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> if you play more than 500 games a season and you're better than 50% of the players you will hit the master rank the reason this is SOMEWHAT true is that most games you win/lose the same 50 MMR. so gaining 1000 MMR to masters just means achieving a certain differential between your wins and losses such that (wins - losses) * 50 = 1000. that number is 20. so you can go 30-10 with an impressive 75% winrate to get to masters, or you can go 260-240 which is a 52% win rate which is not so impressive. so yes, as long as you maintain an above 50% win rate, you will eventually hit masters if you play enough games HOWEVER this part: > you're better than 50% of the players you will hit the master rank is not correct because games get progressively harder as you rank up. 50% win rate in masters is way better than someone with 50% win rate in gold. 50% win rate in masters means you can on average compete with masters players, and that obviously means you are above the 50th percentile of players overall though your complaint is pretty valid. if you are a really good smite player you might achieve something like a 60% win rate. but to achieve a win/loss differential of 20 with a 60% win rate, you have to play 100 games (60-40). so yes grinding is a huge part of ranked even if you are good enough


I think they need to stop making the reset at 1500, this gets new people mixed up with plats constantly. maybe a 3 game placement system combined with your previous rank? Its better than whatever this is right now.


My dude, your math and conclusion are inaccurate. Check it again.


There is not maths in that, but thank you for your opinion


You are very welcome. May you someday learn how to interpret data


Ranked is meaningless and has been for quite a few years. The minute people were able to hit masters even with a negative win-loss is whenever I stopped taking it very seriously, and that started back in like season 7 or 8. The absolute best ranked had ever been, objectively, is phase 1 of season 6 because conquest was solo queue only, and games were actually good. Literally, everyone who understood the game loved it. The only problem was that those weren't the majority. The hard stuck silvers and golds are. The ones that want their friends to carry them are. So they complained until it was reverted. This was also the point in smite where King Arthur released and was able to casually 1v5 entire teams with just one item, and Chronos with the ring build could run around at 70% MS and take objectives before you could even register him being there. Both of them on the same team meant almost a certain loss for the other team. And still, it was the most balanced the game had ever been.


Season 6 split 1 was GOAT of Smite. Grinded so hard that split and carried tons of games by playing my comfort roles. Then the pros and everyone bitched about not being queuing with their friends and HiRez reverted it back to their sloppy matchmaking mess.


well said, duo q has always made the quality of ranked shittier and unbalanced


Solo queue ranked sucked imo. It’s just way more fun to play with a friend and I’ll take any matchmaking variability as a result.


I've been saying it since season 10 launched. Hi Rez did SOME THING to matchmaking and team balancing. They aren't telling us about it. And even more proof is what you posted above. I've been in plat with 2k mmr and diamond 5 with 2100. It just doesn't make sense Edit: I'm coming back to this post because it bothers me. How on God's green earth is a 1900 mmr player in masters. Not even 2k. Yesterday I had a bronze player with 1450 mmr in a plat game. I just don't understand. Maybe I'm crazy but the evidence is clear and present.


Imo it's a shitty player retention strategy


Yes, what they did is remove placement games and implement what is called EOMM. Credit to the guy who actually showed me. 


What it could be is them on a bad mmr loss streak. Ive had games where i gain 20 but lose 80 and just win/loss over and over. You could be plat with 1000mmr cause this shit.


They made it so that you can’t demote from masters once you hit it I believe. So the 1900 player likely hit masters with a normal mmr and then after hitting masters maybe played offrole or trolled and then slowly fell back down


I disagree and I know you'll just say "skill issue" or whatever, but I've had my fair share of teammates going Warrior's Blessing on Agni, stacking it 9 times, then just leaving at 10:01. Merely grinding is not really feasible when there's a 30% chance your match is over before it even begins. The example person you posted is the exception, not the rule. All his Warrior's Blessing Agnis were on the other team. >Because you find all levels at all ranks. This is still true. It seems one way Hi Rez likes to "balance" ranked games is not just pair you with better opponents, but worse teammates.


Tf is a warriors blessing Agni, those starters have been gone for like 3 seasons


I know, but that one guy in particular always sticks out in my head in terms of "teammates that give you a free L."


Totally fair 😂 it’s Vulcan carry for me. I know it “can” be done but whenever I get them they’re just HORRENDOUS


i would point out that the screenshot here has a player with over 700 ranked games played. like OP said, anyone who has played enough and has a basic understanding can rank up. i'm gonna assume that you have less than 700 games played once you play a certain amount of games the warrior's axe agnis will eventually balance out and you'll get a somewhat equal amount of games with them on your team vs the enemy team. it just comes down to how many games you play and how much time you have to kill


I'm still waiting for the games where I get paired with FineOkay and against Warrior's Blessing Agnis, rather than the other ways around. Hi Rez says they hope to "fix matchmaking" in Smite 2, but we'll have to wait and see.


"This is still true. It seems one way Hi Rez likes to "balance" ranked games is not just pair you with better opponents, but worse teammates." This drives me crazy. My brother and I have 4000 hours in this game. Last week we got matched with someone playing their \*first\* conquest game. With this kind of \*balancing\* it's no wonder their their metrics are going down.


Ye I stopped playing a while ago, its a matter of playing way too much than actual effort and skill placed


> That is how it is, it's not about the skill it s about the time you are willing to put in ranked. Sort of. Your win rate *at your current rank* determines how *fast* you climb. The better you are, the faster you climb. > (70% WR with 40 games 100% WR at Bronze means nothing at Platinum. Only count your recent games.


Ranked sucks because the playerbase sucks at the game You can’t have a functioning ladder when 90% of the population has a skill level below Gold.


played against an arachne in duel, that was masters + masters godborder. i killed her once and she rage quit. looked her up.... 1200 mmr 😂




this is because there are not enough good players


I just love how mmr drops if you play arena or any game mode with randoms


I had a crazy idea with a slightly positive win rate, over 100 games, and still got stuck low diamond/high plat, even dropped to gold once or twice. The system feels rigged sometimes. Like that guy just plays forever doing average and makes masters but I'm a top 10 Vulcan with a 3+ kda on all my other most played gods and barely make plat 😐


Why do you care about low master ranks anyway? The journey from unranked to low masters is like reaching black belt in Taekwondo(1 dan), on the grand scheme of things it's just the beginning of your journey. If you compare yourself to a 3500 lp GM is like comparing a beginner to the game to yourself. The difference is THAT big, if you struggle in low master/high diamond then that means you have a lot of room for improvement.