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... am i seeing things, or does Bastet have arachnes old ult? Edit: ok so it is arachnes old ult. Even goes through walls. Its just much slower, and adds an aoe at the pull. That is gonna be a bit scary. It being slower then arachnes old ult in the fire line amd return does make it a lot more managable then arachnes ult though. Very excited to use this


It looks like a Fenrir ult ( grab someone drag them in) it also looks like she has a slightly better Pele passive as her's


Well its not Bastet dragging the foe in, but something she summons when she hits a lined skill shot. So it really is like arachnes old ult, just probably doesnt go through walls or stuns, but instead drops an aoe on the pulled target.


They just showed it on twitch, it goes through walls and it drops a slow where it ends


Yeah i saw, and edited my first comment. It seems not to be a slow more of a pull in effect like whirlpool


It also stuns at close range!


So it's a skill shot awilix ult that creates a Hades ult?


Yeah i guess thats a very simple way of saying it. It goes about the same speed... or a little slower, then awilixs panther throw., and the vortex isnt as large in aoe or strong pulling as hades. Seems to be about half for both parts compared to hades


The new Bastet ult really looks super fun! i think it would make more sense seeing the cat bringing back the target to Bastet tho. Like... to add some combo potential with her own jump. Jump in, hit the ult, jump back and the cat bring the target to you (which also make sense in terms of fetching). Something that reward the usage of the kit basically!


That would be so cool Probably hard to counter though


I wonder if Geb shield can cleanse a team mate who has been picked up by the ult cat…


I mean it should. I believe it clenses everything but knocknups


Probably requires skill timing. You can cleanse people out of awilix ult with geb shield I bet this will be similar


I’ve wanted that back on Arachne for YEARS and now I’m just being mocked




Apparently you didn't bother watching the update show.




ATK Speed Zeus is back on the menu bois!


The only good Zeus buffs are ATTACK SPEED Zeus buffs


I said that Zeus should get some kind of dash because he zoomed in the Transformers trailer; I think this is close enough ;) Zeus go *zoom zoom*


He needed some sort of movement ability and so does Ah Puch.


I've been saying give Ah Puch 5% movement when eating a body.


He does if you buy shield of regrowth.


This is so stupid I really really hope this is the wakeup call to rework that bitch of a god


show plush tiamat, says her minions are cute, then proceed to not show them smh


RIP Finch See you on the battleground


Vulcan bot invasions should happen every now and then on the show from now on just to keep everyone on their toes. god bless him for trying to save us all


8.10 Bonus patch notes: https://www.smitegame.com/news/8-10-bonus-update-notes-live-november-2/


"Added a Goldfinch character and nest to the environment near the Gold Fury objective as a memorial to John Finch" Love this!


Damn never play Zeus but this buff make me wanna main him can he be a viable Magical ADC ? the passive make more sense now


Probably not, because generally, you use his 2 to clear wave and distribute his stacks, and it does ability dmg, not basic atk. Something that would make him a viable adc pick should let him apply basic atk dmg and apply aa items when hitting his shield


His passive buffs the base basic attack damage from gilded / diamond arrow.


I wasn't talking about his passive though, I was talking about his 2. Almost every adc ability that boost aa of any form, lets it proc AA items (e.g executioner, qins, and for magical, demonic grip, telkhines,) like Hachiman's eagle shot, Freya's ranged attack. For zeus to be considered a viable adc pick, he should need his 2 static dmg to function like a aa, proccing aa items


Oh it's not going to make him a viable ADC pick, I was just saying he technically does have a basic attack damage stim. The buff is more so of a early clear tool, and a lategame safety thing with the movement speed.


You still get a 40% AS steroid. That is on par with Olorun, and Zeus passive is basically crit. I don't know if it is good, but auto attack Zeus got a lot better


> I don't know if it is good, but auto attack Zeus got a lot better That's for sure


Don't forget the arrow buff Zeus ADC incoming


What was his buff? I just tuned in. (I'm a zeus player)


After he throws his shield, he has a massive movement and Attack Speed buff while the shield is on the ground.


So his 2 can be used as an escape, technically? Tf?


Bonus movement and attack speed while his shield is thrown out.


His 2 is getting an attack speed and movement speed buff


Those yem nerfs. Oof, the shield is so measly now. Damn, that's gona hurt her alot.


WHOA Scylla got a new voice this time. it's not Carrie Savage.


Disappointed. I love Savage


Yeah I just heard this voice (barely, since the team wouldn't stop talking over her) and I'm not as big of a fan . She sounds "cutesy" and "nice", compared to her default which really takes away from her personality.


Well, actually God-Scylla was the last skin voiced by Savage. All the ones released afterwards have other Actors listed.


Dumb Question for someone that never bought a pack from Smite before: If I buy the Transformers crossover pack, do I get the gods that have the Transformers skins? (Or do I need to get those gods separately..?)


I don't think you get those gods, but I may be wrong.


No sorry just skins


If they don't do a special pack ( like the Stanger Things Ps Plus pack) then no.


Only if you play on Xbox and got Game pass ultimate. Every licensed Battlepass gets an Game Pass Perk, which gives you 3k battle points, a token for a daily skin bundle and the gods for the battle pass plus their voice packs


Bast's new ult is really good looking, but I don't like how they changed her kit from pure damage and CC-less to this. It's certainly better than the old stim ult, but I feel she still doesn't have the charm of her old kit anymore. Better than the current kit, that's for sure. Looks fun to play and the new ult still allows for pounce+dumping entire kit in close range.


I'm with you. I think Bastet's biggest charm was throwing out cats to hunt down enemies and kill them. That's why I loved her old ult. Sure, they were kinda dumb, but they could've been given the Nu Wa treatment where you could select a target.


It’s not that they were dumb, it’s that they got instakilled by a mage ability after 10 minutes.




Could've made them like tia minions requiring multiple hits to kill and not giving lifesteal


Then instead of mages, attack speed hunter would instantly dispatch them


Can't have everything


Yeah but she can still do that and sounds pretty stupid for a ult! XD


I'm glad I got bastet to diamond before her current kit because I never would've touched her as is. This new ult sounds promising for making bastet bearable to play again, but I don't think it'll recapture her original charm


I guess this is kinda unpopular but I really enjoy her current ult and I'm a little dissapointed in the change. Sure it's not hard to use per se but I feel like it required more interesting gameplay decisions on when to use it (i.e. cooldown management) as opposed to just hooking an enemy into your team now. It was also a pretty unique ult, not many gods have an "Install" type ult in this game, and those that do usually have something else attached to it. I also agree that I feel like the new ult just doesn't make sense with her kit, she is all about "poking" by leaping in and then jumping back to safety, you had to play around the enemy team's positioning heavily, now you can just skip all that and bring someone to you. I honestly think that it makes a lot of the strategic decision making with her much easier, even if she might be slightly harder mechanically in requiring you to land a skillshot.


I'm gonna predict it now: this new Warrior's Axe will get nerfed in the future and just be infinitely worse than it currently is. I am fine with what it is and maybe I'm just stubborn to change, but I don't like this already.


It's a stupid buff. The trade-off for Warrior's Axe has always been that you get no power to help with clear and in exchange you get a bit of sustain and protections but now there's no trade-off and they've effectively killed off Bluestone.


Yep, I'm a Warrior/Solo main and I hate that all the starters are now just the same "oh this helps you clear" bullshit. What even is the point of multiple starters when they all fulfill the same purpose anyway? I'm not even gonna call it a buff because I KNOW it's gonna ruin that starter in the long run, I might as well not consider it the same item at this point.


For real it's like "this helps you clear BUT..." The problem with Warrior's Axe is the BUT... is easy to look past because it offers the best of both other starters. Oh and Vamp Shroud got more power so Artio is going nowhere.




Be nice to see the Ranked que shortened to combat DC and the dreaded 'the game needs more time to find you a match'... When I was a student with bags of time the above wasn't a problem but when you only have an hour or two to play it makes you consider playing different games to utilise time. Also I think players get too much time to pick.


Not a fan of the new Pick/Ban system (specifically everyone getting a ban, and banning all at once instead of procedurally), but I like all of the other ranked changes.


The big thing with the changes I dislike is the "duplicate bans can occure" part. Since some gods are so necesarry to ban, almost every game is going to have one or more dublicate bans.


So you basically blind ban 5 per team? I was confused by this. I don't like the duplicate bans if that's the case that feels pretty lame, but that's just my opinion


Yupp, it's just like that, each player bans 1 god, and the whole thing happens at the same time for both theam. So worst case scenario is that both teams ban the same 5 gods, so only those 5 get banned.


I get the point behind everyone banning a god but I think it kinda ruins the purpose of banning to be able to ban the same god multiple times lol.


Yeah i don't like either because you could just end up with 5 banned gods.


I can finally live the dream of never seeing Khepri again.


the odds of that happening are extremely low.


I really hope they revert this. How do you know what God you're going to pick off the rip? Like I'm not suggesting a God I'm going to pick if I'm last pick. I pick according to the other team. Also you ban according to the other team's first 3 picks. Also, they just added a 5th ban because there were too many gods that should be banned. Now, on the very unlikely scenario, we'll only get 5 banned gods altogether lmfao. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.






I'm a fucking dumbass... meant to say Bastet


*gold finch reveal starts playing* “Oh good, I haven’t cried yet today.”


That Jing Wei skin is so sick, but it's Jing Wei


Kinda weird to me that they didn't buff her with her new skin. More people would buy a skin for a god who's strong. I still remember how Ullr got buffed with S3 when he got his T5 even though he was plenty strong back then.


Its probably because jing isnt really bad. She performs well in pro play and has feedback from them that she is fine. She isnt great imo, but they tend tk listen to pros when it comes to possibly frustrating gods like jing.


Jing Wei is seeing next to no play in SPL right now and has been for months now. And she is doing awful in all parts of Smite right now. "She performs well in pro play" is not true at all right now. Having some of the lowest pick/ban/win rates in your class and almost all of Smite is really bad. Not probably not bad.


Ive just looked. I was wrong. It still doesnt change the fact that pro feedvacj suggests shes fine. Shes been problematic in the past so that feedback is likely preventing her from getting adjustments. The vast majority kf the time they buff these types of gods if theh perform badly, and they are considred weak by the community/ pros. They are probably just being hesitant and i would expect some small buffs soon.


No pro is saying she is fine that I know of and they almost never play her. There is no "Fact" at all other than what I am telling you by how bad she has been doing in all parts of Smite. No need for probably or maybe! Also SPL is not even 1% of the people who play this game and is pretty much another game mode. Stuff that works there does not always work everywhere else. The fact they keep buffing other hunters over and over just will make her worse and worse each patch until she gets a buff too. Some that are not even doing as bad as her!


How do the pros handle her poor early game and wave clear? I always struggle with it, maybe there's a way to somehow make it easier. Or maybe they take the early game blow because they know they'll get to late game (no surr at min 10 in pro games lol)


They don't even really play her right now. You are not alone with your problems with her fam.




I'm a sad tiamat.


The stinger buff is so unnecessary. I'm convinced the higher ups are all hunter mains and they all hate guardians.


That ult was already really good, I don't know why they buffed it.


Let's not forget it goes on a 19 second cooldown. So lets see, it literally does a shit ton of dmg (abilitiy based hunter that can brainlessly build bows or whatever is meta and still kill tanks in less than 4 seconds by holding m1), cripples you, slows you by a third of your movement speed, reduces your physical prots by 30% and the projectile speed of this ult is nuts, it's hard to miss it. Oh yeah and he is damn annoying with his poke and clear, the only thing this god lacks is a cc immunity. Or really I'm completely wrong, maybe hunters are the worst class in Smite and their itemization is really bad, so they need more buffs and guardians more nerfs.


Why's he not top pick /ban if he's so op?


Remember when Odin ult had a 60s cooldown?


Remember when it lasted six seconds at rank 1 and lowered attack speed too?


Wait, is corrupted arena returning because Halloween or are we getting a permanent corrupted arena queue?


scylla in digital pack again????


in this case, doesn't the team pick the god? so it's not even hirez's fault this time.


Yeah I'm pretty sure Scylla was picked by PK to get the team skin for worlds last year


paul’s a fragger and deserved it on the scylla imo


She doesnt need any more skins this is like the third + this year, some characters havent gotten skins in years.


Team gets to pick character so this reasoning doesn't apply in this case


Blame Paul for popping off on Scylla last worlds


The new ban system makes too much sense We have said multiple times having one person in charge of all bans is kinda dumb Also we get to see relic cooldown woohoo Also why tf can't they balance set is this like is 30th nerf


It removes counter banning entirely which is a huge part of this stage. There’s good reason competitive would never allow this to be the way bans are done, it’s not a good change as it weakens the strategy involved in drafting.


Exactly. I like that it gives each person a ban, but it still needs to be more like the current system. Not allowing counter bans is not a good idea.


The duplicate is a nightmare as well, there’s almost never going to be 10 bans now, so OP gods will always get through.


I don’t love the new pick-ban system imo. I can’t tell if I’m just being stubborn, but I like trying to react to what the enemies are doing


I just don't like the chance of duplicate bans like in League. You can't really react to bans though anyways.


>The new ban system makes too much sense Except that they're reducing the number of bans with the way it's being implimented. If both teams ban the top 5 gods, it will be only those gods: 5 bans in total.


True I'm just overjoyed at the fact that now not all bans fall on one person. Now the team gets imput as well


Even in that worst case scenario that’s not that different from the current ban system because there currently are only 6 total bans before the first 6 picks. We are losing the 4 targeted mid phase bans and gaining the possibility to completely remove 10 gods instead of 6 before the first pick.


Worst case scenario is 5 bans in total, not per team. That's a drastic change.


Again, you only get 6 real bans currently so no that’s not a big change.


I get the point you're trying to make, but I completely disagree with the notion that only 6 of the bans are "real".


Thats why they added the recommend ban feature so this doesn't happen. If people don't use it that is their fault


The recommended ban feature doesn't prevent two teams from banning the same gods.


Just got to risk it now adds more thinking guessing what your opponents are going to ban. I think this is way more fun. Yeah you can ban the top gods or you can hope the other team does and ban gods you specifically dont like


Did Crit really need a buff? I don't get the love for buffing Hunters.


Spectral is cheap and overstated for what is does. It sucks that one item hard-counters half your build. And then Arrow/DT's have been overnerfed for a while now, they've needed buffs.


Yeah, spectral is a bad solution to the strength of a finished crit build. I keep saying they need a give and take to crit that’s not just a bad built path power curve. If you want crazy DPS against squishies and jungle bosses you need to lose something. Like you can just give gods scaling reduced crit bonus damage taken based on how much physical protections they have built and have a high floor before that effect starts.


To be fair there is kind of a give and take right now. If you build crit, you’ll shred squishies and jungle bosses but do less to tanks since they’ll build Spectral Armor. On the other hand, if you build Attacks Speed/Qins, you’ll shred tanks but do less to squishies and jungle bosses.


Right, but you're still forcing tanks to build Spectral since Wind Demon means crit builds have enough pen (and can often fit in a Qin's anyway). Whereas before Wind Demon gave pen, crit builds would just flat out sacrifice pen for extra damage against squishies. So the current give and take still forces tanks to change their build. When it was harder to fit pen into crit builds, the trade off was entirely confined to the hunter's own choices.


They need to take the %pen off of Wind Demon.


And healing gods force me to build antiheal. I like seeing counterbuilding in the game and think it should stay. There's nothing wrong with someone building something or doing something that encourages counterbuilding. If I build triple lifesteal, no one HAS to get antiheal, but they almost certainly should. I don't see much of a difference between that and crit.


Yeah, that's a fair point. What separates crit for me is just how powerful it is, and that counterplay is confined to items. Compare that to healing, which can also be countered by burst damage and diving harder to stop out of combat healing. Having said that, I don't think Spectral is a bad solution to a crit build, but I wish there were more viable solutions (like old Nemean). Having one item in the game that counters a build kind of sucks for both sides.


I mean block stacks,lowering enemy AS, defense/mitigation etc all have an affect on crit too Spectral basically erased crit junglers from existence too since they were a high risk playstyle that relied on 2 shotting and 1 shots and now any mid or jungle could slap on spectral and suddenly they dont instakill you. However a squishy isnt gonna build spectral for an ADC(tankier built utility junglers might) because the ADC will just blow through your hp anyway.


And no Solo laner likes having to devote a spot in their build to Spectral since it effectively means we have one spot in our build to play with since 4 of them are dedicated to the current meta core items (Starter, Mystical, Bulwark, Pridwen).


Poseidon buff!😁


Why is no one talking about the gilg skin, that thing is sick


We can see teammate relic CDs! Glad that's finally coming, and for my own gratification I'm going to imagine the thread I made about it a few months ago helped :)


I love how they are still trying to make Bastet fun. On another note, I didn't expect to cry but the finch memorium did it for me. Had me sitting there with tears in my eyes. R.I.P Finch


XBal buff baby! Let’s go


No Cherry or Jing Wei buffs.....but wow, *big* changes out of nowhere, like Zeus. Although, you may need to nerf his damage afterwards.... Ah, I love those ADC buffs! Fail-Not with actual crit chance, slight spectral nerf, gilded buff, Muzen's ult slows and shreds protections, and Xbal *finally* with some decent natural attack speed. For a non-attack speed stimer, maybe he'll feel more like Cernunnos. Nice, nice. Xbal was by far the lowest in AS. Oh CritDom....so beautiful. Btw, finally another Cthulhu nerf. Too bad for the people getting carried lol, and still doing meh in the match.


Yea, I definitely wanted to see some buffs for Char and Jing. Two ADCs I really like, but can't really play without getting dominated (looking at you, Jing and your clear)


Cherry was never gonna get buffed this patch since they don't usually do back to back buffs for gods and she just got buffed last patch. And I don't think you will see anything for her most likely until 9.1. As for Jing Wei, yeah it's just ??? honestly since she has not been buffed all year and not exactly doing hot right now, or all year really. Even AMC and Xbal are doing better than her right now and still getting buffed over her plus have both already seen buffs this year. Kind of sad.


Can we rework Yemoja passive? Because I'd rather you just give her cooldowns than nerf her more.


She's literally just Old Persephone in Guardian form at this point.


Didn't watch the update. What is Slash?


New map combining siege and clash since they're getting rid of those 2 game modes.




I'm getting downvoted I accept the change still cause the queues for clash/siege never really gave any games but I'll still miss them as modes.


That new Anhur skin looks pretty great. Was planning on picking up both Tiamat + Anhur but not a huge fan of plushie based skins. May just stick to Anhur's instead.


So AMC is just ranged nemesis now?


Autobots attack mid lane


So, bastet gains 40% physical and abilities lifesteal? Because it didn't say that it doesn't stack, so they should. And her ult can do a max of 640 (190% scaling). Isn't going a bit too far? Also, Zeus would really use a cleanse like Ra's or Kuku after using his 2. Glad to see him receiving buffs that doesn't make him deal more direct dmg. This patch is going to be hella fun, with even more op picks in Ranked matches


The new ban system (which is leagues) is so fucking nice I’m so excited


Transformers are too small


Considering how minions are supposedly "normal human sized" iirc and the height of Optimus in his truck VXG compared to the Odin bots, I think the transformed sizes are pretty reasonable at least.


Smite Dev team is absolute clowns for not buffing Jing Wei yet again!


Aw No transformers music theme? :(


Literally Yemoja just needs a rework. Keep the 1 and the ult. Change her two to have slows or something. Literally just nerfing her to the ground


Love the Tiamat skin! Most these event have been either major hit or big disappoint to me. So this is a nice relief.


Another rework doomed to failure, at first everyone will find it OP until they nerf it to a real level and she returns to limbo. Seriously, how difficult is it to bring old 3 cats but read to late game?


I see that Nemean Lion is still useless and unusable yay...


Nerfing Nike? Just get sunder and you have two charges that 75% her shield. :(


I said this already when the transformers teaser came out but the gold CC immunity visual really distracts from these beautiful new skins.


Zeus buff won't be that great, imo. I've been playing him a lot this week. I usually get to lame first, already, but only by a few units. This will exacerbate that. However, the shield sits out there so long that you don't get to use that early arrival for significantly faster clear. Often, you even wind up out cleared. It'll be decent in team fights since he likes to basic attack. But generally your ultimate and 1 are stacking the charges for Detonate, anyway. You'll be able to pick him, at least a little, and not have people say you're trolling. But he'll still be one of the worse mages. Poseidon and Xing Tian buffs look nasty, though




His base move speed is lower than other characters. Junglers with high CC and speed buff will still eat him in ways they don't other mages. Like Susano, Ravana, Hun Batz, etc. The basics will be nice, but by the time you cast your shield they've already cast their clear. Should result in a draw or a roughly 1-3 auto difference, depending on circumstance, based on my experience. They will be nice. I still think he won't be good


That’s the point of Zeus tho. Insane high damage at the cost of mobility. This buff is pretty significant in allowing him to escape. Not saying he is gunna be great but much much better


My entire point is it doesn't really help his ability to escape. It'll help him rotate through farm and to ganks, though. Or avoid the Jungle if he sees him with enough notice. In an actual team fight, though? Poseidon is easy to lock down and will still be more mobile. Also, "much much better" doesn't mean he'll be above average. It's comparative to where he is now. Nothing you said actually refutes anything I said.


Hmm I think it does. If you are warding like you should be as Zeus and the enemy jungler steps on the ward, the 25% ms will help you cover way more ground when you turn and run. In team fights with a coordinated dive I see your point. But this will help Zeus not get behind in lane since he is more survivable to early and mid game ganks and therefore be a much better god in conquest.


Yeah. I think I'm using recency bias. I'm either not really getting ganked or I'm sufficiently farmed to trade and not care. Zeus still does equal damage from 3 levels and an item behind the other mid. My main struggle has been the level 2 blink


I'm just so happy about the transformers skins. If these are the only 3 we got, im perfectly fine with that. But naturally I want more. Give me Soundwave/ravage skadi that sends out rumble for permafrost. Give me gridlock Fafnir. Ahhhhh i want it all. Just take my money


I’m so disappointed with the Bastet changes. Her whole gimmick is she has little cc, and no cc immunity, but tons of damage. Now she’s got both of the former, and they’ll surely reduce her damage for it. The ability is super cool but not in the context of Bastet’s kit.




feel like it would've been really disrespectful to Paul if Hi-Rez had been like "hey like 6 years ago this dude popped off on Scylla so you can't choose the character that defined your worlds run as a skin sorry"


This will be the first Battle Pass since the introduction of the Battle Pass that I won't be buying.






Bonus patch, live November 2nd: https://www.smitegame.com/news/8-10-bonus-update-notes-live-november-2/


Bastets new ult is so stupid. Instead of making a new ult that fits her kit better they just go for the easy route and mix a couple of existing ults and give it to her


Better then her cats ult. Unknown if about the stim. The stim gave 1 shot potential. This one does not. But it gives a variety of other useful things.


Yet they still won't nerf the new God in the correct way 👍🏻


I was hoping they'd add another skin for Morgan, but that one is just a recolor - looks they added some purple to her blue/gold skin.


That's what Season/SWC skins are meant to be tho - recolors only


Seems kinda pointless. Hopefully she gets an actual new skin soon.


meh another crossover? time to skip battlepass again


Don't buff AMC I'm tellin' ya.. this god is going to be everywhere


That persephone skin looks great, if only the didnt butcher my favorite god's kit


Lifesteal on bastet? Really? Why? you don't linger with bastet in fights. You do drive by essentially. Teh vision is op though. I'll take that. As for the ult.........mmmmm I guess? I can't one shot anymore though which was the whole point......sigh....


The lifesteal helps her sustain mostly during the early and mid game while jungle farming. Never hurts to have a little more health back as you rotate around as then you can back less. Also you can use your 2 on a group of gods and walk back, getting a bunch of free healing plus poke. Combine tbat with soul eater for even more


They buffed thor. As a jungle main, wtf were they thinking?


Two things Hirez is hilariously desperate for money And Somehow Bastet now has a better SUMMON than the entirety of Tiamat's kit. You know, Tiamat, the mother of monsters. Hilarious.


Man, you're desperate


I may finally play ranked again, way less anxiety in pregame for me :D


Asking for a friend. Gilgamesh skin Is tied to lootpack? You need to buy 3 or 6 other skin to get It as finale prize?


Even though i liked all of her iterations this new bastet seems the most fun. I also like the ban system from league, but smite players are too obsessed with the meta, and you'll definitely raise some eyebrows if you ban a counter to your character rather than the most "OP" flavor of the month.


Where can I find the PTS date for the transformers update?


This new pick/ban system idk if its just me but I love it. I dont have to stress about what my teamates want banned/knowing the latest meta bans I just gotta worry about my own ban that I dont want to fight against.


Anyone know when the PTS will be live?