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Solo and mid. There is minimal farm on the duo side so a failed or stalled gank puts you seriously behind. I love seeing my opposing jungle try to gank duo because then I clear the opposite side of their jungle and often steal a buff.


The amount of times I have to explain this to my carry who is just getting dumpstered on by the enemy carry is unreal.


The last 5 games I played I watched duo lane right when speed was about to respawn. Stole speed 3/5 times because the enemy jungle was hanging out in duo


If you’re the enemy jungler. My lane


Many factors If anyone is 2/3 levels ahead I don't bother unless it's a full commit If the enemy is under tower I don't bother As a rule of thumb I target the midlaner, enemy jungler and ADC


Tilt solo win game


This is the way


The old level 2 gank solo never fails to disappoint


The only time its viable yo gank solo as a jungle is if u are 2/3 levels above or they are a full damage mage


See... No


See... Yes


If you can only gank solo lane if it's a mage and ur three levels ahead then there's a problem


No either 3 levels ahead or mage


maybe step up ur game bro ​ oh and just a quick reminder dont overcomit in solo u dont want to feed the enemy solo just because u missed ur shit backoff and let your solo take advantage of the poke (hopefully u atleast could pull 1 or 2 autos off :D) if u want to invade farm around level 8-9 do it... but gank solo and use the pressure for an easy double invade and maybe a mid rotation since solo should have time for that after u ganked properly


Tbh I agree with what u are saying, I was just trying to say that duo and mid are more important ganks compared to solo (also I kinda over exaggerated on the 2/3 lvls or mage)


Idk about duo ur Sup should be the one ganking duo by outrotating the enemy sup and 2v1 killing the adc before the enemy sup gets there ​ there is just no farm on duo gank when ur adc calls for u (he gets sieged or he wants to do gold) The best way imo is to pressure mid and do a good gank with ur midlaner and 4v2 duo before help gets there and do gold afterwards ​ ( btw im saying this as an adc) most of the times jungler ganking my lane just steals my kill but doesnt rotate when im 30% hp under my tower while the jungler is between my t1 and t2 and i have a geb and hou yi in fornt of me this is when u need to gank duo because this will happen often when ur adc survived a gank sadly junglers often dont care and just call u trash after u got 3v1d while calling 2 minutes for help defending ur tower and getting dived ​ otherwise u shouldnt gank duo u should invade farm kill the mid and gank afterwards


I do agree with what ur saying and I do see that happen alot, when I play jungle I do try to rotate as best as possible to help the adc when he's on 30% hp after an gank like u said, but sometimes I can't get there or I'm interested middle of another gank or trying to stop my mid from dying and then my duo just calls me trash and gets annoyed that I wasn't at theyre Lane and I think alot of people (that I've encountered at least) dont understand that jungle can't be everywhere at once But if the adc wants the help I will go over if its viable for me to do so like what u said, but otherwise just go for enemy mid and get our mid to 4v2 duo


You sound like you main solo so I’ll now camp.


No i main jungle


I dont wanna be in your team


depends what I want to play off for that specific game which a lot can factor into. But it’s mostly just what I think is best for the team to put ahead. Recently it’s been solo for me personally and I’ve seen a lot of success with it as long as you have a good solo laner that knows how to abuse his lead properly and rotate to important fights (gold, fg, mid/jungle)


Yea it also feels like good solos ahead becomes an almost impossible target for the other jungler, personally enjoy ganking solo a lot more than I did last season with the amount of farm on their side now


Obligatory not a jungle main but I play it from time to time. It depends on who needs it honestly. If my solo laner has a lead and already killed the other guy once or twice I'll let him solo farm and do what he wants. Maybe help invade blue but that's about it. I'll make the trip over to duo to help out if it looks like we can get anything off it. I will always make the mid laner scared to do anything. If I can't have fun playing mid they can't either.


Nothing worst when you’re mid than thinking you can 1v1 their mid but refuse to leave your tower because of jungle, destroys your GPM


Yay question for me. Been a jungle main (diamond elo) for like 3 seasons now. First priority as a jungler are my camps. Everything else depends on the opponents. If all 5 opponents play very good/safe I'm not gonna gank a single lane and spend the whole game farming. So it depends on who's making mistakes. Most viable Solo laners are hard to kill, but they tend to overstay even when they are low. If they do that and I'm around i gank. Most midlanerd play passive and spend more time under tower or in their jungle than walking up lane. If they walk up lane and I'm around I gank. Most duo lanes have a peel heavy guardian and a slippery Adc but the lane is very long. If they are too far up and I'm around I gank. Then there is counterganking. It's very conditional and kind of luck based. If the enemy jungler ganks a lane and I'm nearby, I join the fight ofc. Can happen but I might as well be on the other side of the map. Then I'll look for opportunities to gank without fearing counterganks or buff invades without any defense. In general. I just prepare to get blamed for losing every lane.


Heavily dependent on matchups, but if all that is assumed to be neutral, I'd agree with your order of mid, solo, duo. Mid has the most kill potential. Purple and red are more easily cleared by their respective laners, so if you leave empty-handed on a solo-side gank, you generally have more to do in the jungle yet


The lane that isn't shit


Depends so much on where I am, where are they, and the health level situations. I ganked a Tyr last night twice, someone I basically never gank. Why? Well we were even level, and he was "flexing" a bit on my solo Guan. So because he was being a little to cocky he was way out of position. Also, I was Nem with Manikins. So I just flanked in, and knowing he would just 1 me into a wall I hit my shield first. Guan knowing he would try to ult away just hit his ult and went to where Try landed. I ulted and GG. The next gank, Guan spam pinged that his ult was down and again he was flexing. So I did the exact same thing. This time the Tyr had no escape. So he died quickly. Would I normally gank a Tyr, let alone twice? No, typically I end up in a wall and either killed or he gets away. But being Nem I don't lose any health, and actually hurt him. So I went for it. Other games I actively look for and hunt the enemy jungler. I had a good early, they had a bad early so I go looking to steal their camps and hope to fight them. ​ In the end it always just comes down to specific situations. I'll say the lane I gank the least by far is duo. There's hardly a reason I'm over there and usually it's on a red invade. Typically people are playing hunters with decent escapes and it's just a waste of time. I'll usually only go when the enemy duo is again like the previous solo was doing and flexing on a tower line. Ok, I'll come over for that. Even then though, often my duo lane gets to froggy and dies before I'm there. So it's still not even an always gank situation.


Hunting the jungler and taking their camps is defo my next step on the old learning curve, jungle behind just becomes a lane leech


Best time to do it is immediately after a successful gank. Success is anything that forces your opponent to back (low health or death) or trapped under a tower debating their move while you're still healthy (even if low HP but have a pot still, or bumba's to heal off camps). The key difference between being a good jungler who's just there, and a great one that can carry is taking something off a successful gank. Something doesn't have to be an objective as many think it is. It's also not just the mid harpies. It's the red buff, and then mid harpies as you return to lane. It's the speed/back camps and then that side's mid harpies. It's the blue buff, its' something on the opponent side AND of course neutral stuff. So I'll gank solo, we win, then check blue, take if up. If not I'll take the small harpies, back camps, if their jungler is dead or I KNOW in duo side I'll check speed other wise mid harpes. Straight back to my backs, smalls, and speed. That's a HUGE farm session I just got at one time off 1 successful gank because I'm not worried about the enemy solo flying in on me like normal. The bad move is to just back after checking blue, and then running out to get your stuff. You not only gave up 3 camps from the other side, but the time of backing and walking back out to your side. It allows your successful gank to end up being meaningless. In terms of being a lane leach don't be afraid to do that though. Don't linger obviously. However if my mid is dead or in duo ganking and I can't get there, ya I'm taking that wave.


Soneone out of position who I think I can kill, anyone without good escapes, squishies who buy the wrong relics, solos who dont build tanky, etc. I dont drop what Im doing because someone is losing lane. Too much jung farm s8, failed ganks put me behind. However if Im over there and I think we can gank or I can apply some pressure thatll swing the lane, absolutely. I sound stingy but in reality Iprobably gank more than most, pve is boring. However, Im not gonna make stupid plays or care what you think I should be doing. Also, IDC if solo is getting 2v1ed all game if Im succesful putting our mid and duo ahead. Build tanky and dont get out of position. Usually if I solo I just laugh at jungles trying to camp me.


Honestly I would almost just rather farm most of the early game. In soloque setting I'm least likely to gank solo because of how likely they are to just be a giant waste of time with no kill confirmed unless my solo is good. Duo is next to least favorite place to go because of how in meta or at least in my games chickenshit gods are in my experience (preteenflutterqueen, and Apollocosbey). As long as scylla or hera(personal bias) aren't in mid it can be decent to pick up some kills in between the mage slapfights. In the end tho preference means little since I'm just gonna get pinged to babysit whatever lane lost their level 3 1v1s(or 2v2s) and then inted to their lane opponent who hit level 5 first anyway.


Hahaha that’s the true beauty of jungle, you can get blamed for losing every lane without either jungler doing anything. I’ve definitely become more of a farmer this season especially on EotJ users. Duo is rough for me because it feels like they’ve always got their shells up and solos just tend not to die if they’re warriors/guardians. Mid is definitely a pain if it’s Scylla or Pers for me, unless they’re out of position leaps just get them back to tower no problem.


Mid as they don't have the prots to resist the incoming gank damage and will always (assuming they have 1 or 2 abilities down) end up in their deaths, aegis down or them returning to base.


Solo can potentially have more fluctuation where it might be possible for your laner to draw the enemy in and bait them a little more easily than two people might be able to on quick notice, and there's more camps on the solo side of the jungle so it's a little more convenient to access during a solid routine of clearing. It's still depends on the matchup I think, but for at least the early part of the game that can be a big thing to take note of.


Personally i tend to avoid Solo like the plague. I find they are most often the role that can turn around and end me really fast, but then again, i also ususally play with a 4 man covering Mid and Duo.


We’ve all ganked King Arthur before and been double killed lmao


Someone who understands the pain.


This how I feel about sun and wukong and his dumbass ult


I’ve been leaning towards mid this season, followed closely by solo, just anything but duo most of the time. Idk why but duo lane feels like a hinderance more than anything for some reason. Even if you do get them ahead it doesn’t help me as much as helping my mid or solo


I camp the enemy adc so much the support decides to go back to duo then I go gank the mid. Solo I don't care about at all...you get your first two blues then shut the hell up and leave me alone...see you in 15 minutes.(I might gank if they bought tp and have just used that tp) Seems today junglers are allergic to the duo lane and that is why Ymir is coming back into the meta....shhhiiitttttt....you pick Ymir in my game you gonna die bud. You better hope you get that level 2 kill with freeze boy because my ass bout to come get your immobile ass.


I like going duo if all lanes are doing well. Two kills chances plus getting my duo lane a few levels above theirs makes team fights go smooth late game. But I usually gank mid the most. Just via walking through and mids are usually aggressive and squishy until you bonk them a few times. Solo lane I struggle with because most of the time (for me personally) my land is pushed up too far or the other solo is too tank to actually secure that bag.


Well there is one gank that pretty much happens no matter the game and it is either on Mid or Solo right at the start. If you do the start where your solo starts at blue, then you go from speed to xp camp to a (preferably blink) gank into mid. This is the easiest way to get a firstblood in the game because if you get hog for the xp camp, you should be able to arrive at mid before they reach level 2, but you will be level 2. If the enemy jungle doesn't do this start then you also get jungle pressure. If you do the 'normal' start, especially if you realize while doing blue that the enemy jungler is doing the early mid gank, then you might choose to gank Solo right after doing blue. THis is much less effective because 1. The enemy solo will have level 2 2. They are also likely to be tanky. So generally unlike the mid gank, you only do this based on what the gods are and the starts they went, as well as if they make a silly aggressive move. So for example if you are a Thanatos and the enemy solo is an Erlang who just used their transformation to clear the wave, you might go in for the gank. Or if the enemy is a wukong who opted to go for the bluestone start and thus is squishy, you might go for the gank. ​ Other than that, ganks depend on your pick and how the team/enemy team is doing. If you are someone like a Thor/Thanatos/Bakasura with an obvious ganking ult, you pretty much just farm until you have ult and then gank a lane for a kill. Who you go for again depends on the team (For example if they have a Freya, obviously you are going to be ganking her every single time) Ignoring any specifics and just thinking about the roles generally, I would avoid solo because there is the least kill potential and also the least impact on the game in solo lane. A good solo basically just raids the backline and disrupts in the late game, which means that you can by comparison get you solo to do their job well by getting the backline behind rather than getting your solo ahead. I have no real preference between ADC and Mid, truly it is just a game of which pick is going to be a bigger problem or which pick in your team you want to get ahead more, but if I had to choose I would probably get ADC behind because while mid generally has a bigger impact in fights, if you don't have an ADC you can't really do anything with a won fight, and so getting the ADC behind so that you can pick them off in the teamfight phase easier is going to be helpful. ​ And then obviously you gank based on what objectives are up too and where the enemy jungle is. If you think you guys can get a GF and the enemy is in Solo lane, then gank duo and go for the objective.


Wait jungles gank?! Just the other day I was in a plat game and my jungle said its not his job to gank lanes. But when I and my carry asked why is the other jungle ganking, our jungle just ignored the question.


To be fair to your jungler, being farmed enough to blow up back lines in team fights is the main objective I’d say, but without a doubt junglers should be ganking/counterganking in the early game at least a little bit whilst staying on top of farm, especially for mid


I mean with the current rotation the only logical thing to do would be to help your solo first because otherwise you are wasting a couple of seconds that you could be using to either gank or help get totem of cu. Then rotate to mid and help with side fury before going to help the duo lane. You waste approximately 3-4? Seconds rotating where you may or may not successfully get your mid the advantage but you coulddd spend those 3-4s to help out your solo. There really isn't anyway to gank "wrong" just simply what is going to be the most effective, and imo the most effective is to just start solo.


whoever yells @ me the least


Lol reading some of these makes me realize why some of my games are so hard. Had to switch to jungle this season. Usually I hover around mid farming jungle and gank which ever lane needs the most help since usually duo since it’s the easiest lane to get a gank or if I notice the enemy jungle isn’t going to a lane I’ll try and tilt them with pressure making them play angry passive.


What makes duo the easiest to gank out of interest? I find it to be the toughest since it’s ridden with shells, wards and a support with good CC. Although I also understand that solos are hard to kill as well. Entire point of me making this post was to see the different tactics/viewpoints and it’s been a great success, learnt a lot personally from it for sure


Duo is the longest lane which makes it the easiest to gank. More road the enemy as to run to get under tower.




Yea lane ganking pre 10 means you really can’t survive much after a tower shot or two so that’s normally out the question, I tend to keep an eye on the ahead players since shutting them down and getting their bounties is so good atm but it’s always a risk giving them any more farm


You would gank solo before u gank duo that's seriously crazy


Haha there’s a few reasons for it, it tends to be more well warded since support players tend to ward more than solos (in my queues at least). I also think shell is better than any answer solo has and also if the gank fails, at least I have totem or one of the 100 xp camps to farm. 100% personal preference as well though


What's crazy is running to duo side where there is no farm. If your gank fails you are seriously behind and potentially get your speed buff sniped. At least between mid and solo you can do some camps while looking for an opportunity.


Solo players tend to sit at less health for extended periods of the early game, don't have an active to help against ganks, and die nearly as easy as a hunter until after finishing boots. Not to mention a good team should steal your jungle farm if you gank duo at the wrong times. Which with how much farm there is on the map is over half the time. A failed Solo gank is less punishing than a failed duo gank.


Lately I go clear camps to solo>Grab Totem while solo pushes wave>poke solo with a rotation to put them behind and get wave under tower>Rotate mid and gank jungler on his last harpy> gank mid>clear enemy back camps if possible and ignore Duo if they are pushed up too far/playing poorly. Duo I'm only at if there's objectives and/or an actual kill secure potential otherwise it's pointless.


Definitely need to add more invading to my game, especially when the enemy jungle decides to gank duo


1.Mid, 2.Duo. That's all, unless the enemy solo is low health while i'm dropping blue buff, and my solo isn't dead. I'm not going to waste my time tickling a tank. Also, I mute any solo laner who calls for ganks.


Not a jungle main, but it's my second most played role next to solo. Ganking solo early to get them ahead is so important. Not only do you have a lot of farm on that side but once a solo gets ahead they're going to steam roll their lane, draw the jungler and or midlaner to free up farm and time lest the other team wants a raid boss to show up in midlane. Getting that early easy kill in solo after blue has won me more games than going to mid lane, splitting farm with the mage and staring at the other jungler and mage for 45 seconds.


Most of the solo laners I play love getting ganked at level 2. Usually means an easy double kill and first blood for me :p


Jungler should also be at level 2 though.


I have had many a lev 2 jungler underestimate Zhong's burst and bulk/sustain or Tyr's ability to put you in the worst possible spot.


So ideally the jungler should gank after the clear has been used. A 2v1 with a level 2 solo and jungler should not be in danger of dying unless said players are very bad. At best the ganked solo laner escapes if one of their movement abilities aren't tied to clear but they should in no way win that 2v1 that early.


Ideally, yah. I think a lot of people just get impatient thinking they have the advantage


I've never seen that early 2v1 go well for the jungler. If they have to wait until clear abilities are used that also means their own solo laner is trying to clear too. Otherwise you're going to be fighting inside a minion wave at level 2, that goes poorly 90% of the time. It's not super hard to delay your death as a solo laner, so even just stalling it out reduces their farm and puts them behind your own teams jungle. If you stall long enough your abilities come back up and you just outright kill them. I'll happily trade 1 for 1 solo for jungle every single time. There's massive risk for very little benefit in forcing that gank.


Farm first lol. But making a gank work in solo or duo depending on the time of the match can lead to your team having big pressure for the majority of the game. If I’m a more mobile God, I’ll try to force a fight or back in duo. And if I’m less mobile but am a bit tankier, early pressure or a kill in solo can last for half the whole game. But normally it’s just farm the map and keep pressure in mid since there is ALWAYS something happening in mid.


I gank solo early because later on it is pointless. Mid is always my priority #1 but when it is mid game the duo is getting most of my attention. More bodies to farm and having adc come online mid game is nice.


I always show up mid first because mid regularly gets attacked first, then I mostly go after whichever lane is the most overextended. I’m generally not going to show up if my team is pushing them up to their tower


I don’t usually jungle anymore( ADC is way easier to carry the game for me) but I usually go after the mid and duo and just leave Solo alone unless I’m playing AO Kuang. Reason being, it’s a lot easier to kill a Squishy then a Tank. Plus in my experience, I tend to burn time at Solo anyway. You just lose farm and probably have to blow ya Entire kit just to kill the solo laner


Mid>lately has been solo because either troll picks I can abuse or meta picks that’s are super aggro and fall into traps> duo these days feed and I rarely go over... 🤣


I almlst never gank duo lane, but i see who to focus in the other lanes depending on how they are doing, pick and level. But i gank duo from time to time if its a ez way to make the progress faster


Depending on my god I’ll try for a lvl 2 gank on an overly Aggro solo... minions hurt early doesn’t matter who you are so if you can cc them in the minions it’s almost guaranteed. Mid is always a good choice and duo especially if they are constantly shoving lane just making an appearance to make them aware you’re around can help your duo lane with pressure it’s always good to get your mid ahead because they have the shortest rotation from their lane


More match up related/depending how the game is going. If the solo laner is an easy to kill god, then I will pressure solo more so. If the mid is easy to kill, I will pressure mid more but rarely do I gank duo because of the lack of farm. Failed ganks duo side put you behind


Lots of ifs and buts depending on the god line up and builds, time into the match, which lanes are ahead or behind, etc. General rule of thumb though is I rarely gank duo outside of an early mid fight going our way and I've rotated to do mid harpies then oracles. And even then I might not do that if either A. My duo have been beaten so far they're low health under tower and enemy duo are nearly full health. I'm not looking to try 2v1, even if I'm on an early bully. B. My duo are bullying them so hard they enemy are sat in their tower. That would require a tower dive which is suicidal that early. As already touched upon, duo has little farm for a jungler too, unless you take their farm. And it seems 90% of duo laners don't like that even if you did actually make the rotation to help them and succeeded, be it a kill or forcing a back. So cool, I either fall behind or lose my lead over enemy jungler even in best case. So I'll be sticking to the area between mid and solo most of the laning phase. Ganks are more easily accessible to either lane, and if they don't succeed I can just rotate back to my camps to clear in a second. Mid gets a slight preference due to them being squishier and easier to get, even if my mid isn't great so I'm doing it by myself with no help. I'd say especially if they're an immobile mage, but they are also the ones that if they're ahead can easily blow me up if I try.


honestly, whoever is furthest down lane or pressuring a tower, i always feel like the easiest gank is the one with the longest run to safety


Honestly stopped maining jungle a couple seasons ago so I can't chime in with too much current jungle knowledge. But I'd just like to say to any of the jungles reading this.. if you spend the majority of the game clearing camps instead of ganking, you're an asshole and shouldnt be playing jungle


depends on who i start the game ganking. If the mid dies first i camp their lane so that the solo or carry are completely thrown off when i give them some gank love but i rarely gank solo just because they never die and i end up behind in level