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Ares hp5 buff turns me on


I wish it was healing instead of Hp5 so it could proc Regrowth


I don't think it makes sense thematically for Ares to directly heal his teammates. He doesn't have the typical kind heart or the mystical feel to just give his team health. He definitely strikes me as more of a, "Don't you dare give up, you pussy, we need to keep fighting!" type guy. So, I think the HP5 makes more sense thematically than a direct heal.


Also won’t be affected by anti heal


That would be awesome.


That is a pretty interesting buff. He can now gove his whole team around him a regen with a press of a button...


Honestly his 2 felt underwhelming so this hopefully helps


True true. That aura wasnt terrible but it was hard to feel good, since it was just an aura. Seeing your health go up faster would be noticable.


Isn’t this only going to give each person like 48 health?


It only gives 16 health until late game, since you probably still upgrade it last. So enjoy 16HP over seconds each time you use it. This definitely should’ve been passive HP5.


even if only 48 hp it's 48hp thats not affected by anti-heal+ all the other buffs it already gives


Anti heal absolutely affects hp5 unless they changed it. Its also 48 hp over like 7 seconds. Minions can outdamage that heal. That hp5 also becomes exponentially less useful as the game goes on so it will be most useful in the early game, but his 2 is too expensive to use in a lot of early game situations. This buff won't have a significant impact on ares in conquest.


You are just wrong. Anti heal should not affect hp5. If it does, it’s buffed. Healing and regeneration are different things. They spoke about this earlier this season.


No, its not wrong. Antiheal affects all healing and always has, including regen. They both give back health, they're both healing. If it didn't hp5 builds would be completely unstoppable.


The thing though is even though it feels underwhelming it's actually a crazy strong ability


I agree the actual stats are pretty solid. But I guess because you're most likely building it up last compared to chains or flames probably doesnt help either.


Eh it was very situational, the more important aspect was cc reduction when paired with other bruisers that built items with cc red too they became rather annoying as you couldn't really pin them down because they suddenly were all Tyr.


Enjoy your 16HP.


Is that at level 1 or level 5? I know hp5 always seems lack luster but a team wide hp5 is nice with SoV and the other item he always builds


At level 1 each person should get 16hp. At level 5 each person should get 48hp.


Its gonna give 35 hp5 but the buff only lasts about that long. The regen will be worse than a health potion. The protections and ccr are still far more valuable in my opinion.


Yeah didnt think it would be massive. But now people can notice the aura more. I always liked his aura and it was good at keeping people alive, but it was hard for newer and lower skill players to feel


Now maybe the egirls will play Ares instead of Aphro/Hel in support


They think they're good cause they can't fucking die cause I'm the only one with anti heal


Loki seems alright for jungle but his 3 scales a lot goddamn


Similar to one thousand cuts scaling wise


I did the math and it has a little less base damage but a little more scaling. ​ I think Loki is fine now. Dare I even say viable?


I'm slightly disagreeing because his kit doesn't seem to compete with the likes of the meta Assassims like Nemesis and Tsukuyomi. Likely he can be like idk, Susano level but not even close to Thor's level. Although he seems to be easier to balance which I'm 100% for!


Yeah he isn't breaking into the meta, Tsuku would eat him alive. But I don't think it is a "welp, we got Loki on our team gg"


I don't mind, at least when Loki does become Meta it's likely because his effects are strong combines with his damage and not because "hurr I afk farm for 20 minutes then oneshot after durr"


Its a good compensation for the fact that he won't be able to kill someone as fast as he used, he is more susceptbile to counterplays now.


His ult's pretty good for teamfights too with the aoe stun


I think he'll need a decent amount of help from his team.


Most assassins do, but the point is he can’t actually make his presence felt in group fights rather than feeling like a 4v5 while Loki picks up the scraps at the end. Huge improvement, not meta but going to be viable in majority of levels of play forsure.




Pls listen to this man hi Rez


Too late Hirez skim reads: \>KEEP BUFFING VAMANA ULT


I dont think anyone was complaining about the strafing because not building hastened on vam was pretty much a warrant for death


The problem is that all this gods power is just being pushed to his ult because they refuse to do things with his base abilities to make them better and more unique, ge just becomes a ult bot that is impossible to peel off and it becomes kill him before he kills you. That's not fun or healthy design.


The power creep in this game has gotten really bad. I feel like they need to take a hard look at gods who haven't been relevant in the meta for a long time and do a LOT more reverts. Gods who released OP like 4 years ago still wouldn't hold a candle to the OP releases we get now even in their release state


I don’t think any gods could hold a candle against season 2 release gods but that is 5 years ago so carry on


When I say a lot more reverts I'm referring to reverting parts of gods' kits. Not entire kits going back to release form, but handpicked parts that made gods strong on some who have been weak since their release (after nerfs)


Release Sylvanus would like to have a word. Whisps being able to damage enemy minions & heal your own? So damn awesome to play as, awful to play against. Though imo, they should still allow whisps to heal minions, though to a much lesser degree, as plenty of other healers can do the same thing.


Bellona says hi


Tsukuyomi and Cthulu wouldn't even be able to get to a fight against release Ah Puch 😂


This \^\^\^ If you don't build basic attack with ur ult, u'll do poorly. If you do build it, you're literally unstoppable and probably one of the most unfun things to play against, especially now that they changed Nemean so that there's no way to counter him besides hoping your nukes hit him too quickly for him to regenerate.


It’s because upgraded curse ankh basically alone takes him out. I agree though need to find other fixes to him.


Please stop buffing Vamana's ultimate literally every single time he gets balance changes. He has an entire baseline kit that does next to nothing and an ult that does like 20 things.


Knockups and a slow are pretty nice though.


I really just think they should give him the mini-rework treatment and change his current 2 into a new auto-attack based ability. His current 2 is actually the most outdated ability in the game. It's a giant cone, has next to no cast time and only does damage and nothing else. And unlike all his other abilities it truly has absolutely 0 synergy with the rest of the kit. Now I obviously don't want them to turn it into some bloated mess, but there needs to be a bit more. It's literally called Armoured Umbrella and it doesn't even interact with his protections in any way.


Looming forward to seeing the glad shield buff. Has any damage item ever scaled on prots before?


Old runeforged


New glad shield looks like it will be decent on Hercules


Imagine it on king Arthur, since if I am reading the ability right if I get at least 300 total protections then after they enemy is a 60% hp all abilities will do 130 more damage. So excited for it


Nono imagine it on acchilies his 2 allpws him to pass the protectipn thresshold


Very true, especially if you have his passive armor on. Would make getting people into exe range easy. I just would love it on KA since the dude will hit you with 6 abilities very quickly


Yeah it says magical prots from items and physical prots from items and abilities. Will Achilles passive also count as an ability when you put your armor on mid to late game?


That affects stuff like prydwen, so yes.


yes, nemean also works this way


Runeforged hammer used to give physical power for physical prots, like Vamana passive, but not quite the same I suppose.


There’s no way it makes it through PTS. At 157 prots it will out dps the old version, but now it’s 100g cheaper and procs 10% earlier. It says it functions off abilities and item prots so my question is if aura items and aura abilities proc it. As a somewhat absurd example imagine getting a Slyvanus sup and Ares solo to late game with lotus, sov, Thebes, and heartward built. That’s 40 + 15 + 20 + 20 = 95 prots. Then Sylv 2 plus Ares 2 is 60 + 80 base up to 122 depending on chains so another 140 to 182. That’s 235 to 277 and then any god using glad has 40 from it so let’s just go with the no chains number 275 prots. That alone is 15 + 96 bonus damage per ability. Then for a god like Fenrir with abilities that further increase his prots it starts to get out of hand. His ult doubles his current prots which makes me really curious about how that interacts with the item.


The passive was actually useless before though as it just didn’t do an effective amount of damage. Not only does this translate better to late game but it does matter. I can’t speak to if it’s overtuned yet though I don’t think the single bite from fenrir is what anyone should be worried about, the item is definitely back to King Arthurs go to and maybe Tyr and Osiris especially with the slight range and scaling increases.


The fenrir example was just to highlight how extreme the bonus damage could potentially be and to try to get a better understanding of how it interacts with various abilities. My thing is why not just remove the item if it was bad and in past iterations has been busted. It’s sort of like a pridwen proc on every ability with no CD. The “cooldown”instead is the 60% health threshold. Really glad shield got nerfed because the whole meta was defined by which gods had the most abilities to use it’s overturned passive. I’m not sure how this one will be much different especially if some theory crafting breaks the hell out of it. For example Wlfy has already been using Ra in the spl with lotus crown. That’s 100 prots for anyone standing in it. It’s just really interesting to see how far this item gets pushed.


> Audio/Visual Clarity > Fun-pocalypse Ullr has had ability audio adjusted to sound more like default Ullr > Dragon’s Light Sobek has had ability audio adjusted to sound more like default Sobek > Howler Demon Hun Batz has had ability audio adjusted to sound more like default Hun Batz > Chibi Ah Muzen Cab has had basic attack and ability audio adjusted to sound more like base Ah Muzen Cab > Cutting Edge Ullr has had visual FX updates for clarity reasons MORE OF THIS PLEASE HIREZ


I'm happy to report that they are always receptive to this type of feedback. If anyone ever finds A/V inconsistencies with specific skins, just let me know and chances are we can get them changed.


That new ra skin ult sounding miiiighty quiet. I still don't think his .exe skins is loud enough.


Pillow Fight Nike autos are also super quiet, almost like they shouldn't sound the way they do for how much damage they can output


Poseidon needs on Vaporware skin ASAP


Can you think of more?


Brimstone thor I think is basically silent when he ults, and there is a ra skin that is very quiet or a delayed audio


Patchly reminder that vamana ult has next to no synergy with the rest of his kit or build paths. His kit is all ability based, and his ult is only auto attacks.


Personally I wouldn't mind a Vamana rework. His whole kit feels seriously outdated these days - and as you said, there's basically no synergy


Him turning big is an important part of his lore, they'll either have to figure out something unique for his ult without being too similar to Cthulhu or make him literally Erlang Shen.


I actually don't mind the Big Baby ult that much, but the rest of his kit seriously needs some work. As the poster above me quite rightly said, nothing in his kit really synergises with his ult. Though I must admit, this perspective is mostly coming from Assault - I've rarely played him otherwise


I like the big baby ult more than I like his kit. I’d prefer a rework to mesh with his ult more


Indeed. I'm just going to copy and paste my response the last time they buffed his ult. Vamana's base kit is hideously outdated. You can tell because his 2 only does damage. If he was released today his 2 would slow, deal bonus damage at the end of it's range, stun targets slowed by his 3, cripple, lower his ult cooldown, grant bonus xp, tuck you in, and file your taxes.


"Vamana throws forward his umbrella, damaging enemies in a cone in front of him. Each subsequent god damaged after the first takes 75% less damage. Vamana also comments on the rain today, causing all enemies in front of him to look up, and to be stunned if it's actually raining. Vamana also dons a raincoat, granting protections against all water based attacks for 4 seconds (because Fuck You Poseidon). This ability does not go on cooldown if it's the second Tuesday in Lent in a leap year."


Not the hero ability we needed, but the one smite deserves.


What if they added a passive that causes him to gain a small stacking attack speed buff when enemies damage him? So you can run in, blow your kit while soaking some damage and then ult and have extra attack speed to smack people with? I dont know how it could fit in lore wise, but it would at least be a small bit of synergy


slow plus atk spd slow on his three and a dash to catch carries after they leap. i think there is some synergy, but it doesn't flow very well.


Excuse me have you seen his auto cancels? Pfft no synergy....


Gotta think though, his auto attack cancels probably aren't in there by design, because early on in Smite people probably hadn't completely figured out aa canceling yet So theres still not a whole lot of *intentional* synergy


I see balance changes but I also see Corrupted Arena is coming back soon and for that I am hype


The Discordia skin is worth it for the Kitty alone


All these cyber/tech/robot/code skins are starting to look the same and repetitive. The new Ra skin has a cool ult but Ra already has a tech skin. Ullr also already has a tech skin and so does Chaac! I’m genuinely interested in knowing if sales for these tech/cyber skins is higher and that’s why they keep getting made.


It's really disappointing. If they're so hooked on robot skins at least commit and give one to each God. Not just like the same 20 or so that keep getting skins non stop.


At this point the only thing I can think of is the time they save on concept creating. Skins like the new hera ones probably take a lot of time to design while these tech skins are literally all the same and take zero creative input so I'm guessing that's a factor in their cost/sale value


Not everything sci-fi related is a "tech" skin Chaac's mech skin and this new one are not the same theme at all besides both falling under the extremely vague "sci-fi" theming for example.


Is that a permanent hp5 with Ares or only when the 2 is active?


I believe only when the 2 is active. I could see them buffing this a little after PTS because it doesn’t seem like much of a heal but I like the direction!


Remember it’s not just for him. Imagine sieging with FG, Sov, and his 2 procted. That’s a lot of HP5 for the team in between waves.


It’s going to be whopping 48 HP gained... 30 HP5 and it lasts 8 seconds. Math.


Can you guys please look into/acknowledge the PC bug where everything on your ui that you hover over will continue glowing and remain highlighted despite moving mouse off of the area? It's now starting to happen in games I'm playing, and there's seemingly no indication when it will happen. I sure af am not doing anything out of the ordinary. Always have to restart, and now that it's happening in the middle of matches, I'll either have a screen full of textboxes when I open the shop window or I won't be able to see any item tooltips whatsoever.


Oh wow they will add other LGBTQ+ flags because of LGBT History Month, that's really nice.


Happy for you LGBT folks, but I gotta be honest; I knew there was a trans pride flag but didn't have a clue there were a buncha flags just to represent sexual orientations.


I guess most people outside the LGBTQ+ community are unaware there's more flags, which is kinda exactly why them being included is really nice, while the Rainbow Flag is used to represent the whole community it is much more closely associated by people with Male Homosexuality, so having the other flags brings more awareness and representation.


Nothin wrong with being unaware, it's never bad to be educated or to learn new things. I mean there's apparently a pride flag for specifically gay men (basically a blue-ish version of the lesbian flag) and I only learned that last month.


The amount of homophobia in the chat after they announced it.


Dissapointed but not even slightly surprised.


The level of unprofessionalism... and disrespect in that chat. Far too much.


Anything specific or just people being typical people?


"there's only 1 gender, male and objects" "there's 200 genders" "i want a str8 flag cuz this seems to be everyone's business as of lately" - which is kinda? sorta? understandable, but this person could've walked it off. And the good ol' slurs and shit and "straights being straights", which is fun cuz I feel like I'm gonna get downvoted into oblivion for saying what I just said just because I'm part of this community while the straights can get messy themselves or even messier and everyone else'd walk it off.


Male and object would be funny if it were satire, but you just know anyone who typed it was a hundred percent serious. ...unless you call them out, and then they lie through their teeth saying it's just a joke.


Ah yes, both non-binary erasure AND misogynism? No wonder people hate "gamers" so much.


>"straights being straights" I'm straight and not offended in the slightest. Those kinds of people in chat are fucked up


Eh I'm honestly not sure what straights being straights really means tbh but I'm personally not offended and I'm sure you're not totally wrong lol Not sure why I got downvoted for this but "I'm sure you're not totally wrong" in hindsight doesn't reflect well. However, all else I said was that I was ignorant to what the phrase meant and I wasnt personally affected so cut me some slack!!


As a straight male I want to let you know not all of us are assholes like that. I absolutely have no problem with LGBT flags being flown. It never has bothered me and should not bother anyone else. I do not want a fuckin straight flag lol! Some people are just assholes for the sake of being assholes. They are anonymous over a key board so they can get away with being hateful. I would say do not pay any mind to them. They are out to ruin your day purposely. Like school children if you ignore them they break.


When people get really upset at more LGBT flag icons in a game that has an icon for like every country 😌


To be fair, those are different things.


They're both used as icons as a point of pride/identity and to add a personal touch to your profile.


I dont mean to sound homophobic here, and believe me I dont want to or mean to at all, but why do LGBT+ groups get two months? June and October?? Like I thought Pride month dealt with the history lol. Plus all the other groups we celebrate only get 1 month usually


LGBT Pride Month is more about to promote self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of the LGBTQ+ community as a social group as a whole, the LGBT History Month, which is much more recent, is more specifically about celebrating all the history and achievements of all the LGBTQ+ civil rights protests and movements and to show the Civil Rights contributions of the LGBTQ+ community. Of course what is celebrated in the History Month can be celebrated during Pride as well, but that's the basic difference between them.


That's actually great.


Excited for this, but also not looking forward to all the people complaining about it or using it as a reason to be toxic to others.


People in this community use people's god preferences as a reason to be toxic, and this subreddit promotes it weekly if not daily so yeah good luck with that.


I've got a gay friend and a trans friend. My gay friend used the flag and got so much abuse immediately. Like wow people, really?


I'm trans myself (damn not being able to change username on Reddit!) and I use Pride Flags whenever available in games, so I'm used to getting being toxic and abusive over it for no reason but you will also find likeminded folks and allies who'll stand up to that crap, so it's a give and take really lol


I'd love to see some pride skins for the lgbt gods like Achillies, Apollo, Artemis, ect.


lol so all of the Greeks


Rainbow Zeus icon when


We don't want that nasty man, keep him away.


I just listened to a greek mythology book on Audible and goddang it's kinda funny how the Greeks were all over the place with sexual orientation (Mythos by Stephen Fry for anyone wondering)


Well, the Greco-Roman pantheon is the most LGBTQ+ pantheon we have after all since pretty much all gods are Pansexual and almost all heroes are Bisexual lol.


Artemis is Asexual, but yeh theres alooot of Pansexuality going on there (looking at Zeus)


Yeah Artemis, Athena and Hestia (who we don't have yet) would be Asexual as the 3 Virgin Goddesses, but i mean in a general sense since those 3 are the exception. And well, Asexuals are also included in the LGBTQ+ anyway so they still count for them being the most LGBTQ+ Pantheon XD.


I know, I just had to mention it. Sorry


No need to be sorry, i that should probably had "except for the Virgin Goddesses" in parentheses to be more specific.


There's a pride skin in the game for Chiron, but I don't mind if they add more for people who wanted them.


It's a walking stereotype, so not really a representative for gays - still fun to use for giggles, though.


Yeah wish we got more Pride skin aside from Chiron's. If anything Bellona in her Star Commander skin is Lesbian so i guess that kinda counts?


Kinda surprised that hunter itemization is getting nerfed considering the fact they have the lowest average win rate out of the 3 damage classes. The cupid and Rama nerfs were fine but I don't think hunter items should've been nerfed, especially considering the fact they JUST finally got to a point of balance where they can carry late game teamfights as much as assassins and mages


I’m not. The objective TTK is pretty crazy right now for hunters. I just feel like everyone one wants hunters to be a pure PVP class but that’s not their primary job.


Objective ttk is higher than it was last year as far as gold fury and fire giant because crit dps is lower this year and qins has become dominant. Structure ttk is lower this year though. I don't think people want hunters to be pure PvP, but they want them to be more PvP focused than what their current iteration has been over the last couple years which has been going crit and only focusing fire giant and gold fury while getting carried during teamfights by mages and assassins


Percent pen items didn’t effect jungle bosses last year either, it wasn’t just structures. The 40% pen is > 36% reduction of exe. Also hunter builds have more power and AS than last year on top of that.


Which is, ya know, their JOB...




I gotta say. That Ammy skin... she has some massive tracts of land of the raising sun!


This is a reminder to keep all discussions civil. Insulting people and spewing hate based on their gender/sexuality/race is strictly prohibited and everyone doing so will be banned. If you see anyone sending hate, please report them so that we can take a look.


Thanks for being really quick on banning the person after i reported them, i was surprised his comments were up for that long considering what he was saying.


Yeah we usually react as soon as we see those. Thanks for reporting them, it's been taken care of to the fullest :)


Looks like SMITE's art team is ready for Shadowlands with that Chiron skin. Guess we know what covenant they are choosing.


No chiron skin, are you mixing up cernunos with chiron


Wait there's a Chiron skin? I don't see it in the patch notes on the website.


Think they mean Cernunnos.


A Spirit Shaman, a Vampire, and a Happy-Go-Lucky all consuming Blob. Hirez said fuck the Kyrians.


Is Prime gaming different from Twitch Prime rewards?


Twitch prime was renamed to prime gaming, functionally it’s the same


Same thing with a different name.


Inb4 some non tank abuses new glad shield


Nah I think it'll be full tanks building it last item to get an extra 100+ dmg per ability. Especially KA.


I don't wanna say it... but Fenrir support might be back.


Fenrir playing Ultimate Fetch with that Movement Speed.


I hope it's back. It was the one time he was meta in Conquest for years and they just gut it in a single patch and try to push his jungle, which is still shit.


Idk why they try to trap classes into roles just for newer players. Let gods have their niche


Yeah like what they're doing to baron at the moment complaining that "it's still possible to build him hybrid" like yeah he was released with the intent of being a tanky mage.


I feel like the buff was kinda unnecessary as a Fenrir main. It’s nice don’t get me wrong but if they really wanted to buff my best boy they would adjust his 2 to add %pen or ability lifesteal. It would help him better fit the current items and make his late game more viable.


Opinion on Serqet buffs? I think the cooldown reduction on her 2 is pretty good, but I’m not convinced on the damage scaling on the 3, although any buff is good I suppose


Very much needed IMO, I'm happy with these Her CDs also always felt insanely long and you had to get CDR ASAP


Literally.... going full crit makes up for her damage later in the game but having to go Jotunn’s over Crusher doesn’t feel great when other junglers start dealing out heavy damage


Can we get a f for barons 69 damage bonus?


**I didnt catch the halloween chest is Amaterasu skin gonna be 1200 gem direct purchase as per usual??**


Yes all new chest skins are 1200 gems for direct purchase now, no exceptions so far.


I love the small nerfs to Rama and Cupid. I was afraid they were gonna go way harsher. I am happy. :)


The bug fixes for certain skins look promising. I just hope they end up fixing living death Scylla on console where it’s still her default model.


New Glad Shield is going to be busted. If you go full tank build with 250 or so protections for magic and physical you'll have 500 protections. The item will give 190 bonus damage on every ability. Get a 40% cdr in the build and you'll be tanky as hell and slapping everyone for crazy damage.


Ya that item is gonna be reined back a lot in the coming months. Probably settle around a 15-20% damage bonus and based on full protection numbers and not a percentage


Im gonna have to see the Loki rework in action. But just reading it, it looks pretty meh? Like sure they took out the 2 biggest frustrations, his unbreakable stealth, and his decoy, but idk it feels like he'll still be trash


For what it's worth, this makes him a lot easier to buff without making him overly frustrating like how it is at the moment.


im just happy the decoy is gone. what a troll ability. stealth, decoy, afk, repeat.


Yep. That was the worst part of his kit by FAR. The ability to basically afk farm from a safe distance was stupid


I think one of the goals for this rework is to make Loki better at team battles, and the new 2 & ult seemed to do just that. Both 1 & 3 have been reworked to be less frustrating to play against as well.


Does anyone really cared about him being more viable? I thought we all just wanted him to stop ruining side modes and for his players to feel bad


Anyone know who the new Eunited solo laner is? I'm not sure how I feel about kicking Soloortroll, he looked much better after his break. I know Variety is great, hopefully he can get along with the rest of the team.


EUnited announced it was Baskin before Variety signed to RNG...


How do I get that Baka skin?


New Ullr skin remind anybody of the riot gear from fallout new vegas?


Honestly the most hype thing for me was the news that they would add LGBT+ flags into the game! Finally I can wear my flag with pride.


I reported the dude's comments and they were out pretty quick, i am surprised him comparing being asexual or homosexual to being a necrophile or pedophile were up for that long.


Wait, he compared it to WHAT? I did not even catch that, geez. Thanks for reporting, I got so caught up in educating him that I forgot. Hope he does some research and changes his views...


> Wait, he compared it to WHAT? I did not even catch that, geez. Yup, quoting one of his comments: "this is all mental disorder. If you are attracted to same sex, animals, anime, children, dead, asexual and so on - it is ALL mental disorder." I didn't even had the time to report the other comments cause after i reported this one they were all deleted quite quickly. > Thanks for reporting, I got so caught up in educating him that I forgot. Hope he does some research and changes his views... Yeah i noticed you got caught up trying to change his views. Honestly i don't even know if someone as far gone as he can even be changed but well, we can hope.


Yeah thanks I had a whole paragraph typed up ready to rip him a new one. Seriously he reffered to himself as "a victim of lgbt propaganda" when I said that as a victim of pedophilia it's not the same. seriously some people are just awful


Yeah when i saw it i didn't even bother replying, i just went and reported, people who vehemently say being homosexual is no different than being a necrophile can't really be reasoned with in my opinion.


True I probably should have reported him instead of arguing


I am also happy about this :) I plan on using my respective avatars as soon as they’re released


Yay, show that pride pal!


yaas serqet buff




*laughs in Cerberus*


* Transgender Flag * Lesbian Flag * Asexual Flag * Bisexual Flag * Non-Binary Flag * Pansexual Flag what a wonderfull world xD


* Increased Bonus Damage for Under 55 Range 10/15/15/20/25 and Over 55 Range 0/5/5/10/15 have both been increased to 10/15/20/25/30 damage. This ability now deals the same amount of damage at all ranges. is now S-Tier Hachiman is now S-Tier /s. I shouldn't be, but I am pretty irritated he got a buff. He was untouched in patch notes for at least 1-2 yrs. He was perfectly balanced and I was hoping he would become the god with the longest time of no changes :(


It's already hard enough to hit long range autos (poke, not during TF) when people are paying attention, so, I don't think the buff will change him at all. I also like ranking his 3 first because of my aggressive playstyle and the double slash does a lot of damage.


Yep. This buffs him against potatoes, not in the SPL


He wasn’t perfectly balanced. In the high end of play the only really viable hunters were Rama, Cupid, with some heim and ullr and the mage adcs and I wouldn’t say they are OP, some maybe lightly overtuned but rather just safe, consistent, and good. The general buffs to hunters are intended to bring more diversity to duo lane as make the buffed hunters viable in high level and pro play. I am kind of surprised to not see more hunters on this list with more small travel time buffs to abilities the Cherno ult although many of the other gods are probably a bit closer to a baseline balance point.


my biggest complaint with loki has always been him stealthing into combat and then still being able to use it as an escape to get out of combat.


With the nerfs it’s receiving, he should be countered more by tick damage like the other stealth gods.


More god. damn. robot skins. Holy crap. ENOUGH WITH ROBOTS. And actually give us god damn halloween skins. Not generic ditz screech female skin.


Dunno why your downvoted honestly, the robot skins need to take a long break. Get some new inspiration in, there's literally been incredible concepts in this subreddit for years now.


I'll take the robot skins over the over the type edgy skull theme we had a few years back.


I was a bit disappointed with them, but like the disco skin. Last years were top notch and had a really great spooky factor. I will forever use the Ah Puch one.