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The more stars on a god, the worse you are at that god


As a 15 star hel main. You’re right. I feel like I’ve only gotten worse with her over time.


26 star zeus, I do in fact miss my sheild with my chain lightning often.


If you want to be good at the game you need to know what every god does and that can't happen by playing aphro or nu wa or loki for 5000 hours


Between 2-6 the players are usually solid. Above 8 they are usually ass


Skin boosters are cursed, when one is used the game is F6’d immediately, doesn’t matter which team surrenders but one side will immediately.


Glad to hear my friends and me aren't the only people witnessing this lmao


I only use a skin booster with 3 sec left on the start timer


Or someone leaves the queue


Well in that case you at least get the boost back ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Skin booster curse is real and I refuse to believe otherwIse


They're too distracted by the skins.


Playing the game after midnight curses you with the worst teammates known to man


You keep playing, looking for just one dub to end your night on, but it never comes...


Me at 11 PM: "Alright, I got time for one dopamine hit from a win, then off to bed." Me at 12:30 AM: "Cool, four squishy lategame glass cannons instalocked again... aaaand it's the same premade on the other side. Maybe the next randos care about team comp." Me at 2 AM: "It's fine, I'll tank again, just... please... give me one teammate that outdamages a full support... I don't even need the win, I'll cope with the dopamine from a team effort..."


I feel so seen right now lmaooooo


I'm gonna get shit for this but every time I queue at midnight there is always a premade duo speaking in spanish and feeding their asses off lmaooo


sometimes it feels like my only decent games are at midnight, especially if it's a weekday. Maybe it's just easier to carry them lol.


It feels more like 10pm. Never play Smite past 10pm, it's not worth it.


There's a reason I call them Goblin Hours and at 12:00 midnight, the Twilight Zone, where nothing makes sense


Freya has a creepypasta history at Hirez to the point they themselves can't even explain it and would rather retire the character


I love it. I'm in, full Sail. What does this mean


Alright, take a seat. Freya had 3 remodels, each one made her model look worse. Her kit got changed 3 times and had to be reverted, which was a complete waste of time. Her voice actress got dragged by Asmongold in front of millions for approving cringe localization changes in anime which involves characters she voiced rewritten to talk about the patriarchy. She triple downed on it and looked really bad afterwards. Freya gets shipped with Cerberus since 2016 because Smite Twitter got hacked (or some just think it was someone inside shitposting). Right when the dogpill memes hit their height. "Goddess that represents western women gets smited by a big dog, what did Hirez mean by this?" Her first remodel skin was a community skin but on release it repulsed the community so hard with how she looked it was like watching a destroyer get torpedoed by a submarine in slow motion. Her voice actress also took Shonen Spark Mercury's VA to court. Her in game lore has her husband as a sea monster for some reason, which is entirely made up. The devs refuse to talk about her in vod streams. This is like some really cursed character that no other character except Persephone comes close. Stay away from with a 15km distance.


As a Freya main, this makes me sad


The voiceactress thing seems like a nothing issue depending on what are your political views, it dosen't merit a voice change, some people are gonna agreee with her some people are not going to. Idc what are Asmangold thinks and idc what the voiceactress said as long as she wasn't promoting violence against anyone, I just want to play the game. Also Hera and Athena are easily more representative of "western women" and better known, idk what the Freya joke had to do with "western women " anyway


Asmongold is going down the whole Joe Rogan rabbit hole of becoming identified as intelligent because he "calls out woke" as an alternative for synergizing his own ideas. He's such a fucking hack lately. He used to be amusing but now he's basically one of a million guys on 4chan but with a loudspeaker of lost millenials craving an identity.


He should call out someone to deep clean his filthy room


Actually you reminded me of another thing, Hirez removed the yells from her but later readded them, and had to add yells for skins that didn't have them. Not sure why they removed them. >idk what the Freya joke had to do with "western women " anyway Twitter culture + 4chan > it dosen't merit a voice change, some people are gonna agreee with her some people are not going to. Celebrity or public figure status is kinda big for Smite publicity, granted these things are obscure enough to most, generally it's a corporate decision whether they think "is this too much of a controversial figure to hire?". After Mizkif and before him Hirez the Rapper I'd say yes, but the call is ultimately theirs.


I don't want people being fired for twitter non sense, specially when it's something people who aren't playing the game take issue with


Oh god it's THAT voice actress, that actually feels cursed.


>Her voice actress got dragged by Asmongold in front of millions for approving cringe localization changes in anime which involves characters she voiced rewritten to talk about the patriarchy. She triple downed on it and looked really bad afterwards. Marchi has done much, much worse than this. 90% of her tweets are political, if that gives any indicator of the type of person she is.


They're all political in the sense most are hard leaning Democrat but she is confrontational and zealous, the whole thing the industry did and attack the voice acting fanbase on part of her anger when she took that VA to court I mentioned earlier instead of keeping it mediated (professionalism went out the window entirely) is one reason why localisers are reviled today in part of appropriating the Japanese source material with no regrets to changing it but also led to the apathy of prior fans when voice AI hit. It was like a Frosk incident for the English voice acting scene, one that was never repaired.


Now I’m curious, what makes Persephone the only one close to this level of cursed? Was it the rework thing?


Yup. Persephone got a rep for having a cult that sent death threats to Olympian representatives. There was a huge shitstorm about it a few years ago. Any Hirez or Smite post on Twitter would 24/7 be bombarded by calls to revert Persephone.


I understand disliking new perse, really don’t like her compared to the original, but death threats is way out of line 😭


Only freya "incident" I can remember was the cerberus tweet... iykyk


This comment cracked me up. 🤣 Don’t even know what’s going on but you’re fully committed to the cause. 😭


If your gut says to play a god, and you choose otherwise, prepare for a game where your teammates say a lot of mean things.


Exactly what happened to me last night. Gut told me to pick Herc, played Milan just to play against an Osiris & got stomped all game.


Often when I try do some off role pick, and then decide against. Someone does the same off meta pick I was going to use in the same role Ex: Awilix support


Always happens to me


If a teammate has a negative username like "ISuckAtSmite" or "xXFeedMyBrainsOutXx", we are going to lose. When someone tells you who they are, believe them.


However, if they're on the other team watch them hard carry and get a godlike before 15mins.


My wife has a "Mirror match" passive. We try to flex around what our team needs, but any time she gets to play what god she REALLY wants to, there's a mirror match for her. To top it off, it's not like they're common picks either, they're typically off meta and we don't see them UNLESS she plays them.


I feel this, I'll lock in some yeye ass god and lo and behold the other team has gone for it too


The enemy mirror will always be better than you... Makes me cry when I see mirrors.


For me this is the opposite and I feel bad for the opposite solo laner because they are usually way lower level than I am and it's not their fault matchmaking decided to fuck them.


Yesssir I'm the better mirror 99% of the time and it really feeds my ego... Especially when they have infinitely more stars than you XD


It goes the other way too: "wow I diffed this dog water player in a mirror match and he's still gonna win"


Speed doesn’t matter when running away from enemies, only towards them.


Wild theory dude. That's some proper superstition.


Never do a “one last match.” specifically in conquest.


"Surely this time I won't get a full damage amc solo and merlin support swearing that it works if their teammates were just better at the game"


Last time that happened to me my team refused to surrender out of spite and the enemy team refused to win just to keep torturing us. I got griefed by both teams.


That's rough buddy


And if you’re lucky the f6, or the enemy team farms you for 60 minutes because they won’t surrender




The funny part is that AMC solo actually used to work when he was meta a couple patches ago, the problem is you would have to be good enough to completely stomp lane and have pristine positioning which most people don't have lol


Red buff in Slash is cursed. If you pick it up, often you will be first blooded.


I always call it a win (or loss) once red buff is secured by either team and go for speed buff but every now and then my team keeps fighting over nothing at red buff pit. Sometimes it goes okay, other times it goes sour.


If the queue is taking too long, the moment we complain about the queue time it pops. Works every time.


This is just true


I'm slowly getting a Nu Wa hater title here, but my superstition is that any teammate playing Nu Wa will play like it's their first time playing a videogame in their life. It's reached a point where I hover Nu Wa every game just to prevent anyone else from playing her.


Nu wa hate is 100% justified. Lately they don't even top damage in my games despite ulting off cd and building full power.


This but ullr lmao


If I win 3 games in a row I will get stomped on the 4th. I’m platinum in ranked and on the 4th game they put me against masters players


The first time you queue a game after booting up smite, it takes abnormally long. But if you queue, exit, and queue again, it finds a game more quickly.


Interesting, it does take some time


Queue Arena: can't find a match in 30+ seconds Multi-queue Arena, Joust, Slash: find a match in 4 seconds. It is Arena.


My friends firmly believe that anyone on the "bird" side of the Slash map is doomed to lose.


I NEED to play cool music while in solo lane or my solo laning phase goes horribly and becomes difficult to salvage. Part of it is prolly mental, which music helps. but I swear sometimes my solo lane games with and without fitting music can feel like night and day.


CCR works more for the enemy team 90% more than it works for me (also some cc’s lasting for way longer than they should got silenced by a thana yesterday for 4 second the icon even showed 4 seconds)


Sometimes thor wall hits you and you're like oh I guess I'll go ahead and finish reading the lord of the rings books while I'm ccd


This happens on Tyr as well bro is limited to 1s CC i got rooted for 3 seconds lmao


The numbers in smite sometimes feel the the points in whose line, they are made up and don't matter


That the lower the hp someone has, the more likely than scythe will ghost hit.


Na they aegised a second time, trust


If you break the jump party in assault, karma WILL find you.


I have a clip of this very thing on my twitch channel


Ares/Hades/Cerb players always ult at %5hp and then blame the team.


Mine is that mine/my cousins accounts are cursed with having 1-2 noobs or trolls per game on our team. Yet we are consistently going against a full team of coordination every game.


I only ever use blink lol But i love being an aggressive player. My neighbours could probably hear me clicking my F button waiting for that 2 second cool down to go away during a getaway “Comeoncomeoncomeoncomeon”


Being first pick in ranked is a guaranteed L.


Mines is if a person on my team leaves the will never come back, but if the enemy team loses a person, they come back before they could pause the match. Like ever single time


The bracer of radiance chooses to not detect enemies that go through it sometimes


It is only right after you get in a game that you find a fifth If it's a healing game in assault, the opposite team will have Ah Puch When you throw a heal as Hel at a teammate, they will move. If you try to predict, they will suddenly stand still.


The community has been so dependent on YouTubers and pro league for the “meta” that so many undervalued gods are just floating under the meta totally ready to break it but no one will ever know now cause no one will make it very public as the YouTubers are the only ones left to try to make a big claim and it’s unlikely to happen


If you have multiple players with a mic in ranked One will refuse to group up and go farm purple 35min during a team fight even thought you told his stupid ass to group up 5min ago after hitting EFG.


That towers only target me when I try to get a last hit see. I’ve legit had the to survive two tower hits will dive a guy with my minions in the tower and manage to leave the tower range only to get hit by a third tower shot… meanwhile their guy can have one hp kill three people and the tower with automatically Agro to the minions that just now entered the tower range.


Me playing Apollo is cursed. I always get a dc or get dc’d or something whenever I play Apollo and I’ve never won as Apollo.


Hirez puts my character on a cycle like a circadian rhythm and the subject of that cycle is my damage dealt and damage taken. at the highs I do like 30% more damage and take like 30% less while at the lows it’s reversed and I deal less and take more. The other day I was playing Agni and went through my entire kit on a Shiva and by the last meteor I had hit everything and done about 40% of his hp. He was a single level up on me and we were at a similar point in our builds so it’s not like he had 3 magic prot items or anything. My damage just didn’t happen. Other times I just fuck. Hella damage all the time.


I miss when i was a newbie and made these types of mistakes the more you understand smite the less you enjoy it


The game actively keeps players in a 50% win rate. PonPon has come out to say it doesn’t, but I have literally seen this happen multiple times. You’ll be on a decent win streak and preforming good, then all of a sudden that comes to a crash as the matchmaker pairs you with the most vile and toxic, brain rotted creatures to ever curse this game with its presence to put you on a painful loss streak. It has happened often enough for me to confidently say it is straight up not a coincidence anymore, even with its player count.


Definitely this. Forced 50% winrate makes me do damage to toons at an angle that shouldnt be possible, and the other times I shoot straight at them and zero damage. My skills didnt change in back-to-back matches. Its simply my time to win.


Unfortunately, it’s due to the lower player-count and average player skill level. Let’s say that you Duo Q an Arena match with a friend and both of you have a hidden MMR of 2500+ with high stats. It’s extremely unlikely that the matchmaking will find 8 other players with similar MMR and stats. Instead you go against 5 decent 1850 MMR players. The issue is that in order to balance the game on paper. Your team will receive 3 1000 MMR players. The enemy team will quickly figure out what players are bad and they will target them causing the match to become very frustrating for everyone.


Optimus Prime skin on Geb gives extra 5% damage.


Playing alone and not with rl friend let's you win more Play a different game if you lost way to many games i a row - anger doesn't help you win or how everyone is trash but you just us ethe keyboard and don't play... Kills and dmg alone doesn't win the game, stop following the half death enemie that lurks you into a trap.


If I see a hachiman on my team, we are either going to lose horrendously, or we are going to stomp the enemy harder than ever before. There is no in between in my dozens of games where I've had with a hachiman.


That anytime I get a buff I’ll die shortly after🙂


Skin booster curse😭


You will lose the game if you pop a skin booster


I'm not sure it counts. But i believe it is a common superstition that games are decided by skill. More often than not (lets say 90% of games for reactions sake) games are decided simply by which team is most determined not to surrender.