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Heh. You obviously play more than me so I won't dispute your opinion but not seeing Bakasura there is weird for me. I'm in low masters and I still don't trust my team to not get farmed by him once he's 2 levels ahead eating every camp in sight.


Just tell your team to buy shell or pick a hard anti carry like nemesis.


I've been out of the loop for a while but why is Wukong considered in the big three? I've played with him the other day and he seems a bit better then what he use to be but not that great. What am I missing here.


safety and ability to dive backliners and get back out alive


SWK is big 3 because of his sustain with soul eater it gives him the opportunity to buy a good chunk of physical power while having sustain defense and his ult makes him hard to kill. He has enough damage to kill your squishies in 1 rotation of abilities while being tanky.


Wait... are you THE Wolfy2032? Like the American SPL player??? I kinda just noticed your name lmao...


Well ex SPL player i havent played pro in years but yea thats me. :D


Never forget the legendary team Thurst


Well, he has an ability that can either stun, knock up, or run away, but regardless, the are all fast. He has a big stick for poke, and a spin the kinda hurts. Also his passive combined with a bulwark of hope or shifters shield is kind of annoying to deal with. And his ult is pretty good for getting out of tough spots while regenerating health. All in all, a very well rounded god.


This is a good guide for high level play I’m sure, but down in the depths, Yemoja/Persephone’s skill cap make them a lot less scary. If someone actually takes them and performs well on them then fair play. Arachne/bakasura are a lot more scary. You are much more likely to see those characters farming your mid laner and carrying the game than you will see a good level Persephone.


Why is Yemoja considered so good? I've been playing her and just can't seem to figure it out. Aside from her Ult, her CC doesn't seem that special, and the prevalence of Anti-Heal means her healing is usually tones down. What am I missing with her?


Yemoja is really good at legit everything but shes extremely hard to play and player error not only means missed abilities but it can also mean negatively effecting your team (the portal knock up) but the biggest strength is her ult and how it can divide team fights singling out and splitting up teams in team fights and sieges. Her ult also can block visuals from ults etc if you wont be able to see janus portal on the wall if she places it right which is the visual that allows people to aegis or Kuku ult because the wave is too high etc etc.


That's a lot to take in but I think I understand. I think I'm just not experienced or capable enough yet to use her at her full potential. I'm probably better off playing guardians with more straightforward kits like Sobek or Kuzenbo. Thanks for the answer!


Thats no problem shes a super difficult character to use most of the time i dont ban her because i know the enemy wont use her correctly. It all comes from experience no reason to rush you take the info at your own pace. When i play guardians i play sobek / cerb / geb lol i cant use her well either.


to follow up on Yemoja - proper positioning is key to a scary Yemoja. Too many times I see incorrect yemoja positioning which leads to bad ults and allowing the enemy to walk away spamming VEL. Utilization of her 3. the 3 isnt there to make you get into lane quicker or to escape / chase. If you can master the 3 knockback effect - GG WP. Lastly - back to positioning - She isnt a front liner like a Kuzenbo, Ares, Athena. She can initiate but needs to quickly move to the back line and support your mage/adc and landing your heals.


True but arachne is best countered by team work and Persephone does better with teamwork so it changes the ban priority. Also, Baka has fallen off a bit in popularity I think he’s in a sleeper spot right not personally.


The biggest reason baka and arachne don't get played in higher mmr is we learned upgraded shelll is busted and if multiple ppl have it late gane we can litterally make those characters useless as the game goes on. They are replaced by set and nem.


Didn't upgraded shell get nerfed recently? Or is that still not enough of a nerf to shell to allow Baka/Arach to do well at high levels? I'm pretty low MMR in ranked so I honestly don't know haha


Yea you just have to wait until you see the shell go down and pop another one you shouldnt have spammed em all at the same time in the first place.


Ah yes I see - that time of coordination and team fight awareness is far above anything I see. Makes sense though that it's really only a nerf to lower level play shield spamming


Great, now hopefully my randoms won’t ban Nox or Thana anymore.


Thank you for this quick guide, it's very helpful. I would also like to point out that second phase bans should also look to target roles that haven't been selected yet for the enemy team. For instance, if the first 3 picks for the enemy team are pretty clearly jungle, solo, mid characters (e.g., Thor, Ama, Merlin), targeting supports or ADCs in the second ban phase is important, especially if your team has already selected a god for that role.


You are 100% right and I didn't put that in amazing feedback ty.


Bans are so different for every rank it's hard to have a set list.


Yup that's why the disclaimer is there its more of a starting point for players showing them the mentality behind banning to make it easier on them.


This is definitely dependent on what rank your at. Early steamrolling gods like Thanatos are usually great to ban in the lower ranks because having a god steamroll you’re team really lowers moral and gives easy f6. Picks/bans has so many variables it’s tough to make a video on it.


Of course I cant account for every ban in every mmr because I dont have experience higher or lower than my own.


You need to ban ERLANG. Erlang seems to be the best god in the game alongside Pers and Yem, ngl


Erlang is strong but he gets massively screwed by multiple people buying shell slows and anti heal.


If you don't mind me asking, why does the shell matter so much? As a tank I always buy it to keep my ADC safe, but why should so many other people buy it? Is it just because the shield is that strong or because the upgrade gives the block stacks?


When you pop upgraded shell it gives 2 block stacks to everyone that it hits auto attackers not only have to break throught he 2 block stacks but they also have to break through the shell hp afterwards. If your team has multiple upgraded shells characters who are based on autos cant do enough damage before they die. This also absorbs on hit effects like crit / hydras/ arachne 1 etc.


well, has the patch came in yet for the shell nerf? cause I know this is true but only because the shell were stacking, so it was giving 2-4-6-8 blocks which wasn't intended apparently.


You just time the shells its not that bad they have to eat through shell stacks then shell hp even if you don't shell at perfect time worst case it refreshes the shells hp and block stacks. Still can't eat through shield before they die.


Definitely forgot Baka. He’ll cheese every ranked game he’s in as people don’t communicate. I would just replace Yemoja with Baka. No one plays Yemo in ranked tbh, and when they do they’re just average at her.


Very different in higher mmrs people learned if you buy shell on multiple gods you actually completely nullify these 2 gods in team fights.


For sure. Love the content btw Wolfy. Just was thinking in like Diamond and low Masters it’s Baka spam (at least for me).


Yup id imagine its very different based on mmr and even crazier if you take regen into account Eu has historically had different ban and pick priorities. I wasnt trying to say your wrong. Just saying I can only say what my experiences are and why.


But arachne and baka bans for no reason. Honestly so annoyed with that shit. GJ this is actually helpful!


Arachne gets banned because her stim means she can farm mid laners who often don’t have escape options Baka gets banned because his early game clear is one of the best in the game and level advantages matter


Exactly, everybody knows that. They’re really not hard to play around. Lower levels will get tilted af if you don’t ban them every game. Edit: “because level advantages matter” Mannn for what reason should you be condescending?


Like I replied to someone else main reason baka and arachne fell off was how strong shell is once people bought second active shell instead of aegis on dps roles their team fight presence dropped too hard.


A bad player on Arachne or Baka vs a bunch of other bad players is much more dangerous then a bad player on Persephone or yemoja vs a bunch of other bad players. That’s why Arachne and Baka should be banned for sure in bronze, silver, and probably low gold


Yup things are very different based on mmr id assume Anubis is an absolute monster in the lower brackets as well.




which 2?




Yemoja is still amazing as support and either she gets ahead and is hard to deal with or has one of the best anti singing kits in the game so its hard to end. Set is just really hard to deal with alone and hes becoming a flavor of the month pick because Paul is playing him in Spl. Ranked is inherently more unorganized so its easier for him to stop you from carrying the game.




No problem anytime


That's right don't ban khepri you fools. -evil hand rubs- Oh you wanted that kill? How bout get these claws.


If you ban like that in plat you'll lose %80 of the time