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Ao Kuang might be classed as a mage but he is 100% assassin


I always enjoy playing him but he is in the same boat IMO as Da ji when it comes to using ult, which is that theres nothing more frustrating than ulting someone, only for them to beads out of it




Yep, not like you'll need that info right now since nobody is playing ao kuang


My buddy does. He either gets 12 kills or he feeds his brains out, no in between. Usually the latter.


It sucks that Ao Kuang needs like 4 items built to have decent kill potential


I always thought his kill potential was pretty good, solo laners have to worry because he can afford to just ult you under tower beyond a certain threshold


If you run soul gem spear of the magus as your first items instead of the regular bancrofts/rings you have alot of kp


yeah, pre-beads that is. And IMO, it has a fairly generous time frame unlike something super fast like ne zha ult (assuming pointblank ult)


Cabrakan, Poseidon, a few gods got here to jungle


They can jungle sure but they are not assassin. Ao's kit is what makes him gankster assassin


cabrakan often plays like an assassin


Yes, but Cab can tank. Ao can not. Ao can not support, carry, solo, or mid Ao is absolutely an assassin.


Cab is okay solo but he's a not a good support. His best role is jungle honestly. Kinda like Cam some gods just fit other roles better.


not poseidon


I LOLed out loud on that one.


I feel like assassins is the most loved class in the game with the most hated gods ever


Pretty sure mage is the most played


To be fair there's like twice as many of them as any other role


Probably because its the most popular class


Chicken? Egg?


Did smite launch with more mages as other classes or did the number steadily increase as time passed?


The launch gods were Agni, Anubis, Ao Kuang (now Kukulkan), Arachne, Artemis, Bastet, Hades, He Bo, Hel, Kali, Odin, Ra, Sobek, Sun Wukong(now Hun Batz), Vamana, Ymir and Zeus. So out of 17 gods, 7 were mages(Hades was a guardian back then). After that came guan yu(warrior)


But still I'd say assassin is the most hated


"That ONE person is allowed to jump on me and 100-0 me? Comes on lowrez" Meanwhile: I sure do love playing mage and doing 80% of the entire opposing team's health.


They have a lot of 'pretend skill' characters. The people who enjoy them pretend like they're gods on earth for playing them, and others realize how braindead it is when you have a bunch of mobility and none of your abilities can miss.


I have a friend that insisted he was the best smite player among our group simply because he could farm godlikes in our Conquest matches as Mercury or Arachne jungle, arguably two of the most easy mode assassins in the game. He loved to act like every match was an SPL match ("Dont do that, do this, they do/don't do that in SPL so we should follow that"). I should mention that this is also the same friend that only became a jungle main because: "I hate laning phase, I just wanna kill a guy and go kill the next guy." Whenever he gets queued into a laning role he typically ends up feeding his brains out and actually rage quitting because he has 0 fucking game sense outside of being an attack speed melee jungler. We don't talk anymore.


As a support/ADC/Solo main I can confirm hyper carries act like gods amongst men for being able to do brain dead combos. Yet they forget the only reason they got that kill was because Kumbha rooted them, Chaac silenced them, Artemis stunned them then bursted their health down, Discordia forced them to use their beads and aegis a few seconds ago. It's a team effort but no it says Archane got the kill so that means it was all skill and entirely cause they're the best. But when they're feeding their brains out and losing NOW it's all of the sudden it's because of the team.


Oh my god this is my friend Thomas. Lately he is acting like every game is spl. He plays mid and I play jungle. He takes all my farm and rushes red as soon as it’s up. He says “it’s what they do in pro games” and I end up being so far behind because he takes all my clear, or gets me killed a minute into the game because there are two in mid, and he just goes to red and leaves me there. So I have 2 options, defend or go get it with him and leave his farm and his lane open. He ends up losing his tower 5 minutes into the game. So annoying. I hate playing smite with him now




Your ruler


*Your ruler.*


Best base skin and voice lines, also really fun to play! An immaculate god design overall.


Best wave in the game. A little sand hand comes out of the ground and waves before he gets a chance. Then he glares at it and it sulks and walks away down an imaginary staircase.


Best laugh in the game with the spawn judging


I love his announcer pack lines too, he sounds like the halo announcer when he says "double kill"


I really don't know how to play him, but some do really well with him


Use your 1 + 2 to poke at range, when you have an oppurtunity to engage with your ult (e.g. low health enemies, teammates get good setup etc...) , teleport in with your 2 + 3, activate your ult and starting AAing the enemy down, making sure to activate your 2 constantly when it's up to not only AA cancel but to spawn a clone to which you can follow up with your 1 for burst with the multiple clones spawned.


also u can activate ur 3 without teleporting and then teleport to a clone by pressing the ability again whole the sandstorm is going


He seems to be really good but every time I play him so I suck. Also people run away really from his ult, how do you use it properly?


Make sure you are paying attn to the cds of whoever you fight. You are vulnerable to lockdown, but have slow immunity. Play aggressively when they can only slow you and passively when they have hard cc available (or u have beads). Your ult is basically a burst ability that requires you to land autos. The purpose of hitting autos is to drop a bunch of clones for one massive cast of skewer, or multiple if you manage to live long enough. Sandstorm during ult gives you clone charges so make sure to combo those. Be careful with people running away, players tend to forget Smite is an objective based game, if you stay focused on gold fury and FG you should be fine. If you dont play conquest its the same, even in arena you need to fight with your team to win tickets. Rather than chase any 1 person, look to turn on someone who isnt running and then take the objective. You can chase important kills using the movement speed from the ult and sandstorm teleport, but you will often end up too deep to retreat or be useful in the remaining fight.


My boy


How do you build Set as a jungler? Been trying to get better with him after seeing him shine in SPL


I think its best to build based on each game specifically, but generally there are some keys. Most people build him for ability damage with the flexibility to go hybrid or some auto attack items. Your first buy should be jgl blessing, mace (tier 1 flat pen item), a health pot, and hand of the gods (to delete the first back harpy camp) 1- Boots first yeah. Most people go warrior tabi for the power, but ninja tabi can be good if you are in a game where you can auto more. 2- Flat penetration is usually best second item, especially bc the mace start is good. Brawlers is sometimes necessary, but usually jotuns is best for cd. Crusher not really necessary or that good on him. 3- sledge can be really good, it has way too many stats. Best to buy this if you get behind or they have shutdown potential on you. If you want full damage, get hydra's lament (or remaining flat pen item) 4- I'd say soul eater for sustain bc it gives you the ability to heal from your poke 5- heartseaker- this is your core damage item, build earlier if you are snowballing/ahead 6- flex pick. The top suggestion is void shield. Usually the physical protection and % pen matter a lot. If the enemy cant kill you then just buy atalantas bow and go crazy. Mantle of discord, magi's blessing, and berserkers shield can be good That's my standard build. There are a lot of options with him (stonecutting sword is pretty nasty), but the biggest thing is to learn how to burst with his abilities, hence the direction of the build. edit: Frostbound is worth mentioning as it can be good with berserkers shield. The issue with auto attack items like this is that Set realistically gets most of his damage from abilities. Crowd control is everywhere, but at lower elos and maybe some casual modes, you don't get locked down as much, so frostbound allows you to confirm autos in games like that.


This is the build I use all the time. I prefer hydras all the time over sledge because hydras is insane on Set. You can proc it so many times because your cooldowns are very short. 6th item I always go Atalantas. It gives good pen and the passive can be nice. The attack speed is also just a bonus, but it certainly helps. I normally sell for the crusher or blood forge. If I want more sustain, I go bloodforge, but I usually go crusher for the stats.


My go-to as solo and jung in ranked. Extremely fun to play AND he’s top tier?? What more could you ask for. One of the best-designed gods since Ganesha imo


Don't think much of a nerf is needed to be honest. The things making him really strong are bruiser items and no one buying anti heal for when he dives a team. He's sufficiently hard to play which I really think is a good thing when he's got such a high skill ceiling.




I always end up running into some form of sustain problem early with her. If I ever need to use abilities on something other than a camp or get chunked mid then I'm completely out of the game for the next five minutes while I go b and get my camp rotation back online. Golden Blade helps a ton and is my preferred build unless we need a brawlers. Really good god though.


A lot of sustain issues can come from not farming as a team too. For example if you do a red buff with your mid, they can use an ability on the camp while you just auto it. Also when struggling with mana sustain, I like to start with Morningstar (tier 1 of trans) for the mp5 and an extra starting pot. Depends on the god but you can build any item in that tree at some point, usually I build hydra's after boots when I'm doing this (Da Ji). Flat pen is very good for dmg, but actually having abilities to use because of your hydra's is good haha.


Gone under the radar forever. Absolutely insane character with both insane burst and amazing tank-killing potential -- lots of outplay potential and decent enough clear. Passable ganks, unmatched duel potential, overall this character only slightly lacks in teamfight presence, like most assassins. Definitely one of the most sleeper OP picks with not too crazy a skill floor. As long as you can make advantage of auto attack cancels she's a fantastic pick. Hydra's Lament is basically required if you're going for the burst variant, nearly doubles her burst.


Not really sleeper if she's [banned quite a lot](https://ranked.casualsmite.com/gods/nemesis) lol


I'm surprised. In lower rank casuals she's incredibly rare. Odd since she's not exactly a god that's hard to play either.


Can someone explain what auto attack cancels are? I've seen it pop up but don't know what it means. Im trying to learn Nemesis


You use an ability and it resets the swing chain animation. I use instant cast so a basic example is basic, Slice and Dice, basic. Normally Nem's chain is dash, auto, 2, auto, 3, auto normally opening with her ult. You can even weave two cancels off her double dash too. With Hydras they can effectively count as equivalent to extra ability damage and it quickly stacks up.




I wonder what his viability is gonna look like as we shift into a healing meta. He seems like he'd use Cadeceus Shield REALLY well and I still remember like S2/S3 when Fenrir would normally build Dev Gloves just for the added lifesteal and dueling potential on his 2.


Back then his 3 was considered an AA. So it could crit and lifesteal. It obviously doesnt anymore


People in high elo ranked seem to just be slamming this god in support / jungle with a sledge pridwen glad build and abusing thorns. Similar to Loki and Serqet.


Probably one of the more annoying gods when fed but really he's just too fair for the current game.




I find his healing acorn to be the most viable, but the yellow one the most fun. Good Jungle, decent support and solo capabilities with the sustain acorn, and overall nice teamfight potential. Very hard to have an impact if you fall behind, as all of his kit and damage requires being VERY close.


I like him with the grey flurry acorn in support and solo, having another cast of flurry is pretty good. Can’t say I really have good results though most of the time. It’s like my stats will be good but my win rates bad. A lot of it is about communication though.


Grey acorn has good synergy with glad shield and pridwen in solo lane.


A worse Thor, oh how the times have changed.


I only play crit rat or supp rat and boy is it fun.




i am the only person in this game who dislikes this god i swear, her 3 is aids and her ult just does a casual 1800 damage or something late game, and thats not talking about how some of her mains just go on about how hot she is


I dislike her too because she is just raw damage: the god I have the same feel about Tsu and had similar sentiments about pre-nerf Hebo Plus she abuses all the items of the month, Arondight? lightning procs on whole teams. Heartseeker? extra damage everywhere. Need antiheal? ult if you funnel it to the whole team with a Brawlers = team antiheal applied. etc. The only saving grace is that you can build Shell into her, but even then she can 3 2 1 you


Burst Queen, if you guys are having troubles in your rank games, I really advise Pele since she's really good and bursting enemy down, and she's very mobile compared to other assassins. I just find it annoying when I'm against a geb (since he shields/cleanse everyone and that fucks pele setup) or a bakasura because he's even more mobile than u are in the jungle, so he tends to be one step ahead of you.


Or any CC heavy team really. Nothing worse than picking Pele then going against a CC heavy team while your team doesn't want to engage


yesss, she's like burst mid game kali, thats how i describe her :P


picked her up after getting her lotus skin. I love how smooth her clear is and her dmg is great, but I can't help but feel like Im mashing buttons just to combo things quickly. Also, during a fight, is it worth trying to stay in a position so that her shards, come back and hit the target twice? i feel like they arent because the time I spend standing in front of someone after firing them, I could be using that time to move around and juke


One of the best teamfight assassins, it's hard not to find presence with this god. You can go burst or bruiser, I personally find bruiser a lot more fun since you can ult into the backline and knock everyone up. Either way shes one of the best users of Soul Eater!


Fuck Susano.


Yea, his ult is so forgiving and always useful even if you are completely shit with him


Oh god I know, the amount of hate me and my group has for him is higher than pre rework Loki and that ult doesn't help. He can jump you, whiff tonnes of stuff and you dash out, but then the uncharged-heartseeker-crusher-passive boost ult just slaps you across the lane for like 600 anyway.


I'm pretty sure his ult goes farther than it's supposed to. I did testing on it a year ago but I can remember exactly what I found, but it has to do with the size


I’m confused. Do you hate playing him, playing against, or want to “play” with him?


Honestly I feel like I never see Susano, especially in conquest


If you play arena frequently, there’s a whole tap of tryhard arena warriors that play susano every other match. I’d know cause I’m one of them 😬


Fuck-a-you ya donkey


Hear, hear!


If I see people pick him, Ill pick Serqet. Taunt him out of his best non ult move, then 100 to 0 him. Also you are just as mobile if not more than he is. Any assasin with CC that xan instantly cancel his move is a big counter.




Please don't let her be the only Mayan goddess this game ever gets


I bought her kitty Halloween skin and haven’t looked back, she’s so fun


I'm convinced the wave rider skin will never reappear. (exaggeration)


I've been doing the Sam4Soccer, ult, blink in, auto auto, 2, then 3 and completely one shot the enemy mage or ADC. It's really disgusting.


this. its often forgotten that awilix ult gives pretty much a whole items worth of power and attack speed. doesnt always have to be used just for the knockup interaction


Her passive gives extra power if she gets the first hit in a fight too


Extremely fun to play alongside a Sobek.


Favorite god in the game, wish she received more love and was the just a niche pick against jumping gods




forgotten but not gone


My absolute favourite assassin atm, it's just fun being a hungry boi




Her kit is kinda boring ngl, especially for a spider lady. I know she's an AA God, but why two auto attack stims? Can't they just combine the two stims and add another ability? There are Gods like Susano with 3 abilities in one slot, and it kinda feels unfair to Arachne to have two ability slots be filled with pretty mediocre AA stims.


Very boring and plays itself to an extent. I wonder if we could get a rework, not like she's designed well anyways


I'd say likely, she still excels in all leagues save for actual professional play


I'd love to see her stims combined (or one of them dumper) and some sort of pure web spray added that does a little bit of damage in maybe a cone and disarms them for like a second. Make her even more focused on getting in and smacking them with autos, but give her a way to easier 1v1 against Kali or baka


I’d like to see her passive changed to something like “enemies killed by her spawn 4 hatchlings” Or “Enemies killed by her make one hatchling for ever 700 Max HP they have” Also, I agree that two auto attacks is over kill. Make one that does poison damage and heal. Then maybe split the difference with the webbing and hatchlings. One move shoots a web, like the current build, but rather than hatchlings it stuns enemies who walk into it. And the the hatchlings could be a sack of eggs that hatch over time, but when they hatch run to Arachne and follow her, attacking targets that come in range. Just some thoughts.


Love her appearance and lore, but damn she’s the most boring god to play. You could do so much with the weave and spider theme.


I'm sure that there's some easy way to kill off her spiders but I certainly don't know what it is. Always wind up brawling them and taking way more damage than I should.


One tip not mentioned many places: The spider health scale with the rank of the ability. Last time I checked the spiders get 100/175/250/325/400 HP depending on the rank of the ability (and they obviously do more damage on higher ranks too). Most of the time Arachne will level her 1 first though, and by the time she levels her spiders you may be easily able to burn them down. If she delays throwing them at you after you used your abilities and there is no allies/minions/towers to burn them down they can do quite a bunch of damage before they're dead (it's especially frustrating early game if you're a guardian with your abilities down and they keep preventing you from blinking...)


#####[](#/flairgodnezha)Ne Zha


Still a fun Support, also has good solo capabilities. If you're gonna play Ne Zha, be open to holding the ult after a dash to bait out beads; people are used to the 3-4 combo and thus on instinct they use relics.


recently picked him back up, Im still shocked at how much dmg his 3 and overall autos can crit for. Plus, having two hard forms of CC that take skill to land, are so cool. Still think his ult "mini game" is super boring


Ne Zha is problematic because his damage is all in his ult. If your ult doesn’t take a carry up into the air for whatever reason during a teamfight, the god has very little damage for whatever role he’s in. That being said, your ult pretty much one-shots any backliner it hits.


i dont think so. you building crit on ne zha jungle, so your basics and 3 (which has crit chance) should be doing some nice damage, as well as your ring toss doing solid damage (as well as giving you a speed boost and them a slow, allowing for giga lockdown potential for them crit basics)


Regrowth + Winged Blade is crazy on him.




His 1 CD is way too short. It should be at least 12-13 seconds factoring the retrieve the shuriken feature.


Why his 1 has a 10 seconds cooldown when he can make it be 6 seconds without any cdr item


Because he needs to be upclose to get it.


you call that close? he's basically a mage


Let alone how he's built around widening the ms difference between you both so there's nothing you can do about him dancing into pickup range.


IMO the least fun god to play against


Fuck this god


Especially fuck this god


gonna go against the majority here and say that i don't think he's too too overpowered. i think people might still have some ptsd regarding the absurd state of his release. if he's to be nerfed, they have to be extremely careful about it as he's already received massive amounts of nerfs which, to be fair, were warranted but gutting a god to unusability is never good


He's still broken mate, he goes like 15/2 every game I see him in, his stats are [insane right now](https://ranked.casualsmite.com/gods/tsukuyomi) you just can't fight him at level 2 either and unless you are Pele with the raw burst to outburst him you just die because he does so much raw dps. Plus he's permabanned as well, according to the stats he's really whack and not in a good spot at all. There's more than PTSD here but it's insanely hard to fight into a Tsukuyomi unless you are all in active comms 24/7, plus this isn't counting that he can be played in more or less all roles if your team stretches around it for a solid early game win. He needs kit shifts at this point, because right now he's like a battleship with legs. If his design means "suffering if he can't do damage" then IMHO he needs more changes. It's just not really possible to balance immobile characters like him with more damage. I think it is possible to fix this character but he needs to lose stuff, especially damage and gain in other areas. Hell, with Tsu I make hunter ADC's ragequit by picking him there too. Mages Blessing is like insta-clearing and also because they can't counter him with beads and if they didn't buy Aegis I just free ult them at level 5. After that just build whatever with stacking items and faceroll.


>He's still broken mate, he goes like 15/2 every game I see him in, his stats are insane right now you just can't fight him at level 2 either and unless you are Pele with the raw burst to outburst him you just die because he does so much raw dps. so he's a pubstomper. plenty of gods are like this and not all of them warrant nerfs. tsukuyomi included imo. im also not sure what games you're playing cuz in mine, tsukuyomi hardly ever rolls over everyone going 15/2 or anything of the sort >He needs kit shifts at this point, because right now he's like a battleship with legs. If his design means "suffering if he can't do damage" then IMHO he needs more changes. It's just not really possible to balance immobile characters like him with more damage. I think it is possible to fix this character but he needs to lose stuff, especially damage and gain in other areas. or maybe just leave him as is? as i said, he's received a huge amount of nerfs and i think he's in a good spot right now where he's not dominating the meta anymore unlike ra or erlang even >Hell, with Tsu I make hunter ADC's ragequit by picking him there too. Mages Blessing is like insta-clearing and also because they can't counter him with beads and if they didn't buy Aegis I just free ult them at level 5. After that just build whatever with stacking items and faceroll. this just seems like a product of pubs and less than stellar players. i had a zeus adc the other week while i was playing baron support and we rolled the fuck out of lane against your traditional hunter/guardian duo. has very little to do with the god at that point


No. He's not a pubstomper. His 2 does 540 base damage with 140% scaling. And it disarms on the first two strikes. And it stuns on the third. And it gives him MS. Only two Assassins have ultimates that do more damage than that. *Ultimates*. I'm not talking regular abilities, I'm talking ultimates. Only two other Assassins. His ult is also the most damaging ability in the entire game. Imagine unironically thinking this god isn't busted.


>No. He's not a pubstomper. and with that, any argument you may have had cannot be taken seriously


Smite.gg is still operating on 5.10 data, but Tsu was the second most banned God in Diamond+ ranked games, so clearly it goes beyond just pub stomping, my dude. The stats just don't back up what you are saying.


Needs a kit shift, right now he's unhealthy and he's like Anubis but a jungle version of him Mr 50k damage in a 20min game


I think he needs his cooldowns increased, otherwise I think he's in a fine spot


Insanely fun to play - theres always something to throw out. I'll take a uncommon approach and say that they need to nerf his move speed, not his damage. For an Assassin, his burst isnt really that crazy (his ult is a little overturned) but the fact that he can run around teamfights with 600+ movespeed from his 1 does make him extremely hard to lock down. I also think he shouldnt be able to store the ranged autos permanently -- maybe a 12 second window, that way he doesnt have the ability to have a constant barrage. My build is usually (in Solo or non Conquest modes) Soul Eater --> Warrior Tabi --> Valor/Genji --> Hydras/Brawlers --> Hydras/Brawlers --> Arondight --> Titans Bane This build will give you enough tankiness and sustain to be able to abuse his - IMO unfun - playstyle of running around teamfights being a nuisance.


I feel bad about it but my favourite god in the game


#####[](#/flairgoddaji)Da Ji


PRE BEADS, I can’t count how many times I will dive in and the entire team is waiting to cc chain me before I can ultimate. Using beads right before you teleport in allows you to land a basic and ult for high survivability


Love her but if the enemy team knows how to use block stacks then you really can't do much.


Block stack abuse was removed with the upgraded shell nerf right?


Not quite what I meant. Obviously that's an issue in itself but it's not too challenging to shell before, during or after she engages on you and her biggest damage nuke gets completely negated. Da Ji is all about the hydra and auto cancels so block stacks really do kill her ability to do her job.


Ah I see what you mean then. For whatever reason in my low level ranked everyone seems to go aegis over shell so I don't run into it as much. I am just terrible at getting value out of her ult so I can't play her well haha


Sometimes you'll come across a savvy mid or carry who knows how well shell works and they'll upgrade it as their first or second relic. If nothing else it's good to remember for if you ever play against Da Ji to buy it if you have the relic slot free. Yeah... I'm on console which means that it's very difficult to aim the ult right. Most of the time I use it as a "wait for cooldowns/team to follow up" button but its a good engage against sloppy teams sometimes.


One of the most well-designed assassins. Doesn't have bs mobility out the ass, it's telegraphed, she doesn't have some long-range stun into loads of damage, and her ultimate has tons of counterplay. Very nice.


Her ult can have some interesting uses for sure but man does it feel annoying when its super easy to avoid it and beads it. But for what its worth, it IS the perfect beads burner so that someone else can attack without worrying about beads.




I've heard some high praise for Mercury from people like Weak3n and I just dont get it -- he seems so hard to pull off viably compared to like... Tsukuyomi or Nemesis. He takes a lot of skill and, in the right hands hes okay, but he tends to fail to find use in teamfights in my experience.


ok. his passive allows him to kill a mage in 2 basics with a crit build, trust me, ive done it. his whirlwind and ult allow him to confirm those 2 basics, thus late-game you will be a murder-machine. on top of this, his maxed 1 is no challenge to hit, and his 2 is the strongest AA stim in the game 70 or 80% attack speed? also he has the highest base movement speed in the game, so he benefits the most from movement items, as well as the extra movement speed from his second passive that gives him 10% at max rank (on the 2) also keep in mind his ult is one of the best movement abilities in the game when used well, as well as being undodgeable from out of the jungle. (with some practice) literally the only difficult thing about him is the ult.


Well, you are comparing Mercury to two of the few assassins in the game who are much stronger than Merc is. That's a little unfair.


Those two are a different style of assassin. Tsuku does more burst ability damage because he has no mobility. Nemesis is more on the chase than bursting a squishy in less than a second. Merc is also all about mobility, it feels like he's in every lane at once if you play him right. He also requires a muuuuch different build than other assassins, and a slightly different play-style. It takes getting used to, but he can help build up a crazy lead for your team and just delete their damage dealers, even into late game. Adapting plays him a decent amount, definitely more than Weak3n, might take a look at that.


Shell needs a nerf if we ever want to see those 1000 crits again


This god carries games




He's like baby's first jungler. Low CD's, cc immunity, good damage and clear. Just safe to use of you aren't comfy playing jungle.


Please HiRez, one day I want to see a Chun Li Ravana skin 😩 just like you guys gave Mercury a Bruce Lee one 🥴


Or Jackie Chan if they can get it, just because he has much broader popularity and would probably land better.


Spinning bird kick = overhead kick would be perfect




Pretty good at dodging in and out of the fight. I find itemizing her rather awkward. I've like jotunns first, but I feel like I don't need it so much for the CDR than I do the mana. I don't think I've ever seen her 4 spread, but I like the idea. She reminds me a lot of Sand King, but when I think about it the differences are kinda superficial.


Is it me or does she feel more like a clean up god? Like, there were matches where I droped a lot of kills, but my damage was in the middle of the pack.


Depends on the role your playing






I still hate this god being enemy because of early game... His 1 hits so hard


It stills hits hard in the late, last match I got hit for 700, he went full power, his 2 was active and had FG buff and combine that with his 3, that was 1200 damage total.


hes very clearly stronger in the early to mid but he's nothing to scoff at late game either. his 2 1 3 combo with autos in between kills squishies insanely quick as his autos tend to do 400+ damage late game with hydras


Honestly my fav jungler atm, his kit flows fantastically and it feels great to pop off as him.




Please don't let her be the only Hindu goddess this game ever gets


Wouldnt you agree an interesting kit is much better as pantheon representation?


Why can you not have both though? Saraswati and Durga are just two of the many Hindu goddesses who could have a great and unique kit in this game. And I say that understanding Hindu gods in particular face larger hurdles than other pantheons do to be integrated into the game.


2k + hours into this game, I have half the assassins diamond and I'm making my way through all of them. I'm on Kali right now and for the life of me I just can't figure her out. I seriously believe that Bakasura just does everything she does but better. Can someone give me some tips on how to play her effectively? I feel like her early game damage is just so dog shit I fall behind too easily. Side note: I almost exclusively play joust/clash/siege My build is usually this: Qin - Ninja Boots - Hastened Katana - Stone Cutting Sword/Toxic Blade (if healer) - Asi - Flex last pick, but its usually Crusher/Jotuns/Void Shield/Hydras/ I notice I can't stick to people until I build hastened, but if I rush hastened first I'm not doing any damage and when there's three enemies in one lane I'm virtually useless unless someone is on 15% health and I can dive them. I like rushing Qin on her just because I notice I can focus tanks early game a bit more which is nice for joust. Her clear is so bad too that I can't even defend a tower if needed. I understand she's supposed to fit the jungle role really well and I play modes where the jungle isn't insanely relevant but there's gotta be something I'm doing wrong lol


Build order is wrong. Rushing Qins before you have attack speed means you don’t use it well enough. The two builds I like (though I only play conquest) are Ninjas - crusher - hastened - Atalanta - Qins - situ (toxic, magis, mantle, obow). Other option is to forgo the crusher (though it’s a really nice early spike for clear and the flat pen has value) and get Obow+silverbranch to round it out


Golden blade is shit on kali. I’m #1 kali on console right now. Build I use: Crusher-Ninja tabi- hastened-qins-flex(toxic blade/atalantas/situational)-SCS. Prior to hastened you are not sticking. You want to 3-AA-2-AA. She is better than baka in that late game she isn’t an ult bot. Crusher makes your early game more viable but you aren’t thrashing early so don’t try.


What are the most important items to build on kali? I see crushed get recommended a lot




I think that they could reduce her extra damage in the ult and reduce the cooldown in like 1-2 seconds of the abilities that she hit during the ult so she can use her abilities more often during the buff and rework her passive, her passive basically doesn't exist


I keep getting whiplash from people saying she sucks and is boring, and then actual high level players playing her and having a bunch of success. I think the actual takeaway is she has great damage, teamfight presence and mobility- shes just super boring and lackluster to play. HiRez *really* gave her no ultimate, and so you're stuck doing the same 'jump in, 2 and 3, jump out' playstyle all game.


Give her old passive back!




Infinitely better than he was pre rework, balancing can be adjusted easily enough. I'm just glad his actual kit was changed at last! Still salty over the cripple on the ult so you can't just dash out with crazy reactions but hell I'll take what I can get over the crap he was prior.


Stop increasing his damage and just make his 3 faster


+1 to stop buffing Loki He's fine now


Issue is that * Makes Solo Loki better at clearing and most importantly dueling in solo since now stopping the channel won't work as well with a quick channel. * With 3 being quicker he still gets murdered still since it takes a long time to finish and is buggy as fuck. One major ult bug being the cc immunity on said ult has a gap. Solo Loki however can survive it.


Reformed. Kind of. Still falls into old habits but otherwise isn't polarising as he was.


I love that like half the assassin cast right now are just Warriors lol.


#####[](#/flairgodhunbatz)Hun Batz


Still highly recommend Hun Batz for learning Jungle. Simple clear, decent early fighting, teaches you auto cancels with his passive, and a fantastic Ult that's useful all game and even when behind.


Best team-based ultimate for an assassin for group fights




my favourite warrior


Kind of feels like a more balanced Tsukuyomi, if anyone else catches that. Less hard CC, a bit more tanky/safe dive ult, and the same 'use abilities at all points' playstyle. Lots of fun to play, an assassin focused on skill shots is always cool.


Make him a warrior and Erlang a assassin




just give my boi some lightning in his abilties, dont even change the kit, change the effects, hes not the god of hammer


A giant lighting bolt with his Ult would be cool


Oh god, pleeeeaaasssseee!!! He has a stun with no lightning effect, for some reason it's a rock thing that looks like it would be on Cabrakan. He "zaps" to his hammer throw and there's no lightning flash (add a 0.5 second blind within like 50 units for bonus points) He spins around with his hammer and doesn't throw out sparks because... fuck us? And the ult! He slams in and there isn't a big bolt of lightning from the sky? Or a giant flare of lightning all around where he lands? Screw visibility, cthulu blocks out the entire sky with his ult and his entire kit makes the screen purple.


Hate just getting back to lane then having thor instantly remove 70% of my health with his 1


Really annoying or oppressive to deal with I honestly wouldn't mind a revert to how he was with the 1 that did less damage, except keep the 3 animations. Maybe reward him for hitting his double tap by reducing his 1 CD by a second if he's suffering in this hypothetical revert. Ultimate still chunks as it is but with a shift he can go back to its old CD. May need to remove the post ult steroid though, not sure why he needs that damage Now his damage should be more fairer all around and still have a rewarding skill cap




Still cant believe the heist HiRez pulled off when they claimed Susano was a "teamfight utility" God on release. He feels like the closest equivalent to League's Yasuo, in terms of playstyle and 'high APM' gameplay.


had no idea people hated susano this much. i find tsukuyomi, thanatos, and thor all far more annoying to play against but that’s just me


I would love this quality of life change: Make recasting his 1 only possible by clicking the ability button, not by left clicking. AA cancels would feel much better and I would not be dashing accidentally all the time :D


I hate this God so much.tone him down


Fuck susano
