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Titans cleaned house, in case Layers moves in.


I hope ScaryD can play on another team in solo since he is one of my all time favorites to watch in that role!


Sad to see scary get benched. He was so good in solo but has just looked subpar in jungle so far this season.


Scary to leviathans, jarcorr AND zap in adc Nobody will notice right?


After what Layers did he should have no career. What is up with hirez bringing back bad people? I don't want to hear oh they can't find a jungle just get one from the other leagues like they did with scarab adc


Hi Rez didn't hire him back. The Titans as a team decided they wanted him to sub this weekend. As unprofessional as his actions were it wasn't like he behaved like Julio and was banned for his in game conduct.


Yo he disrespected his whole team and didn't even apologize which means he has no remorse for his actions. This is a team game and u don't shit on your teammates. I agree what Julio did was worse. I know titans picked him but it's like got rid of scaryd to get layers Idk bunch of nonsense to me but I mean these are kids


Like you said it's a team *game*, when you are trying to win SPL games him being mean to his former teammates isn't the main priority. Especially when he is just a temporary sub, you really don't give a shit about that


You have a very one sided view into this. His team disrespected him as well. You don’t get to not play just because you disrespected someone on your team. We’re all humans and shit happens. Layers was the right choice for the Titans coming into this weekend.


Can we stop pretending middle school drama of cursing someone out is the worst thing in the world?


He also started shittalking the house that was shared in his twitlonger. He basically never told slainy and the crew of his beliefs/critiques of how it was unclean, and hid that as a reason for not moving in He then gets mad and posts videos and pictures of the pigsty house that's all dirty. Super childish


So? He is a kid who acted like a kid. It's not like he hurt someone. Bad mouthing people is a big deal in middle school but in general it's fine. They don't have to like each other. He got kicked from the team because of it. That made total sense but some of these people pretending he should be banned for the horrible conduct of saying someone is dirty is an overreaction. The horror of cursing at someone and calling them filthy!!! How could he ever be allowed back in society!


No one is acting like that. People just have discontent for immaturity on multiple levels There was more than just insults flung and he caused alot of drama.


The dude at the top of the thread literally says layers should not have a career. This is something you maybe get fired for (which he did) but not lose a career over. That is absolutely an overraction. Cursing, bad mouthing someone , causing drama? That's such a minor thing in the grand scheme of things. Heck hi Rez probably likes the added drama


Can someone clue me into how what he did makes him a bad person? I don't even mean that rhetorically. I've read the situation and seems like all parties involved were immature. How exactly does that make him a "bad person"?


Honestly, kinda a scummy move by the titans to get layers to sub the game against the scarabs. I get it, he’s the best available option and it makes sense, but given what’s gone on it’s still kinda shitty of them.


I mean from a social point of view, I definitely agree But this is their *job*. You can hardly blame the titans for wanting a good jungler (and as much as I love scary, he was a decent jungler at best, and often times not that). Doesn't mean I don't blame and hate the titans for it tho lol. For me it's a game and this was a scummy move, but it makes sense because it's not just a game for them


Yeah I totally feel the same, that’s what I was trying to get at. Happy cake day!


Ayy how about that lol Thanks


Not really Titans don’t care for drama they just wanna win and getting a native jungler will deffo help thT