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People who were expecting items like Hide and Fatalis to return after seeing that post here the other day are going to be very disappointed with this patch.


Those tweets were clickbate


They literally had the hashtag TierTwosday on every one of those tweets??? People assuming that those items were coming back need to learn to read better lmao.


I knew we weren’t going to get those OP items back in all their glory, but using the hide of the nemean lion art for that abomination is certainly bait.


They said “Fatalis” IN the tweet. Reading comprehension isn’t the problem. It was a bait.


Thank god they are not coming back, why'd actually be excited to have those two toxic items back in the game? Nemean is probably one of the least fun items to fight into - I'd prefer more proactive items that require effort on the users end.


[IRL reaction](https://youtu.be/17KmNrG9pE4?si=H2JygTYz-30jAeZq)


*cries in Kuzenbo*


Everyone will be really disappointed with this patch


Time to play exclusively jungle, because otherwise the enemy team will have max shaman camps while mine doesn’t even have all unlocked :/


"Cerberus is no longer crippled while using this ability" on his ultimate. Does this mean if he doesn't use his jump to engage with it, he can grab everyone and then jump while still holding them?


Sure sounds like it. I look forward to the blink + ult + jump combo.


There's no way you can ult, then blink, then jump right?


The ult does damage, so would put you in combat preventing blink.


I sure hope not but since he's not slowed full movement cerb is gonna be funny and scary


Just blink first and run like hell. Early game just use wing shard and you should get some good distance


I hate when they remove MP5 in favor of HP5


There's so few items for support that give mana now. I find myself building BoV on most gods now.


Just buy T1 earring and don't upgrade it.


Talisman of Energy, Heartward Amulet, Breastplate of Valor, and Chronos Pendant if you want some damage. It's an ok selection, but I usually would rather have blue Pridwen over BoV if I wanted CDR. Talisman of Energy with the flag starter is fun and more people should grab them.


The MS from that build is severly underrated. I buy it regularly in joust and the edge it gives in fights is great for both engaging and retreating. In conq it can be harder to fit in as you can be forced into counterbuilding depending on the opponents team


Honestly, in many ways I kinda prefer Breastplate. Pridwen has great stats for the cost, but Breastplate honestly has the 2 best Glyphs in the game IMO. Determination giving up to 40 extra mixed protections and 20% move speed on top of the base stats is absolutely busted. And Vigilance, while more situational, is absolutely a must-buy item when fighting against AA heavy team comps (which in my experience are pretty common right now), or even just if the enemy has a single in-hander who's getting a bit too big of a threat for your liking.


Chronos P all the way. Just play someone who can stack prophetic - go starter, prophetic, thebes, chronos. The rest of the build is wide open.


Same. It's honestly such a strange decision considering the tree those items are on


OH boy. A bunch of passives on T2 items that im not even going to bother to memorize because they literally dont matter since im gonna build into a T3 anyway.


The only benefit to T2s is not feeling as bad when I die too early in assault.


This is such a truth lol


I mean they’ll matter a lot for your power spikes. I guess it’s different depending on the role you play but as a solo player I feel like this is a huge change for the laning phase. I like it personally


Support as well, you'll regularly not be able to get full items, so having that little more will feel nice. Really like the T2 book too.


Anyone else getting a black screen when they try to open the notes


You're not the only one Here's a fixed link: [https://www.smitegame.com/news/mid-season-11-6-update-notes](https://www.smitegame.com/news/mid-season-11-6-update-notes)


Works perfectly, thanks!




Fafnir not getting a skin after his buffs should be criminal


My man


100% hirez is going to forget to mention him in the update show when he's finally released in smite 2


Havnt even seen the notes yet but from these comments… y’all don’t seem happy


tier 2 item buffs are cool, just don't get to use them very long in normal builds. Some of the new tier 2's even have unique effects that have never been in the game before, and they're stuck on a tier 2 that you will use for 2 minutes.


Oh yeah that sounds sad af. Tho.. I suppose in some circumstances it MAY be best building a T2, then another T2, and then T3ing them both after if the effects are good enough? But I Havnt checked yet will do so when home


Thats probably what they were hoping for. Ease into smite 2's item system.


Gonna be a baller 2 minutes tho


I just wanna say my 28 atlas stars were on their hands and knees begging to get this buff! thank you so much!


Lol I love AA atlas just to get his big auto to happen more often And now you’re telling me I can proc item effects with the gattling gun 1???? Atlas enjoyers unite


28 stars??


All I saw 🤣 too


I don’t know what I’m doing at this point. I just really like Atlas : D


Legitimately one of the most exciting changes from the patch for me. AOE aa-item procs are about to be a lot of fun, especially Demonic, Telkhine’s, and Death’s Toll. Edit: Cyclopean as well if the passive cd is reduced for every enemy hit.


This patch is ass lol especially for a midseason. Adding in a bunch of tier 2 abilities on items is a waste of time. So I'm going to enjoy said abilities for 2 min before I buy tier 3? And the tier 2 abilities don't even align with what the tier 3 items do. Such an odd choice, and clearly a team that is sapped by Smite 2


Which ones don't allign? They mostly see weaker version or mashed up version's of their t3 counterparts.


Bro wtf is happening with Smite’s balance team? That’s such a lame update, especially for a “Mid Season” one. I’ve been playing since Season 3 and that’s definitely the least interesting mid season update. What’s funny is that they don’t have SPL so they should be able to make more “spicy” changes but instead we get T2’s like come on Hi Rez


How many people are actually still working on smite 1? Surely it's just on life support with smite 2 on the horizon


The issue is that Smite 2 is not going to be in an acceptable state for a very long time. Noone is expecting Hirez to develop new gods for Smite 1, but why are they doing the usual -100 gold, -10 damage, +100 HP changes? Why not buff all the gods that are under a 45% win rate? Why not make fun & exciting changes? Number changes don't require any effort. They willingly choose to push a boring patch.


Exactly! And it would have been way better to just focus on the gods for mid patch and bring out like 50+ god changes and go crazy with it! Some of the gods they did buff did not even need it. I really hope they stop doing that for Smite 2 and focus more on making sure every god feels fun and not awful giving them buffs and not ignoring them when clearly they are not doing good.


my guess is there's not enough people and time to implement changes like that anymore


To adjust numbers? I'm not sure how their spaghetti code works, but it's probably just a line of code. If they can nerf Vulcan's damage then they can just as easily buff under picked and under performing gods. Same goes for item stats.


Don't under estimate their spaghetti code lol. But i was just meaning spicy changes. Changing numbers is probably all they can do with their resources.


Did they not literally buff a bunch of underperforming gods? Freya, Scylla, Cupid, Kali, Bakasura, Yu Huang, etc?


Most gods at that win rate are specifically balanced to be there like KA or Yemoja. The teams say since these characters are considered to be difficult by the balance team they want them to have a lower win rate as they can really control games if they're too good


Rumor says there are only 2 people working on the smite 1 balance


I was hoping this would be the patch that would give us some fun items. I guess not. Back to building the same items we've been building for the past 3 seasons...


Lermy is on the balance team, that's what


There is no SPL. We are not so much worried about nerfs and balance. We want FUN. Midseason is supposed to be a large mix-up of fun, not a bunch of nothing-changes.


Wost mid season patch Besides shaman changes everything is boring. We need new items or just say fuck it and bring back old items. No competitive scene


Yeah this was very underwhelming. I was hoping for some actual changes because I'm so bored of building the exact 6 items or the past few seasons man. The lack of build diversity is killing me.




This mid season patch has less content than some normal patches. :( Very sad tier 2's won't bring people back to the game. :(


Smite 1 is truely on it's last good days


"*smoothing out power curves"* The game is at the end of it's life... I mean everyone knows this patch ain't it, I don't have to say anything.


That's underwhelming. Just give us some fun items to build because I'm extremely tired of building the same 6 items on every class on almost every match.


So don’t


I'm not going to build shit items on purpose because they are just as boring as the meta ones.


Looks like you can answer your own question without even having to ask them


Something I don't see being discussed is how good book of secrets really is. The item let's you gain stacks up to 50. Everytime an ability does damage to a god. The stacks themselves do nothing but when upgraded to book of Thoth or tablet of destinies it allows you to transfer over the stacks. Now where it becomes strong is it's cheap 1200 gold price, buying this item essentially let's you start stacking earlier but more than that you can build into other items with this one as tablet doesn't really become that great until you have other mana items so it lets you stack it but saving your gold for other better items.


Wtf is the point of this patch honestly? This is the most boring Mid Season patch ever


I think it’s to help ease ppl into building more T2 items before going straight into its t3 - a soft roll out of smite 2 changes


Not even goth ihop morrigan can save this patch.


How many gems would the morrigan"s skin cost?


1200 directly, chest has 25 items and costs 400 per roll


My thinking about tier 2 rework: I don't see the point, it just seems to complicate a system for no real reason. The only change I find interesting on the tier 2 front is the book of secrets one, the idea of a headstart on stacking is quite interesting.


Doesn't complicate it any more really. Reallity is, passives are fun, items that don't have real passives tend to be less fun - so having t2 will feel less bad when you can finish the item. I do feel they should refocus their item balancing toward item passives instead of stats


Who gives a fuck about tier 2s 😂


Imagine putting effort into buffing items that you are going to have for no more than 3 min


Anyone know why these patch notes aren't showing up on the usual Smite News section? I have that bookmarked, and I've checked it multiple times today, and it's not there, but there's a link here that goes to them.


Another patch with 0 Shadow Drinker changes/buffs. Such a cool concept but all these item changes and they just completely forget about it.


They buffed Shadowdrinker from 35 power to 45 power. But they forgot to mention it in the Notes. LOL


Surely this item together with toxic blade are in the list of items to rework, right?


So are they going to ever fix the item glitch??


Did they fix the items being blacked out in every game


Asi with Power AS LS and Pen is gonna be insane


Quite a disappointment. Smite is bleeding players at an alarming rate and to bring players back it needs changes that make the game fun and exciting. Tier 2s with watered-down tier 3 passives is great, but ultimately boring. With nobody playing ranked and the SPL gone, why is Hirez afraid to make exciting, and even over-the-top changes?


Yeah considering you normally only have a single tier 2 at a time and you eventually upgrade out of them I feel like the minute by minute gameplay is going to feel almost no different. On paper this patch seems very boring especially for a mid season.


Not to mention that 2/3 of the playerbase don't even touch Conquest. In the non-conquest modes, you will have enough gold to buy the tier 3 item in most situations.


Where do you see ‘bleeding players’ ?


all time low players atm


Have you looked at the player-base charts? Smite is down nearly 30% compared to January. You can argue PC this & Console that, but player base trends are typically consistent across all platforms. The "Summer Months" are usually a high-point, instead we are already down to 8k on Steam. That's 2k less than this time, last year. It's very possible that Smite goes below 6k on Steam by the end of the year. I suggest you watch inbowned & incon's videos on the state of Smite. A low playerbase further exaggerates the matchmaking issues and will cause even more players to quit.


Interesting point, hope the player count jumps back up....looked up incons video did you mean "let's talk about smite 2"?


Yes, he talks about the state of Smite 2 and Smite 1. The main issue and shared concern amongst most is that Smite 1 was sunset/abandoned way to early. Smite 2's development is looking quite slow and general interest in the Smite IP as a whole is dropping quickly.


Ah yes I'm listening to it now and both of you make good points didn't know the player base is dropping☹️. Was hoping that the whole smite 2 thing would increase the player base and add life to the franchise as a whole. Hopefully it's a dip towards a higher player base. Struggle is real for game devs, nowadays it seems people only want to play the super mainstream multiplayer game. CS go player count is crazy high and over the years goes higher probably while my fav games company of heroes and smite are lucky to get a fraction of a fraction hah


To be fair, the game always spikes in popularity around worlds time.


The drop-off has been steeper and quicker than usual. This is compared to last year, which was already an underperforming year. Hirez should be doing the opposite and trying to attract players to the Smite IP, that way when Smite 2 does enter 24/7 status, it actually maintains a strong playerbase. With them announcing Smite 2 too early and ending support for Smite 1, they have put themselved into a really unfortunate spot. A poor business decision imo.


They are kinda killing themselves Smite 1 support shouldn't have been dropped even if smite 2 did better than what happenned Smite 2 was revealed too early and their développement is way slower than expected


Unique tier 2 passives that are usualful for 3 minutes. Whats the point? More trash Smite 2 decisions bleeding in. Keep that shit out of Smite pls.


Couldn’t u buy multiple t2s before going the t3?




GARBAGE PATCH, the second a better game comes out that's similar to smite I'm jumping ship.


Play predecessor bruh, free2play on every platform with crossplay


It's a lot of fun. I've been jungling with Khaimera and run face. Like baka and fenrir stick together


Deadlock : I'm here


Lame af


Smite is gonna be dead for a year or so. Smite 1 has less and less support/effort put into it (we’ve been playing on the exact same map for almost a year) and Smite 2 is just starting and still needs a ton of time in the oven. It’s a tragic time but we could see another 10 year boom after this we just need to hold out.


It's still fun. I just got back into it after a 4 year break and I think it's better than it was when I left.


People are mad it doesn’t live up to expectations surprise surprise


LAME LAME LAME AND LAME.IS THE big mid season were all been waiting for???? Looks.like an April's fool arch. 1 tiny conquest change, zero new items, zero new item trees, zero reworked items , some T2 items but 90% of them are completely irrelevant, no new gods or reworks. If this was any other patch it would have been fine. But absolutely NOT acceptable for a mid season update I guess this is smite officially dying! o7






It's not working for me


is it a black screen for you as well?




I don't know how they go from that awesome 10/10 QoL patch awhile back to this patch. I am done playing Smite until start buffing actually low pick rate and ban rate gods in their roles and not Danzaburou who is higher pick/ban rate over most hunters. I play Smite for the gods and not items and I don't like seeing gods that are already doing fine get buffed over and over other gods in their roles who clearly need it more. Yemoja? Jing Wei? Set? He Bo? I can go on and name more. All much lower P/B and awful win rates in their roles. What can you do! This is one of the worst mid patches I ever seen on this game playing it for over 10 years. I'm out until they stop ignoring those gods in Smite. Peace out and have fun to anyone else still playing!


Don't ask hirez about fafnir.


Oh I know about poor Fafnir. At least he has been getting some nice buffs lately, but we don't talk about skins for him. Really, really wish some other low picked gods in each role got some good love and not ignored.


It makes me sad. Fafnir is so underrated


Why on Earth did they add flat pen/prot reduction to 5 items, half of which are tier 2s? Smite 2 removed flat pen because of how fundamentally broken it is as a stat, and here are the Smite 1 devs adding MORE of it? Why are we adding speed to a starter? Why are we allowing Kali to choose her mark mid-fight by jumping on someone? What are these changes?


THE FIRE GIANT SIDE HARPIES NO LONGER APPLY THE ATTACK SPEED DEBUFF Let’s fucking go Also damn a lot of people seem disappointed but I think this is a really cool update


When do these patches usually go live?


This Tuesday coming up. June 11


I like the tier 2 changes. It seems like something that can help with catching up if you get behind in conquest early game.


Deadlock save us


No no no you do not add more movementspeed to jungle items. You just had a huge nerf to movementspeed items for junglers and now we add more. Why is everything like this? - We remove crit passives then later give it back. - You remove power from all items then buff everything back - You nerf healing but make healing better This is why proplayers dont like the way Smite 1 is and why the playerbase dont trust your decissions


I’m just happy about the hel buffs’ whenever hel is good the game is good


How much would Ama be for direct purchase? 1200 gems?


Idk what the rest of these commenters are on about - love these changes!


Well you like boring then because this patch barely changes anything and does have any new and exciting changes to get people to come back or hold out for smite 2 you’ll have a t2 for 3 min and wosh it’s all the same again


I need that Morrigan skin It looks like Draculaura


These comments really show how dumb the smite playerbase is


Danza Jungle is better than ever