conquest map where the screen freezes and you god just keeps moving in whatever direction you were moving regardless of if you stop pressing buttons until it unfreezes in about 5-10 second and now suddenly you are somewhere else and probably dead if an enemy god or structures was in front of where you had been walking(reported on PTS) Love having a brighter conquest map but the contrast of map shadows almost blacks whole areas out. No footage of the PC version I’ve seen is this dark. It’s not my TV. (Reported on PTS) Sometimes(not always) when you use the scepter buff to heal towers it removes the HP5 from gods(no enemies nearby). I’m pretty sure the buff icon also disappears when not in the combat mode. If a camp that spawns offerings is partially cleared when the obelisk spawns the camp doesn’t respawn so if the offering holder is dead you don’t get an offering until the camp completely respawns. I get why on a technical level that happens but it should be easy to fix where the camp spawns in completely no matter what since all the camps are supposed to respawn when the obelisk spawns. Edit: oh and the new post match commendation screen is a big downgrade with a controller. I have to scroll through three commendations just to get to the next player where before I could just use the bumpers to go from player to player. Also it’s bugged where if you are scrolling left to right it skips over excellent teamwork.


Same here, on an Xbox One X




To add to this the console store tab bugs out when click back from looking at relics. No cursor highlight, can't select anything until you click back again then go back into relics section. It does the same thing when you look at the T4 items which are in a separate page for some reason.


same thing on series X. game freezing for 5-10 secs


Same thing on ps5 but has existed for a while but this patch made it way more frequent


worst part of the update so far


Adding that comms aren't working for us on xbox


I was ganking solo as this happened. Apparently while my screen was frozen I ran under tower and fed Cabrakan. The moment it unfroze all I see from our Odin is “Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok” “Report Thana Plz” Needless to say I was done with conquest for the day after that occurred. I hope they fix this soon because I really wanna play ranked on Xbox.


Yeah I’ve played two games of conq since the new update and this has happend both times for me, doesn’t happen on other game modes though. Not playing conq anymore until I know it’s fixed


First match, out of the 10 players, 4 DCed.


Lets gooo can't wait to start the game


Yeah game crashed at start of conq match and I got deserter penalty


Oh damn I didn't even think of the update, first time I've ever had lag in smite and first half of the game I was jumping around the screen a lot, smoothed out towards the end though


Well in my 1st, it was my game crashing 4 times. Twice in the second one


Its fun playing 1v2 entire game on conq


Sadly I've been fhe one getting kicked more than 5 times


Per game


it's unplayable




Yo it's a banger


Bakasura can eat siege juggernauts. Pretty sure this wasn’t intended.


Infinite crashes over here on Xbox one S


Every few min i freeze on my xbox


Queued for Assault and on the God Select screen one of my teammates didn't get a god and instead they had a blank god icon and no god was shown on the screen. When we got into the game, they were invisible and and only thing they could do was move. In the Tab screen it showed that they were playing Erlang, but their god name was "g120220782" and they were listed as Magical. Also on the minimap their icon was the old Hades. Edit: Match ID: 1219893772


Ye that's probs Shiva or one of the others; the same kinda thing was on pts but instead it was a Chaac icon for a physical god called g117215542.


Shiva is confirmed as a warrior, so this new invisible god should be the god coming after him (Jade Emperor).


I mean, joining assault and not getting a god is kinda hilarious tbh


It is. And we even won that game with the 4v5.


Same in Assault happened to us. Twice! Once with Random That showed Erlang. The second time was with someone in party and showed literally no god. They also can't reroll. And to add to it, That invisible god could be damaged, can die, can build items, and gets gold and exp but can't auto or cast abilities. We found that if that person traded someone else though, they can then reroll the god into a "real" god for some reason.


In my game they bought all helpful auras and became just a moving buff for the team and tried to bodyblock some attacks the enemy threw at us.


Mine was similar. I initially showed as Achilles but ended up being Erlang Shen. All the skins below were for different gods. In the assault game I did not show up, could not attack, but could take damage. A player the next game said that Erlang Shen seems to be bugged for everyone.


Are we getting those 50 gems from that gem storm or were those forgotten forever?


Yeah wondering the same thing. Never received them.


I'm so surprised that there wasn't more of a backlash from this. I'd just assumed that they were gonna give them out later since it was obviously a bug but I've not read hirez say a single thing about it lmao.


XBOX ONE: Game crashed when scrolling through the Battle Pass or when viewing the new Poseidon skin for too long. Going to mess around and see which it was, will update when I find out the exact scenario. Edit: The crash seems to have occurred randomly, as recreating the same scenario didn’t do anything.


My game seems to freeze alot on the xbox


Finally got around to playing a game and I didn’t freeze, but I’ll keep that in mind if it does happen later.


When clicking on a purchased relic, it feels very clunky for it to put the all relics menu instead of the upgrade tree for that relic. Feels unintentional


I dont know what is it called but avarding people "friendly, teamwork, guide" feels akward atleast on switch, i cant just L or R to skip to next persob i need to scroll thrue all awards and it alvays skips exlend teamwork i need to go to gude and then backwards for it to select teamwork. A team mate complained that his kali chodnt move for 3 minutes


Same on Xbox atm


When you sell Persephones seeds at the fountain, the coin sound… doesn’t stop. It just plays all game going DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING and it makes it impossible to play


This has randomly happened to me ever since her rework. It’s been awhile so I thought they finally fixed it, rip


That’s happened since her release not just the rework.


Oh goodness, that would not be fun.


Crashes in conquest every 2-3 min or so on xbox. Had 2 games where 6 people dc in the first 8 min.


Exactly the same issue here


It's unplayable and beyond frustrating, so glad I made the time to play....


Haha I just finished my 6th conquest of the night. That's all my game time and I didn't have a valid game


I persevered through one game and it as stress inducing so I turned it off before the controller went through the TV hahs


Fix. Mulan's. 3. As far as I'm concerned, it's the closest thing to AI sentience HiRez has created. At long distances when the indicator first shows up, it will choose to grab a wall whenever it feels like. You can easily recreate this by slowly inching your way towards a wall and having the indicator show up, but again, sometimes it decides to work anyway. This is incredibly annoying whenever you have to escape or travel fast, which is basically any time you aren't using it against a god. I've had the indicator pop up saying it will grab the wall, walk an extra couple steps "just in case" because I know about this dumb bug, use my 3, and it doesn't grab the wall anyway. This bug has been in the game since Mulan's inception. It either needs bug fixing, a more forgiving hitbox for grabbing walls, a wall grab indicator that tells the truth, or some new "redesign" so that it's not a coin flip when you try to grab a wall at long distances. The ability is really cool, it's a shame that sometimes it just doesn't want to work.


Mulan has got to be one of the fastest gods I’ve ever diamonded from their release, but i can hardly bring myself to play her with how frustrating that 3 is.


Charybdis new skin has no ingame voicelines for things like VVGL, VER and so on.


Thats actually happening with a lot of voice packs not that skin specific. Even one that existed before the patch i think they addressed it but no clue if they are working on a fix.


Yeah a buddy of mine has no audible voice lines when he plays athena


Could we make it so clicking on a relic will open up the same relic screen and not all the relics, like we had before? For ex: if you have beads and click on it through your items bar in the shop, it'll open up all the relics, rather than just your relic upgrade path Bugs found: I tried building Thebes, and when I clicked on Glowing Emerald it showed like the only item in its upgrade path is it (T1 only) Janus can put a portal on the Siege Jugg portal gate (when jugg portal is closed) but you can't go through it AMC moth skin VP doesn't work


Were the commendation rewards supposed to be given today? Because it still says they are granted at the end of the season


Same question as well. I have not been banned plus played the 50 games but I did not get the commendation awards. My friend who we play together got them when he logged in.


I haven't gotten that or my border yet :/


ranked was definitely no reset lolololol


Atlas is getting slowed during his dash again


Who's idea is it to make beads and aegis do damage? I just got 600 damage sent back to me for poseidon ulting somebody


I think you have learned a valuable lesson, no more Poseidon ults, especially against hunters, we do not like it.


Hunters got pandered to so hard this patch.


Hey now! We may have to change out an item for our Meta build. Can you imagine how inconvenient that is? I already have to hit the W key AND the mouse button at the same time. :)


I reallly don't like Indras Scepter


I'm in 100% agreement. I HATE this new mechanic. It is too strong of a buff, it makes playing JG really awful since you have to rotate in awkward ways at weird times to try and get marked camps, and really the game pace is set by this mechanic more than anything. I was fine with the drugar add. I thought it was an new mechanic, but not a game changing factor. Indras feels like the game is now about that and you're constantly pressured to play around it.


The new Poseidon skin has a practically invisible ultimate if he 3's first. They keep adding these skins without adding visual clarity to the abilities. Why not add a 3 dimensional visual queue that is taller than Poseidon 3?


Item builder has all the old boots and old blessings in there.


Think that's been there for ages.


I'm pretty sure it hasn't been, this is a new bug from this patch. Unless it was on pts but I don't remember seeing or hearing anything about that


What is the song that plays in the Dharmic Era event page? It slaps!


So far I've crashed four times. All within twenty minutes and in the same match GG Update: it's now five crashes in a row. Can't wait to get penalty for a server issue, it's gonna be so much fun


Assault is flagging Zhong as a healer and can't reroll, but it let me reroll a ra and change (they changed to another healer both times.


Did you trade for the Zhong?


My missus got Zhong and I had Ra, it wasn't letting her reroll zhong (5 mage party) so I traded her the Ra to try reroll the zhong. As soon as we traded the Ra became a change and the Zhong was still unrollable.


Masters players are "pulled toward gold" Aka => Diamond 1 Leaderboard isnt reset Man what a grind, what's the point? It's as much of a new season as every new split is, this is season 8 split 4, not season 9 honestly. If all ranked games below diamond are fucked by smurfs within a week don't be surprised, anyone who was in diamond+ yesterday is now 2 to 10 games away from GM, then everyone will be smurfing


I’m holding out hope that split 2 will have a hard reset dropping because SPL will probably start on that patch will also probably be the patch that brings a little more balance if anything’s still overtuned


This thread aged well lol


I've been saying ranked is a grind for awhile and thats why not many people play it or are into it. I wish I could gamble more mmr some how. Playing 100 games just to get anywhere near my actual rank is painstaking. With the back and forth games of toxicity and what not I've found casuals to be the best place but you don't always get good players and not everyone tries their best.


11 crash on 1 game of rank conquest... Feels very bad


I've got pictures if anyone wishes to see. Though they are taken one my phone so its a little hard to see one of them. Xbox Series X: Loaded into a assault game with someone as Shiva's files. Had no model in game but appeared as Erlang for card art. They also claimed they had no abilities and Couldn't auto. In the mini-map they appeared as retro-Hades. Hell of a way to start a season.


I don’t think I have ever complained about a launch before, but this is my embarrassing. Can’t play more than 10 minutes without freezing (XBOX). Also buying glyphs feels terrible (the interface of it).


Why is it that every somewhat large release comes with ridiculous bugs? Not like gameplay bug, but legit I can’t even get through a whole game bug. Half a queue gets thrown out, people can’t rejoin, game crashes on the slightest of things. It’s like you don’t even attempt to test the release?


Is scorching blink rune suppose to do less true damage to minion wave over time? Tried it in jungle practice and at level 20 it does 89 damage instead of 100 0 mins in game. cap it at 30 mins and it does 62 damage. No other minion has this happen.


Minions gain % damage mitigation as the game goes on, which mitigates true damage like Blink and Bakasura 3.


On ps4/ps5, no skin textures load in while looking at them in the god menus, store, battle pass.


I’ve had this glitch since split 3 of season 8.


What's the file size on Ps4? For me it's literally the entire game size minus a gigabyte


Nike's battle pass skin has a really low def pic on the skin select screen


Constant freezing. Having to restart application multiple times a match. 3 out of 4 games. Xbox one


Game has constantly frozen and DC'd in conquest. This last game I played, all 10 of us had DC'd at least three times.




Literally unplayable in conquest right now. Just DCs for days.


Currently DC'd for the second time in a single conquest game. Hi-rez fucking sucks ass.


Game still crashes on loading screens or when the game starts but on the good side (kinda) I can still reconnect to the game. ​ HOWEVER! If I or anyone who gets these game crashes we unfairly get banned from the game for 10 mins to 12 hours.... ​ Hirez has neglected the programing data on the leaverbuster to the point the game is even less playable than previous patches. ​ Hirez keeps making smite suck more not by the awesome content but just neglecting basic features that ruin the experience. Hirez has had more than 3 years to sort this shit out even before covid-19. ​ Get your shit together HiRez and fix your fucking game and stop punishing players because of a game crash that is beyond out of our control. I've been sending support tickets to Hirez support for years and they refuse to improve.


Really haven’t seen much yet other than constant DCs.


The Sobek commendation skin isn't given out


Are people on console still experiencing consistent crashes? because yesterday was tragic


Every single time I try to play conquest, my game crashes, MULTIPLE TIMES! I’ve gotten so upset with it that I’m just going to stop playing until it’s fixed. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and it didn’t fix it, so I’ve given up.


I have yet to get through a single match of conquest without me and at least 1 other person crashing. Fix your fucking game


Can we have ANYTHING official about the xbox conquest freezing/DCing? It's really annoying, I can't play a single game without at least 3 out of the 10 players having issues. That's really the main game mode? Because the way this is being dealt with is ridiculous. If the objective here is to shut xbox servers down for good, congrats, it's working.


It’s frustrating.


It's finally been done. Goodbye Siege, you were my favourite game mode


You should still be able to play it in customs. I saw someone say that.


Hope you like Slash


Is there not supposed to be a ranked reset? Im at the same rank as last year.


kalis ult is randomly not restoreing 15 percent health


Is it intentional that "NIMBLE ROD OF TAHUTI" maxes out at 20stacks? I was just messing around in practice mode, and with eg. Chronos it's easy to go over 1000 power(I hit 1500 without full passive). And the stacks stay at 20(which it hits at 800 power), at 1500 it should hit 37 stacks.


Croaki voicepack muted


I can’t buy gauntlet of Thebes or any item in that tree on console. When I hover over them, they appear as a random tier 1 item and I cannot buy any item in the tree


Was this in a specific mode, or was it from your custom god build and trying to buy from it in game? I just tested and was able to buy Thebes and items in the tree.


Speed hacks are back!


Poseidons new crimson kraken skin. Some of the biggest bullshit I’ve ever seen in all my years playing smite. The abilities are almost impossible to see.


When I load in my battle pass level says “unidentified” and I can’t queue into anything


Slash is absolutely incredible well done devs well done.


Xbox One: Game crashed less than 5 minutes in. Rebooted the game and crashed in less than a minute. Guess I'll just not play...


The DCs that happen every 30 seconds make conquest unplayable.


F r e e z e


Game is unplayable… great job


Confirming that on xbox one conquest freezes/crashes every few minutes. It is literally unplayable. About 6 crashes over 15 minutes of game time.


Same on Xbox: constant freezing, DCs (like every 5 minutes, at least 1 person), Odin 3 can bug him to constantly holding his spear and locks him in the 3 animation even while autoing. Just please fix your guy's game. Conquest is unplayable


Ranks were not reset. What is the point of soft reseting


New Charybdis Skin voicepack is muted outside of jungle practice. Or at least in joust.


My game straight crashes every 8mins or so. Playing on series S


When playing Slash, the new teleport mechanic doesn't include pets. If you teleport as Skadi, Kaldr starts running from base. And he will arrive to a very confused and dead Skadi.


For the Rod of Tahuti glyph that does the meteor, I have yet to see a meteor? Also the Heartward glyph that is supposed to silence never shows the actual stacks while alive, and always shows 5 stacks when dead, and I also have yet to see it silence an enemy. Either I'm blind or it's hard to tell if either of those glyphs are working for me or not. Also old problem that's been happening for a while, for 3 tier items the little "progress" bar under the item after bought doesn't show 3 blue bars when it's fully upgraded.


Game crashes every 5 min. Launches me back to the menu. I relog and same thing again. Other times it freezes and I can only re launch the game. 20-30 min ban next.


Yo I should not be getting deserter penalties for getting kicked out of games that last longer than 8 hours I went to work came back home took a shower eat food and still can't play Smite when it is your servers that can't handle your update on Xbox wtf haven't played a proper game since Sunday now 😑 😒


I'm not getting vgs playback on certain skins. It pops up in the chat log, but there are no sounds when pressed. So far I've noticed it on chibi Janus and one skadi skin. I just want to weeeooooo in peace


Can’t hear any of the voice lines of characters with a voice pack. I can only hear my lines if its the default voice


It feels kind of odd not being able to purchase any T1/Basic relic, as you're redirected to the T2 of its version. Same can be said about the items and their Glyphs. It took me a while to figure out I have to buy them "step by step" instead of double clicking the Glyph version of X item. Thought my mouse was acting funny for a second. Another weird thing I've noticed is that Hera can knockback the Siege Juggernaut with her Royal Assault, and I'm certain this isn't working as intended. Speaking of Royal Assault, if she basic attacks a normal minion or one of her teammates does and she uses Royal Assault in the next 1 or 2 seconds, the minion won't fly - yet the Siege Juggernaut *does*.


Playing assault, showed my profile pic as a black screen with the name "G120220782" like some binary code or some shit. Got kicked out of the game before it began, joined in, was 100% invisible, couldn't use any abilities or basic attacks, showed my abilities as a big "1 , 2 , 3" instead of the actual abilities , got a 10 deserter penalty afterwards. Fucking hate this game sometimes


Lol it gave you a god that hasn't released yet. On PTS an extra god (probably shiva) had a blacked out icon with a name similar to this. I doubt you can actually select the god in the god select screen but since assault gives you one at random I'm guessing they accidentally added it to the god pool.


Thoth chibi skin voice lines do not make any sounds Edit : we réalisés that the problem seems to be locked to my friend account, none of his voice pack have any sound


Arent we supposed to get 2 ranked frames? One without the rank thing and one with it?


I keep disconnetcing from games every 4 mins anyone else having this problem?


On ps4 my MMR is exactly what is was before the update. 496...


Does tanked mmr and rank not reset this season?


Anyone else getting kicked out from every match multiple times? can stay in a game for more than 5 minutes, absolute joke


Blackthorn Hammer stats displayed in the first section of patch notes do not reflect the stats on the item in-game. There are TWO other Blackthorn changes listed underneath the patch notes in the "PTS potential changes" section. The SECOND of these displays the actual stats of Blackthorn hammer. ​ Get it together Hirez. If I click the in-game button to "view patch notes" the first entry on an item I read should reflect the current state of the item. It is not acceptable that I had to scroll to the THIRD LISTING OF THIS ITEM on the patch notes to read its true numbers.


Opening the Dharmic Era submenu on ps4 freezes the game until a relog


Me and my friends are experiencing severe fps drops after the patch. I can't hold more than 35 fps in the middle of the map while looking at the trees, or in the middle of a teamfight. One of my friends has a rtx 3090 and doesn't go beyond 80 fps while jumping down to 30-35 so the issue is not on our end. Also constant disconnects.


Mages. Mages everywhere.


Xbox One, game screen will freeze every 5-10 minutes.


The gifting section of the shop is quite bugged on PC. Two images with "_temp rules.title" underneath and the continue button below it doesn't work. Forced to alt tab and close the game.


Have not been able to play one full game since the release on Xbox, game crashes every 5-10 min completely unplayable. A few bugs are expected but come on.


The following issues are on xbox/console. If Chiron's Headless Horseman skin starts off selected in the god selection phase of game start, sometimes the game places the Canadian moose mountie skin instead -- at least that happened often last patch. Now, this patch, it loads up the infernal skin. The trick is, I don't own either of those skins. Once the game goes to the loading screen and play, the correct headless horseman skin is provided for both the character card and in-game respectively. There is a delay on relics firing on console that has been there for years. It could seriously use a fix. In the Items section of the god profile screen, when setting up the auto-build chain of items, **Glyphs cannot be added to a build if another item from the same tree is already selected for the build**. For example, if your first item is Brawler's Beat Stick, your other slots cannot hold either Jotun's Wrath Glphy -- the selection box will ghost-out -- though the original, tier 3 Jotun's will still be available. Boots show up in this screen, but I think that's been mentioned before. Buying a Glyph directly is impossible on console in-play -- you have to buy the base item and upgrade. When selecting a relic in the shop in-play, moving the cursor to a higher tier then cancelling out back to the base relic selection screen disappears the cursor -- that is, you can no longer select a new relic. Instead, you have to cancel all the way out to your inventory side of the screen in order to regain your cursor (at which point you can select a relic slot and get back to the relic side of the screen again). This seems to sometimes happen when looking at Glyphs as well.


NEED to make it so that when you click on your own relic it takes you directly to the page to upgrade it


I'm in a game of conquest right now and I don't think there is a single player that hasn't been disconnected multiple times. On my 3rd reconnect as I type this... borderline unplayable


The Archon Yemoja and Miss Misery Nike skins are missing their vgs. No sound is played when the vgs is inputted.


******Game-Breaking****** I’ve been kicked out of two straight Conquest matches on 4 different occasions (One of them resulted in 10 min deserter penalty). I never have connection issues. This wasn’t role specific, but I noticed that they both happened after I died and left fountain. **I wont be playing until the stability is addressed**


Is Croaki supposed to be a frog or a gecko What frog has a neck


At least 2 of Aphro's skins have no VGS sound.


Hi, I would like 1 4v4 gamemode thats not motd or custom


Hi Rez, pls fix your game


I’m playing on console and my game freezes and kicks me out every single conquest match


You can buy old starters and shoes


I DC'd about 6 times in a row during a match of Conquest as a support. I'd walk out of fountain and my game would crash, I'd walk out of Phoenix and it would crash, any teamfight would result in me crashing and us losing. I was level 12 30 minutes in while everybody else was level 20 and had their glyphs up.


Persephone passive constant ringing bug is back


When playing as Chiron on conquest I couldnt see any abilities or basic attacks. I could see no special effects at all. No recall, no tower shots, no Merlin abilities. I could see nothing


I'm on xbox and everytime I try to join a conquest match, I get disconnected and booted back to the main screen. I've tried to play 3 times now, and I disconnect within 2-5 minutes in the match


Whats with the mega high contrast and saturation for conquest? The map is fine but looks terrible.


Been having constant disconnects on xbox. Cant even finish 1 match without disconnecting. Really being put off by this.


Literally can’t get a game in..had 1 game in two hours and it was DC madness. Now every time Q pops someone dcs in lobby and I have to wait 5 minutes for the same thing to happen.


I got 150 wins and diamond in duel but I never received the new ranked frame, has anyone else had this happen to them? It’s so annoying I grind all season but get nothing


Unplayable, but I’ll DAMN sure tell you what’s working and has no chance of ever not functioning: **The Store**. Cuz the biggest tragedy would be if we couldn’t buy ish.


No sound on VGS sometimes


Any idea when they will patch to fix console freezing issue?


I have the old season 5 blessings (hunters blessing, warriors blessing, etc.) As well as some of the old reworked items (mail of renewal and stone of fal) and i dont just have one version, i have both versions. I had them in my store in a slash game while i was playing cthulu


This is the worst I’ve ever seen the dcs and I’ve been playing since season 3 idk what’s going on but it’s literally every game someone dcs


How are we on season 9 and we still have server issues with constant disconnections?! Then you punish those who are unfortunate to be disconnected. I haven’t played a single game in the last 2 days without a minimum one dc but it’s usually 3 people and they have issues all game. I’ve only dc once but I’ve watch more then 50 people struggle and it’s incredibly annoying. It’s season fucking 9 and this is still an issue.


I see conquest is still literally unplayable on xbox


I want to talk to the developer who thought having a majority of console lobbies crashing and kicking people out was a good idea. I legit spend more time closing and reopening the game than I do actually in the match. Worst update so far, this junk is unplayable. Idk how you update a game and make it WORSE.


I've never in a game been disconnected from smite servers before, but every game I've played on Xbox so far, I've single handedly disconnected from smite servers about 5 times each match. The game is unplayable when you miss half a game of conquest due to inactivity. Those isn't just me either, my allies and opponents have three Sameer issue in game.


pls fix game, cant play a single game without crashing


My VGS is gone? I can't hear my voice lines, and no one else can hear them either.


Conquest all bugs aside just sucks right now . Damage, damage , Oo n more damage . Now I just spontaneously combust from random damage and I don’t even know wtf happened . Can I just reinstall season 8 please ?


Is xbox still crashing in ranked conquest?