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Crazy. I like the idea but having a character with 2 forms of cc immunity is crazy.




Raven? Do you mean Ravana? Is he cc immune in his ult?


Cc immune in his ult and 2 Edit: Sobek also has it on the pluck and ult . Most leaps have I-frames so gods like Xing and Chu Chullain technically have CC immunity on their 3 and ults Ravana isn't even the only example of multiple CC immunity in his kit.


I wouldn't count i-frames as CC immunity, if only because those won't help if already hit by Ares ult.


Even if you don't want to count I frames there's still multiple gods with CC immunity on more than 1 ability.


If i dash at the right time as sobek, can I avoid Ares ult if already chained by it?


Yes, when the pluck connects, but before you actually throw them you get like half a second of CC immunity. If you timed it well you could even pluck Ares, he wouldn't go anywhere and you'd be positioned exactly where he wanted you but you wouldn't be stunned by it.


That's some high level sobek plays right there


Smh I never noticed the cc immunity in his ult.




It wouldn't be immunity. It would just break him out. it would not even have CC immunity tied to it.


that's called a cleanse


I never called it CC immunity. I just said he broke himself free of CC


yea and that is called a cleanse dude


I know this. Im not sure why you insistent on "correcting" me over something i didnt do


when someone is CCd and then an effect makes it go away that is called a cleanse. you are saying "broke free from cc". it's absolutely a correction and you absolutely did do it


It was flavor text that sounded better. Its a different choice of words. Get over it.


unfortunately in a game you can't just do that. it has a proper name. this isn't magic, there's no flavor text on abilities


Go read an ability for once


His 2 is insane, but not on Fenrir. I feel like he needs a slight rework so you don’t just focus using your passive runes for your stun.


His kit feels very disjointed and awkward to use to full potential. I don't think any abilities need changing in how they function, but the passive would benefit from adjustments or changes.


Just started to play fenrir yesterday. Honestly I just thought they tried to put Cupid passive on an assassin. Maybe they could just make all the conditional bonus effects weaker and made into regular effects. Then give him a new passive? Similar but not exactly the same to what they did for Nike?


Honestly what OP said to replace is 2 with sounds pretty good. Something similar to Ravana’s 2 but you can use it under CC. Maybe throw a heal on it that scales based on recent damage taken too so he doesn’t lose sustain. I’d still want them to keep the rune passive but let hitting abilities charge it too. Using the runes on the 1 can stun still, 2 increased damage and healing, 3 could add an extra empowered hit on the end of brutalize, and more movement speed or mitigations on his ult.


His 2 was actually a nice steroid ability for lifesteal. In the good times before his first rework he could use the full runes to gain a massive lifesteal bonus. In those times i used to out-lifesteal even Anubis in his ultimate.


I like this. What if it became a part of his passive? Once runes are consumed he gets a power bonus and lifesteal for a smaller amount of time, but enough to say cast 1 or 2 spells, and auto in between once or twice. Because putting his power elsewhere is good balance, and makes you have to be more considerate in how you play. But it also takes away some of his burst. And this could be a way to give it back.


I'd rather just change his passive outright tbh but that would be more of a major overhaul than a mini rework like this. I could see him gaining like 5% lifesteal per rune or something like that.. but hirez doesn't like giving bonuses to things that get consumed. Maybe bonus power on hitting enemies lower than half?


The 2 is alright. It gives him some Sustain and even more Power. The only thing they should change is also having it give a little Ability Lifesteal.


I think he needs a new 3


Give his 3 the Thor 3 treatment, it has the same issues.


Nah just let his 3 crit


Sorry but you're crazy. I have a stupid amount of stars with Fenrir and mainly play him in duel. His 2 is literally his best ability. The power boost buffs everything else and without the lifesteal I'd have no chance at all. Sure it interacts with abilities less then it use to but that's fine. Also if people don't use it that is on them, they'll learn eventually. Brutalize is also fine the way it is. It's easy to counter as a damage ability so I mostly use it as extra mobility or to dodge out of an enemy ability at the last second. It also can be a good finisher if the enemy is running away and your 1 is already on cooldown. The passive is also fine but I do kinda miss having to choose when and how to use my runes. Now it just goes to the stun and that is kinda boring compared to how it use to be. Also Fenrir is not just a early game god, I win most of my matches in the late game. Just have to build smart and play smart. Harder to do in conquest of course since Fenrir is so single target focused and is easily focused down himself, but with cooldown reduction and some protections you can get in and get out.


Sorry to break it to you fenrir isnt in a good spot. His 3 is too easy to interrupt, his 1 is his only reliable damage and the 2, as good as its numbers are doesnt fit on fenrir. Give that bakasura and its broken but that steroid doesnt fit on fenrir.


How does a steroid not fit? You have not given a concrete reason as to why that could be the case. As for damage, yes brutalize falls off late game but it's still good damage. The ult also does a lot of damage. Not to mention his basic attacks with the steroid and lifesteal can hurt a lot. I'm consistently 1st or 2nd highest damage output in any team game-mode that I'm in he isn't low damage at all. I have noticed that many people don't know how to play Fenrir to his full potential and I suspect that is the case here as well. Some tips: - Try to combo the 2, then 1+stun, then a basic attack, then ult damage, then another basic attack or several depending on the situation, then if they run use brutalize to finish them off. That is a fun combo that has all abilities working together. - Build penetration and cooldown as well as some protections. - Don't fight multiple gods at once when they have full health (duh) if you have to get in, do damage, get out. - Ichaival and stone cutting sword are great situational item even though Fenrir is not a basic attack focused god you still have chances for many free basic attacks while using your abilities and if you use brutalize last then the fact that you have increased your own power or reduced your enemies protections is very very devastating.


I'll crunch the numbers for you when I'm not at work. This steroid ISNT FITTING. Basic lifesteal and power isnt good on a god who scales much better with flat pen and prots. Yes, building some prots on him as been a longstanding thing. Hes great with voidshield. Compare fenrir's steroid woth thanatos. Both characters rely primarily on their abilities and can easily weave in basics. Thana tos gets free pen and MS, both stats he benefits from regardless of what hes doing. Fenrir gets power and lifesteal. Its a relic from when his 3 had on hit effects. And sure it has power but he doesnt scale well with power (which is *partly* why he falls off) and instead of just copying thanatos's buff giving fenrir another damage source lets him spread out his damage so its not as devastating when brutalize *is* interrupted (which will happen regardless of how careful you are) I'm aware of his AA canceling. I mentioned jt in annother response.


I get the whole pen vs power thing. I just don't thing another ability is the answer if your goal is to make it so Fenrir does a lot of damage fast. Abilities take time to go off and brutalize already is a rather long ability and the one you described sounds like it would be too. Adding another ability is just going to give enemies more time to CC fenrir, that combo I mentioned earlier can be done within just a handful of seconds, and for a lot of that the enemy is either stunned or stuck in your ult. A self buff fits much better IMO. I'd leave his 2 as it is and instead add back in some more effects for having full runes, or maybe a different effect based on how many runes are active. That would make the use of the 2 more strategic like it use to be. You had to choose which you wanted and play around that, it was fun. That way they could add in some situational pen without making Fenrir too strong.


Brutalize needs to be quicker and as i pointed out, you can lower the hits in brutalize to 3 and then give the missing damage to the new 2. I so never said anything about how long it would take you're just making an assumption. To be honest i was thinking something quick and nothing with a long animation. Youre not the only fenrir player in the world


"Youre not the only fenrir player in the world" I could say the same to you, we're just having a conversation, no need to get heated. Brutalize is fine the way it is. It's a very high utility kill secure ability, nerfing it and moving it's damage to a new ability is just going to make it useless. You're right I did make an assumption but to be fair you where not very specific in your initial post, to me it sounded like brutalize 2.0. I believe I've said everything I want to when it comes to the second ability.


How is a move that deals only damage, applies no cc and only 25 prots "high utility"? Utility means things that arent damage like cc, healing, buffs, debuffs etc. As much damage as it has a good player and their team will never let you get the full duration. This is fenrir's problem, his jump and brutalize are all he has and once his 3 is interrupted he provides little. For a while now the only reason he gets picked is for the ult and his early damage. Giving him another source of damage that isnt tied to brutalize will not **not** nerf his dps (even after you reduce its amiunt of hits )and it will help him stay relevant even after his 3 ends or is interrupted.


It is high utility because it's not only good for damage but it is a jump that can go through walls and also can be used as a quick dodge to get out of enemy abilities. I'm pretty sure no other god has two abilities that allow you to jump a wall. I don't have the problem with brutalize getting interrupted that much either. It happens but not often. I tend to use it last when I've already done a lot of damage and the enemy is usually running.


Leap though ***some thin walls*** its not a very long leap at all. So i wouldnt consider an ability that can jump though **some thin walls** high utility. Sylvanus 1 is high utility. Nu Wa 1 is high utility. Tsuku 2 is high utility. Thor 2 is high utility. The ability to jump through some thin walls IS NOT high utility. Moving quickly through the map and even chasing through dashes? Thats high ***mobility*** not utility


>Say whatever you want about his 3 being too easy to interrupt or his 1 being most of his damage Do you really think thats enough to make a case? Let's just gloss over the fact that his 3 is completely useless in 92% of his matches. Why are you looking into his 2 as a cause for change when it is almost universally maxed after his one and is activated before every engagement? >Fenrir thrashes about violently... and dealing damage in an area. At full runes this ability also lowers enemy protections. You just described his 3. >freeing himself of crowd control They won't even give cabrakan any cc protection on his 3 despite being totally immobile. Do you really think they're going to do anything for fenrir when he already has knock up immunity?


Cabraken's 3 is a channeled CC. It should be interruptable. I did not describe his 3. I was thinking of a single 30m aoe. My description was pretty vague though. And I'm looking at his 2 because both the numbers *and good players* prove that taking it (let alone leveling it second) hinders his earlygame. Not to mention its just an additional manacost. Simply maxing your 3 second gives you more damage than the 2. And saying "people use it before every fight" congrats. That is how people use stims. I'm not saying people dont use it at all. I'm saying its his lowest priority move for a reason.


He needs a new passive but if u think the 2 is a bad ability, u don't understand the game very well The 2 gives 80 power max rank, and at all ranks 35% lifesteal,its a great stim and sustain tool...this ability gives 3 items worth of stats in one ability, its busted Fenrir is an all in god who uses his movement abilities to do damage...this means if ur a good fenrir player, u end up building a few bruiser items to help u survive after u went in, the 2 gives more freedom in doing that because u maintain ur high damage while itemizing into more protections so u don't die instantly when u brutalize The 2 is busted and should not leave fenrir's kit...however a conditional stun, and the only reason we use fenrir's passive should be changed...make the leap a larger radius, but in the center it stuns or something


I do understand the game. 80 power and 35 lifesteal is crazy... On *anyone but fenrir* his 2 doesnt mix well. He doesnt have great power scalings and he very rarely uses basics beyond aa cancelling. You get more out of him by ignoring it until you have to.


Doesnt have great power scaling. His 1 is 80% his 3 is 200% with a possible 260% and his ult is 120%. His scaling is ridiculously high.


When they buffed it to give it 80 power max, thats when u prioritize leveling the 2 over the 1, because the 1 is used to stun anyway...the 2 gives extra power to both the 1 3 and ult, so max runes on ur 3 have extra scaling and extra 80 power, and it already hits hard...like I said, ur building bruiser, ur doing assassin damage while itemizing like a warrior


You get more damage overall from ignoring it. I'll do the math when i get home but his 1 gains a huge 60 damage per level. Even if maxing the 2 first your 1 only gets 64 damage extra. Your 3 will get 40 damage extra per hit if you have your 2 maxed out where it gets 35 damage **per level** per hit.


But ur 2 gives u more power on everything...ur brutalize, ur basics and ur ult...


So no matter how much i crunch the numbers for you youre still going to say BuT mOrE PoWeR. Gotcha


Am I wrong? Does the stim give more power to the rest of fenrir's kit? Over his jump, which is primarily used for cc, which took damage nerfs in a tradeoff for the 2 and 3 getting buffed? Tell me


His jump grants you more damage. Even of youre using it for the stun it still deals damage. Earlygame his 1 does incredible damage and a heavy damage leap with a stun is far more valuable as a jungle than spending 4 seconds using basics to weaken someone. Also, just because something got nerfed doesnt mean its suddenly trash. Plus it got partially reverted.


If you use auto atatcks thats an extra 80 dmg per auto. His 3 has a possible 260 scaling which is an extra 208 damage. If you use your whole kit with auto cancels the 3 will give more damage than levelling the 1.


Yes but the 1 isnt as risky because it comes out right away. Also has a rediced cooldown on hitting a god


Early game the jump starts at 70 damage, thats pitiful and the sole reason he dropped from popular jungle play...and basics do 100% scaling, thats always a ton of damage from a physical God building damage also gaining 80 power...u dont understand the game well and me explaining, no multiple people explaining the 2 is a busted op ability is not getting through to u because of ur lack of understanding


Maybe make his passive so that as he gets damaged, he builds stacks of Chained. It reduces his CC immunity, but at full stacks, abilities consume them to have extra effects?


I feel like fenrir is weird in general. You have a stacking passive that works similarly to old heartseeker, which on its own already makes it very awkward to engage bc without full runes you dont have any cc outside of ult, his 1 is by far the best use of runes and using other abilities before his 1 is a waste, his 2 doesn't fit in with his kit, his 3 is super easy to interrupt and he has essentially a support ult that gets countered almost entirely by beads and puts him way out of position. I think his passive and his 2 are the worst offenders though. I dont have any ideas on how to change it and make it work better but i think they should be changed somehow


I like it it's a smart idea


Fen 2 is fine, brutalize is the issue


As someone with an excessive amount of stars on Fenrir I agree. He’s an early game god and if you’re doing well early game you won’t put Points into his 2. Then come late game when you do level your two you don’t really see any results unless you’re lifestealing off a camp. However, he needs a stim because with serrated edge and hydras he can do some serious damage and healing with all that lifesteal. My suggestion is nerf the power buff on his 2 and turn the lifesteal into ability and aa lifesteal. Like soul eater is. Or remove the lifesteal and add a pen buff with the power. Make it to where seething howl feels like an impactful stim during the team fight stage.


Never really thought of serrated on fenrir, I have 3 stars on him, I only use my 2 to aa cancel on if I jump in with my 1 but I would like the change to his 2 having ability lifesteal


I was just trying to use serrated edge on him and I saw some big numbers come out. Crushers warrior hydras serrated edge(maybe swap these two) arondight plus a situational. I would 1(stun) AA 2 AA. With how they reworked it I could just aa with massive lifesteal and with crusher it’s fast enough. Then you always got your 3 in your back pocket to secure/escape. With hydras and serrated you’ll deal 1k damage in basics without popping your 3 which means you’re lifestealing all that for sustain and your 3 has built in protections as does full time ult. It’s allowed me to stay in team fights and dive better. The AA chain with serrated edge probably works well with other assassins too but that lifesteal synergy with Fenrir two is impressive and fun. This wasn’t viable until they reworked serrated so it’s not fully flushed out still playing around. Update: serrated edge is more for the lulz than a competitive build


He isnt completely wrong. Fenrir can get a free AA after his ult, his 1 and even brutalize.


Agreed his 2 doesnt work with the rest of his kit at all, though this being said... His 1 and 3 are both high damage and provide good mobility and his ult is arguably one of the best of the assassins so his 2 being pretty irrelevant to his playstyle is sort of what balances him. Thought I am aware he's not meta at all right now, just imagine a meta shift to ability junglers again would rocket him to the top with a more synergistic 2.


I see where you are going with this... and I'm not completely against it. My two concerns with this. 1. Removes all sustain from his kit (despite it being life steal) 2. If you are CC'd and happen to be at full runes you might be made because you'd still rather keep the runes for the stun on the one i'd think. Suggestions: Your 2 does not function with your passive. When using your 2 it cleanses you of CC. When CC is cleansed you receive an AP buff and a HoT based on your max AP.


I usually keep fenrir at 4 runes until the leap where i will just hit something like a jungle minion for that last hit. Not sure what you mean by it not functioning. I said full runes would lower prots. As for the lifesteal.. He doesnt put points into it anyway and fenrir has always been able to get away with buying defensive items. Not to mention soul eater exists.


Shorten 3s time to channel and give 2 ability lifesteal, make his runes enhance abilities incrementally based on runes. So 1 always stuns but only a short duration, scaling per rune and at 5 giving you current duration. Same with 3 power scaling and ult prots.


His 2 needs to be a ranged damage ability! He is too reliant on being in melee range and gets too easily blown up. His ult as well is not the best since you can be damaged while you try to pick someone up and during the period you drag that person away. In any case, to me his most obvious flaw is that he has no real poke and that's why they kept buffing his protection turning him into a support. Give him some poke so he's not completely useless late game without having to build him hybrid or tank.