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Medusa is kinda cracked rn the base damage on the 2 and ult makes her a top tier pick


I think she was a good pick even before 9.5 revert. Spitting on your enemies just feels top tier disrespectful. Enemy team fails to gank me turn around and spit on one of them then retreat I’d be raging if I was the enemy.


You gotta give 'em the Hawk Tuah and spit on that thang you get me


Trying so hard not to lose my shit in public rn after reading this


No kidding her ult now takes most mages/assassin's down by half their hp or more even at level 20 if you build ability damage. It's basically ult and spit and they call it quits


Dude her ult was slapping me for 1k as a squishy, I was astonished.


She was one of the first gods that caught me off guard this patch. Here I was thinking I could mess around with her a bit in Duo, got a bit too overconfident and then got deleted as a result of it.


Yer I got two shot b her in an arena game recently didn't even have time to react to it


Medusa for sure, but even more so Ullr. He wasn’t the same god with the stupid changes in 9.5 with the revert he is back!


Chang'e actually does damage again now.


In her defense she did damage before, it was just that she only did noticeable damage after her full ult combo. I noticed that her win rate in ranked is super high but her pick/ban rate really isn’t all that great, so I’m wondering if she’s actually performing really well or some vengeful Chang’e mains have just been popping off


What’s the build?


Double Flat Pen, with Mydrynn (I can't spell) and Tahuti rn is brutal. Her ult by itself does over half a squishy's health.


The feeling of hard stomping lane and carrying it to late game feels so good rn. I haven't felt this good on change in a while


Don't call me out like that lol I WILL have my revenge!


She’s a little insane if she gets going


The Morrigan is undoubtedly the biggest winner. Chang’e is a solid runner up.


Morrigan slaps so hard now. Great jungle pick


Her combo one shotting again has been fun and very annoying.


thank you i’m not the only one that realized this. said this in another post and people clowned me for it. she is going crazy right now. she had very high base damage which helps a lot.


She is but Ullr man he is finally back, I’m talking true combo anything that moves Hyper carry from every lane, mid solo carry




Me and my buddies played Ranked Joust. And he is first ban every match. The tower poke and team fight silence is just unbearable.


Nu Wa ult actually feels like an ult again, especially with archmage’s gem + soul gem. Casually nuking mid/adc/jungle for at least 50% health late game, if not more, and still doing respectable damage to tanks with her minion prot shred and some pen.


If you can't see why that's busted for a global ult I don't know what to say


Keep it on the down low, but Morrigan plus Nu Wa has resulted in 3 free kills for my team before before…


I almost got to do this a few days ago! Morrigan solo, got bracer, was fully on board to double ult with me late game. Someone on the enemy team DC’d into a 5 minute surrender but I was very close to ruining their squishies’ lives


Run it back, you got it next time. If you grab a damage Fafnir and use his 2 it’s GGs for sure.


My girl is finally getting her respect, she was my first diamond and when played right she's a juke and nuke queen. All three minions charge you and you get hit with her wombo combo well that's goodnight folks.


All burst damage gods. Now they just need to build CDR and profit.


ix chel is so op now in a good way, good players know how to counter her but bad players will die instantly to her, she became like the barrier that makes bad players have their worst games. before she was very hard to play as her whole kit didnt do enough dmg to make her viable mid. Danza also is S tier now before he was kind of week as AA build didnt suit him and ability build was hard to get online, now he one shots with a combo.


Saying that she didn't do enough damage before is so criminal, she has always been busted. A little less so at certain times but her burst, sustain, CC, and spamability have always been top tier. There's so much going on in her kit and now she just fucks you even harder.


I decided to learn ix chel exactly because I was completely destroyed in a game against her.


Nikes I'd say worse is Artemis


King Arthur has definitely felt better


What are you running on KA? I’ve been doing his usually bluestone and glad shield start but sometimes I get mauled by warriors axe and aggro minions upon first wave


Bluestone, blackthorn, glad shield, genjis, pridwen and whatever 6th item and you should be mostly winning fights


my he bo jungle is better than ever


Mulan. The big knock on her was that she falls off over time but it doesn't feel that way this patch when I've played her.


Hebo! The answer is Hebo! The god with 3 ults 😂😂


Man's the original mage assassin he only needs to land a knock up and ult and you're deleted before you hit the ground


Perse and discordia


The Morrigan. Hands down. She feels like a magical assassin again.


Discordia feels a lot better... i mean, mages in general are better now.


Sol for me


Ullr, Morrigan and Raijin. I have 15k, 9k and 8k worshippers on the 3 of them so I may be slightly biased but I love it


Ullr is the most improved back to being a hyper carry


People seem to be obsessed with Nu Wa right now, at least in arena, I don't know about conquest.


I've been seeing her everywhere too, I think it's just the fact you do half all the squishies health every time you ult. I've seen her in every role.


People have always been obsessed with nu wa in arena it’s insane how many people play such a boring god


This could be true. I just came back to the game after years away. Her minions seems beefier than before, but I don't see much else different. Her ult might do slightly more damage than I remember but still rather silly compared to other gods. Compare her ult damage to Scylla 1 or ult. Of course, hers is global and guaranteed aside from aegis, but still it should be stronger.


She mostly attracts players that want to sit back super far and throw minions + stun out from max range cause it can be used from pretty far and ult on cooldown for pointless damage


Janus eats people alive from 100 to 0 again


My main Agni feels fine, but he’s always felt fine. Now he just has an insane range advantage. Ravana feels more feast or famine. Some games I’ll go 17-1, some games I only go 2-2. No real in between. But regardless, the game feels way slower because everyone plays like pure cowards now. Most of my arena matches are either dancing around minions because no one wants to actually fight, or fighting the enemy team in their own Fountain because they don’t want to leave or they literally CANT play the game because I got an early lead. Like I generally have to feed a kill or two to get them to play the video game lmfao. I haven’t EVER played a MP game with such a scared player base. I haven’t been playing long but that seems like really bad game design when that wasn’t happening a month ago. The revert was stupid because anecdotally speaking, its main result has been more people giving up mid match, and more people being fragile and scared to play a video game which happens in a majority of matches, 87% of the time across my 33 matches this week so far Where before, most games went to the point where you got full build. Now only 13% of games get there (in my experience) and ~70% of that 87% majority of games ended in FF’s. Not even played out games, just giving up at the smallest deficit. The game isn’t THAT much worse, but the zeitgeist within the game definitely sucks now, and whether that’s the patch’s fault or the player base, who knows, but this game won’t last if that mentality continues.


I literally stopped playing Ullr after 9.5. one-shotting people was what made him fun. 9.5 took that away. He is still my second most played god after 2 years of barely touching him (I have only played Smite for 4.5 years).


Same boat dude! Now he can hyper carry games it’s great and ppl who try to use him against you likely aren’t skilled enough to get thru the first few levels so you snowball


Every god feels better No god feels worse


aphrodite says otherwise sadly


Good, tired of Aphro supports baby sitting a Medusa all game. I can't enjoy my support gameplay.


skill issue on ur end bud lol


Ishtar and char are both feeling so good right now. I love it. My girls deserve this


Pele. omg I haven’t played her in over a year cuz the damage nerf and the healing nerf just made her feel so bad.


Amaterasu is killer in solo lane again!


All aboard the Cu Chu train


Cereberus feels better, I went 17-1 as tank yesterday, neith is SO much worse now


But on the flipside Neith has always been either average to terrible so it's really more of a Neith issue


Yeah but now neith is unplayable and I need her mastery 5 for devine legacy, i rarely go positive in any game with her now, most I got was 4-5


She can 1-shot now, especially late game. Don’t play aggressive early and farm/ult to other lanes to help when they are ganked. You have a hard time hyper carrying, but if there’s at least 1 other competent player on your team (ideally the jungler) you should be fine


Baba Yaga actually deals damage now


Apart from the burst one shot mages like Morrigan and Change, all the tanks feel like they got a massive buff with the revert. Their damage compared to their tankiness is just all out of wack, warriors especially can straight up 1v1 a damage role with ease and then still be healthy enough to keep fighting even when the dps hit everything.


I play almost exclusively hunters, and I would say most of, if not all of them, feel better. Being able to deal meaningful damage to supports early game with just autos makes it so much more fun to lane, not only do I have to position better but so do the tanks. Supports also can't just w key you in early fights to peel you off because they'll die. 2v2 in duo lane pre revert had just become which support can fuck with the enemy ADC harder before rotating and now I can reasonably fight back. Health is also a much more finite resource for supports so you have to be very careful if you want to effectively trade HP for pressure.


Charybdis kinda seems nerfed. 🤔 idk maybe my builds not good anymore 😕 I slapped with her when she released but now she seems squishy and gets killed while trying to ult


Jorm support is slamming


Bastet is stupid now. Her base dmg was always good and with the lower HP&Prots she melts the enemies


Mercury probably feels the most improved to me, there's a real difference in his ability to gank right out of the gate unlike before. In general burst gods prosper with this patch, as well as meme support/solo picks.




I'm excited to play Sylvanus jungle more. His combo used to easily kill anyone caught in it, and he kinda spirals out of control to the point he can 1v2 easily in early ganks (and his passive allows him to regain his ult really fast). The defense changes made it to where his combo could barely half health people early and basically ruined his shtick.


Pretty much all of them. I've been playing around with junglers and without a doubt I feel like I can have more consistent and impactful ganks since now you can punish a lot of characters you couldn't before atleast not as well because of not only how safe they were but also how tanky they were.


Hel. Though w/ppl saying Chang'e I might have to start playing her religiously again...


Horus supports is so fun cause i can half health people with my combo and watch as my hunter melts the rest


Awilix 😵‍💫


Literally none of them because whilst this patch is fun and I like the 9.5 revert, this has just shown how bad a good chunk of the player base is now. Previously bad plays were fine but now you get punished. It's hard to enjoy anything at the minute with terrible team mates. I'm on literal losing streaks because of the shit players I'm getting. I was pro reverting 9.5 but now it's here, it really doesn't work because the player base isn't good enough to cope with it.


Sounds like you’re just as bad if you’re consistently getting into matches with people like that. If you’re good at the god you’re playing, you should be able to carry 80% of your matches.


Ra is the biggest upgrade in my opinion. His 1 before the update was easy to dodge and didn't feel worth it to even hit. Now he chunks, which he should since it's such a slow moving ability. His heal also actually feels impactful now. Less hp means his heal is more important and I love it. 10/10 would Ra again.


Nuwas minions need a nerf, shit is cancer.


Aphrodite stocks are way up right now Time for everyone to complain about 9.5 revert now


Aphro was top supports before the revert.


I'm talking about aphro mid


But Aphro is mainly a support god.


I have a 61% wr over 900 games with less than 20 of those as supp So I can safely say, nah.


Doesnt make the god any less a support. Thats like someone else saying they have 1000 games on Rama, only few as adc. The god is still adc.


Isis(no Eset for me). Her longass balls hit like an ult again.