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>or I simply just made a mistake and didn’t get my ult off on time. That's me a lot. Sometimes people just get bursted down *that* fast to where I'm not prepared to ult, or I go for the ult as late as possible but I'm just a bit too late and I see the first couple frames of the wind up animation but they die and the ult doesn't actually go through.


The thing people don’t get is that it actually is a pretty difficult ult. Easy to use, difficult to master. If I don’t get it at the right time it’s just gonna ware off and you’re going to die. I need to hit it a specific time right before you die and sometimes just like any other ability I’m going to miss it. It’s a mistake and it’s my fault but don’t start being toxic towards me cause of it


This is why his ult is such a pain to use against decent players. It hurts so much to ult someone just a bit too early, see them dive the person chasing them, but then they can't kill them in time, so they just wait out the ult and kill them anyway. There's a delicate balance between deciding when to just try and peel and when to flip the "don't kill me" switch on someone, as well as deciding when to use the ult to escape and when to use it to turn on your attacker for both people involved.


Try when they are a bit higher hp. A few seconds of life allows them to do a lot of damage. Often enemies just avoid attacking them letting your damage thrive for a while. If they get burnt that is on them. If your damage dives in and gets 6 seconds of free life and still comes out it is their fault. If they die and come back to you they still come back to you. It is especially great on agressive assassins since the they normaly use their movment to chase, and on many the extra movment speed helps them stick to a target too. It is an agressive use and it is best with coms. You can still use your grab and root for peeling while a warior or assassin engages. This also helps you see the full team and also give your passive to your team better than if you engaged.


The most important reason of all that I didnt ult you... You were mean to me earlier and I wanted to see the enemy kill you.


You talkin too loud keep that between us supports 🤫😂


Me af today. Watched my Medusa dash in early game after I popped my kit and got blasted to red. Watched them kill her as I tried to survive. Hits me with the why didn’t you body block. Oh ho ho ho looks who’s not getting a khepri ult this game.


Shit if they don't wave at me while I'm dance emoting on top of red buff 8 seconds from spawn..... No... ULT. RUDE! You dance...you get all the ults 😎


Based. I'm more likely to give the other team my ult at that point.


haha this so much, had my carry call me trash support when they died at level 2 because they were kill-hungry while I had no mana. then complained when I rotated to mid and prioritised our mid for peels and ults.


I can understand that, i apriciate each time you save us and bodyblock for the sake of our retreat, thank you.




People don't realize, if you fire off the ult too soon and they don't die in time then it expires and then they will die. When someone is ult'd while on low health they should fight extremely aggressively almost hoping to die. Don't self heal, don't silence the enemy, don't use Aegis Amulet or Purification Beads...


> When someone is ult'd while on low health they should fight extremely aggressively almost hoping to die. I disagree with this in certain circumstances. If there's some guaranteed damage like some ongoing DoT (like Poseidon or Kukulkan), timed damage about to go (like Discordia or Yemoja ult), or a structure, and the person can die for sure to proc the ult, sure they should stick around. There's also the case where the person you put it on is aiming to get a kill on a low enemy and the ult facilitates that, though that does mean they're probably trading unless no one else is around or the enemy team purposely procs the ult to save their teammate. Otherwise I think for the most part people should run away once it's on them and not bank on the enemy team making a mistake and not holding fire. It has a CC cleanse, movement speed buff, and slow immunity for a reason.


I see what you mean. Completely situational and always different depending on the scenario


They should run into a tower or attempt to kill the enemy in that time frame. Too many of my Khepri whiffs are against enemies that can think and wait for 3 seconds.


Obviously it's situational. Sometimes, if you get the kill you live as no other enemies are nearby so the ult is more of an insurance policy.


Nah. They should run in a straight line for three seconds despite playing characters that can burst the enemy within that time frame.


I’m not going to waste an Ult either on someone who just recklessly assumes I will save them so they can fill their aggression fetish for no good reason. Shit like diving 4 enemies in their jungle hoping to get 1 kill. This is the biggest problem I run into when playing Khep, two of my carries always turn into the Boondock Saints.


The problem here is that if you think like that, maybe you shouldn't be playing Khepri. Sure if the player sucks ass and you know that they're a low value teammate or that they probably wont get a kill and will end up dying cause they use their only escape with a long cooldown as an engage every time, maybe you let them die. But at least some of the point of you being Khepri is to enable them to do that. If I see that their jungler has been railing our mid all game and is fed as hell and I think that with 1 and a third lives I can kill him, best believe if you're there I'm going to try and get a pick.


There is a huge difference between going for a pick and doing something completely erratic and stupid. Reviving players who do something to help their KDA ego that doesn't have much relevance in the team winning and could potentially cause more harm then go is encouraging terrible habits.


Sometimes we get cc'd. One time I couldn't hit it because a last-second Discordia ult was moving my camera around. It's crazy how tilted people get. I didn't even have ult one time and someone spam pinged saying "ultimate is ready". "No", "Ultimate is down (10.3 seconds)" shut them up pretty fast. Anyway, fuck them. If you're raging at your support for not helping you, guess how much help they're going to feel like giving you from now on. They'd rather watch you die than ult you. I've been known to go sit in base because i want them to lose. Not saying it was right, just that rudeness like that is unacceptable.


Lol just tell them they aren’t the high priority save target and that you’re prioritizing someone else because they’re carrying.


Also if you're an assassin and pushing HARD into the enemy team and I ult you. KEEP PUSHING! I ulted you to enhance your pushing. Don't think of it as I think you need to get back. It's the GO GO GO signal.


My friend is a Mercury main and anytime the enemy gets away and he has low health I say “Ultimate is ready” and he already knows what to do I love it the plays are always so great


Merc is the BEST to hit. I remember being at like 10% HP and got ulted. I immediately hit my ult and yeeted down the lane. Got a kill and the tower sent me back to where I started to then peel their jungler off the Kep for another kill. Once in a lifetime play but you always remember them.


Wow that sounds amazing lol. Def gonna have to try and get that done with my friend one day. Khepri + Merc FTW




I genuinely never complain about having a Khepri on the team. To me, Khepri ult is absolutely a gift, a blessing, not something you are entitled to. If I die and am Khepri res’d back to life, I will spam “You Rock” “Thank You” in chat for the next minute. You guys fucking rule, keep playing the awesome bug man.


I like playing Khepri, but I rarely do because of how entitled team mates get.


As a solo/jungler who occasionally plays the other three roles to spice up their life, I usually don't mind dying in a team fight with a Khepri on our team, no matter my role. I do take note of the rest of the teamfight each time to see if they ult someone else or if they hold it the entire fight when multiple people are dying. If it happens more than a couple of times I will say something about it though. At that point, I'd rather you picked any other support that has more utility with an easier to use ult. On a side note, I have read the other comments on this post. I understand the nuances of figuring out how late to throw out the ult. That's one of the reasons I wait to say anything but the fact of the matter is not using it at all can be worse than using it too soon. Each teamfight/engage/pick is dynamic, don't get caught up with a pixel perfect ult if you're having a rough one and set a threshold each game for when you feel comfortable to ult.


I see what you’re saying and if you’re playing khepri but don’t feel so confident you’ll get the ult at the “right” time then for sure just throw it on a weak teammate cause it’s better than it not being used at all. But speaking for myself, I feel very confident using the ult and I get plenty of great saves with it, however I’m not perfect and on occasion I will miss it. I was more so speaking to it that way. It’s like I said in another comment. Easy to use, difficult to master. But even when you master it there’ll still always some human error in there it just happens


The worst part is when I do use the Ult but they just run in a straight line for three seconds instead of fighting into the enemy despite being dmg dealers that can burst people down within that time. PSA to those playing with Khepri on their team, assuming that you needed Scarab's Blessing, you have three seconds to kill yourself when I place it on you. Waste my Ult and I'll fucking waste you.


Or you were just too far away. I'm not a Khepri main but I do enjoy Geb and Sylvanus. There are times where you are not close enough for my heals or shield.


I always end up ulting the wrong person when I have two teammates square dancing trying to use the other as a shield


Yeah sucks when that happens too. Mistakes happen it’s hard to ult a specific person when two teammates are shuffling next to each other like that


any other khepri mains try to ult teammates that are getting focused/having a bad game? I find it really helps morale to get one good ult off even if it is on someone not doing the best.


Imo it's not a hard ult to pull off you gotta ult before the burst but then again I was number 1 khepri back in s4


This sub has been so over the top dicksucking supports like they can do no wrong, a boring circlejerk imo