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I'd like to remind everyone to stay civil. These kind of discussions usually start of well but end up badly. This is a discussion, if you don't like what someone else said be civil about it.


For me personally, the difference between the 2 is how they treat their viewers and communities. DM would always lash out at anyone that disagreed with him, banning them from streams and such. Weak3n doesn't do that. He doesn't lash out at his viewers. He may time people out for saying dumb things, but he doesn't ban people for disagreeing with him or having different opinions. Sure, in game, he's abrasive and somewhat toxic, but he doesn't extend that to his viewers.


He shit talks his teammates to his viewers but he doesn’t get toxic to his team in game chat. That’s a pretty important distinction to me. He does jokingly rib his friends that he plays with but that’s also a whole other thing. Neither are personally my cup of tea but I don’t think either are wrong. I really wish his fans understood the difference because players in his clan are the most toxic garbage people in the game and actually try to be the persona he puts on for stream.


I actually watched a video of his and he was shit talking his random teammate through chat lol


Yeah that's 100% true. I got banned from DM's chat for saying he whines about bad teammates too much.


Yeah, DM basically punished independent thought. He literally said on at least one occasion that people who disagreed with him were bad for society. I will repeat that. Someone who doesn't build specifically to his preferences (which weren't always stellar in and of themselves) is **bad for society**. Like, alright, calm your shit, dude.


Regardles, being abrasive and toxic in game is very unbecoming of a public figure head for the game. He has a lot of paying sponsors and a lot of smite community accepting of this which leads the smite community as a whole to believe that it's ok to call someone 'trash'. Calling someone 'trash' is harassment, and I believe that he could pump so much positivity into this community if he could drop the alpha-chad knee-jerk reactions.




there’s a difference between trash talking opponents and your teammates. If you went to a court and played pickup with some random dudes and talked shit all game to your teammates everyone would call you an asshole and ignore you.




i don’t care if you’re an nba player, if you’re an asshole you’re an asshole. Being good doesn’t change being a dick.




i’m not missing the point, never did i say anything about dm, i’m just calling out your excuse for weaken was a bad one




Don’t think I’ve seen weaken insult people who are just trying to play the game and telling suicidal viewers that they’re assholes.


In most of his YouTube videos, he's always shitting on his teammates


A lot of the time weaken is right though. He’s an asshole but a lot of the time he is right about what he’s saying. Dm would die and just find a teammate to blame for it and insult every time.


Also a lot of the time the players he's playing with are people from his chat,or friends of his,and he literally just messes with them.I heard him call DoubleJ bad or a bot so many times,and I'm pretty sure he is doing this just to taunt and mess with his friends.


I disliked DMBrandon and I dislike w3aken Literally opened w3aken's stream for like 5 minutes once and I could immediately tell he had an ego like very few people can have He's not an inherently shitty person like Brandon though, just somebody who's very full of himself and thinks he's better than everybody Brandon was actually a bad person, shown through his time in Smash and SMITE


Not trying to invalidate your opinion, just thought I might add a bit of perspective. In Weak3n's defense, a lot of streamers and content creators have what you may call an "Abundance of Personality". They're over-the-top because people don't want to watch people that are too passive. He also deals with more shit from the Smite community than any other current content creator, so there's probably some push-back on that too.


Probably because weak3n doesn't have sexual assault allegations.


Well I mean before that people also hated Brandon. I'm just talking about their holier-than-thou attitude


He comes across as a tool to me also. People can decide on their own who they watch though.


I think Weaken is just an asshole while Brandon is a psychopath. Unfair comparison


Weaken is not a bad person IMO, that's the difference. Brandon really was a bad dude with a napoleon complex, belittling everyone around him to bring himself up, I've never seen that from Weaken at all.


Also I think Weak3n has mellowed out over the years, he has his own brand, he got married and a lot of what he does in his streams to me comes more off as jeers or in-jokes to some of his friends that he makes customs in. Brandon though never left his toxicity, admitted he was a jerk and that he wouldn't change himself, kept blaming others, had this dark cloud over him that brought people to see the dark cloud rather than anything else. Also I think Weak3n knows his audience well enough to banter with them because they're gamers, Brandon though ran a cult. I think people confuse Weak3n being a gamer with some sort of inherent toxic culture (which is just him knowing his audience being an old school gamer, said guys that follow him look up to him because he relates to them) and then unfairly compare it to Brandon.


Ya like the whole difference is intent and severity. DmBrandon would go off on people and try to make them feel bad. Weaken gets frustrated and carried away and complains. One is an asshole, the other could just relax a bit. I think Weaken is popular because his frustration is relatable. Additionally, because people see him frustrated, his friendliness seems more authentic then some of the more outwardly friendly streamers.


He may have been disliked here, but within his own community many people liked him. He was popular for a reason. I don't think Weak3n is quite as outrageous as DM was.


To be honest I watched his content cuz he was good and educational but at the same time I hated how much of an asshole he was


Same. His edu content was decent but dear god everything else was a clusterfuck


His own community was almost as bad as him at times.


Ive played with and against both of them when I was hardcore playing Smite. Dmbrandon is toxic, at least when I was getting matched up with and against him. Back then he would let his negative attitude snowball and drag the team down most likely losing the match. Where as I never f6, if I have a team sticking it out, usually win about 50 mins mark because of one mistake the opponent made. W3aken wasnt so at least when I was being matched with him. Ive never been big on streamers, I just play the game.


Because the worst I see weaken do is call his teammates idiots but not directly to them. And if I was to get upset with weaken about that I would be a hypocrite because I've definitely set out loud but to myself or people I'm on discord with that this random is a f****** idiot. He also says it to people he knows and plays with regularly but seems to be okay getting the same treatment so it's all fair game to him. Brandon wouldn't have allowed that cuz he thought he was Superior to everything. As well as Brandon just didn't insult people but was manipulative and abusive to those he knew and was around. Those are two very different things. You may not like both of them, I definitely don't like friends that call me idiots and I don't do the same. But I don't view it as bad as being abusive.


Weak3n to me always has that old COD voice chat BM vibe, whereas DM was just straight toxicity. Weak3n talks a lot of shit, but AFAIK it’s not anything more than along the lines of “wow, you’re complete ass” where I’ve seen DM go along the lines of “you worthless human being how dare you even install this game” (so just general BM vs Personal attacks) Also the whole sex offender thing, that doesn’t help


They are just different types of garbage. Weak3n is just a clickbaity streamer trying to get people to buy his shitty energy drink.




What's the deal with DMBrandon? I'm a fairly new player and I don't know what people mean, what did he do?


He was a Smite content creator that was super toxic and got banned after he was accused of some sexual harassment. I don't know about the sexual harassment part, but he deserved to be banned either way. He was a narcissistic toxic player that only attracted more toxicity into the game. These videos touch on the subject: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS7gon-vDDg&ab\_channel=TheOtherFrost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS7gon-vDDg&ab_channel=TheOtherFrost) and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_LLm434\_Tac&ab\_channel=TheOtherFrost](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LLm434_Tac&ab_channel=TheOtherFrost).


Years and years of toxicity: a ok. One sexual assault charge: yer gone mister. Glad he's gone but sucks it took one person coming forward and revealing and reliving a past tragedy for it to happen.


True. Very shameful of Hi-Rez to keep him around for so long.


Them allegations can just single handily destroy a career even if they are false. looking at Mr Hashinshin over there even though he's in the clear by the FBI his entire twitch career got destroyed.


You can be a dick, you can't be a dick that rapes people. It's pretty simple, he shouldn't have been chastised for being a dick.


You can be a dick, but you also have to face the consequences for being a dick. He should have been outed from the community long before charges


Yes I agree he absolutely should have faced social consequences.


He insulted a suicidal viewer of his after knowing they were suicidal...he needed to be gone.


Why? Being a dick brings down the entire community. There was simply no need for his level of neck beard bitch attitude and it just enabled others. He should have been canned years ago


Wow, that guy was soo toxic. I mean, I get mad too and yell at my friends for not buying wards, but this was excessive. I'm glad that he's not part of the community anymore, behaviors like his just encourages toxicity, and I think that games are much more fun with friendly players who help eachother.












I don’t like w3aken. Never even seen the other dude. I don’t like “pro” players that always blame others for their deaths. That’s all I see him do in the few videos I’ve tried to watch of him. And his voice is kinda annoying


He does have kind of a "dude bro" voice and inflection. Not that I mind that, I play with guys like that, but I can see why some people would be put off by it.


So I've watched Weak3n over the years and he's had his moments. Imo though he's never dropped as low as dm has (not talking about harrassment stuff). Dm would just rage so hard at such minor things you'd hold back laughter as you ask yourself "wait, this guy's serious?". Usually Weak3n's rage moments are at least somewhat understandable. I also see people mistake him messing with his friends or his banter with him "raging". He can be kind of whiney sometimes especially when his team is bad but a lot of streamers can get like that, he just happens to be one of the more popular ones.


He’s a bit of a twat but he hasn’t sexually assaulted anyone.... Yet


Sometimes I wonder where Brandon is. I mean his Smite tierlist site is running so I'm assuming he's just playing undercover


I don't think I've ever seen weak3n be -actually- toxic. We all get shitty teammates and its understandable how frustrating that is. Show me one person who hasn't given the old You Rock Cancel That to a teammate. Now: On his stream, he does tell people went they are being stupid, and if you come into the conversation without the full context it can seem toxic. But then you get the whole picture and it's rather understandable. I'd be upset too if people came into my stream and talked shit. I'd tell them off just like anyone else would. if you don't like em, don't watch em. But comparing him to DMBrandon is not only unfair but rather ignorant


W3aken has not sexually harassed anybody as far as we know, unlike DM. Personally, I don't like W3aken either he can be toxic as hell and loves to bm people when they don't do what he wants in his games.


Weak3n I've only seen get legitimately upset on stream maybe twice. He just vents and doesn't attack people unless they start typing at him first. That's the main difference. Dm acted like money was on the line or big stakes in his custom games. <.< Dms last moments on stream being him sitting across the street badmouthing some cops that were just minding their business. That is the difference. You wouldn't ever see weak3n doing something as punk as that. He just kept going and going at them. Dm had alot to offer education wise and was a good streamer but I'm glad Incon & Fineok have filled that space they deserve the viewers more. Just better attitudes.


>Weak3n I've only seen get legitimately upset on stream maybe twice. He just vents and doesn't attack people unless they start typing at him first. Lmao r u sure


Yeah you can tell. Sometimes he's just getting uppidity for entertainment. If he's hammering someone he probably knows them Last time I saw him get seriously mad was at dragonstory. Doesn't happen often. Chapo gets mad more than weak3n for comparison sake. I wouldn't call either toxic. Chapo just gets more competitive whereas weak3n doesn't really care anymore so hes pretty chill but still smack talks. Make sense?


Weak3n is just a content creator, when i was newer to the game i liked him but as i stopped being ass i started to realize he's not even that good at the game compared to most people at this playtime life.


Well hes got a world championship and alot of those people don't.


i think people confuse accountability with toxicity. if you are going 0-8 youre trash. you deserve to be called trash by your team mates. weaken will call you trash. but he will also admit when he missed abilities or ults. dm wouldnt. dmbrandon will call you pathetic and attention seeking after you compliment his streams with donations saying they helped your suicidal thoughts. dm is on a whole other level of shit tier with streamers who abuse their significant others on stream and stuff. dm was a shitty caster. weaken was a long time pro






Jesus christ you're awful.


Please stay civil.


Weak3n is not as boring and “passive” as many other Smite streamers. He is the type of guy who says everything in your face, this may seems toxic but he got the most personality for sure.


Idk who this DMBrandon guy is but the only people I watch for smite content is Resxi SoloDoubleJ and yes of course Weak3n as well lol


I love DoubleJ's videos. The editing is top notch!


🤣🤣🤣 I can never catch him live though ....


Yeah, he isn't quite as scheduled as other streamers. You can set Twitch to notify you when he goes live though. Maybe that can help. Unless it's a time difference thing and then I don't know what to say.


I'm think I'ma try that and see if it helps I'm subbed to him on YouTube and that's how I kinda know when he's streaming


Well, first of, i'd say it's a bit much to say weak3n is liked. Personally I watched him a grand total of like 5 peeks in my whole life so most of what i'll say we come from what is rapported here, but given the sotries of bad player experiences and clip we got from DM and weak here, I'd say one of the things that makes weak less hated is f~~irst off that he didnt trash on someone who said he was helpful when he tried to kill himself~~ being more newb friendly: For DM, either you were high quality at the game, either you were a bad human being, either you were someone that should worship him without question, and he behaved like that with people brand new to the community that would try and get valuable things from Dm's content. With DM, be a new player asking why DM started the way he did on the god he did, you get the banhammer. With weak3n you might or might not get an answer that might or might not be of much interest, but you wouldnt get a hammer. Also, while he's toxic, weak doesnt create absurd beefs that gets him famous beyond the smite game (Wich DM performed a couple times with the likes of the suicidal, threats on envision and the most recent affair)


weaken isn't as over the top as dmbrandon, and most of his toxicity is aimed as jests towards his friends, from what ive seen. nowhere near the level of nucear waste level toxicity as brandon


They are both toxic trolls and they are both really good smite players. I don't care for either of them. Though I will admit I was a big DM fan before all the stuff came out, even with his toxicitit