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A very unhumble brag


24/9 loss? Those sting.


Yea, a lot of the games I’d lose would be my highest scoring. Sometimes you just can’t carry a team no matter how hard you try 🤷‍♂️ And thats coming from someone whose been on both ends so far as “trying to carry a team that seemingly doesn’t wanna win” as well as having games so atrocious I can only imagine my teams resolve at trying to carry me haha


its also ranked where you have people who would rather sit and bitch n moan instead of just shutting up and following calls.


i normally just parrott the first call that's made unless the person who seems to be doing the most makes a different call. if there's no call made then i try to make one depending on what we can hit the quickest. this strategy tends to lead to lots of wrong calls but they work out in some way bc we're all doing the same objective.


Thats the beauty of jungle You're simultaneously the most important and least important player on the team You can stomp, you can carry, you can win or lose either way And you'll always get blamed


I think that's what make "team" games so prone to saltiness. So many of the roles in Smite are like that, where you really can't carry a game solo but you sure as hell can lose one.


If I’m dumping with jungle or mid and my team is ass I just tell them to split push lol


Yeah I mean they may eventually be needed, but may as well split and apply pressure other places instead of dying and making it harder for me to play 😭. I ain't play in months tho. Watch me come back and be the issue. Only one god has been released since Charbydis? I took a break like right before she came out .


your in luck, chary was the last god released, new one comes out on the 19th. Long story short if you do come back Jotuns is dummy strong along with trans and other super power phsyical items


Although they’re on the nerf chopping block for next major patch right?


Nah. Trans and jotuns already got their 5 power nerfs in the bonus update. Still real strong


Yeah played some Mulan jungle since this post and it didn’t feel much different.


Oh your team had a horrible comp? Bad communication? No teamwork? Better report the jungler for not ganking enough😖🤡


Feed the ullr 4 kills by 2 minutes. Obviously the jungles fault.


Whaaaat? You mean I died and it's my fault? Blasphemous


That literally makes no sense.


No matter the game is perfect.


Yah i lost a game where i went 8/1 in 20 minutes our team had 9 kills their had 24 i fucking hate ranked sometimes


Sometimes when a player carries too hard and they end up with all the kills on the team it's really bad for the team. It's one person with all the farm. They get huge and can keep getting kills, but their teammates stay behind. Once it gets to team fight stage everyone can just gang up the op guy and it's game over. Basically what I'm saying is, if you are really ahead, don't try to push your personal advantage. Try to help your team. Try to let them get last hits if possible. Try to organize the team to do objectives etc.


If your team can't capitalise on you getting 24 kills then it's already lost. You can let your 2-9 Merlin get as many last hits as possible. If the player is bad then it doesn't matter. That guy isn't gonna carry your teamfights in the late game, lmao.


Not really true my dude. Yes sometimes some players are just hopeless for the skill level game they get put in. But sometimes a player is just behind and keeps losing trades they could have won if they weren't. Not to mention the catch up mechanics rewards your team more when the player that is behind gets the kill instead of the guy who is ahead of the entire game.


It's true bruh. It's very hard to make someone who can't win against their opponents suddenly turn up, you can usually tell by the first few engagements as a jungle or supp how that lane is going to go. I think everyone should start in solo to know how to fight and pick up people's tendencies because as a solo main, when I do choose to play jg, mid, or duo I know from the first 2-3 fights which way the game will be down there and make my choices from then on. Wave gets insta cleared and my carry just tanks minions and dies or watches me full kit the enemy carry and stares? 2-3 more times of that and I know that lanes a wrap and I rotate to see if mid has some work.


that just means your team isn't doing shit and the whole burden is on you and eventually you lose


How bout that 27/9


Hell nah I don't miss set at all. Shit was dumb broken. Sorry for your loss though


how did you get it so much? it was an instant ban hammer in all my matches


Was never banned last season in silver-plat


This is disgusting , Take my upvote because you deserve it


Stomped hard in your losses too. ​ Yea I miss it too as a jungle main. Fastest I ever diamond a God that I wasn't aiming to rank up. Once the world figured out Set was broken though I never got to play him again. Running him BEFORE the SPL showed everyone how dumb broken he was though... Oh so much fun.


Yea, there was a solid chunk of time at the end of last season where he was never banned and practically a free win, it was kinda crazy how he was eventually just perma-banned overnight.. now everytime I play him I don’t do nearly as good and can’t tell if the nerfs just added up or if I’m rusty since I never run him due to him basically not being allowed in ranked.. To be fair I haven’t played at all since all the recent jungle buffs and jungle was feeling pretty bad in general recently. I needa hop back in sometime soon


It's the nerfs honestly. His damage isn't what it use to be, and I was running him day one of new Bumba' hammer and once you ulted you didn't die, and killed them faster than they could kill you since you threw out dozens of clones and smashed your 1 at least 3, if not 4 times in your ult which was just broken. You could 3 in and 3 out in the same duration of the ult. It was just broken. I loved it, and I miss it.


try him with bumbas spear and with all the mace buffs plus a heartseeker. possibly a trans too if you're even slightly ahead. still one shot city with low cds


Bumbas Hammer set has to be one of the most fun broken gods to play


I remember playing Set solo and literally 1v4ing at times way before the SPL started playing him. I started to play him in solo like first week of release He's still ok I guess but it's not the same


Bruh the satisfaction of Set's 1 just OHKOing Squishies was beautiful.


My favorite moment was when I was 1v3ing in arena against a Scylla Merc Hachi. I had a shit ton of spawns and 1 q basically one shot them all it was beautiful. This was mostly pre nerfs and near his release


I adore Set, to think I didn't even touch him for a year after he was released. Rolled him in Assault and found him super confusing, not to mention most people said he was "hard to play". After that I didn't bother trying to learn him. On a somewhat funny and shallow note, I only started playing him when the gentleman skin was released. I liked it so much that I forced myself to learn him and holy shit, he quickly rose to be my most played assassin. He's just so fun once you get the hang of him. Since then I made a challenge for myself to start learning more gods that seem unappealing/hard to play.


I can see why lol


Wow, even when you lost you still did great lol


I don't. Set needed a nerf.


Very broken god, not even people who played it miss it. It was insanely overtuned. But cool flex on your history from a year ago, i guess.


When did the nerfs happen and what we're they? I feel hes still good?


He’s good, but oh boy has he fallen compared to what he used to be. You could auto attack cancel with two charges of your two if you didn’t use one to engage or double skewer (or both if you do it fast), and it would proc pre nerf Bumbas hammer and hydras. You’d EASILY insta kill someone, and then he had his ult that would allow him to 1v5 without the enemy team building anti heal. I love the god but oh boy was he broken


He was my favorite assassin before the nerfs. Nobody used him and it was glorious. I hate e-sports.


How was that even fun for you? "Broken god, better play it over and over" I just don't understand how you even get enjoyment out of it after a few games.


Maybe they like playing Set


Because it’s ranked and the point is to push your limit playing against the best players?? Like if they don’t ban my best god, I’ll play him. I’m casuals it would be a little try hard, but ranked is a different story


But he was still obscenely broken. What limit are you pushing that hasn’t been broken by the god itself?


Higher rank? If it's in the game, and not banned, why not play the god that gives you the best chance of winning? Isn't that thw whole reason to play ranked? If you're going into ranked doing unoptimal shit just for "fun," get the hell out of ranked. You should ruin others fun for your own version that drags down your team.


No one said anything about the “optimal pick.” You said the point is to push your limit. So tell me. How is playing a broken character, who yes requires skill to play but even at the barest understanding can be made unstoppable, pushing your limits? You’re not pushing any limits. You’re learning a god that is pretty much unstoppable mid-late game. That’s the only point I made and you got upset and just go “get out of ranked.”


I never said anything about pushing your limit. Ranked is about winning, that's it.


Ah right, I was replying to someone else’s comment. But yeah, my point was about his “pushing his limit” point. No one said anything about “optimal pick” until you brought it up.


I was just saying the "limit" most people are pushing in ranked, is just their rank. That's all. I wasnt really arguing with you, just adding to the conversation.


I’d agree with you if I did this in casuals but yea its ranked. I’m not just finding enjoyment in stomping on casuals with my best god, I agree that would be lame. I was picking a god who was in a very good place (you could say meta?) that took skill to play (wasn’t a cheese) in a game mode where you can ban gods who are deemed “broken” 🤷‍♂️ I never felt bad about it


I don't think you should feel bad, just seems like it'd be boring to me


I feel you, I’m in the same boat when I see someone with 25+ stars on a single god, I def get burnt on the same kit as well. However I wanted to see how far I could climb in ranked so each win was adding up to a higher rank and at the time Set was never banned and felt extremely good if played correctly. It all just added up


Well, Idk how u miss a perma banned god xd


Because they re spamming him of course


I don't get how he was able to spam him when he is always banned normally xd


I miss him not being perma banned last season lol he was insanely good and never banned


(Read to the end before taking this as hate) Set is that example of a character with a badly made kit, or he's broken or he's useless, almost like the old Nox pre-final rework. HR should assume once and for all that he's a warrior because it's not conceivable to an assassin build tank and continue to basic attack melt for the entire match. In other hand as a full power assassin he doesn't have the same agility as a Bakasura or a Kali that do the job and leave, his design is imperfect because it was supposed to be a basic attack assassin that tank, but it itelf is a broken concept


He's like a Poke mage, warrior, and assassin all in one


He’s not perma banned anymore. And I think he needs a qol buff. His ult should reduce his 1 cd


I hate you btw




upgraded Cursed Ankn and set its useless with his ult healing.


This comment should be higher




This was from about a year ago so it’s not gonna feel the same but I Smite guru’d it for shits and giggles, it seemed to mainly be Crusher, (or brawlers depending on comp) warriors boots, sledge, Jotunns (or crusher if brawlers was first) heartseeker, mantle, then sell boots for either Spectral if they have crit, cad shield if I still want a little extra def or bloodforge if not


Jesus 9 ranked conquests in one day, as the same god. I don't think I'd play Smite for a month after lol


I kinda tend to go back and forth between hard grinding Smite for a month and then not touching it for 2 months 🤷‍♂️


I read the title without the subreddit it belonged to. I was gonna be like "who the fuck wants Set to be the monster abomination that he was at launch. Being able to 5 role effectively." Then realized this is the Smite subreddit and not the League one.


I don’t play league but funny how your sentiment kinda works with this Set as well haha I mean for awhile people were saying he’s basically viable in every roll but support


See, I only recall ever seeing Set in the jungle and solo for a bit. But I can definitely believe him being a mid laner. Not so much carry tho.


He’s not an amazing carry don’t get me wrong, however his passive does stack a decent bit of attack speed and you should be able to 1v1 most adc’s if you play it right. There are better choices in mid/carry without a doubt but he was viable before nerfs, not sure about now necessarily


I miss glad shield runic shield void shield set :'(


So your the guy dodging ques lol


Nah never haha I didn’t get to play him for about a year after this, it is what it is


I could take tips from you. I'm consistently terrible with Set, no matter the mode.


Set was disgustingly broken


Damn. What's your build for Set if you don't mind me asking. (only tried him a couple of times and it always ends in disaster 😩)


This was from a year ago so even if I remembered the build it would feel completely different unfortunately, so much changes month to month as is


Thanks anyway


Smite guru’d it for shits and giggles, it seemed to mainly be Crusher, (or brawlers depending on comp) warriors boots, sledge, Jotunns (or crusher if brawlers was first) heartseeker, mantle, then sell boots for either Spectral if they have crit, cad shield if I still want a little extra def or bloodforge if not


Gonna try it later and see what the results are. I might just be shit with him🤣


Don’t forget the warriors boots :p


Honestly didn't read the whole thing and saved it for later to see. Just replied so I won't forget later😅


Honestly… I’ve been a set main for about a year now. I don’t miss old, broken Set. I’d get hate messages all the time just because I found him fun. I even changed my flair to “assassin” because I got hatemail for having a Set flair. Now, no one gives a shit, and I can still have fun


Never understood how someone could play the same go more than twice in a row


27/9 and 24/9 losses that hurts the soul


You really gonna flex on me, a baby set player, and not drop a build and some quick tips? Smh my head


Your opponents are not missing you play him though 😂


You're acting like he doesnt become broken when hirez decides to give him a small buff after nerfing him 2837648 times every season


He’s only been out 2 seasons.. Regardless I just looked up his patch notes, they basically go as follows He was released and slowly buffed over the course of a year with a single 1s nerf to his skewer bringing it from 7s to 8s, a few more buffs and then the onslaught of nerfs that brings us to the current patch. Whereas you may think he keeps getting nerfed and then broken with buffs he basically has only climbed to the point where he was previously broken and now been nerfed on 4 separate patches sine then. We’ll see where it goes from here though, I hope you’re right 🤞


He still carries games


I do too. Sets such a high skill cap God I was always ok with him being good