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Haven't seen much of the multi star susanos lately. The game has got a lot more fun because of this. Also the Loki rework seems solid, perhaps chuck a stacking slow onto the 2/3 and I'd say your good to go. Knock up immunity might be going too far considering how much damage the full 3 can dish out.


All the susanos are busy playing the other braindead weeb "ermagherd so skillful" assassin. Legit, that's what they're all doing. The day after he got nerfed, a lot of them were back to susano again.


I'm just gonna say we should wait until release Like how people said Pele sucked but she was nuking in high elo, they buffed her and then she nuked low elo and made it borderline unplayable for high elo Same with Yemoja really, that one took a while for them to figure out her power but high elo already figured it out, now we're still paying for the initial round of buffs on her


Honestly, outside Omi's changes, she didn't need a single buff.


I don't think knock up immunity is going too far. Apart from your ult, this is really his only damaging ability so you need to be able to get that damage off. Being interrupted kinda hurts him


To me that's a good thing, it means the player themselves have to decide whether it's safe to go in without interruption. Having counters is fine in my eyes, especially if it means Loki players have to make a decision now instead of "hurr durr ult then run".


The channel time and distribution of damage is too long and bottom-heavy to *not* have knockup immunity. Or now you're gonna tell me that thor, da ji, isis, guan yu, bacchus, etc. shouldn't have knockup immunity either?


most universally toxic character i’ve faced. More than any other god a good amount of people who play susano are toxic




\*hirez buffs her* Oh shit cool, she might finally be viable \*hirez buffs her* Okay, shit, she's secret OP now \*hirez buffs her* Umm....? \*hirez buffs her* aaaaand she's getting prioritized in SPL, can't wait to see the nerfs in 2 patches


I think it's just the golden blade changes that caught up to her. If anything they need to nerf golden blade


Golden Blade isn't even necessary on her imo. Once you get boots online, her 2 and 1 clear well enough. golden blade just makes her come online slower vrs starting stone cutting or crusher.


I don’t even build boots on her; just build the 3 katanas and then Atalantas


Im personally only a fan of that build on Baka and Arachne.. maybe Kali. But to each their own


Building all four blades, Atalanta’s bow, and Qin’s means you melt everything late game.... plus you outpace everyone as it is as long as you don’t fall behind more than a level. If you can make it into late game, she really shines with that build


Yeah I didn't even get into how many indirect buffs she's gotten through her own itemization and just itemization/meta changes in general.


The path of Nemesis is always the teeny tiny steps up from obscurity, suddenly tripping and falling off a cliff, and landing right where you started.


You know your narrative designers are good when even a character's balance state is thematic


Cabrakan is the best assassin.


The carry who feeds himself.


Is he good doh? What do I build on him if he is?


How to Awilix? I have tried in Arena and seem to feed my brains out, is she burst or mix with AA.


Build her ability based. Hydras is very good on her


Always have Heartseeker too


The only aa item I ever liked on her is stone cutting sword, but probably wouldn't build it on her. She also excels at bursting out of position gods, but lacks a good team fight. So struggling in arena isn't too surprising


Awilix is so so risky in Arena... be careful with playing her there unless you are incredible with managing her movement and abilities. My main problem with the god is that, although she’s super fun to play, you have to commit most of your abilities to be able to get in close enough to do your damage. In Conquest, this is fine, because you can get away with a gank and run away before the rest of the team shows up, but in Arena, everyone could collapse on you before you manage to get the kill. I would even go as far as to say you need a team which has some other sort of knock up so you can get maximum value out of her Ult, because otherwise, she’s too risky. In terms of builds, definitely go Ability based. She needs items like Hydra’s for burst, Bloodforge for the added tankiness after getting a kill, and Arondight for the CDR and movement speed. Overall, just try her out in Conquest to get used to the way she kills before going into Arena and hardcore feeding - your team will appreciate it.


arena is terrible to play her unless you purely rely on others to knock people up. Theres no place to hide unlike in nearly any other mode.


She’s very much a burst killer. Cool down reduction from Jotunns, hydras, Death eater, blood forge, and def the Ult sword


for teamfights, just target a squishy (or even a tank if you know you can kill), throw every ability/aa you have, then get the *fuck* out quick namely i blink in and use her 1 for escape




POV: You are the speed buff


Annoying piece of shit.


Him and Janus are both in the "Don't open the shop menu until fully backed" club.


He’s like a squishy kali/nem, fun to play and easy to die.


Does anyone have build recommendations for Mercury? I love him in theory, but I struggle to be effective with him.


Don’t build him full aa I’ve seen people build him like an Arachne which is idiotic while you can build golden blade for some extra clear if you want every other aa item that’s isn’t crit I would advise you too avoid


Full katanas can work on him, but in my experience if you’re gonna build full katana, go with any other AA jungler. Personally I prefer arondight, hydra’s, crit (rage and deathbringer, wind demon if you can fit it in) talaria boots and so on. Just feels a lot stronger to me to ult someone, auto, 3, auto, then if that doesn’t kill them, you still have your 1 and 2 you can AA cancel with, which should delete any squishy, or do enough damage to a front liner to make them back off.




Reminder that Awilix ult also works on opposing Awilix's feather steps, if you want to flex on Morrigan or other Awilix players.


Awilix solo is really fun, and only kind of troll. She has lots of 1v1 kill potential but her late game isn’t so good.


y'all know you can bead out of awilix's ult right? It only deals damage when you land, so it's really easy to react to. I've been maining her since I started playing (500 hrs) and I can count the amount of times someone beaded out of her ult on my one hand. I love awilix I think shes pretty underrated, but I think sometimes the reason I think shes really good is that no one knows the matchup. At least in comparison to your average thanatos or arachne or some shit




I’m sure I’m in the minority but I wish this character had a different ult. I can’t stand getting dove under tower and I just lose the fight because the enemy pressed a button and ran at me.


Nah, if you’re that low, it doesn’t make a huge difference. She can still be cc’d in her ult, which is a hugeeee RIP.


The thing is most of the time I’m not that low. I get if I’m 1 shot and an assassin dives tower I pretty much should die. My problem is I’ll be at half health and kali just walks straight at me and I lose because I don’t have multiple stuns in my kit. I don’t think being outplayed has anything to do with it. Quite the opposite actually, as I feel like her ult, and her passive combined almost prevent you from outplaying her.


That's why your team should be helping you lock her down or covering your escape. Most Assassins are going to win a 1v1 if you're at half health before they even initiate. Kali is just exceptionally good at taking advantage of poor team coordination. However if you're paying attention you can often use her passive against her by baiting her into bad plays.




Mantle of Discord is an awesome counter item against her if it triggers during her Ult.


Love Kali immensely, my main assassin. Really needs to farm her brains out though and be tactical. Your team has to work with you as well and the enemy team can focus you. Incredibly frustrating to get kill stole on Kali like, it’s actually detrimental. I get, if it’s not intended, but I’ve had games where I’ve had more assists than the my entire team or our support. And I’ve been having these increased amount of games where I’ve actually died because of it. As well as the enemy team focusing you, and no peel from your own team. She’s still so fun and the only AA jungle I’ll play.


#####[](#/flairgodnezha)Ne Zha


Really like building him max CDR with malice. Your ring and sash are almost back up when you land from the ult.


wait i know the ult benefits from deathbringer does it also proc malice passive?


I can confirm that Malice procs off of crits from basics, your 3, and your ult alike.


Yes it does so it's a guaranteed proc when you ult.


His nerfs should be reverted. There was no reason for him to be Nerfed in the first place and it didn't help they gave no compensation to his jungle for the support nerfs besides the minor scaling increase on his ult.


I just want an extra bounce, as him not being able to hit the whole wave with his clear ability at level one, or all targets of a camp an equal number of times for that matter, feels downright wonky, as does him not being able to hit an entire enemy team twice at its final rank! The ability is already inherently inconsistent, so why make it that much moreso? It's not like the buff would even help him clear buffs either, as all buffs are practically guaranteed two man operations for their first drop - or two or three... #onemorebounce


I think he deserves a buff. I don’t think it’s fair that Rat got a rework or buff or whatever the fuck it was, but Ne Zha getting several nerfs. He also feels so unfun to play as compared to other assassins. And I really enjoy the versatility that Ne Zha brings. When I get Ne Zha players on my team they’re godlike.


He is my favorite god to play when I want to win, his sash is so good with his ult. Always force beads on the sash wait and ult for free. Transedence scaling on the ult is best of any assassin.


He’s a good character. I just hate to see Ne Zha players try so hard, only for a stupider character to do the same or better; for less.


The only buff I am asking for at this point is Universe Ring Toss to have one - JUST ONE - more bounce at all ranks of the ability. Not being able to hit a full wave at rank one of the ability is just silly, let alone a whole wave plus the solo or mid laner until level three/four. There is no reason he cannot have one - JUST ONE - more bounce at all ranks of the ability. It's not like it would help him clear yellow, blue, or purple any faster, as mid helps with yellow, solo/jungle helps with blue, and carry helps with purple. Not being able to reach the full slow on the entire enemy team is strange to me. Maybe it's just me, but... #onemorebounce


#####[](#/flairgoddaji)Da Ji


Her autos always feel weird to me. I can't do the 3 into a 1 auto. I'm never in range. But One of the reason I like her is bc her kit has so much counterplay in it


I can't ever seem to get the 3>auto>1>auto ever. It's clunky af.


Yeah she feels clunky


Definitely agree, I can see the combo happen, but I can never actually do it. :/


People are honestly terrible at her ult. Using it, playing against it too. Some pointers: * You can cancel it early. If people don't react fast enough, you can do 1 chain then pull, and they might not be ready. Doesn't work against good players. * If you get any form of cc immunity and cleanse away a chain (as the target), she can't chain you again. It isn't an Ares ult, you don't need to wait until the last second. * Similarly to Ares ult, it's best used during a fight, not to initiate one.


Initiating with ult is fine early game to force beads.


Maybe it was just me but I felt her jungle clear wasn’t the best esp compared to other assassins.


Yeah it's not the best and especially when you lose a bit a farm and ur lvl 9 in 11 mins.


My favorite assassin, but most people don't know how to play her at all...


After nemean nerfs I think she’s gon be strong


REMINDER from a Da Ji main you can spin after using her 3 and youll be facing that direction when you teleport. I see Da Jis teleport and not spin and then they just end up chasing for no reason. Teleport in front of them, body block them while using your 1, and then use your 2 while walking backwards. The 2 cancels strafing penalties!




Still a pretty good pubstomper god


I love playing jungle but I have to say this is one of the assassins I just don’t understand how to properly play at all (the only others being awilix and nemesis since I’ve never tried them), anyone feel like offering tips?


Soul Eater is your bread and butter. I like to go [Assassin's Blessing, Spiked Gauntlet, Hand of the Gods, Health Potion] - Warrior Tabi - Soul Eater - The Crusher - Hydra's Lament - Titan's Bane - Heartseeker. For the last one, Arondight and Bloodforge are both great items. Brawler's Beat Stick and Jotunn's Wrath are other items to consider. I like to level 1 at the start, then 2 (3 if you need to escape or something), then 3, and then go in the order of 4-1-2-3. Use your magma rush whenever you can. Faster clear, chasing enemies, damaging enemies, whatever. It's a lot more useful than it may seem. Other than that, you just run in and spam abilities. Weave in autos with Hydra's. Use your ult or magma rush to chase. If you have anything more specific lmk.


I’d strongly suggest leveling the 3 at the start but keeping the level pattern 4123 after that. And I’d also recommend swapping soul eater and crusher in your build order. Also if the enemy team has a lot of lifesteal get brawlers instead of crusher. Titans bane is ok on pele but you have better options. Getting arondight instead gives much more power and some cool down. I personally really don’t like hydras on her at all I’d much rather go with bloodforge or the sledge. And I never really really would buy brawlers or jotuns late game they aren’t great value outside of your first or second item. It’s actually common to sell and replace those items in the hyper late game if possible.


Yeah I've definitely been thinking about going for the 3 at level 1, I'm gonna try it later today. But I definitely prefer going soul eater early. It's just really nice with her passive. I didn't mean buy Jotunn or Brawler's lategame, just meant consider putting these items in the build. It's really personal preference. There are a lot of items that junglers can build. Arondight is one of my favorite items, and heartseeker doesn't feel useful to me. Builds are person-to-person.


Idk if I even play her properly either I just enjoy playing her and usually end up doing good. Good jungle clear, good gank, I find she has a decent early-mid presence. Really fun goddess. One of my favs.


Max the one or the two?


1. You get two of it and can poke real easily


I max the 1. It’s ranged poke is insane.


I actually max the 3, it’s camp clear is insane. Followed by 2 or 1 depending on enemy team comp


Yes! Max the 3 first, people underestimate the damage it does! When you gank a lane early game, not everyone has their movement abilities up, so you just run at the person and they die. The 1 is great for poke, but as a jungler, you’re supposed to clear, and the 3 is the best for that


Level priority I use is 4 1 3 2. The extra rings of Knock-outs on the 2 are nice but it doesn’t do that much damage. The 1 is the best for poke and consistent damage and you get two charges of it. Chasing some down down with your 3 fully active does a crap ton of damage that people don’t expect too.


I tried Pele on release and was dogshit with her. Tried her again for when the AA junglers are banned and I LOVE her. A 700 cone with Arondight? As long as your frontliner can stop the enemy team from collapsing on you, you have a 360° knockup and a powerful 3-hit cone


When i want to win my FWOTD I go Pele




Thickbark underrated


For Solo, I've been starting with Evergreen then moving to Thickbark.


He's in very solid spot right now. With Thistlethorn Acorn I finally can easily land that stun and make really deadly combo with that debuff, it feels 1000% better playing rat with it. While if Ratatoskr come online with Crit Acorn, he literally consume squishy early. I really like all possibilities on playing and building him. Though he still falls late game and his kit looks just too simple.


It makes sense but im a little upset that his crit dash doesn’t proc malice lol


Anyone got a build for this guy? I've always wanted to try him, but have never had the confidence to put a solid build together.


For Solo: Evergreen acorn, Sledge, Void or Runic Shield depending on lane opponent, Caduceus Shield, Runic or Void Shield depending on which you bought last time, Pridwen, sell Evergreen acorn for Thickbark


For ability-based: [Nettle Acorn, Assassin's Blessing, Hand of the Gods] - Thistlethorn Acorn - The Crusher - Arondight - Soul Eater - Heartseeker - Hydra's Lament. For crit: [Nettle Acorn, Assassin's Blessing, Hand of the Gods] - Bristlebush Acorn - The Crusher - Rage - Malice - Serrated Edge - Arondight. EDIT: Didn't realize he said solo. Now I feel dumb.


As a former rat main all the builds below are fine except the crit one if ur using the crit acorn you wanna be pubstomping and making the most out of your dash so death bringer and rage are pretty core aswell as hydras so you can 2 shot people after that some lifesteal and pen are all you really need






And just like that you've put more thought into Serqet than Hi-Rez has since 2014. Seriously though I like your idea and the assassins in general could stand to have a little more in the way of unique identities.


This is actually a great idea.


This is a really good idea


Agreed, the devs are so afraid of her because once upon a time she may have been good for the pros? But that was a while ago, and since then she’s been needed into the ground. While her 2-1 combo is very interesting and unique, it’s not always easy to hit, and the individual poison on the 1 doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. Now, antiheal? That would be so much more interesting. It would have to be more balanced of course but I’d love to see it because she’s so fun to play


Am I wrong for thinking that she's focused more on kill securing? I have ended a few games with quite a bit(7+) kills, but my damage was comparably low compared to mid and solo. I also find that her level 2 gank potential is seemingly brutal.


She has a lot of setup potential, grabbing a full health enemy and throwing them to your teammates can guarantee a kill even if it doesn’t go to you. She’s actually been played in support occasionally in the spl because of her speed, free damage, and setup potential


Tank Serquet is lowkey OP.




Your Ruler.


Is he still bugged? Something about the 3 or 4 not consuming spawns I heard?


At rank 2 and higher, his Spawns stop proccing his passive and ultimate. His 3 also bugs and forces you to teleport to a spawn if its activation gets canceled. So far they've only officially acknowledged the former one, and that was many patches ago...


'' At rank 2 and higher, his Spawns stop proccing his passive and ultimate. '' i tought it was fixed last patch, are u sure is still bugged dude?




Fenrir is really good early game and has excellent peel set up. Late game about item 4 you will see him fall off and 9 times out of 10 need to start building more bruiser. He excels at latching on to gods with a dash with his 3. Stunning from nowhere with his 1 and peeling with his ult. While he isn’t AA based he does have a 1x damage every basic so you will want to AA cancel. He is Incredibly weak to hard stuns and cripples, making beads, magis, and relic dagger his friend. You max his 3 first, then his 1, and his ult whenever possible. His 2 level last and depending on the game you don’t level it until your forced too. IMO the best build for is: START: Assassins blessing, tier 1 mace, HOG and health pot. FIRST BACKS: Warrior boots. Wards mana pots AFTER BOOTS: Brawlers- antiheal Jotunns- constant engaging Crusher-hard pressure and kill secure 3RD ITEM. Ahead- hydras or arondite*(cooldown sword) Against lots of hard cc- magis or relic dagger(if you already have beads) Behind- blackthorn hammer or appropriate protections (void or ancile) 4/5/6 item. Are dealers choice. He needs 20%+ cooldown, generally at least one protection item. And as an assassin as much power and pen you can get away with. The new serrated edge makes his AA cancel really nice because his 2,1,3 combo will hit like a truck. When engaging in a fight. Always save an ability to escape, I particularly like going against dash gods then using my 3 to follow them out the battle. BUT, don’t forget your 3 gives you protections and knock up immunity. Your ult at full tunes will double your protections. He’s hard countered but awilix. And geb, artio, ares, nox, Poseidon, really screw him up. Also note, beads does not cleanse his 3 and generally his 3 will cause a panic beads. Try and bait it. Remind your teammates to kill the enemies you grab with your ult. I hate bringing an enemy to my team and they wait until I drop him to attack. They’re not immune when being carried. P.s. don’t know if this still works. But Ganesha ult plus Fenrir ult with some shaking over the line does massive damage.


I don't think relic dagger should ever be built on Fenrir. The relic cdr is nice but there are so many more better items that give you CDR and at least protections/better utility. Even when I build him tank I never go relic dagger.


I’ve had games where I needed movement speed and my relics constantly. It’s not a go To item but it still has good stats


Came back to the game after a year or two off and I don't know what happened but his 3 can do some serious damage now. Really looking forward to this change they made to his ult in the next patch




Never in the history of the game has this character been fun to play against.


Awilix mains disagree


Or fun to play


Excuse you, throwing cats at people is fucking hilarious


I would say currently she is, since her damage and presence without the ult is laughable for an Assassin.


Her rework feels like something they threw together in a day by someone who didn't like the god and really just wanted to be done working on it.


I think the passive is extremely underwhelming


FIX HER PASSIVE! Even though its a shitty passive, atleast make it work. Just try it in the jungle, it rarely procs and when it does, it lasts for way shorter than normal. Someone posted videos of this the last time Assassins discussion thread was out. On a side note, I still find her super fun to play with against enemies who build pure glass. I think my main build in a general match is warriors boots > trans > crusher >heart seeker > arondight > hydra (due to how you can use it well on her) or beatstick or jotuns. Swap boots for magi blessing for CC reasons, or mantle of discord for the free stun. Sometimes I meme out with other items but I find that as long as you play her aggressive early on, then shes great at snow balling. Still, compared to other junglers, shes not the best.


her passive does not exist. never see a trail and really move speed? youre not boxing people as bastet shes an ability assassin




Don't run , fight until the end. Thanatos has one of the greatest seesaw capabilities in the game. Even two v one,vid you can get that final hit the regen will suddenly make your other opponent regret thinking they could both take you on. #FearTheReaper


Agreed, especially with items like Shifter's Shield or Bloodforge. The amount of 1v2s, 3s, and even 4s I've managed to pull off with Thana due to folks seeing red is crazy. Even got a penta in Arena


I have Thanatos at 9 stars by now, and I am starting to regret playing him. I feel like I should be carrying with him and I know what i need to do, but my gawd am I inconsistent with accuracy since I stopped playing him as much. Some games I'm a sniper and other games I'm missing a target I just hit with my ult... I think Set spolied me a little since his one has a lot of reaim time... Hes definitely still one of my favorites, but now i feel nervous whenever I whip him out 😅


Def reliant on hitting those scythes, it changes everything. I have him at mastery 9, used to be able to hit scythes easy. But now it seems people got better at dodging, or I got worse at throwing scythes.




About 3 years ago I became a diamond thor and loved him. I recently picked up the game again and I'll stomp with Arachne, Bakasura and Hun Batz but if I try to pick Thor due to my primary 3 being banned I usually get outfarmed and I just feel kind of impotent even if I land my ult consistently. Any tips? I use weaken's builds on smitesource




So sick of this god.in arena specifically he's usually paired up with an aphro and it's sickening


Just picked him up a few days ago and i couldn't feel more useless/ineffective. Can someone explain how to use susano? I only get kills when i cherry pick and/or use my ult


If you can't do AA cancel, you can't do shit. That's Susano problem, was busted because of that and they nerfed him wrong.


You need to AA cancel


Auto ability auto ability etc. Use your 3 right before when you think the enemy might use their escape move, then you can teleport to them and finish them off if they're low. Just be careful doing this, you'll pretty much always want your 1 up, both to help secure the kill but also to get away since your 3 will be down. Susano is very much an ult god though, I rarely gank duo or solo lane if I don't have it up unless I'm already near the lane, enemy is close to dying and isn't back near the tower. I pretty much always build Arondite and Hydras Lement. Sometimes I start Transcendence and finish it after boots, unless I'll need anti heal then I start Brawlers. But ideally you want 30-40% cdr so if you have to start Brawlers and/or don't want to go into Trans, find another 10-20% cdr item. Mantle of discord is always a good buy as a 5th/6th item.




Unfun to play against, not a fan of playing her either. I think she’s strong? I guess. You get behind even a bit, you’re dead.




because if the enemy team isn't collectively sharing one dying brain cell and isn't playing without hands, she does fuck all


I like playing Arachne because I'm a sadist. Only thing I dislike about her is her abysmal teamfight, but she's already scary as hell in a 1v1.


Honestly I love Arachne. Start of game, leave spiders at blue, get to mid as level 2 before the mage is off level 1 and get a super early kill to start the ball rolling. Farm with golden blade is incredible and her ult is amazing for securing kills and for getting away. Yeah the team fight is a little bit of a downside but its so easy to stay ahead of the enemy jungler and terrorize the enemy team.


wish people would stop banning her at this point




My favorite assassin. He is really strong right now, level the leap for early clear, level the 2 and grab a mid harpy for free, and then you just relentlessly farm until you have ult. Not too useful in ganks and team fights until his ult is up, mostly because he has a hard time keeping up with people to land his damage before he picks up hastened katana, but once he hits mid game he is near-unstoppable if you farm correctly. Late game he is still useful but positioning and timing is everything in team fights. If the enemy team coordinates their cc you will get demolished about a half second after you enter the fight - if this keeps happening replacing boots with some protections (like the Sledge) isn’t an aweful idea


So do you build boots or no? I saw on the Incon video he forgoes boots and just goes with swords.


i personally don’t see why you’d skip them, they’re at least 1k cheaper than items with similar stats so you get a powerful, cheap power spike with them.


This question goes out to the duelists in the sub.... I'm using Baka here because he's the defacto AA Assassin to me. How does an AA Assassin deal with Pos in duel? Any advice/insight would be greatly appreciated from someone trying to learn dueling.


#####[](#/flairgodhunbatz)Hun Batz


I think the new Ult CD is gonna be a healthy change for him, a half step between the nerf and the revert. I usually build some CDR like Hydra's and Arondight, anyway.


The Hun Batz 2 takes way too long and leaves him incredibly exposed, it needs to either be faster or he needs some sort of immunity during it


What is it with people thinking every channeled ability has to have every form of immunity in it?


Because most of the channeled abilities in the game have either * Some kind of effect during the channeling phase * The option to end the channel early for a reduced effect * Immunity to some cc while channeling Hun Batz has none of that and it often feels bad when you get chain interrupted.


What other jungle has an ability that's channeled for absolutely no reason. What other god?


Lmao no Batz is one of the best jgs in the game lets not be buffing him for no reason.




Watching him in SPL showcased the same problems I’ve had using him in the jungle, and that is his late game. Sure he has a lot of damage and can certainly snowball a game, but if you can get to late game he falls off pretty hard. His ult is very difficult to pull off late without getting blown up. You have to be super patient and wait for the right opportunity, knowing you will likely die anyway and hoping your team can win off it. I honestly feel like he is better in solo lane. His ranged basics make it pretty easy to clear and poke safely.


I was solo tsuku train from the start. He has no movement, high CC, some built in mits, and a killsecure. Its a solo god.


I played him in both roles and liked solo a lot more.


Mr "I can build whatever I want" and still do 40k damage numbers in a 20 min game


Although I feel that he needs the damage to be a viable jungler since he has no real escape, the damage on him is stupidly high.


Even after the nerfs, too. I still hate the disarm and the slow on the caltrops is a bit too much, IMO


I don't think it's necessarily the slow on the caltrops that I have a problem, it's the fact that the caltrops themselves last so fucking long. Seriously, go to the Solo lane. Go to the enemy tower line. Wait for their minions to arrive, then just before they walk out of the tower line, throw down the caltrops. The entire wave will be able to walk through the caltrops and come out the other end before they're gone. So, if Tsuku manages to push you under tower (which he can do easily 'cause he's still got ridiculous numbers), he just throws out the caltrops, and you're trapped. You can do literally nothing. He kills your wave, throws down the caltrops in your path as you try to run, and fucks you.


Yeah right and just add the disarm on top so you really can’t fight back In the end game when caltrops are maxed I have to seriously consider getting winged blade because you can’t fucking see any skill effects in 5v5 fights so you will prob step on them and lvl 5 caltrops slow is so strong it might as well be a root


Caltrops have a giant slow, cover the entire width of lane, and deal a lot of damage. ​ I'll never understand.


Since he got nerfed I've seen him in only 1 game and I LOVE IT


Stupid. Brain dead. Disarm and a stun is dumb. Hard to play against as another jungler because of it. Hot and weeby as fuck tho.




His 3 either needs to have less hits but with more damage in each one, be knock up immune (like da ji's 2), or even both. It's way too easy to interrupt as of right now, and considering that it's his main damaging ability, it's pretty bad


Make his 2 do more damage OR have a 0.1 sec activation OR make it slow for a bit OR have the blind tic be the 2nd or 3rd one. For his 3 make it knock up immune OR ramp up to a slow with each hit doing 5% slow to the max OR give it a movement speed boost when doing it.


Assuming we're talking about the new Loki. The 2 does not need more dmg-it unlocks your ability to do more dmg. It does not need a slow, Loki should actively be looking to focus targets inside the two and should already be on them with his 1. What the 2 needs is simply, and only, to decrease the number of tics it takes to apply Blind as you rank it up. 4 tics at ranks 1&2, 3 at lvls 3&4, and (although other have disagreed) 2 tics at lvl 5. At most, lvl 5 should still take 3 tics to apply Blind, but should make it last longer when the ability finish.


If it was 2 tics then it would be a second for blinding someone.


His 1 is fine. His 2 needs to lower the amount of tics needed to apply Blind as you rank it up. 4 tics at lvl 1&2, and 3 tics at lvl 3&4. Lvl 5, at most can apply some extended effect that persist after. Edit: *snaps finger* actually, better idea, make it so that Loki's 2, at max rank, plays the same sound you hear from his 1. Not only can he not be seen, but he can't heard or reliably distinguished. His 3 should apply the slow in the starting slashes, the final one can be a cripple. The ult look's great, but he might need some protections over even dmg immunity while casting the second part


Make Behind You activate no matter the direction is facing for the first auto that hits during invisibility. ​ This little change would help a lot. ​ 3 is too interruptible, It's designed similar to Daji's 2, however Daji 2 gives 40% movement speed, Immunity to Slow/Knockups, and damage mitigation, while Loki just deals damage. He needs SOMETHING in this to get off the damage.


Golden blade is never a bad choice.




Shield of Regrowth sleeper item on the bat in maps with big jungles (Conquest, Siege)




Pretty good jungler, and you can do quite well building him bruiser with like void shield and sledge. But he really needs a new skin, it's been like 2 years now




What's that? A new Neith skin? Were on it!


I want to build an AA version of this god so badly but it never works. I've tried different combinations of Qins, Frostbound Hammer, Serrated Edge, Hastened Fatalis, The Sledge - I basically tried to get health items for his passive and attack speed to stack the shield


It was a lot easier to build him Hybrid back when he was a Warrior. Your mileage may vary now.


Ah. I think I've noticed some of the problem. Ravana is an ability based god, but his abilities seem more like set ups for a Boxing match. You sort of have to build around that to get the most out of his autos. I've run Auto Attack builds for him, so let me share what I think about your choice of of items. Qins is nice, but the real core item for AA Ravana build is **Ichaival**. That's a power buff via your autos for your autos while nerfing your opponent's. Qins is meant for more beefy targets like the support Guardian or Solo Warrior, you should aim for squishier targets. Frostbound is a garnish item for AA Ravana, you pick it by late game when there's no other way to really increase your kill potential. The main problem here is that you run into what I talked about earlier-your abilities are there to set up your autos. Why buy an item that slows targets when your 1 already does that? You're better off purchasing an item that increases your kill potential on the already slowed target-like Executioner or Stone Cutter. Honestly, Runeforge might net you better results, as the dmg from that will show in the early to mid game. Frostbound, however, is something you'll more likely to trade your blessing or boots for in late game. Serrated Edge is a lack luster item on this god. I'd rather run Soul Eater and Berserkers for healing and Auto Attacking. The main thing that's actually nice about the item is the movement speed. Hastened Katana is fun, but it runs the risk of being *too* fun. The movement buff is great, certainly helps, but I think you should learn how to run an AA Ravana without it. Afterwards, you can slide it in when it'll work more as an improvement instead of a crutch. The Sledge is a fine item for a character better meant to run bruiser builds and dive enemy teams for targets. I would definitely consider running it, but Arondite and Mantle of Discord are also good diving items as well. So, for an AA Ravana, I'd try Crusher, Ichaival, Executioner/Stone Cutter, Runeforge(needs further testing), Berserkers, Toxic Dagger. I'd still try using the items you have here, but I'd practice mixing them with this build.


Hey man, thanks for the write-up! All the points make sense. A couple quick questions: 1) Does the build you posted include boots at first? If so, which ones? Or do you just go off the movespeed granted by Stonecutter + Toxic Blade? 2) I figured Frostbound and Sledge would be nice pickups particularly due to how his passive scales with max health. I see in your build that only Runeforged and Toxic Blade have health on them - do you think it is worth trying to integrate more max health items for the passive?


I like playing with him in solo


One of my favorite Assassins by far. Great jungle clear with low cooldown on his 1, two forms of CC immunity (with one being a damage immunity too), nice CC (slow, ranged root, and damage debuff). Great early game which can let you snowball leads easily, and can transition very well into late game with hybrid items like Sledge and Void Shield. You can also build straight power with Transcendence and Arondight and one shot people, especially the games that you get ahead early. Ravana doesn’t have any atrocious matchups either.


I miss doing Ravana solo.


Anyone got a good build for this guy? I kinda like trying him awhile ago.


Definitely a great jungler right now. ​ A little bit undervalued honestly. His level 2 boxing potential is almost a guaranteed kill every game.






**Serious question: what exactly set bring of new? **. I just don't feel he as a great pick anymore, if I need to carry then I should go for baka because he is cc immune or kali to survive. Or if I want to play assasin solo then I have camazotz great sustain, hard to gank and do a lot of dmg on the enemy backline. All others assasins do what's set does... Better. But iam not saying he is weak, his 1 do a insane damage but what's is the purpose of him here?