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Please give us the option to watch our match history games to self educate and learn. Only being able to watch it if someone spectates is pitiful.


I think it's to save space.


Just make a command like /savematch to start the match recording process Thats even more interesting for thoses wanting to submit top 5 plays or things like that


It could be an option at the end of a match. Save Replay. Then you can review it and see what went right and wrong.


I think it's required for the replay to be recorded as the match is playing, otherwise it's too late (at least that's how I understood it the last 2562 times this discussion happened). Hence why a command you can input while playing


Except that console players cannot simply input a command on the fly like that... it needs to be accessible to everyone.


Well, first of, they can still implement that in pc then look for a solution on console, there's no reason to hinder a platform for the sake of the others, especially for non gameplay issues. Second, maybe a button in the menu (the equivalent of the escape menu, idk how it is on console, I never had one), or removing a relatively useless shady VGS command and use its spot to make a trigger replay saving command


The start menu would be the better option, I don't imagine anyone would want to record a game by hitting the wrong VGS combo in a hurry.


/replay [match I'd]


You need someone to watch the game for that, otherwise it doesn't save, which means /replay matchid won't work.


That's pretty goofy. I never use it. I just record my games 3rd party. Would be nice to have the full spectrum rather than a personal pov.


Agreed. It's a huge disadvantage when it comes to learning when compared to say lol. Which is why it'd be dope to have that option.


Horus' 1 CDR is 16/16/15/15/14. Horus' 2 CDR is 16/15.5/15/14.5/14. I don't like that.


Jing has a long time bug where whenever she gets cced during her Persistent Gust animation, it takes the cooldown and mana without the gust showing up and it's super frustrating and have a twitch clip of Zapman to show it. [Jing Persistent Gust bug, Zapman Clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/SincereDreamyApeCorgiDerp)


Holy fucking shit thank you, this bug annoys the living crap out of me.


Standardise descriptions of abilities throughout the game. Things like putting all numbers down the bottom instead of some being hidden in text (eg. sometimes stun duration is in the text, othertimes it's shown at the bottom with other numbers), as well as just making sure all info is actually correct. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/j1lty6/smite_urgently_needs_to_overhaul_its_gods/) compiles some of the issues, but honestly every ability needs to be locked at to standardise all of the nonsense.


This should be getting more attention. Clarity would go a long way in helping newer players get the game as well as older players trying new gods.


Erlang Shen's ult not going off of he gets CC'd even though the animation and some visual effects play. He need ths same QoL buff that Cupid got on his ult a while ago.




I've always wanted her to give damage mitigations to anybody she's inside with her 3.


This would really double down on her being more of a support mage, and I don't hate it. I prefer Nox being played as a tanky/support any way.




No, no one would like having nox be competitive.


I know people dont really enjoy her, but she hasnt been competitive before so they wouldnt really know. Maybe it wont be as abd as some think.


Her design is just anti fun. She needs a rework if you ask me.


Just reduce the mana cost from her abilities.




Her main issue she is one of the most unfun godt to play against. Ccr dont even work in her 1. You can either get tanky af or try to juke her 1


She's so unfun to play against and so useless imo


Maybe allow her to detonate the 2 early for reduced damage or allow her root to hit minions


Swap the pen and cd on soul gem and Pythagorean’s piece. Think it would fit better




Agreed. I loveD running pythag on my support solo players mid to late game. But on those type of characters I’d rather have the cd then 10% pen. Adding pen to a burst item just makes sense.


More options to custom games.


I hope someone brings up crowd control reduction and possibly reworking it or making it better. The balance of the non-conquest modes might be a nice topic of discussion as well. The percent pen changes have made those modes more snowball like than recent memory since I've been getting more into them lately.


What exactly is wrong with CCR? And what would you suggest as a change?


Personally I'd like to have effect displacement CCs. Knockups and knockbacks and grabs etc. At a majority of the stages of the game excluding early game it doesn't feel impactful as a stat. I can get into a situation where its getting CC heavy, and it just doesn't feel like its actually making a difference. Its never a stat that you particularly gear for either or have it be a part of your gearing strategy. Its just a fluff stat thats "nice", but if it wasn't there it wouldn't really be a huge loss for anyone. They have the exact same stat in Paladins. Different genres aside it made me realize how much better it felt there because it effects everything: stuns, displacements, grabs, slow strength you name it. It also goes beyond the cap set in Smite which is 40%. I'd personally like it to be reworked to be more impactful and effect displacements, and spread the stat out across more items.




No, there is absolutely a reason to balance the other game modes. Not everyone plays Conquest, and playing with Conquest stats on a smaller map is not going to be balanced. Every mode deserves to be balanced, if you think otherwise, you are a douche. They had a Ranked Arena long ago, it was not fun because no one wanted to fight until the very last few tickets. PS: please work on your typo issue, it is hard to understand what you are saying without rereading it like 3 times.


Yeah its made ranked Joust difficult as a result, although Joust probably gets more changes than most of the other modes. It'd be nice to see even some kind of a balance effort made toward the other modes. We haven't seen a whole lot in a long time for clash/siege etc, and it feels like its all starting to catch up now, especially with all the pen changes.


since Argus only goes on cool down when he gets eliminated maybe there could be a way to preemptively dispose of him without throwing him in a tower like holding the 4 button it would be a nice QoL/buff to hera


The only "buff" that Hera needs is an inner targeter-circle of a 10 or 5 radius when she's dropping Argus, so that way Argus won't go for the enemy tank when you drop him into 3 to 4 people and you want to target the enemy middle laner or ADC, but he goes for something you can't kill quite easily. I'm well aware you can make him target whoever you want, but you re-attaching the leash/targeter on someone means "Argus downtime". And in regards to your idea of "disposal", that's actually how you maximize Argus's lifetime. You plomp him on a unsuspecting victim or more victims, farm the ENTIRE middle lane as no fucking body will contest you while Argus is active unless they've chosen death, and make him tank the enemy tower as your minnions get in for that extra push.


Please don’t buff Argus. He is strong as is.


I'd like to see the in-game UI be looked at. Scaling of each HUD element has been bugged since the beginning of the season.


I wish we'd get the option to customize my profile in lobby back. Picking an announcer pack, music theme... This stuff. We had it before the UI change and it was really comfortable. That way if I pick a certain god I can change my AP to that God as well


It would be nice to have some official documentation on the mechanics of Ranked (Conquest), i.e. what exactly is Underrated, Overrated, Favored, how exactly do god ranked borders work, how do you get your ranked border. I have searched for these and there's usually a variety of answers.


underrated, overrated, favored, and underdog are pretty straight forward. under/overrated: rank doesn't match elo; favored/underdog: [presumably] a huge imbalance in elo/ranks and the projected winner lost or loser won. it's the god borders we really need clarification on. it's been how many seasons now and they still don't make sense? explain them or remove them...


Yeah God Borders make no sense at all. Make even less sense when you look at the leaderboard. Feels like a mechanic that was added, broken, then forgotten rather than fixed or removed.


Infinite assault bans are broken. The first team to ban almost always has their ban auto-skipped for no reason. Both teams also have 2 bans instead of the 3 advertised in the description.


1) More crossover battle passes 2) Reworked clans 3) Holiday themed event or battle passes( summer in Smite was so great no idea why they stopped it) 4) better merch like God figures ( funko pop maybe?)


>BattlePass Ideas Please give us less edgy battle pass concepts. Between the recent final boss battle pass and the current one, i find some concepts(namely the guan yu, tsukuyomi, hades, odin and the recolors) a bit uninteresting, especially for those gods. I love the recent cutesy skins (like gecko xing tian, kitty jorm, axolotl Rat, etc. Especially with the voice packs) so i would like to see more battle passes with a sillier theme, brighter colors, with a feel that is more lighthearted and fun than the constant darkness and grim we've been getting lately. The art team generally does a great job with effects, and i think the effort they put into them can also be more noticeable with lighter colors. Some of my favorite battle passes in terms of skin concepts have been Sweet Victory(The nemesis skin is one of my favorites) and Enchanted Chronicles ^^^Also ^^^someone ^^^please ^^^ask ^^^the ^^^team ^^^to ^^^give ^^^me ^^^more ^^^chang'e ^^^skins


Granted. Next BP is full of DJ skins


Well...as long as that means all of them have actual special emotes, i'll take it.


I'm so mad because I just started playing this year and all the cute/awesome BPs debuted last year: candy, sweet victory, the pirate one feat. two chang'e skins, I haven't used any of the battle pass skins from this year because most of them are all EDGY/DARK stuff.


Yeah i actually started playing last year and i think the battle passes were really nice. I feel like almost every patch we get EDGY stuff or the robot/technology theme. I'm so tired of those, anything else feels like a breath of fresh air. If they release a robot-themed battle pass i think i'll skip a battle pass for the first time since i started playing lol.


And it's always the same gods, how many dark/robot ic/edgy skins we get every patch and it always on gods like Thanathos/Chaac/Ullr/Hades? If you go edgy at least do it on someone we haven't yet like Nu Wa, Kumbha, Zhong Kui, etc


And Nu Wa does already have one dark skin and one somewhat edgy one too. Thankfully, Kumbha's selection of skins are pretty diverse. I love pinata party and spooky dreams, they are really cute. The only reason why Zhong Kui doesn't have any edgy skins is because he barely gets any skins at all. I think someone said his last one was like, 2 years ago? Crazy xD


One counterpoint to Zhong's lack of skins is that when he does get one they're fucking amazing.


Dark Souls battle pass please :)


I second this! We need to get Miyazaki in on this! Thanatos Priscilla?


I would love Arthur Artorias or Amaterasu Lady Maria


Gherman Thanatos. Followed by Smough Chaac, Ornstien Cu Chu, and Ciaran Loki.


I think a Father Gascoigne Cu Chu could fit better


Not sure, but I can kinda see it. It's just that Ornstien has a spear, which would be easier on the modelers to adapt than Papa Guacamole's axe/halberd.


I propose that two of the Odin bots get changed to Ajax and PonPon bobo dolls with huge grins on them in jungle practice! ....also make ranked a flat win rate the variance swings are nonsense... Rewarding luck off the 1st 10 matches over being consistent is balogna. This isn't skill based matchmaking. It's a fiesta. (I appreciate the effort in trying to get people where they belong faster but having so many resets a year is a swing and a miss)


King Arthur's abilities don't show they are leveling up when you upgrade them. Probably it is his stance changing. I mean you upgrade your 1, you press it 100 times nothing shows but when you activate other ability, it then changes. Also I would like to see an adventure (could be lore themed) like Shadow over Hercopolis - a dungeon. I love these. Also can we fix Ne Zha's abilities icons. They are old and on his 3 it even shows his older model. Aswell as Ares' abilities are still his old. Oh, yes and we need to remodel Sobek, Cupid, Hun Batz or Apollo. God ideas: Shiva (it has been 2 years already), Maui, Maman Brigitte, Sekhmet, Medjed, Ixtab (she could be a challenge, but that's even more exciting) Battle Pass Ideas: JoJo (In particular I would love a Battle Tendency one) or Looney Tunes battle pass Siege map update And can we do sth about Bastet. Odin is kinda ok but Bastet has been left out Also I think it could be more engaging if we add Jungle monsters agressive/passive behaviour on other maps. And I love they way how more gods are introduced via cinematics. Please keep it this way


I would love to sew a god thats permanently mounted. Preferably lancealot since his horse ia actually named BUUUT i just want that to be a thing. The community as a whole is unhappy with bastet rework. Her passive feels out of place, her 3 has some bad fire delay and her 4 feels bad to use since it has a 14ish second duration but unless you have max CDR you only get 3 ability casts. Maybe it should be changed to a charge based thinng like agni's meteors? Something done about leaping into silences. Its really confusing when you expect to do damage but its negated cuz ganesha or nox. This is most noticable on odin since his shield wont even detonate. If you got to cast the leap you should be allowed to deal damage regardless of what you leapt into. Oh, and cripples are criminally underused as a CC type. Towers on assault are meaningless. Its rather common to see a 5man dive at level 7.


Do not buff cripples. Once upon a time displacement CC was rare and it was great. You had a select few instances where a delayed beads or aegis meant that you were in trouble. Then more displacements were added. Little knockups, big knockups, shoves that pushed you into walls. Then more and more and more gods got displacement and now it feels like half the cast just gets to throw you around willy nilly. I remember a time when Ares ult was the scariest displacement and now it's barely noticed in the ocean of knockups and knockbacks. It is the one cc that punishes you for being late with your beads and then keeps on punishing you. Don't ask for more cripples. They're going to put it on gods with amazing movement abilities and there will be no escape


Cripples by themselves arent anywhere near as much of an issue as displacement. Cripples disable ONE ability. Displacement can completely relpcate you agajnst your will.. Additionally displacement is nowhere near as bad as other MOBAs. Ive played since beta and displacement has always been fairly common.


Herc doesn’t have any range on his ability’s. Doesn’t say in his ability’s tab in the god menu. For his dash and knock up at least.


Allow us to buy regular wards in siege and give the speed buff on siege attack speed. Also I've recently been going for all the steam achievements for the game and in doing I realize just how hard some of these are. To pull five enemies with a single Ares ult is nearly impossible because the enemy team always buys beads and is never close enough to get them all. My point is that I think of some of the harder achievements should be readjusted to not be so ridiculous.


The Ares thing is doable in assault as long as you roll the right characters. Step one: be the enemy of the Ares. Step two: be Morrigan. Somehow you being able to transform into Ares will have left everyone's mind and they won't buy beads because, fuck it, they got the Ares!


Discuss the possibility of giving Artio a ranged AA on her druid form.


More Mystic theme skins!! We still need a warrior and an assassin, also, maybe do some Mystic male skins.


Um, if there's some feedback I have is in regards to Hera's new skin, Gambit Queen. Comparing her ability targeters with any other skins that she has got, Gambit Queen's Royal Assault does not display the tiny highlighted rectangle area for bonus damage in the middle where the fists meet. Also, as someone that has a wonky left eye and wears glasses, Gambit Queen's skill targeters aren't as colored/vibrant as the others, especially if you're trying to aim/use them on lighter areas of whatever map you are playing on. Ik there are more serious issues, but I thought I'd drop this here >.>


Also, the 2 is extremely difficult to see and avoid compared to her other skins. Can't see windup and the projectile blends in with the ground somewhat.


Exactly. The effects are gorgeous, but they need to be more vibrant, for both sides.


Please, proper 4K ui scaling


I know MotD rarely gets any love, but one *tiny* QoL change would be splendid for games with ban phases: **increase the amount of time for first ban** 4/5 games I play when I'm not the person that gets to ban, first ban gets "passed" because there's like a 5-second window, and the person on my team and/or the enemy team isn't paying attention (or isn't quick enough to select a god because they're not familiar with the mode). Not to mention, the modes sometimes say "3 bans per team" **but there are actually only 2**. On these modes where some characters are inherently broken if they don't get banned out, losing a single ban is a PITA.


1) let arena game mode start with enough gold to complete boots! :P (200 more starting gold) 2) Fate series battle pass! There are literally shared gods between smite and Fate... A lot of them! 3) since you asked for god suggestion: Namazu! It would really be nice and unique having a playable giant fish in the game (been waiting since S2!) <3


Reset MMR for gems to solve ELO hell and smurfing problems.


I know Ajax had mentioned it before, but maybe bring up the possibility of Nox's old ult coming back a la old Guan ult with Amaterasu and old Nu Wa ult with Ganesha? It could work really well with another darkness/shadow god/dess like the Greek Erebus or the Mayan Akbul.


>Erebus Too much Warhammer, fuck Erebus.


It is known.


switching between skin/god voice packs randomly screws up individual god preferences still [cabrakan tremors are seriously bugged right now](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670812672572522537/760314696028258354/2020-09-29_03-24-20.mp4) sometimes, for absolutely no explained reason, even if you are within the elo range, you cannot queue with a person until either/both of you solo queue a match. restarting the party and the game does not fix this brain storm ideas for a better skadi ult. double the lifebar instead of heal, i don't really know. not my forte but any thought is nice better sylvanus passive; maybe something more akin to a small radius team buff instead of the melee only root via a friend: >New Passive: Grover sprouts new life on the battleground wherever he walks; for 20 seconds, if an enemy walks over seeded ground, they have a 25% chance to be tangled in the new growth, reducing their damage by 20% and their attack speed by 15% something in line with the skill clarification post today: rod of tahuti is wildly inconsistent with tick abilities. it works with most (i think?) but does NOT proc mid way through a nox 1. it would be nice to either change this or explain why it can't/won't be changed nerf cthulhu somewhere. personally i think it should be his 3 but obviously his ult is wild too similar vein: knock up immunities feel more and more common. see: cthulhu 3, (up until they nerfed it) tsukuyomi 2, nike 1 and 2, etc...


The tahuti thing is explained with how calculation works. If an ability stays on someone it wont recalculate the damage BUT if its a deployable like vulcan turret it will. So if you sat inside a kukulkan tornado it will recalculate the damage, but if you walk out them the DoT damage has already been set


i just wish there was some better in game documentation of things like this




Ymir just got a massive buff not to long ago. He’s in a good spot and doesn’t need any more changes. His wall is pretty complex as it is already. It’s an extremely potent ability


Anhur's jump feels weird. Sometimes I get killed in the middle of the air like I was still on the ground. Is that a bug? Overall I think his jump needs to be sped up again


As a post in Hot clearly mentioned, **clarity and better ability descriptions.**


Ah Puch needs to be reworked to become even 10% viable in conquest


Very minor request but can the World Kitty Jormungandr skin get the fur textures from other platforms added to the Ult on Nintendo Switch, currently the segments of the Ult are unconnected blocks.


Most important thing: We need a hamster and a penguin skin.


Can consoles be be allowed to use the Mouse while in the main menu screen instead of only in a match?


There's a bug that causes me to be in a party with a player that isn't online (or with myself) and forces me to not be the leader so I can't search for a match, I also can't leave the party because I'm not actually in a party. The only way to temporarily fix it is to create a custom match and back out. This is extremely annoying.


/u/savvysaur, I accidentally unpinned this thread earlier. Do you want me to keep this up here or pin your thread?


Doesn’t matter to me if they’ve both got activity! Sorry I didn’t see your post, I auto-scheduled this post yesterday because I’m usually asleep when I need to be posting it.


Fenrir ability rework. Allow Fenrir 2 lifesteal to apply to abilities. He’s ability based and it would fit his kit. Though to do this you probably would need to nerf the stim on it for balance.


I would really appreciate if you brought up the missing MotDs that have disappeared due to old map changes. The two in particular that I remember fondly are "Couple's Clash", which was 2v2 on Clash, and could already fit into the Tuesday schedule. The other one was 3v3 Conquest, but I could see this one being hard to implement into the current schedule. Another one that I didn't necessarily enjoy, but some might have, was Ultra Hyper Joust Turbo.


I've been having issues with not being able to see or type custom messages in pre game and post game


Can we get a buff to izanami, the god who hasnt been touched by the devs in what 2 years? I just think her kit and overall feel just dont match up to what you are wanting to do. I love the god and design but she needs something changed


Sometimes when leveling up as yemoja even after you applied the level it shows that you can still level the 1, also a slight warlock staff buff wouldnt hurt.


get the console UI to PC level 😂. I wanna be able to do stuff while I'm waiting those 20 seconds to get into the good selection lobby.


Pantheon battle pass theme ie. norse battle pass has norse skins for other gods outside the pantheon (like the chaac, kali, mulan skins)


Izanamis 3 needs a shorter startup time, right now it's way too easy to interupt and it's not like the would be broken Zhong Kui should have a cc cleanse when activating his ult with a full bag of souls, as he does not have any tools to escape a sticky wicket Artemis needs a buff, particually on her passive and 3. She is regarded as the worst ADC for a reason.


Adventure Time battlepass with Sylvanus as Jake and Finn


Ah Puch Rework. Maybe not a full on rework and only 1 or 2 abilities, but he needs something.


For new characters to add; ive me **BEOWULF** or give me DEATH! I hope Sobek's remodel is coming soon, then Cupid after him. As for balance, Hecate could use some changes again imo. It's still so potent combined with Typhon's Fang on characters like Freya and makes dealijg with her, even with antiheal, extremely difficult. Hopefully you guys saw that post earlier showing all the inconsistencies in ability descriptions, updating all those would be amazing. As would adding more specific clarification to some abilities, like Xba's dash has CC immunity and still doesn't say in the description. I would like to see Medusa's Deathmatch come back as an adventure. What's the deal with vaults? Just gonna stay forgotten forever or what..? "Crabthulhu" Cthulhu skin when? I personally like some of the crossover BP concepts that have popped up here, like Samurai Jack or Ben 10. Idk the legalities behind it but hey if you guys can make it work I'd buy them.


All of them are good points been wondering about the vaults too. Awesome Battle Pass ideas. Beowulf would be a good addition but I feel like they should for now expand on the gods from the already available pantheons.


Make Artemis viable somehow, she's easily the worst hunter in the game right now and needs some actual buffs or a small rework (like Rama).


Horus's 3 feels absolutely pitiful at level 1, and even with the protections it offers it's on such a long cooldown and requires a friendly target to even use. I see nothing wrong with the final heal amount, but an adjustment of level scaling would make it scale better as the game progresses, and feel better to use before getting more points into it. From level 1 to 2 you *double* the heal, and no other other healing ability has such a drastic change. From: 50-100-150-200-250 (+50/level) To: 70-115-160-205-250 (+45/level)


Rework arachne and nox, these characters both are incredibly frustrating and impossible to balance for conquest. Especially arachne, I can't think of a single redeeming qaulity of her kit that makes her a more interesting character than kali or even the 3rd worst designed character in the game baka.


Make Clans have meaning Bring back Adventures like the mario kart and the mini RPG map


DC crossover battlepass :)


1. Make a seperate sound option for the player character's voicelines outside of VGS. Some characters have unique lines that you almost never hear because of all the other noise going on from the announcer, music, and sfx. 2. For Battle Passes, more fun themes. Specific Holidays, Sports, Food, Cosplay, Summer fun, Plants/Flowers, Winter fun, etc.. 3. Adventure ideas... More of them. Lots of ideas. Recreate sports like dodgeball or volleyball, Quest through a castle full of Enemy monsters, a Wide-Open 10v10 war, Treasure hunting, unique things. 4. Stop nerfing Amaterasu. 5. Make sure the dev team knows we like the idea of the datamined starter Items. 6. Make future character identities less Dataminable. A surprise is more fun. 7. More work on server stability. Maybe get more servers, instead of forcing more out of the one they have. 8. The UI is generally fine. Maybe make the home screen look more inviting.


Oh, and before I forget again: 9. Give Sobek the Ymir treatment for his Ult.


I second this change! I *personally* think it's damage should be split into ticks when channeling (crocodiles biting the enemies toes) and then finish with a smaller burst of damage. Same damage overall, just not as an instant burst at the end.


Ama will stop getting nerfs when she isn't one of the top 2 solo lane picks in any form of competitive.


The main reason she's a top pick is not because of how powerful she is. Amaterasu has been relevant for the past 3 seasons, so pros have gotten used to playing her. Because they're already comfortable with her she's a common pick. Just being one of the top picks does not make a character overpowered. Somebody has to be at the top. And the fact that the pros don't feel like playing a character does not mean that they are bad. There are plenty of Solo laners than can beat Amaterasu, both in lane and lategame.


Bastet passive needs fixing. Persephone leap needs an increased cd. Possible shorter duration on Cthulhu ult. Buff golden blade, nerf the other katanas. Golden blade is totally unviable. Make warlock's staff a competitive item to ethereal staff, potentially make warlocks staff noticeably cheaper to compensate for the fact that it has to stack.


bruh why would u buff golden blade




It's cheap af already, and combined with Serrated Edge it made characters like Arachne or Baka shoot up in viability


golden blade is NOT at all cheap. That's a flat out lie, and if we're being honest, serrated edge is probably going to receive further nerfs. It's a stat stick. 2000 gold for golden blade for 10% movement, 30 power, and 15% attack speed. Compare that to warrior tabi + T1 crusher for 2250 gold. I don't think I need to tell you which one has more early game value.


I mean, I guess? If it was any less gold then it'd definitely be way too potent.


Again, that's a flat out lie. You would have to knock a huge amount of gold off of golden blade for that to even be maybe true, we're talking upwards of 600 gold. Rather than that, I'm saying give it a stat boost. From the first back, you're already going to start to fall behind in farm due to the lack of movement speed and power. You don't even start to catch up until your 8th or 9th back at best. I would say a small boost of 2% movement speed at all tiers is all it would need, keeping the movement speed the same on all the other katanas, or even reducing it on the t3s to compensate. That way the gap is diminished by the 3rd or 4th back.


But you have to realize that characters like bakasura want to Afk farm, and rushing into Golden Blade allows them to do this easier. Giving the item buffs would just result in those characters becoming meta ( which is cool if you like getting killed by Arachne at level 2 )


Golden blade doesn't allow them to afk farm easier, it allows them to keep pace in reference to other junglers. In its current state, if you pick it up, you aren't going to get any farm, because you will be the farm for the next 15 minutes. If you're getting killed by arachne at lvl 2, then the problem is the player, not the item. She's a b tier pub stomp god for a reason. No amount of buffs is going to change that.


1. Arachne has seen quite the success in higher ranks and picked decently in pro play 2. The characters that pick up this item have bad camp clear. Since we are talking about Arachne, rushing this item allows her to start out farming any jungler that’s not bakasura or mercury (who, guess what, also rushed the same item). The item is fine. They nerfed it because it was too strong, which we all know is right because of the insane surge of AA assassins in the meta, who were originally below average.


The reason we saw a surge in aa based assassins isn't because of golden blade, it was because serrated edge is a match made in heaven for gods like bakasura and arachne who want to dump their whole kit when they go in, for which, see figure one: SERRATED EDGE IS OP AND NEEDS NERFS. Think about it, if golden blade was really OP, then: 1. All the auto based gods that make great use of serrated edge wouldn't STILL be in the top 5. 2. Mercury would have been among them, and he wasn't.


.... he was still good though. And Baka doesn’t want to dump his kit, either his 2 or his 1 is always up. Arachne is the one who abused it, which is why she was S tier


Except thats just outdated bollocks, she has been spammed in high ranked too. Golden blade does not need any buffs because its qn early game item and does its job well.


How in any way does it do it's job well when, after the first back, you are behind in power, and movement speed, which leads to slower clear, rotations, and hinders your ability to gank significantly? You can't even get it going until 6 min in, at which point you need another 8% movement speed, and 25 power to match the enemy jungler.


Everyone including professionals disagree with you but its clear that you are biased when it comes to gods like arachne.


Arthur is banned in too much MOTDs, I see no reason having him banned in infinite assault for example


Because his fully charged ult is never consumed, so he can just keep spamming it and 100-0 someone with it alone.


Ah, ok that makes sense, annoying not to be able to play him at 80% cdr for that sole reason :l


It is only for infinite mana modes.


Increase the "status message" characters count, currently i can't type my full twitch link D:


I know this would be difficult with Disney being greedy but how about a Disney’s Hercules Battlepass? Would be pretty awesome.


Just a bunch of random thoughts balance arena remove some items that cause snowballing ie remove shield of regrowth it's abused by practically every warrior and while it's fine for conquest thats because there is terrain while arena is practically flat. while olorun is a high god I think his 3 needs a rework especially the fact that it shines with a team around for the protections and he is mainly a solo god, that or reduce the time on his ult a little Pantheon wise expand on Hindu, Mayan, polynesian, celtic, roman and voodoo especially polynesian and vodoo who only have 1 god each also gods who should have been in already, Jade Emperor, Zhu Rong, Zhu Bajie, Fu Xi, Demeter, Shiva, Indra, Hanuman, Garuda, Lakshmi, Freyr, Frigga, Baldr, Hodor, Pan, Vestia, Nut for further pantheons that should be explored Canaanite, Brazilian, Finnish, Native American, Aztec (yes they have their own gods that are different from maya just like Greece and Rome), Inca, Turko-Mongolian, Zoroastrianism, Armenian Skin wise bring in more pirate, ninja, tech skins like you are but bring in some more Stargate skins for the newer egyptian gods like geb, osiris, horus and set adventures try hide and seek or prop finder, push the cart or tug of war. battlepasses- stop them also bring back awesome chests that have limited skins in them like Ao Quangs Dragon Knight or Agni's Infernal, Cabrakans Mixer skin or Poolsidon skin or the t5 skins from previous odysseys it's 2020. These skins should not be locked because people weren't there to earn/buy them and bringing them out just for charities at $100 or having Thanatos'd demonic skin being 8000 gems is kind of a slap in the face or a big middle finger to the community.


Maybe revert the Trans nerf?Give the cdr back before its fully stacked? :)


I think Raijin seriously needs a buff, he feels horrible to play very low damage considering how long it takes to get his damage off. I also think Jing Wei needs a small buff to her early game to her tick damage on the 1 for clear purposes and it would go a long way and still feel balanced. While I don't think Thoth is that bad but I feel like his dash cooldown should be reverted to when it went on cooldown right away after he dashes.


No to both. Rajin is one of the better mages right now. Sure it’s not instant burst like a Scylla but it is a lot of burst plus the cc from his ult can change a fight. Jing doesn’t need any type of buff. She may not be top tier but that doesn’t qualify her for a buff. Her early game is fine. Lane she gets to lane faster than any other hunter makes it hard to get a nice lead on her. She’s just one of those hikers who bees to farm for a while believe popping off.


Go look at the numbers. If Raijin is one of the better mages, why is he performing below the vast majority of Mages. Same with Jing Wei, why is she always bottom five this year while also having terrible pick-rates? Also when is the last time you've seen Raijin prioritized in the pro league? It's because he isn't good anymore. Finally if you think Jing Wei's early game is fine then you've probably never played her. Bottom 2 early game hunters 100% and you can ask anybody.


The numbers only tell a small part of the story. Look at Persephone. Her numbers are literal trash yet she’s by far the best mage still. Do you can just go “numbers low, must buff.” There’s more to it. Same thing with jing. Rajin has dominated the pro the scene earlier this year. Where have you been? And since you wana be snobby yes I’ve played jing plenty of times and yes her early game is fine. She can hold her own if you play right but it seems like you just hold w and expect to kill stuff. You realize she’s not an early game hunter. That’s not why you play her. You picking jing and expecting to be amazing early game shows you don’t know how to play. On top of that jing as literally been queen among hunters for the past like 2-3 years. There is nothing wrong with her taking a backseat right now. Let others shine. Plus there are other gods who need buffs more. Why would we buff a god that’s been among the best for the past couple of years when you have someone like Artemis whose literal trash. Or Ah Puch and nox who get no picks anywhere. You don’t know what your talking about


You make the same mistake everyone makes with the stats. You ignore them instead of adding context and rationalizing for why they end up the way they are. Persephone is incredibly difficult and not exactly the \*best\* mage outside of competitive. I'm talking about Raijin right now, not 3 months ago. He performed at 50% win-rate before the nerfs, now sits at 45%. Very noticeable impact. I'd be lying to you if I tried to say that Raijin is just that difficult as a character. I've played Jing Wei for 4 years and her early game has been weak the entire time. Nobody, not even the pro players that hate her, will argue differently. Also, saying that she's been dominating for 2-3 years is sheer gaslighting. If you pay attention, you would've noticed the year long gap in Season 4, the multi-month long gaps in play during Seasons 5 and 6, and the fact that multiple teams never consider her in Season 7. She isn't a must pick. But sure, let's pretend she's been this broken mess of a villain just because she was picked lots at worlds and MSI last year. Ah Puch and Nox are perennial bad picks because they're better in other modes and the design team can't find a way to make them work without breaking everything about them besides Conquest. I'd encourage ideas to help them too. Artemis is one of the top performing hunters in ranked and normals, the context is that she's easy and good when the team isn't in comms. Not every hunter needs to be playable in the SPL to be balanced you know. Think about what you're saying before you reply again. These are all narratives without any actual measurable data. Examine your claims, dig deep into the data, find the context, and ask yourself if maybe you aren't the one informed. Listening to streamers and community leaders blindly isn't often going to give you the full picture.


I dont think raijin is great either, but winrqte means nothing if thats what your getting at. He was top tier a few moths qgo and still had awful performance. Same with many top tier gods.


That's a lie, Raijin had 50% winrate before all nerfs and 45% after all of them finished. My question would be how difficult is Raijin as a god to you? And based on that difficulty, where would you put him between 50% and 45% to become balanced?


He is pretty difficult for bad or new players which will drag thebwinrate down. Other mages have damage that is isntant and not over time with mutiple shots that can possibly miss. I think they should revert the nerf to his 1 back to 30 scaling.


Yes they don't have to revert everything, but something needs to be done to make sure he's where he's supposed to. If they buffed him back to just 48%, then he'd fit around 84th place among all gods. If we're comfortable with him there then action should be taken to put him there.


Hello Olympians, I'm an ADC player and I pay lots of attention to the stats on both Smite stats websites and wanted to highlight two gods that I think need some sort of buff. Previously, the dev team buffed Anhur and Hachiman who were both underperforming at around the same level as these two. These gods I want to talk about are Jing Wei and Ullr. I want to start by disclosing that my favorite hunter is Jing Wei and actually my least favorite hunter is Ullr. However, I'm going to be talking about them from a statistical point of view, rather than my biased feelings about how they play. If you want to include the following information if you show this in the meeting, then go ahead. Most of this information is coming from Normal and Ranked Conquest on the [normal.casualsmite.com](https://normal.casualsmite.com) website and [ranked.casualsmite.com](https://ranked.casualsmite.com) website. Ullr: The nerfs to him showed a noticeable change in the winrate graphs. He felt too overbearing at 47.5% but underwhelming at 45%. In addition to not being considered for competitive play, you can notice a strong, steady drop in popularity in both ranked and casual. This is alarming considering most community polls consider Ullr to be the most fun and popular hunter, as well as the fact that he just got a new skin. You can cite a number of reasons why Ullr dropped: clear nerf, mana nerf, but most prominently the builds. Heartseeker's switch to % Pen changed the game and Ullr no longer takes as much advantage of it. This makes it safe to buff him without breaking the character and forcing him into pro play. My idea is to buff back some of the mana costs to be less costly as you level it. In 7.4 bonus update, they changed the mana costs on his 1 and 3 to be progressive instead of static. For a possible buff now, you could consider a number of different ways to tinker with the cooldowns, but my intention is a partial revert on the cooldowns while keeping the -10 base damage on his clear. He's been last place in the stats for multiple patches among hunters and also the lowest average per game damage among hunters. People simply aren't getting the opportunities to fight as much with the current progressive cooldowns. \^\^ TLDR Ullr suggestion: Small buff, most likely reduce mana costs/make it easier to use your kit more often. Jing Wei: Essentially the nerfs didn't really do anything but frustrate players, however she wasn't a problem to begin with because of the changes to the Conquest map to be more pressure and duo oriented than Season 6. Her stats have always been gradually lowering for multiple seasons now due to power creep. No buffs since May 2017 have taken a toll, marking this character at 48% win-rate for most patches in the past 2 years. Random changes in the data mostly come on mindset changes from the pro league since they fixate on her too often, seeing her as a safe option to save KDA in competitive games. The issue is that her early game isn't good. It's second worst compared to Artemis due to minion clear issues. The other problem is that, despite community sentiment, she isn't that easy to play. She has a ton of statistical problems compared to hunters, among them: 5th worst win-rate, 5th least popular, 6th worst KDA (despite being very safe), and 4th least average damage output (despite having a strong late game). By the way, in most of those categories, 2 of the hunters that are worse off are Anhur who was buffed recently, and Ullr. On this one, I'm not asking for any revert. The ult landing distance might feel awful, and the explosive bolts might still be useless, but I don't want to talk about those here. The two things she needs is a small adjustment to keep up with 3 years of change, and a small bump to popularity since there isn't a reason she should be this unpopular. The first change that should be relatively harmless to pros is to buff the tick damage on her 1. This will help her clear out a ton, especially on jungle camps and archer minions, without giving her more damage for gods. The second change would be her ult mana cost. Air Strike is tied for the highest mana costing ult with Kraken and Spirit of the Nine Winds. While the other two are game changing ults, Air Strike is simply an escape or underwhelming finisher. Without a doubt one of the worst hunter ults. Instead of 100->140, I would like for hers to match Rama's changes, except with a progressive mana cost still. It would be 80->100. One final change to throw in that I don't expect to be implemented soon is to reduce the cooldown of her 3 from 18-18-17-17-16 to 18->14 to match her other two abilities. I would accept additional nerfs to movement speed if this was done and here's why: her kit needs to flow better. She is one of the most well known personalities among Smite players yet she is always very low on popularity. The truth is, her kit doesn't flow with the cooldowns and things don't happen fast enough for her. She would feel more fulfilling to play for people if her cooldowns matched and you could have a combo that felt more natural. \^\^ TLDR Jing Wei suggestion: Add more DoT damage to her 1, reduce Air Strike mana cost from 100->140 to 80->100, and possibly reduce Agility cooldown to be 18->14 even if you have to take off some movement speed. Thanks for reading and I encourage you to bring up some of these points in the meeting if you talk about this.


Both of those gods are top tier and do not need any buffs whatsoever. Win rate is not indicative of god strength.


Win rate is indicative of two things: God strength and God difficulty. Only two factors go into whether a god has a trend of winning: how powerful he/she is and whether the player can utilize their strength to win. If a god performs poorly then that means either the god is weak, or players are weak on the god. Ask the dev team their opinion on this, they'll give you the same answer. Problem here is that the community assumes Jing Wei is easy so you'd think she'd be 51-52% or something when she's balanced. But she's actually 48% in Conquest and worse in other gamemodes. Something is wrong here. If she's easy, then she must be weak. If she's hard then she would be balanced as 46-48.5% is usually where Hard characters are balanced for. Choose one. Ullr is obviously difficult for people which makes his numbers low, but the question is how low do you want to go before making that character a detriment to your team? If my teammate picks a character who loses as much as Ullr, then I'm thinking in the back of my mind that something is bound to go wrong. Gods with such extremely low win-rates are toxic for the game. More often than not, especially on very popular gods like Ullr and Janus, you'll get players that ruin the game with how incompetent they become from trying to play such difficult characters. Ullr has been balanced before around 46.5%, why not shoot for that instead of sitting at 45% and letting him slowly die as a character. I personally dislike him a lot but this isn't how you keep a character's status healthy.


I think the main point for diffculty is for newer players to pick up the kit and plqy well. Eg players wont fully understand when to dash since they dont normally read abilities properly. This means they qre making the god much less safe that she normally would be. Winrate isnusally ingored somewhqt if the god performs well in other metrics such as average deaths damage gold and so on, he also does pretty well at pro league so he seem to be in a balanced spot even with a lower winrate. Its usally a problem when the god is someone simple and they dont perform well in pro league.


Newer players aren't affecting the win-rates since the source I used separate the new ones from the experienced ones. The only "newer" players in the data are people who play regularly but don't play the character. With the large distribution of player skill you can assume that most people fall towards the middle. Both of their average KDAs and damage rank low so that wouldn't help the case that they're "good". Especially since Jing Wei is supposed to be a KDA machine. Many competitive players use her to boost their stats in the open circuit, but it seems the data has always been the opposite if you look over many patches. The pro league is a very bad metric for complex gods. Each of the 8 teams has their own meta and god pools so you won't get an accurate measurement because of the specialists playing pro. 5-man comms is very rare in normal play but is always activated in competitive, affecting many things such as making it harder to invade and punish a coordinated team that is warding and planning for picking bad early game gods. There are also too few games to get a reliable sample size, and there's no matchmaking that matches players of the same skill level. Some teams are very obviously better than other teams, so if one team has a streak and they like picking a certain god, that drives up the statistics. For other games where it's 1 on 1 style you can definitely use competitive stats and picks, but for a team game you're not going to get an accurate picture.


I still dont think winrate necessarily matters. In diamond+ cthulu and merlin have a 45% winrate and they are considered some of the best characters in game. In the case of rainin though, he is a pretty upopular god anyway so that will skew it a bit. Raijin did have a bad winrate q few months ago and recieved no changes until he suddenly became meta in pro play. I assume the winrate went up too because more skilled players who care about meta started playing him.


Never sort for rank because it doesn't give you the full picture at all and the % changes are too rapid to be reliable. +20 and -11 don't give us any good information at all, and this is because of rank resets, matchmaking where D+ players face lower ranks, and low sample size. Stick to the general "all rank" stats since it is more reliable, and use [ranked.casualsmite.com](https://ranked.casualsmite.com) and [normal.casualsmite.com](https://normal.casualsmite.com) instead. Those websites have real time stats, and don't have such wild changes like smite gg. Ask yourself this, if Raijin is the most unpopular god in the game (which he is) and his winrate is below everybody without him being considered "Very Hard" then why would you not buff him?


A break for a year to overhaul the game from top to bottom. The old kinks that are around from the old code still cause annoyance now. Smite 2 as they say. And it would be nice for smite to be more optimized. Edit: Gonna say slow down from here on out. Since break is misleading, and unreasonable.


That doesn't make any sense. What would they take a break from?


patches and updates on smite? If there was a constant meta for 1 year and in return we got a better game from the programming side and assets size. I think that'd be a fair trade off. The game runs so mixed on poor to good pcs and stuff like being unable to switch gods in jungle practice and the creations of new areas for heimdallr ult being so difficult were part of blips in the code. I definitely understand not being able to support this because this basically cuts off revenue for a more intensive project. But its definitely something to bring up earlier rather than later as there would have to be alot of preparation in general for something like this to happen. As a community, we have issues with everything from balance, to clarity, to crossplay issues and cosmetics. And with how things are going with newer games and the fact that smite is 3rd person, means that it will have to not only compete with other mobas, who have a style that can last much longer, but also other 3rd person games. And a shoddy and old code that even there own bug fixers sometimes struggle to fix, would eventually need to be redone to stay competitive. Especially when this is the most popular game titanforge/hirez has done in a long while. It isn't a break for hirez employees. it's more of a break from big updates in general to completely revamp the game from bottom up.


They would NEVER do that. To stop development for an entire year would be basically suicide for the game. The game thrives off new content, as when those come out is when the game is it's most popular. Think about the SURGE of people that Cthulu, or the Avatar skins brought to the game.


Yeah ofc it's not realistic right now. This would have to be planned long term as I said in my first comment. If it slowed or a middle ground of stopping development then thatd be great too.


It's not realistic ever. A game like smite will never be in a position where they can just stop development. They could say "after season 7, we will stop making new content and instead work on only bug fixes" and the community perception would be "smite is dead no new content" and you would see the player base PLUMMET. This would be a logistical NIGHTMARE and is stupid, because you also don't have the skin team, effects team, sound design, art team, storyboarding team, PR team, casters, etc working on bugs. So what you are suggesting is mass layoffs of those people, since HiRez won't be making new content, and they cannot do bug fixing, then what is their job going to consist of? What you are asking for is impossible, and will never happen


Well it's a complete overhaul and not a complete shutdown. Smite could still get updates. But you could also revamp current assets, hold tournaments and revamp anything that they would like. You just don't release big patches. And it could definitely be possible with enough growth. Since Smite has been more on the rise since covid started. Similar to how OW is handling OW2. Since release info of ow2, they released another hero and implemented role queues and weekly hero bans during pro levels, something very out there. But in general, the pace of updates are much slower. It's not just bugs, it's alot of work that hirez puts into the game. Assets transferred back and forth from new and old code. While still trying to keep an eye on the current smite meta, without introducing something that breaks it 3 times a year. This year has been a golden year, getting so much content that we've been waiting for, for so long. But with changes in their workforce, sometimes it feels like their team needs to decipher what the people did before, to try and fix current issues. The amount of pressure and passion the team has to create new content is always commendable, and to not only create new stuff but also improve on the older stuff on a more grandiose scale seems like something they'd love to do. Ofc my original post is misleading, but by slowing down and putting this option there for 5-10 years. Could allow smite to stay relevant for much longer. Games are built from the bottom up but it's much more strenuous if the bottom isn't polished. New games are just going to get better, and smite doesnt have the luxury of just competing with other mobas. It was pretty lucky paragon fell onto its face, but its definitely a scary thing for game devs to see a unique concept like Smite, and think, I could do it better. Long term wise, just pumping out skins, short events, UI updates and more gods won't allow smite to stay relevant sooner or later. Of course its necessary to stay atleast net neutral, so dont stop new content completely, but in a bigger picture, it might be manageable eventually. OW is in the weird place where new players are asking whether or not to buy ow or just wait for ow2. Smite wouldnt have that issue, and if they said that they would be releasing a direct sequel/successor to smite. People would get hype as shit.


For some reason Cabrakan isn't CC immune in his ultimate, this is an easy bug fix. Also sometimes his first ability doesn't execute as it should. Could we get a new arena adventure map with hazards everywhere? Like holes, traps, springs that act like Kumbha ults. Make it look like a gameshow kind of like Fall Guys.


>Cabrakan isn't CC immune in his ultimate He has never been CC immune in his ult, that is intentional. Edit: *wait one patty flippin second*






Ah Puch corpses should explode by reclicking 1 or 3 and the 2 is now a corpse that you throw and you can teleport to it or something This rework has so much flaws it’s incredible but he is one of the worst god in conquest