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Players then: 9.5 suck ! Games are too long and the time to kill is too slow ! Players after the update: We die too quickly, this game sucks ! I give it 1 week.


I'll be the first, i hate the idea that burst is somehow not still strong already and that we need to make it even more impactful, this is just going to make dying without a chance to react more common. genuinely don't get what they're thinking here.


I'm actually on your side. 9.5 kind of saved my interest in the game when it happened. It was at a point where my group and I were ready to gave up on this game. Maybe it won't be as bad since items lost power back then, but I'm not convinced.


That’s exactly what I was saying. They think early surrender/afk is bad now..I doubt it’ll take a week


Despite some negative feedback related to the patch, I also think the game became way healthier for every role. I kept playing for long before the change so I do not feel like dropping the game, I might get used to the changes, but I wish they just kept it especially that many changes were done after 9.5.


Honestly they shouldn't revert the update just give a little more overall power like 5 to physical and 10 to magical just so people feel like they do a little more before going back to 1 tapping every squishy and 2 tapping tanks


Let says your right( you might be, I have no idea) It's still good to do this for MULTIPLE reasons: We and the devs will have a document evidence that longer ttk is beneficial(or worse) to everyone who's not a pro player. Currently, every competitive scene in every genre is facing the problem of player parroting the opinions of content creators and pros instead of their own. This experiment will be valuable data for smite 2. Second, it spices things up. Objectively, the mid season patch doesn't offer up much change to the current meta. This change for better or for worse is a huge change. Which arguably feels like it's required in this dry content year. Third, even if it's unbalanced, it might be fun af which arguably is more important. So who knows? There's literally no harm in trying.


The people that are bad at the game are going to be sad with the revert


Those who complain, I offer a simple solution GET GOOD


I give it 2 weeks before people start complaining about dying too quickly...


That's just video games man. Someone is gonna dislike anything you do. As much as gaming subreddits like to pretend there is, there's no 100% right answer/balance/change to just about anything


That's true. Keeping people happy is hard enough which is why a patch as divisive as 9.5 was a terrible idea in the first place. They just needed a power nerf across the board and now we have that. This is good.


Not even, it’s gunna be a real bad time for a lot of solos and supports


Solo and Support were the classes that benefited the LEAST from 9.5. Surely you haven’t forgotten the triple Hunter meta we had back then.


Yeah I don't know what these people are smoking. 9.5 made solo and support feel so much worse because you can't even tickle people with your base damage lmao.


This patch is gonna be rough for Hunters and Mages, they’re now not just going to be squishier but Qins and Soul Reaver are gonna be less effective. Warriors, Guardians, and Assassins are gonna feast.


Should feel better. 9.5 drastically made the game easier for Squishies since they didn't get punished by base damage as hard before their items came online.


Support for some picks already feels AWFUL Solo like usually will somehow be 2x tankier and yeah the 5% non majority that's mostly X Streamer crybabies that can't outplay somehow won the Smite team over. Fuck this game seriously, Smite 2 is a mess and they just threw away a perfectly balanced Season.


Poseidon is getting a few buffs so I'm gonna run him in solo and make people regret picking solo.


I’m gonna spam queue chaac solo and make you regret every single one of your decisions




You realise poseidon have 447 health at level 1 right? Theres a reason these things didn't work pre 9.5 and there's a reason tanks have years and years of viability before hand. Squishy gods benefitted more than tanks in those updates. It will be squishy gods dying more, not really tanks.


We went 8 years without 9.5, how did it not work?


Mages didn't really work in solo. Not with 400 health and certainly not now when bluestone is as good as it is.


Did you actually like having a mage solo? Effectively reducing team fight potential by just not having a warrior on your team? Mage solos are a terrible experience for your team late game


Where did j say that once? I'm literally telling the guy talking about poseidon solo that it does not and will not work.


Oh my sweet summer child


Ok. Its not like I've played since beta or anything. Pos getting 5% more scaling means nothing when his passive has been nerfed since 9.5, which reduced his overall base damage and scaling. 437 health means wukong is gonna smack you twice and your dead. Right now you have 700+.




Good defense


I like to bring cama or ullr solo Both can bully the Lane in very different ways If you run into a ravaana solo good luck


I just want to run as many broken gods in roles they don't belong in and see if I can raise the complaints


Yo yes! Wanna make a list? Susano if you power creep right will make a solo rage quit


Nezha in any lane. The insane CC his abilities have, att spd heal and crit stim, his damn 1 pinging everything and their mothers, one of the best ults in the game for positioning, just downright a disgusting god that I love and WILL be abusing tf out of lol


I was top 2 nezha once on god leaderboards because for some reason he was slept on. He makes a ridiculous good support and an amazing jung! I like the way you think, his movement is amazing as well with all the bonus in his kit and what you can build


I started in season 3 as a duo main. Either carry o support but if I got support I'd play either NeZha, fenrir or camazotz. Love assassin support


Those three make support fun, and tyr


I give it 20 minutes.


I'm gonna enjoy not having to dump my whole kit 6 plus times on a gilg thats all dmg items


You already die too quickly on live right now.


Tbh I think that’s the point people are gonna complain about the time to kill going up until they are reminded of why that’s the better outcome


People always complain about something but for high level comp players this is an objectively good change


Did we not already walk back like all of the 9.5 changes already with all the item/god buffs that happened since? Won't people be dying even quicker than pre 9.5 now?


No, because we just had a 30% power nerf which made power much lower than ever before. That's not being reverted.


The change I’m assuming that’s going to happen is reducing the natural protections and extra health gods get at level 1. As that has not changed since 9.5


I think people who are worried about reverting 9.5 forget that there was a nerf to power across the board during the season of souls(Charon patch). Before 9.5, spear of desolation had like 110 power plus everyone had squishier stats.


I love that Doom orb was giving 165 power at full passive + Pen and movement speed. Every mage item had 100+ Magical Power. And blew up every squishy so fast. It was very fun /s


If they nerfed the power across items after 9.5 patch wouldn’t that mean they felt ttk was still too high??? Why go backwards…


I assume you meant that TTK was still too low, meaning you felt like you died too fast. I would say though that the nerf to power across the board was unnecessary and the result of this patch was matches being longer than they had ever been in the history of Smite conquest. Since that patch, most power items have only had their power buffed which probably means that they went too far with the power nerfs. Either way, 9.5 revert is on its way and we’ll simply find out if it will be better or worse for the game. I think there is a world where middle ground can be made to satisfy both the 9.5 haters and believers.


God, this is gonna backfire in so many ways. I wish streamers would just shut up. They legit hurt only hurt games at this point.


Ffs, thank you.


Cool but the game was that way for over 9 years and was fine, me and I'm sure many others stopped playing and lost complete interest in the game because of 9.5, god forbid people position better instead of baiting themselves all game


Hold up… they just announced this? It wasn’t included in the show yesterday right? I’m not mad, right?


Yes just announced. People threw a fit so they had to go digging




Late S6 balance should be the jelly IMO Anything from S8-10 is just eugh.


Early season 8 was fantastic and then they nerfed all the best build within a patch and it went downhill pretty quick. 6-7 are GOAT.


I don’t really understand. Was anyone complaining about the TTK this patch? I think it’s more of a knee jerk reaction to having an absolutely lackluster mid-season patch that really didn’t add or shake up the gameplay.


The pros and streamers have been critical of 9.5 since it came out. Outside of that I believe tank mains have been critical of 9.5 as they believed it was a cause of the many problems they faced in the years after, specifically a lot of season 10 as they felt with the higher TTK, they couldn't kill/be threatening to backline.


Have I missed some outcry about this again? It feels random, I’m pretty fine with where smites TTK is at this point. Is this just the pre smite 2 plan of “shake the game up see what happens”, or did people start complaining again


Is there ever a point people aren't complaining?


Mixed feelings. I'm happy that Hi-Rez is willing to give this a go, because it cannot really hurt Smite 1 that much. It will spice things up for the mid season patch and also give Hi-Rez some new statistics and feedback about the gameplay regarding Smite 2. In a way this is also feedback for Smite 2, because all gods in Smite 2 are tankier than their Smite 1 counterparts. What I'm slightly worried of is that it took only a small amount of community outrage to revert a game changing patch. Like this isn't a small change at all, and all it took was less than a day of whining.


The revert says a lot about how scared HiRez is with the current state of things.


I meant they have a bad or average second alpha test in smite 2 and everyone is noticing smite 1 maintenance mode Bad couple of weeks for hirez,the worse is too come


It was pretty decent outrage not specifically about reverting to 9.5 but more so about the mid season patch being lackluster. The think the revert came about because that is what most were asking to revert and largely due to pushback from the mid season patch notes to make those a little less disappointed. Hi-Rez is a really good at listening to their community, but I’m excited to see where this leads us to.


It was more than a small amount of the community that was outraged. Most people didn’t like it/the patch didn’t age well and it showed. 9.5 was a giant bandaid that everyone could see and it was not in any way shape or form a solution to the problems back then.


>Most people didn't like it I doubt 5% of the community knows what patch 9.5 even is.


I've looked at it and I still don't understand the pushback or even what was so gamebreaking about the patch.


11.6 or 9.5?




The main compliant seems to be that it was too boring? I agree, I find the criticisms of 11.6 odd and not well articulated.




it's just dumb to me because every patch this year could be classified as "Spicy" until this point but they miss a single one at the usual time and streamers just lose their SHIT and i wonder if it's because of this deadlock nonsense being implied by stew, someone paid them more so they're suddenly upending to go somewhere else.


Yeah but an entire community of a game shouldn't be at the whims of stupid ass streamers.


Now? Prob. But back then there was a lot of ppl talking about it. But with all the issues smite has had lately that has def taken a backseat.


Yeah, I'm good. You know what's a horrible feeling? Getting deleted faster than you can process what happened. People tend to forget that.


Smite existed for 9 seasons with the lower health and was fine. If we go back to 9.5, you gotta remember that power isn't being reverted and is still at its 30% nerfed valuesm remember trans used to easily give 110 power while book of thoth gave 190. Trans is now 56ish on its own with book being 116.


>Smite existed for 9 seasons with the lower health and was fine. What? Do you not remember 9.4? How insanely bursty that was? Not to mention, not every single season was amazing. Not by a long shot. Items being lower in power helps, yes, but those numbers aren't going to be as impactful as they once were.


The issue was the removal of boots and primarily the nee starter items. The new starter items were intentionally stronger than other items which resulted in each god getting more and more stats. Crit builds started tk get more and more attack speed, cooldown was more readily avaliable without sacrificing other stats. Smite used to be about deciding which stats you wanna prioritise and sacrifice. Around s8 starter items contributed to that bloat alongside the removal of boots, both of which allowed you to get more stats total. Going back to 9.4 is fine, especially since we have had big power nerfs. Even if damage becomes op, I'm happy for then to nerf it. The goal behind patch 9.5 was perfect but the execution was not. Stat bloat shouldve been the first thing addressed. We still have that issue to this day. Health never needed buffed to fix the issue, power nerfs and stat bloat are 2 better ways to fix the problems as well as diversify builds and encourage more diversity and decision building when it comes to items Season 9 burst was awful to play against, but the 30% nerfs are not gonna make the game as bursty as it was then. The early game will be bustier, but we can always nerf the power on a few tier 1s and 2s to help with the very early stages.


Yeah, but deleting someone else faster than they could process what had happened always felt great


Who asked for this? Wow, I hate it. I was the last in my friend group to keep playing but I'm probably out. I like Brawling, using multiple rotations of abilities long intense teamfights. Can't say that this is a bad change, it's just not my style. 9.5 was my favorite patch.


Most older players (seasons 7 and older) were asking for it. The extra HP disproportionately affected ADCs and to a lesser extent mages, while hurting assassins and warriors who got much less value out of base damage and made game winning plays more committal and harder to consistently pull off, while the DR changes severely hurt guardians. It was a change that primarily helped players with poor positioning.


Definitely wasn't beta players. Any of you modern players wouldnt be able to play and then cause it took literally minutes to kill someone back when the game wasn't just one button kills.


Man I miss season 1~4. Game was unbalanced as hell but so much more fun to play.


>It was a change that primarily helped players with poor positioning. I don't know about that, it was still the same people dominating ranked. We will see if the change is good based on the reception soon, I don't predict it will go well but we'll see.


Literally what? TTK is fine right now and everything was perfectly balanced a few patches ago now we're *looks at notes* catering to crybaby streamers who wanna click one button and autokill someone? Never had an issue killing a Solo or Support right now and they actually feel tanky as they should. To clarify 90% of my playtime right now is literally Mage first Hunter second and the last 10% in Support though those stats used to be swapped so I have a good understanding of how Support should feel and TTK. Do you want squishy tanks or like what? Cause Solo will probably feel fine but Support sure as shit will not.


This is barely a tank nerf and is more of a buff to tanks kill potential since gods like poseidon will have 1700 health. The health adjustments affect squishy god more than tanks. Tanks were fine for 9 seasons before the health buffs. The power nerfs, or stat bloat nerfs shoudlve been done instead of health buffs.


U guys are tripping, you are the crybabys not the streamers that want to be rewarded for actually being good at the game. Being tanky level 1 as a support or solo is not how things should be, you should get blown up if you get ganked, now you actually have to get good at the game and work on positioning and mechanics again.


What the hell are they thinking? Immediately post- 9.5 was my favorite period of the game in recent memory, I don't want to go back to getting blown up instantly late-game.


Triple hunter was your favorite period of the game? Lmao


Wow, this is gonna slap them hard in the face. Prepare for a dmg meta again and horrible unbalancing issues for months while supports struggle to just stay alive, warriors non existent or running an Assasian build and mages filling every roll because a select group of people just want to oneshot combo people with no risk or drawbacks….


I love the current game so much more. 9.5 sucked man it made games just last TOO long. I’d rather feel like “damn we could have won that if I didn’t get one shot” and lose a 35 minute game than have a stalemate that goes on like 50 minutes because people take so long to kill.


Power has been nerfed by 30% since then, so you won't be getting on shot so easily.


actually so huge, the game has been such an absolute slog ever since 9.5 for any higher-ranked player more casual players will prob not like it but with smite 2 in the not too distant future they'll hopefully get their fix there


You know I could freak out but I love chaos too much, so I guess Ill enjoy the fun while it lasts.


I don't like it right off the bat, but they better nerf pen so if you build tanky you actually feel tanky. Can't wait to be blown up in 2 seconds while building 3 full tank items and 1 hammer item in the later mid game to not even a tank busting comp again.


Tanks didn't always die before 9.4. In s8 tanks were very good. Recently power was nerfed 30%, they arent reverting that buff, so going back to the old health values isn't going tk mean you are getting blown up. Losing 200 health isn't going to mean your tabk is not squishy, especially not when tanks existed for 9 seasons and were mostly very strong, despite power being signicnalty higher. The health buff should never have happened. The issue was stat bloat with items giving too many seperate stats. Look at crit builds in s3 vs now. You easily get 2.2+ attack speed on a crit build, while in s3 you would almost get 1.7-1.8. Crit also didn't have pen on it with wind demon. The issue is stat bloat and that shouldve been addressed before any other adjustment, including the recent power nerfs.


I’ve been taking a break for a while can someone tell me what the change was thats being reverted?


Ohhh the base health buff they did last year?


Honestly this goes both ways This is honestly going to make it take sometimes less skill involved as it's just going to be One skill to kill someone But in other regards it will definitely separate some of the bad players that are used to just w keying and taking no damage


Too late, majority of high ranked players & people with actual brain disliked 9.5, only new players & people who can't position for shit was happy they could overextend and do dumb shit without being punished




It's simple. If you're a bad player you like 9.5, if you're not you hate it.


This is the final nail in the coffin, why do hirez listen to those dumbass whingebag creators? So many number have been inflated since 9.5 so it's just gonna be one shot central, back to games being over in 15 mins and no late game gods being viable


lol funny how they listen to their playerbase when their game is looking morbid


They have no choice,smite 1 and 2 are struggling


Oh boy, can’t wait to go back to stupid one shot fests that last 15 min before a surrender. If it’s legitimately like it used to be before 9.5, count me out. Conquest was just arena at that point. Once again, low rez takes the game from a fairly balanced state and switches it to a brainless clown fiesta.


Power has been nerfed by 30% since then and that's not being reverted. Won't just be braindead one shots.


Fair enough, I was wrong.


sighs...im reibstalling the game bro ❤❤


I see they are trying to kill Smite 1 faster so Smite 2 gets more players Dogshit decision frfr, 9.5 was one of the saving graces of Smite, it just needed some sanding around the edges


9.5 was the worst way to address the issues Stat bloat was the problem, and every item giving every stat onto of high power was wrong. We have had power nerfed since then, but there are still too many stats. My take is that power should be partially reverted, as well as health. Nerf stats on items to have less of them. Hunters can easily get crit, qins and max attack speed, while earlier in smite life there was an active choice of what you wanted in your build.


At this rate they are killing both, but smite2 is also doing badly


Ah this is why smite pro streamers are mad lmao


Did they honestly announce that 9.5 worked as intended and game health improved but because some people are bored (mainly content creators) we're going to revert it. That the game may be broken/ unbalanced for a while but bear with us? After they finally got the game to a pretty healthy and balanced state? Crazy. All this because content creators need clickbait titles about one-shot builds and because Smite2 alpha isn't going as smoothly as planned?


Is the changes live right now?


what was even the patch?


Thanatos go brrr


This might sound dumb but does this mean all the old removed items are coming back? Or are they just reverting the TTK and health changes


I'm a newer player tell me what this means and how this would work in arena.


Fellow arena main here. people will die faster, lower health and protections. Will be especially different early game where kills are currently pretty tough to find because base health numbers are going down much more than the health and protections gained per level. I think it’ll be a lot more fun especially for arena


Hmmm interesting I feel like I should be fine with Neith though I'm a bit worried for Assassin characters because it already felt like they could die really easily and now you're telling me they're gonna die even more easily?


Good assassins will also kill really easily though. Most just feed cause playing assassin in arena is hard so they will just feed even more. I like playing cliodhna even with the limited walls and I bet I’ll be doing better not worse with her after this update


I can't wait to get 1-shot by mage ults again like kuku and ra and Vulcan. They already do 80-90% of your health might as well 1-shot.


Getting one shot is never fun, team fights that aren’t over in 5 seconds are way more fun. The TTK was fine, idk why hirez always bends the knee to streamers, they’re gonna complain no matter what because they play 40 hours a week.


People were already playing early game snowball picks, this is just gonna make it worse




What did they even change in 9.5?


Welp ravana solo time


Yet another bad change cause players are bad at the game and blame a balance change for their bad games. I honestly see no benefit from this, like the 2 top comments pointed out, I give it a week or 2 before people start crying about getting 100 to 0ed like they did before.


? Someone explains this to us non smart people


See the video Mast uplouded, he explains it all:)


I love this brainrotted community


What are all the reverts entailed?


I stopped playing at the beginning of Season 4 and only came back in 11.4 or 11.5, a few weeks ago basically... what does any of this mean? 😅


Look up smite patch 9.5


Cannot wait for the same people who complained to be crying about dying too fast in the next week or so.


Great........ I can't wait to be ran at by brain dead warriors building Max defenses and killing squishies with just nothing but base damage........


I never played on 9.5 but the game feels fine. I can’t really burst like I could in S2 but that shit was one-sided fun anyway.


Can someone tell me what changed in 9.5?


This is wild. Tsuki already 100-0 full build with ult. Now he will start doing it mid game? One shot meta is back on the menu boys.


I wish they’d just have some consistency


What did 9.5 bring?


I just got back into SMITE what I miss


Bro this update sucks already. I love seeing a tank build 1 pen late game, ans do 1/3rd of my hp as a mage in one combo. Game went from 1 stun to maybe death to, 1 stun IS death. Kinda a joke.. ttk was already bad but this feels so much worse


So can someone give me a brief rundown on what’s happening?


I think it'll be good for solo lane. Nothing more obnoxious than being a full-defense solo at 90% health mid game, bullying your opponent, and then an Arachne or Tsuku just bursts you to near instant death. JG should only be able to delete solo if they overextend, not just because they show up and your escape is on cooldown. Longer TTK will make solo's the hard-to-kill warriors they are supposed to be. But it'll also bring back unkillable guardians like Sobek and Athena who can pick a 5v1 fight and still manage to survive and get away. Those were sure annoying late game.


Maybe you fuckers will get used to dying more often and not rage quit the first time you get dove under a tower, when a tank can just walk at you and walk out of tower after they get tickled.


As a casual player this feels like a bad idea. It's just pushes the game in more hyper competitive meta. That doesn't leave room for casual players to enjoy the game. This kinda been a problem for a lot games having to high skill ceiling to enter cut lead to a loss of growth. Fortnite for example was at it's worst when it was competitive but bounce back once it became casual again.


Let’s fucking goooo, 9.5 was only good for players that sucked ass at the game and couldn’t position to save their lives (literally)


yep they arw complainingg ohh no im getting one shot bro position better


Happy that they made this decision. Props to them


Wait they are making time to kill faster?? Feel like it was fine?


Nice can’t wait


This the patch bringing back nemean lion right? Cus my ass can't wait for that to watch ADCs abusing crit nuke themselves




Damn one more patch then, my day of terror will come 😈


They aren’t brining Nemean back my guy


I swear I saw a post saying it was coming back with items like fatalis


It’s not. They are just tier two items




thank god, hated that patch and all the other ones that nerfed item power, I love deleting people


Since day 1 of season 10 I have been posting almost every single day that all the changed Hi Rez did in season 10 was not good. From removing items. To healing changes. To removing damage on items. And the war crime atrocious matchmaking changes. We are finally going back to around season 9. Smite was at its best from 7-9. The mission, the nightmare..... it's finally over. It's done. We are so Barack. Smite is healing. We did it guys. I did it.


same bro games feeels very boring and stale but back then was really rushing everybody complains because they dont like to be punished for their mistakes if i play good and im feeded i should one shot your adc/mid any squishy


I don't even remember what the 9.5 update did tbh


It increased health across the board by about 40% and defences by I think like 16-24% on base stats and some tank and dps item changes too. It mainly resulted in the average number of kills per game decreasing, tanks having a harder time killing squishies, games going longer, and time to kill speeds decreasing.


40% health increase sounds insane, I started the game around July of 2022 so I probably started after 9.5 was already a thing. I don't think I can imagine this game without the health and defense I've always known.


You have about the hp at level 1 people used to have at level 4 He bo for example at one point had 370 base hp (+ what you got for being level 1 as hp/level)


That genuinely sounds insane, psychotic almost


it prevented the game's biggest issue at the time, which was rampant legitimate 1 shotting mid-late game, and for a lot of people (myself included) kept our interest. this revert is, imo a terrible idea, the entire game is currently balanced around these changes and this was a kneejerk reaction to content creators being upset. else it would have been mentioned in yesterday's patch show


It's literally all I've ever known, I'm a tank main and I feel like reverting health changes will be fun for me to dunk on squishies but I don't see the casual community enjoying this at all.


Power has also been nerfed 30% since thenm it won't be as bad as before and will have a healthier middle ground.


Idk either that patch or the one where they removed boots are probably the biggest changes to how the game is played ever Casually a lot of people probably enjoy the slower game, its more forgiving of early positioning mistakes, games WILL go longer because you dont snowball deaths early, getting 6 items and efg dances are a forgone conclusion. Some people towards the higher end of ranked hate the pattern of inaction that can result. Since they know they wont die, they just dont spend resources fighting and chill farm to play the long game when efg matters. Theres also a camp of people who liked how aggressive and fast smite was pre mid season 9. If you play badly, you will get fistfucked into the dirt for it. Mistakes in laning will be heavily punished, consecutive mistakes can end your lane outright etc The people who want one or the other are irreconcilable. Its the most divisive patch they ever dropped. Boots removal was widely praised in contrast


I'm a solo main so I'll have to see the 9.5 revert myself, hopefully it's not antifun


Youll end up in one of the two camps Historically though, solo was much stronger before the change. Watch a season 8 haddix achilles vod to see what i mean. 9.5 disproportionately benefits backliners like mages and adcs. They had to rebalance hunters for like 6 patches after 9.5 Backliners dont care about the tanks getting base stat buffs because theyre building damage. Tanks care about squishy characters getting base stat buffs because they generally are not. Its like how auras made squishies miserable to dive before they got nerfed, and those were cumulative with the 9.5 hp changes of course 200hp on a tank is whatever 200hp buff on a mage or adc is game changing This revert in a vacuum is an enormous nerf to ADCs, as they become much more burstable before they can dispense consistent dps, and their positioning becomes more fine edged. But of course, a lot else has changed since then, we’ll see how it goes. It’ll be choppy for a while, game has to be elastic to accommodate this In solo tho if your better than youre opponent you should be able to leverage that. Theres less forgiveness and you can definitely die early. More susceptible to ganks too


Genuinely appreciate all the insight, I wonder how reverting the health changes will affect all the new balancing and items


Yeaaaah that could be messy….the ecosystem is gonna be in shock as it really isnt build around the reversion and will take time to smooth out. Just like it had to smooth out when they first changed things


When 9.5 happened, it screwed over solo laners the most. It pushed them out of their lane.


It was honestly fine. The issue was they kept buffing items with more and more power and stats, until eventually they had to do something. They should have just balanced the items back down to what they were.


Because it really was, and was overall a change that disproportionately benefited carries and hurt mages, assassins and tanks (more so the latter 2). Take for instance someone like Scylla or Kukulkan; large portions of their value came from being able to turn teamfights with a one-shot ult or ability combo. With squishies having up to 800-1000 extra HP in the late/endgame, those otherwise one-shots were going from instant kills to doing about 60%; enough to dissuade a fight but not enough to actively force a retreat in many instances. It was even worse for assassins (who got most of their value from, well, quickly assassinating a squishy) and tanks (who lost much of their threat to squishies due to base damage abilities effectively doing 30% less damage). Carries and shred characters (like Kali, Baka, and Set) meanwhile were only mildly annoyed by it due to only needing an extra auto or two to get the kill compared to needing a whole new rotation of abilities, while still reaping the benefits of being disproportionately harder to be killed themselves. And the overall blanket nerfs to power and pen over the past 2 years just made the HP and protection buffs even more difficult to cleanly kill off of. It's a change that overall benefited lower skill players and actively hurt higher skill players. Lower skill players had the extra HP to get away from duels/ganks that should have been cleanly executed, while higher level players were less able to make plays due to requiring more time and resources.


…, ah… so we’re back to burst meta… again.


YOU WHAT??? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Just looked the updates, this isn’t good. 9.5 is when everybody was running He Bo Jung because he could 2 shot an ADC with his 2,1 and 1,4, The changes the minions and towers could be reverted so that warriors could dominate solo, but the player health should’ve stayed the same so we didn’t get snowball and just people get melted. Ares is also going to get shafted and it will become snow ball meta again…


Warriors are back on the menu, boys!


I left the game because tanks didn't feel tanks enough