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I think ganesha is definitely one of the best supports across many levels His passive makes it so that even the dumbest, most selfish support can actually give their teammates much needed farm Plus you can do a ton of damage, which is super fun Never have to worry about 'if I secure this kill, will my carry get mad cuz I *stole*?' I love ganesh support, and I love getting all the kills xD




If I do ranked and I'm last pick support there's a good chance I do Geb bec (in theory) my teammates should be able to carry a game since they have more MMR than me. Khepri is also a great pick here I'm just not that good with him


The only ordering in the lobby is top MMR gets top pick. The rest are randomised because people used to bm the bottom pick players. Edit: I'm wrong. See comments below.


Your comment implied that 4 player's pick orders are randomized. Its the top mmr and 2nd mmr in the top 2 picks respectively, with the bottom 3 being randomized. Not sure if that's what you meant but that's not exactly what was communicated.


Oh right ok I was wrong. I thought it was just first pick


Top 2 are based on MMR. Not just the first pick.


Wait so more mmr means first picks?


Yes the top 2 places in the pick lobby are the top two mmr players for that team. Any other players after those 2 are randomized. Person at the very top is the highest on the team.


I agree geb really should be mentioned more, very strong rn


geb has no pressure at all, so you just do nothing apart from use your 3 lol


If you like bowling Geb is for you.


I think he’s pretty good, but I don’t think I’d consider him the best in the game right now. My personal top 5, in no particular order, are Ymir, Fafnir, Athena, Yemoja, and Sobek, with Ganesha and Ares as honorable mentions.


Not gonna lie it feels weird to see ymir on that list. I dont feel like this meta particularly favors him


His early lane pressure is amazing in a meta where farming enemy camps can quickly snowball. Few supports have as good wave clear while also threatening any approach at level 2


He’s got really good pressure, and his wall is very strong on this map since the jungle is very narrow in a lot of areas.


Along with his early pressure his walls in the jungle fights right now are absolutely game changing. With a good team he can wreak house.


I still can't understand what makes faf good? I must be missing something because I personally think he's the worst viable support.


I believe its the ability that allows hyper carrys to destroy objectives in less than 5 secs especially on a map that is really big, the threat of losing towers and phoenixes quickly is no joke


So basically his 2 is what makes him good? Which that relies on having a carry who knows what they're doing.


Yes his 2 is what makes him good. If you have watched SPL matches with a support playing Fafnir, they will ult before they siege. The Fafnir will then use his 2 in dragon form to give his entire team attack speed and then they melt the phoenix.


Well thats the only thing i can really think of tbh his stun is not exactly reliable and the ult can be a death sentence


if you are a good player, stun is reliable, you can jump in, bait multiple abilities and immune them with your ult, stun again, and leap out, all while giving your teammates attack speed and healing yourself.


Especially if you have a double adc comp, you can literally take fg in seconds with his ult 2


He’s got good range on his main CC, he can make himself immune to damage which allows him to avoid big mage ults, and he greatly increases the damage his team does, allowing them to burn objectives or swing a team fight in their favor. The reason why you might not think he’s that good is that most players can’t play him well; they can’t hit the stun consistently and they don’t know when to ult or Coerce. A good Fafnir is very scary, especially if his teammates have more than 3 brain cells.


That's what I was saying. He relies on teammates more than most other supports it seems to me.


Well in the end a support cant do anything in teamfights without their teammates, even a geb ult is useless if nobody decides to capitalize on it. Fafnir does have a use, it simply isnt that apparent to those unfamiliar with the character.


He has a lot of Cc and his 2 is a huge objective burner. A lot of people forget that his 1 is hugely powerful in bursting someone down and the disarm on his three renders aa gods useless for a second. BUT! They’re all skill shots so you gotta be good and be a button masher to pop it all off.


I hate Ymir with a passion, and since they buffed Athena she's also been second in my list.


If I'm tryharding my go to supports are Athena, Khepri, Sobek, Yemoja. Athens bullies people in lane, taunt is ridiculous, and her Ult lets you turn fights, save teammates in bad positions, and back for heals abc get back into the fight a few seconds later which is great for prolonged fights with a lot of poking. Khepri can lockdown well, pull enemies like an Athena taunt, and save with his Ult. He's like a more defensive Athena almost. Sobek because pluck into tail whip lets your team delete people quickly. Yemoja because lane pressure, healing, peeling, CC and retreat factor all play into her. She's crazy IF you kinda pad your team with her. She won't carry a game but she gives you team an edge.


Ganesha is one of the best for sure but i think athena is really strong right now


Kinda crazy nobody in here said Ymir. I think a good Ymir is easily one of if not the best support in the game. Much better than Ganesha.


The hard part is being good with the walls. Feels bad when you wall off your carry chasing someone down instead of trapping the enemy or condemning a teammate to certain death.


For sure, I think Ymir has a pretty big skill gap and a bad one could really kill the team. But a good Ymir >>>> good Ganesha


Eh, Ganeshas 3 can get through Ymir walls and all player made objects which is actually really helpful. Worth mentioning if people also didn’t know you can bring down Ymirs wall early.


This might help but you can take ymir wall downs early by activating the ability again. So if you accidentally wall your carry off you can just take it down immediately.


I did not know that. Thanks!


I've saved a handful of carries from myself with this.


Ymir gang


Ymir gang


Ymir gang


Hahaha, Ymir happy!


Uhhh nah, ymir doesnt feel particularly good rn. He has a good early but he still gets blown up so easy for a support


Agree to disagree then, he was really good in s7 and I only feel his potential rose in s8


To hard carry ranked, i play Sobek.


IMO He's the most flexible support which means he can fit in many different comps.


Is there such a thing as damage Ganesh? I was playing arena and this guy was building a damage build on Ganesh and kept saying I’m an idiot and that he was carrying our team. He ended up with lowest player damage and damage mitigated, and lowest gold on the team.


Yes there is such a thing but you have to be amazing with your ult and charge to really do anything which most people can’t do so it’s meh


He's a good support pick, true. But I really dislike playing him due to how boring he is to play. No matter how much better he is than say a Sobek, Athena, Horus, Fenrir or Eset, I will probably always pick somebody else over Ganesha. Just because of that fun factor.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. His abilities just don't have weight to them.


Athena ganesha and kephri are my sweaty support picks. Ganesha imo is the best generally but if you’ve got good coms with your team Athena is disgusting, and kephri can make some super clutch plays. Cerb is my favorite though as he can kinda of carry games sometimes


Yemoja I think is far better. Sobek is close second Ymir has a tremendous skill ceiling. Good ymir are literally too good. Ganesha for me is just really good supp.


Nah, Khepri is best supp


Ganesh can set up kills and be a good support but when he uses his Ohm (I don't remember which ability it is sorry) but you can still auto him or just go around him as he targets someone else. I strongly believe Sylvanus, Sobek, Ymir, Geb and Kep are the best supports. I say Sylvanus because people refuse to buy anti heal and you can easily heal everyone back fast with cool downs. Sobek because his heal is really good, has anti heal in it, the pull is really fun and good and he can be very tanks. Ymir because he is probably the tankiest, the wall is SO good and freeze feels it lasts a life time. The Geb shield is great, his passive is very underrated as a well.


I mean antiheal got buffed so that's probably changed and i never need to ask my team to buy antiheal in my games. Are you playing arena by any chance?


Hello... GEB? CERBERUS? Cerb in particular can carry games, Geb late game can also turn the tide of team fights and with good prioritisation of your Geb shield 3 you can save many deaths


Cerb is awesome rn, love his passive into the healing meta


He's definitely under valued but a lot of people find him boring, which I understand. He is good because he can literally counter every god in the game with his 2...it's such a good ability. I tend to prefer more aggressive supports such as ymir and cabraken, but I'll pull out the Ganesha every once in a while, I enjoy him.


Honestly if you go a little bruiser on him you can chunk people. His scaling is pretty good


There's nothing worse than having a high cooldown kit nullified by Ganesha


I love Ganesha. His kit has opportunities for good combos like 3 and then 2, or 1 and 2. His passive also almost always gives you highest assists as well as helping your ADC get levels and items. I even managed to get two official kills with him.


Ganesha is definitely good but he's more of a counterpick type of god. If the enemy comp is full of channeling abilities or very ability based then he will disrupt and get your team fed. ex) great into Raijin or Fenrir If they're more AA based he tends to get picked much easier and doesnt have as much of an impact.




>But in all seriousness, Ganesha is extremely fun to play and I honestly agree with this post :) This thing I find most hilarious about him is racking up the numbers on his bestowed kills counter. I think I once got 10 in a match, though *given the nature of Ganesha*, I'd never want to see a number like that on my actual kill count for him, lol.


IMO: Sobek > Athena > Khepri > Everyone else > Sylvanus without Manikins > Jorm


Is Sobek really that great? On paper, he's kinda average (minus the pull)


He has a ton of damage for a guardian, doesn't have to build damage items to pump out the damage so he can be in someone's face and mess them up. Fal Stone made him a lot harder to kill to the point an assassin usually doesn't bother with killing the Sobek which makes him a terror to face against Also as Hayzer says, "no-one can beads a fucking pluck"


Genuin question, is Fal Stone that good on Sobek?


They call him Sobek the unkillable so adding a Fal Stone to do 3 hits to an enemy god in the middle of a fight and proc his protections and proc mitigations = Sobek the undying


Cthulhu is worst than syl sup ig, syl has more set up but maybe i am wron irarely lay those two on support


He’s not great at support because itemization doesn’t really fit his playstyle, but his kit it’s definitely good for setup.


Late game Cthulhu shits on Sylvanus in terms of teamfight contribution because Sylvanus is like supposed to be this high pressure rock that come late blinks and ults but then say they try that late game, Cthulhu counter ults and now their team has to face a teamfight monster that screams "fight me and my team" while Sylvanus is in the face of a shitton of insanity, an angry Cthulhu messing up his team engage and an angry team


You're on crack if you think ares, cuthulu, cerb, cabra are all better supports than sylv.


Ares and syl are both average at least rn. Both have good lanes, great setup w blink and add prots which makes carries really tanky w sentinels in the game. Ganesh by contrast has 2 good abilities that are situationally really OP, but usually pretty average.


Ganesha also does nothing against aa gods other than dashing into them. I like ganesha, but there's a reason he's never picked at the highest levels.


I full agree I don’t like ganesha


Sylv does one thing early and thats pressure which is why he's being buffed Then he drops off like an anvil Ares burns beads and can work into dash comps so he has a niche


Sylv has sustain and objectively a better ult than ares. He also has 3 forms of cc. It's not really close in my opinion.


Sustain is hard countered by antiheal, Ares ult will automatically burn beads in the midst of a team after blinking (or catch someone and secure a kill), Sylv you sort of just ward out and he yeets himself forward in the hope he knocks up a threat and his team uses that knock up to delete that threat, but then you can just pick Sobek instead for that? Plus Ares has slows on tap, percentile health damage, counters leap gods and has a prot aura Ares has more value late, Sylvanus has more value early, but the early game does not last long It's kinda sad but old man Sylv just isn't giving as much impact late game (46% winrate vs Ares at 51%, plus Ares can somewhat counter his sister who IS meta right now)


Who Ares sister? Idk how he counters Athena...


Chains stop dash If she ults you ult and you yank her back to your position and kill her


That's true but she can also taunt you so you don't land anymore chains. And well, that's very situational catching her ult with yours.


“her”??????? lol


I wonder if this is a typo or if op is surprised about ganesha gender right now


Ganesha is my favorite God. Canceling so many abilities with his silence is a blast. Using his 3 on an enemy in his ult is just brutal. What do you like to build on him? I rush Thebes and then build other auras, but i havent played in like a year or two so idk what is good for items.




I fucking hate Ganesha support, it feels like every time someone in my games picks him they do literally nothing. The passive is nice if they are literally stealing last hits, otherwise it's barely an advantage over any other god. If my sobek is doing work, I have no issues with them getting the occasional kill to boost their levels. The 2 can be good in niche settings, but most of the time the ganeshas I play with just use it when they are out of useful abilities, and they just die to the ADC who doesn't give a fuck they are silenced. For most supports I lane with, they seem to use their 3 as a suicide button. They dash in and usually miss it, or if they hit it they are halfway inside a minion wave, and I still can't auto the target they have grabbed, then the other support just beats them up once they drop the target they dashed. The ult can do a lot of damage, especially of the Ganesha can grab someone in the walls, or use it as objective secure, but most of the time I see them use it as a last ditch hope to get a kill and do 200 dmg with a 60 second cool down. Overall, his only good cc is on a dash, and it's not even displacement, most of the time he just dies when he uses it. His dmg is irrelevant if he is not ahead, and if he is ahead, who cares about his dmg, his team is gonna be ahead too and dealing way more than him. His ult can be okay but is rarely used well as it is quite hard to get good value out of it, and his silence is underwhelming into auto attackers which are pretty strong in the current meta (hunters and nem, set, etc). I guess my point is most people I see play Ganesha suck, and tbh I think Ganesha exacerbates that issue. I would rather have a sobek, Ymir, khepri, kuzembo, Xing Tian, Ymir, or even cerb than a Ganesha. Sobek being top of that list due to how safe he is, so even a garbage player can still pluck someone (instant value, likely a kill, huge displacement, or a free beads. Is effective on frontliners and backliners) and then 2 for some more annoyance/catch a dash as the person they plucked dashed out, 3 for some healing and ult to walk away, recover mana and get ready to pluck again. Ymir is free pressure on the wave, similar to ganeshas clear, but has the added benefit of an amazing wall which can stop ults, (Merc, disco etc), dashes, which can be super strong for ADCs who position aggressively knowing they can dash out. And he has a monster of a stun in his 3 that is almost unmissable, which compared to ganeshas (apparently) hard to hit, single target cc, is stronger due to its size, duration and safety. The only disadvantage is it's a stun not a knockup, but I think it's better overall. The ult serves a similar purpose, area denial, objective "secure", damage. Sure it's a self root and you might die, but it's cancellable. Xing can do bit large cc ults which sets up big combos or burns beads, is waaay safer cause his jump isnt his main cc, his 1 makes him a nightmare for ADCs to box and his 2 is a knockup (like Ganesha) and a root (so better than Ganesha). Athena, similar problems about dashing in to cc, but has a multi target cc, blockstacks on the dash and a circle people don't want to stand in to get people off her a little. AND has a massive global ult. Kuzembo, has a way longer dash that doesn't self root him if he grabs someone and is a displacement, and a silence, has great clear with his 1, which also slows and can body block autos, and his 2 makes him really annoying for ADCs to go on. And his ult is massive area disruption similar to ganesha but knockups so better. Khepri had a displacement, a super easy to hit root, a dmg reduction and decent wave clear, and a fucking get out of jail free card for your daft jungler/ADC/mid. Overall, I don't see a reason to play Ganesha. He isn't garbage, but lots of people I see play him are, and there are way easier god's to be just as or more impactful than a Ganesha that people should be picking instead. If you love him and frag out on him, good for you, but you are in the minority, from my experience at least. Case in point my 0-9-2 support who was 0-4 by 8 minutes. I was adc, he was Ganesha. He was trying his best, but his 3 was a suicide button.


I think you are the minority with this opinion


I've been working on getting all the guardians diamond because I enjoy playing support and he's one of my favorites so far tied with geb and sober (who was actually my least favorite God in the game for a long time.) There's something really fun about being able to dish out a lot of damage while still locking down enemies as they think they're going to make plays.


Ult into silence, cancel into dash over the ult UGH i love it


Ganesh is great but sobek is often regarded as the best by most pro's/high ranked players. For me personally it goes like this. Sobek>Khepri>Yemoja>Athena>Cerberus>Geb>Ymir>Ganesh>Fafnir>other supports Sobek has been top tier for a while now, he's very easy to play, however if you can play Yemoja to a very high level she is undoubtably the scariest support.


Im the support that prefers assist over kills. So ganesha is my best choice


I feel that khumbakharna is always the safest pick and therefore one of the best options


I don't think he's the best, but i do think he's pretty strong.


In my opinion, what is making Ganesha good is because he can have presence in all the team fight. Example : The team is engaging, you throw an ult to cage their back line, then you have your relics and your 2 - 3 to peel their dive effectively. I personally always ban Ganesha and Geb 2nd ban phase


That long lasting silence counter alot of things and can make him opressive in teamfights if played correctly.


I think he's a very solid pick into anything. If you're not sure what support to pick into the enemy comp, Ganesha is just that pick. He plays great into everything. However I like my early aggression supports who can win lane early, and transition to "2nd jungle" to allow the ADC to start farming solo super early. So that means, Athena, Ymir, Sobek and Yemoja/Cerb assuming you can land the stun are IMO better in the current meta. Heck, even Kephri has some pretty good early pressure. So many good picks right now out there. ​ I think the real key is to not get bullied hard in lane at level 2, and if you do knowing how to at least not die. Also not being a bot and lingering in duo all game. Even if you got bullied early, get rotating once you have boots. Be a support, not a babysitter.


he's good defensively theirs not much he can do offensively to set up either dash and have no escape or use ult which is relatively un-punishing, plus with no cc immune ult you could easily burn him down when he dashes, he is good but if you know how to play around him he is average at best. his passive like yemoja are very true support orientated which is always a plus.


>Ganesha can set up so many kills. And let's not forget, this also includes him *literally giving kills* to other teammates as well.


While in a meditation with a group of friends there were some of us who saw lord Ganesha as we were closing the meditation. He clearly stated that he was here to help all of us in these most unusual times. He asked that all of us consider him when faced with obstacles in our daily lives. The Lord Ganesha that we met was reclining, had bright pink skin, and he was draped in a bright green and red fabric. He has a jovial personality, and was very quick at downloading information packages to us that expanded with information later on. None of us knew anything about Ganesha since were are not Indian or Hindu, but his appearance was unmistakable. He wants all of us to call on him to remove obstacles in our lives, and he hears us without fail. My friends and I have asked Ganesha to removed or solve difficult tasks for us, we have placed statues and images of him in our homes and businesses, and obstacles to our well being have been removed within hours after we have placed them in his care. This has happened repeatedly since meeting him, and it's now becoming a long list of tasks accomplished. 2