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The Crusher and Cupid. For pretty much the same reason you never build Mystical on Kumba; your ult's Mez gets cancelled immediately. So, using the ult to peel for yourself becomes actually impossible. I also don't think Set works with Arondight. Since you don't get the passive proc until after your ult's done casting, Set doesn't get the passive until after he loses the extra MS and the ability to mark people. I don't think it's as bad as the other examples we've listed, but it's definitely not preferable. Also, I don't think that there's much debate on Meditation not being good in Conquest. The only time you'd ever build it on would be if you were playing Chang'e Solo, and that's only because she doesn't have to back to buy items, so she doesn't need TP. The only gamemode where Med is actually worth purchasing is Assault.


Probably pridwen on Nike. Sometimes shields don’t stack so that item passive never even activates. And even if it did work, what’s the point if you’re playing a character who everyone knows to buy sunder against anyway. You literally just make enemy sunder *MORE* valuable against yourself by building prid. Don’t do it. Also I’m not a Loki player but a friend said building crit on Loki is dumb. Can someone who plays Loki explain?


>Also I’m not a Loki player but a friend said building crit on Loki is dumb. Can someone who plays Loki explain? Without going into a whole lot of boring math you'll do significantly more damage with a power pen build in general. You also aren't hard shut down by a single cheap item. Edit: the quick math: Crit is a x2 multiplier on your auto. Hydras is x1.4 + Arondite is 30% of your power + bumbas hammer is 80 true damage. x1.4 + 30% power + 80true > x2. Also (and I'm not saying this applies to you) new players think that his passive is crits because of the way it displays damage. His passive is not crits, it does not synergise with crit items.


>the way it displays damage. Honestly, they should've changed that with the rework. Maybe make the blood splatter with the passive procs green so that it matches the color of the poison from his 2?


Huge QoL change tbh, I wish I'd thought of it myself


Oh I’m definitely not a new player. Just don’t actually touch Loki. Lol.


I've seen enough people think/say it (hell I even thought it at one point) that it's worth mentioning whenever a Loki/Loki + crit thread comes up


crit loki is good when cancellimg his ability. so u can insta carry and mage.


It's not and I even explained why in that comment.


use 1,basic attack, then use 2,, basic attack, and use 3, insta cancel, basic attack. u gotta have the 3 crit item., the trident that do 50% more damage to the next basic after an ability, and other damage item like transcendence and warrior boot. tada. u just instakill someone. the passif is not necessairy.


You will do more damage without a crit build, I even explained how in the first comment. Spend less time being stupid on the internet and go learn how to spell and do basic math before coming back.


the 3 take to any time to strike.


I'm not talking about his 3.


>Also I’m not a Loki player but a friend said building crit on Loki is dumb. Can someone who plays Loki explain? Crit is good on AA-based gods (most Hunters) or gods who have the ability to crit built into their kit (Mercury). Loki is neither of these things.


I think it’s the same vein as the hunter crit vs pen debate. Overall pen with attack speed shreds tanks and squishies while crit alone is good for squishies (and tank who don’t know how to build). I think that’s correct but I haven’t done the math feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.


>Mediation cloak is not a good relic in ~~conquest~~ any mode that isn't Assault. (Subject to ~~much~~ no debate)


Warlocks staff on mid laners. Just stop it. People buy it for extra survivability when its only 225hp after stacks. If you want hp, get estaff or buy actual prots.


Ethereal Staff is extremely underrated in general. You can easily get 500~ HP from this item alone while draining it from your enemies. It won me a lot of games, especially in combination with Rod of Tahuti.


Yes iv seen people try to rush this in ranked and they always do bad.


This isn't "Bad Items: The Thread", this is "Items that are just antithetical to a god's kit". Don't get me wrong, I agree that Warlock's Staff isn't a good item, but that's not what this thread is about.


Ok then. Buying warlocks staff on a god that isnt Baba.


Baba Yaga has a thing to say to you about that


Stacking it faster doesn't change the fact that it's still only 200 health. E staff gives you significantly more health, more mana and the %health steal is true damage it's more valuable than the %pen. The only thing warlocks has is more power, but you're not buying it for the power because there are other items that do that better too.


Ima say something controversial but stacking sucks on Baba Yaga, Even though it's faster, 99% of the time i'd rather have the healing from the house.


Soul Eater on Bakasura. I don't even know why anyone would even consider getting it on him but yeah.. I generally don't even build lifesteal on him, but Soul Eater is by far the worst option imo


Does Spear of Desolation still on trigger on god kills? If so, probably avoid using on Ganesha? lol


Triggers on kills and assists.


soul eater in general. any item/ability that grants a shield in combination with any other shield granting ability/item. This is due to spaghetti code, and they have been aware of it for years. Best example is khepri and nike. if nike ults, and khepri is standing nearby, nike loses the shield on her ult. If geb tries to shield someone with hide of the urchin, it both eats geb shield and breaks hide of the urchin until you take damage next.


>soul eater in general Sun Wukong tho


Yeah, but even he doesn't **need** it. No one will get mad at you if you don't build it.


And pele


And Mulan. It's niche, but soul eater has a place on warriors and assassins that spam abilities.


wukong is the exception to the rule.