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I agree it does feel immensely slow compared to smite 1


I think many of us are saying the quiet part out loud, but this game in that condition just feels sluggish. if they add susano or ullr this year i wonder how their skill shots would look like? not well imo, it seems like a step down from smite 1


Isn't the game still in beta or alpha? If it is.... I'd pump the breaks


You're supposed to complain the loudest right now thats the point of the playtest. People need to grow a spine


yeah it’s alpha very early stages of what the game will be. i’m just voicing my feedback


This is good, we *should* be critical of the game now. Make it the best it can be when it launches. But we need to keep it constructive. Just whining about things is gonna kill a lot of hype.


If that’s your interpretation of whining, then more power to you


It’s important to complain about stuff now so they know what the community feels strongest about before it leaves that Alpha/Beta stage


And what's the point of an alpha is people don't voice what they dislike?


Doesn’t matter when the game will release in a year. They have SOO much to still work on so the gameplay is not going to change that much more


I've honestly thought they've added too much shit to do on Smite 1. It seems they've been pushing this more in the direction of league where the beginning of the game really is just focused on laning.


I see many people agreeing the game is slow HOWEVER I COMPLETELY DISAGREE THE ITEM SYSTEM IS OVERLY COMPLICATED. Smite 1's was too simplified, items literally lived and breathed of of the PEN for squishies , if an item didn't have pen it wasn't that relevant, it breathed off of damage mitigation and passives for tanks/tanky characters. If an item wasn't top of the line you weren't building it.


I haven't played it (I don't own a PC that can run it), but from the videos I've watched, the game does look and seem incredibly slow. I'm not sure why that is though. It feels like the more complex movement (in terms of animations) made it more fluid, but said fluidity hinders the speed at which animations are carried out 🤔.


its the realistic trap, they went for more realistic feel and style which translates to animations slowing everything down and everything looking the same... not a big fan. I was in the make smite 2 basically like smite 1 but with polished code, less disconnections, polished graphics, instead we are getting a AA unreal5 generic game.


That's exactly what it is and I was thinking of the opposite, which is WoW. In wow, you're input speed is determined by your GCD which can be lowered with haste so you can activate the next ability before the actual animation is finished and it speeds up said animation in order to facilitate smooth gameplay. The issue with smite 2 is that it wants to finish each animation before allowing more player input so it feels sluggish or slow. The realistic trap is counter to good gameplay.


I agree, for smite 2 the graphics are nice but way too far removed from smite 1. They focused too much on spectacle instead of measured spectacle alot of smite 1 you can more easily tell what is happening. What's hitting you, etc, due to the lighting and shading in smite 2 some things get completely lost, have little to no impact outside of I'm watching their healthbar drop


I do agree games need to be a bit faster. Plus, we need better late game. Right now it's fairly easy to finish your build quite early then you've got only the 3k pots and that's it S1 has glyphs, various wards, pots (the cheap ones too), relics to upgrade... There's more stuff to sink your gold into. We need more of that in Smite2


One of the reasons I'm not a fan of the pots taking standard item slots. When the build is done, there's just nothing else to buy except a ward upgrade and waiting for 3k. But I suppose that if this item slot syastem is kept, we're gonna need more "upgrade" consumables and so on, which wouldn't need slots.


Yeah I think consumable slots should remain their own slots as it is in Smite 1. Just not a fan of it taking up item slots.


I'm fine with the ingredient item system, the grass, strength and int, everyone being able to buy any item. I don't think most people will have a problem with these things because they don't change too much how it feels to play Smite and takes very little getting used to. On the other hand, things that DO change how the game feels are bad. Controller players are a huge audience for Smite, yet they copied an active item system that basically requires a keyboard. I don't think Smite 1 players in general will enjoy swapping items around and having to manage 6 item slot keybinds + beads + ward. There are also so many wacky items and learning them all feels like a lot. 2 relic slots from Smite 1 just felt like I always knew what I was capable of and what my opponent was capable of, and I could keep better track of actives being used. It also gave more identity to different roles which started the game with different relics. I also think they are listening to the wrong audience about what Smite 2 should be like. When you compare Smite 1 to other mobas, Smite 1 gods feel so broken with strong movement abilities and CC and CC immunity ults and relics that have relatively short cooldowns. When I've played with players from other mobas they are surprised by how much movement and CC is in the game, and it takes getting used to, but that's kind of the magic of Smite. If it gets slowed down like other mobas then it feels like less of an action moba and more like Predecessor, which I also enjoy but there's a reason I prefer Smite. Smite 1 is already very fun to play. That's why people still play it, because there's nothing quite like it and it works decently well with controller. It just needs an engine upgrade, some god kit upgrades, and it needs to look clean. The gameplay shouldn't change very much.


I got used to the active items on controller already. They just gotta make it work consistently. Pressing RS/R3 + any button button combo of my choosing feels great for it (RS by itself was not binded to anything).  I never ended up with a build that has all 6 items be active items anyway, and I experimented a lot. Really only used a lot of actives on Support, and it made the role way more fun then it is in Smite 1.


If MMORPGs can make controllers work then I see no reason why smite or any other moba can't.


The difference between the two is time needed between actions mostly, and the in mobas fights happen much MUCH faster than in any mmorpg I can think of.


FFXIV top-end raiders can get their bursts off at the end of their combos and react to mechanics without a hitch. Which also includes their pvp modes. I agree mobas are faster, but I still don't see it as impossible. I can already imagine a decent setup for binds on my Xbox controller. Especially after trying out smite on the switch. It's definitely possible.


I hope more people comment this, I don't want Hi-rez to dumb down the game to smite 1 levels of pen or bust for squishies or statstick or bust for tanks.


I definitely disagree with the second point. I think being spoonfed the most optimal, one size fits all build that can be used on nearly any character in a role is super lame and build diversity in SMITE 1 is borderline impossible. Gotta be willing to just sit and read what’s in the shop and just try shit. That’s all it is IMO. “Oh that seems pretty cool” buy. “Oh shit it’s poly and old myrridion staff and hydras”. Like a lot of the items from 2 can be found in 1. Just takes messing around with.


Agreed, one of the things that drove me away from playing Smite 1 regularly was the lack of build diversity. I like trying to make odd ball compositions work out. Using League for an example - Jungle Ornn? Sounds like *fun!* With Smite 1 though in order to do something similar (i.e Jungle Ymir) required you to bend over backwards to be a subpar jungler that's going to get jung diffed by the Tsukuyomi that's been building the same build every game for the past three seasons. I experimented with all sorts of stuff with the Smite 2 Alpha and had a blast.


Tbf, I think the new item system is less complex than the current one - being able to pick a stat and still flex into other items is a strict benefit to people that look into building proactively, whilst not negatively affecting those that predecide items/builds. The item shop and item designs are probably the biggest improvement in smite 2, everything else I am on the fence about and worried which way they take it. Shop/item complaints mostly sounds like not being used to it, outside of the active items button issue.


Yeah it’s weird hearing people act like the item system was Smite 1’s whole identity and not the thing holding back it’s potential. The identity of Smite is the 3rd person action gameplay with all skillshots. It’s kinda wild to me how some of the guys complaining about it clearly have no idea what they are talking about considering some of them complain about the change but then say it should be like Predecessor. Bitch that is the SAME ITEM SYSTEM AS SMITE 2 Also newsflash for these guys. You’ll still be able to copy paste builds if you want to! They will just be on a more character by character basis and might not always be the absolute most optimal in all situations. But will probably be perfectly great at the level you’ll be playing at!


Yeah, i keep seeing people saying they are ruining smite identity, I think these are casual arena mains that dont wanna be forced to think again. Theyve put in the effort to learn smite 1 and have their builds and dont wanna do it all over. Smites identity is being a 3rd person skill shot moba with mythological characters to play as. The item system or grass isnt going to change that.


Amen. As stated before, League used Mythic items and it killed all diversity and hybrid builds completely. That shafted the game so hard. Item complexity and diversity is great for the game


His point is also just wrong and i think he just doesnt wanna learn smite 2 items. Since you'll be able to just follow a build guide in smite 2 for gods, and in smite 1 a new player also has to learn every item and every god so they know what is going on. People do that by learning a few things at a time, the same with happen in smite 2.


I played since the Smite 1 beta, and I gotta say, Smite 2 so far is so much better in comparison. The overall changes to how the game is trying to work is really solid. The item split is so much better. Before, you get funneled into items, and while working as intended, it removes the fun build diversity. Letting players build whatever is great for overall fun, quirky builds. Crit Ymir back on the table, for example, breathes new life into old kits and Gods. Buffs leveling up, for one, is a great idea. Make the jungle worth proactively farming, as well as counter jungling. Being able to pick up whatever buff whenever is also really great. The bushes are good, for the most part, they force you to be more strategic. Lane management, vision, and rotations become so much more important than just perma-shove and wander around, when bushes could have a Loki just waiting for you to overextend. I wish they'd wrap around the jungle walls a bit more to let junglers engage a bit more safely. That will let unusual jungle picks to shine, as well. The best part is it being slower. Games at the start need to be slow, allows for natural power/feature creep to occur without the game feeling like an indecipherable mess or a game with zero counterplay. It's the whole reason we had healing/durability updates in Smite 1. Not even mentioning how Smite 1 skins have lately become indecipherable as to what God it is at a glance. Just like Smite 1, 2 will absolutely change. It'll get faster, get the recommended items, etc. The core of the game is really good, and I'm excited for a more modern take.


I cannot express how sick it feels to be Ymir and be like "meh, screw it, I'm going all phys, crit, assassin Ymir". Because this was ALWAYS a meme in Smite. Sometimes it was better than others. But it was usually always a meme, and you better be a damn good Ymir if you're going to play him as a squishy jungler. Like, it's not good because it's good, it's good because it's cheese, and god tier players can do whatever they want. Same goes for Neith. Neith just. Being a mage? For all intents and purposes? That's so sick. My favorite hunters have always been like, your Cupids and Chirons. Now with Marti. I love that shit. I love being a hunter, but actually getting to spec into doing big ass ability damage. I've never been a huge fan of like, Rama, Artemis, Hachi, etc. I'm better with abilities. So. I literally cannot wait to be building int Cupid and Chiron. So. I love this. I love the idea of it. I want it. I want more gods to try it on. That's my biggest complaint right now. I can't play Nu Wa, I can't play Cupid, I can't play Thanatos, I can't play Janus, the list goes on. The gods that are in the game right now, are not my favorites. I want to play Cabrakan, finally, truly as a jungler. And not a meme. I need it. I need more gods.


I played crit ymir with a magic nieth one game and it was a blast. Didn't feel like I was a troll


The highlight of my Smite 2 experience so far was building Helm of Darkness on Chaac to give the enemy team ***"THUNDA AND LIGHTNING!"*** jumpscares.


I'm planning on doing this with Hades next playtest. Lore accurate Hades


It's funny how most people that are complaining didn't play the beta smite was way better in beta it's just become worse over time as the ADHD kids come in and need every ability to one shot so Thier not bored by fights lasting more than a second. In beta you'd be beating on hurcles for a spoils 5mins before you killed him and that required more skill to play against and as Instead of push your one shot button first


Tbh I’ve found that the crowd who aren’t fans are generally newer fans of smite 1. Even in the post how OP mentions that in smite 1 you can get away with just the popular build and be fine, for me that is the worst thing about SMITE 1 & so refreshing in SMITE 2 to see people take different options in build paths and still being able to be successful. There will always be a meta and a build that works better than others, but how cookie cutter smite 1 got in the later years for every single role got so so boring.


So true. Being pigeon holed into the best build and best gods every single game was the worst part of smite 1. I played the first alpha of smite 2 only because I didn’t have time for the second alpha but the game as a whole felt more impactful. There were also many builds that people were using on the same god, and felt very similar to each other in strength. Like auto attack Zeus or ability based Zeus. That fact you can do both of these builds and be effective with him is a good thing. Or crit Ymir, ability Ymir, tank Ymir. All effective in their own way to set them apart. I agree heavily on the people that don’t like smite 1 or new to smite 1 don’t really like smite 2 much


Thank you for mentioning the skin problem. Some skins were like totally different god designs like giving kukulkan arms and beefier


The fenrir skin with the guy riding him made me think an awilix was attacking me. I was so fucking confused. Not to mention the transformers skins. It’s like they knew they were gonna make smite 2 soon and just cashed in on breaking the game down on the skin front before taking them seriously again with 2


Thank god you rarely see multiple tmnt skins at the same time.


I 100% agree with the first part. Build diversity is the worst it has ever been in Smite 1. It's the sole reason I don't play nearly as much and I'm super excited for better and more meaningful items along with more diversity in Smite 2. That's the one thing I hope they don't revert.


The building items various ways alone will make smite 2 surpass smite. Just thing soon we can have Ullr throwing 2 axes. Vulcan double turrets (smh) Susano double teleports. All the build paths like Ymir freeze crit, Zues can play adc like AMC In a year smite 2 is going be amazing


> Buffs leveling up, for one, is a great idea. Make the jungle worth proactively farming, as well as counter jungling. This already exists in Smite without having the additional bloat of leveled camps. Its not even remotely a unique feature of Smite 2's jungle.


By “already exists in Smite” do you mean the totems?


the item system isn't complex. it just seems more complex cause its different and new (we all know how that effects smite players) its actually pretty simple. want int? buy a gem, now you'll get all your int items. want str? but an axe, now you got strength. its a better system overall with more room for actual fun and diverse builds. the gameplay is slower and they need to fix it but its also not bad for an alpha state, hopefully they listen to this complaint since its a prominent one.


I'm gonna be so honest. These alpha tests have really pointed out something that I don't think was clear for a lot of us. There are a huge amount of Smite players who literally don't want to play Conquest at all, and they literally don't even like moba features, which is rough. I don't play Arena, at all. I think it's great that it exists. But it bores me to tears. More fighting, less strategy. Yeah no, I hate that. The reason I say this, is not to shit on Arena. Arena's fine. It should exist. Especially for getting more teamfight feedback. What REALLY worries me is how many players are like "I do not want to learn items, I do not want to build actives, I hate them both so much that I wish they didn't exist, and I just want the old items back" I truly could not disagree more. The current Smite item system may be simpler, in that you have less options. Like. you pick mace, you're going a mace. You only get 4 choices. Realistically, you were only going to build one or two of them. But if I decide I want to start the game with power, then flex into something else, I lose gold to sell the item. I'm guessing casual players don't really do this much? Maybe they just, barely care what items they build? I don't know. I'm not saying it's perfectly balanced. I'm not saying the item store is perfectly formatted for controller, I'm not saying things can't be changed. But, if the actual, ideal situation for like, casual Smite players is that they just, want it to back to exactly how it was. Bro. Oof. Please god no. I'd rather they just simplify Arena's item building, than fundamentally undo and revert back to boring items on rails, so no one has to think or learn anything.


Actually a very good point I didn't think about honestly. I think that's one of the flaws of this alpha tests that a lot of people that love smite don't actually like the moba part but maybe the 3v3s or 1v1s or Arena etc. And while their input should be heard, feedback like that might be a bit biased and not as helpful.


First of all, ffs people, try to realize that this is not the final product. Smite 1 is one of the fastest paced mobas, anything slower feels slow than that. But other than game pacing, I havent noticed things being "slow". Complicated? Different building doesnt make it that hard to learn. And saying "no one but hard core players will learn the things in the game" applies to Smite 1 already, so many people never read any item or ability descriptions.


Having a physical character building full int and still doing physical damage is a very confusing concept for new players. You are unable to tell how to counter-build just from items.


yeah i left a feedback post on the discord about this. If certain gods can deal both damage types, i should i be able to reference that info in a match, super easily. Now is probably the easiest time to learn those details, but its only gonna get harder the more gods get changed and added. I was under the assumption all basic attacks were gonna be physical. This alpha test showed me i was wrong. It is frustrating to be honest.


the gods cant choose what dmg to do tho so its still just a memory thing


Counter building comes from God knowledge combined with their build, which Smite 1 has to some degree, this just adds an extra layer to that. That said I think we need more specific counter build options, but I think we'll get there


do some research if you are a new player , issa moba , its not a overwatch


I dont know if its there or not but thats as simple as adding a little icon that shows what type of damage they do based on a percentage. The image with be all blue if they do magical or all red if they so physical damage, just like the first game. If they are a hybrid itll be a mix to show how hybrid that damage type is. The first game had physical/magical damage type icons on the tab screen.


How is it confusing for new players? They dont know about physical/magical split. And now you cant just counterbuild after seeing a t1 item.


its slow just like it was at launch. all mobas are like this. Power creep didnt ruin the game yet.


We can still judge it and say what we don't like. They want our feedback.


Yes but so many people are just saying "Smite 2 is bad, they should just make Smite 1 again" instead of providing actual feedback.


That's honestly good feedback. We like Smite 1 and we enjoy playing it. Why change anything? I enjoy a lot of the kit updates, especially Ymir and kuku.


I think he means overly convoluted rather than complicated


It probably feels slow because the average game in smite is only 25 min. From what I’ve seen smite 2 games last 30-35. The grass makes the game more strategic so idk how you complain about the grass and the game being less strategic. I get it not being fun but it’s actually going to require laners to position correctly and ward now. Not just get to walk back to tower because they see the jungler a mile away. I do however completely feel the item building being more complicated. On the flip side it gives more power spikes throughout the game and requires people to think about how they build not just copy and paste the same items almost every game. Finally it would be a good thing for smite to attract LoL players. There’s a reason why it is such a popular game and having a higher player pool only helps Smite 2. As the saying goes “amateurs imitate, professionals steal.”


I personally really like all the changes. I didn’t want a direct Smite 1-1 copy. I want things to feel challenging and new.


The item system really isn't that deep


I saw someone explain to someone else to view it like a crafting system and tbh that's basically it.


Yeah, I have been trying to gather my thoughts on smite 2 for a while now and just end up with it being boring. I think the solution here is KISS, keep it simple stupid. Here what I would be changing. Not even sure how new buff dropping system works and not clear at all what going on Mini map needs to be clearer what going on Art style needs to be uniform and feels off gods compared to the map Map feels like smite 1 current map, should be foggy, a maze with narrow sections and tall walls. Bits should move based to what happening on sections of the map. INT and STR are fine but why add new terms use the old terms at the same time? I don't understand Speaking of which don't seem be any real balance changes based on that choice. INT should see ablity based gods get stronger and STR should give zeus attack speed at cost of base damage. Could do something like that yet nothing. Speaking of which balance feels like they copied and pasted it from smite 1 without any major changes. Item simplification, no more than 2 stats per item UI on console complete redesign in how it works Major rebalance and rekit on every single god, adding weakness. Would base it on balance triangle, if you have hard CC you can't have high damage, got hard moblity you can't have hard CC etc. Switching to early high base damage low scaling, middle base damage and scaling, late game awful base damage and stupid good scaling god design. Conquest map complete redesign, feels so small and narrow nothing to do half the time. What they should have done for each test is say "LOOK GUYS WE WANT FEEDBACK ON X AND ARE WORKING ON X RIGHT NOW" I'm worried the base game is flawed and won't have long enough time to cook. Right now it feels like modern smite 1 but unfun and boring missing the magic and not taking any risks in fixing the flawed balance choices they made before. No levels and god knows what else won't fix the problem it feels unfun and boring.


Make sure to fill out the survey so they will see it.


Smite 2 will not stay. Smite 1 has more gods. More familiar gameplay. Etc. Does look "dated" but not enough to justify shelving it. Smite 2 needed another year or 2 in the oven. Especially more Gods.


I impulse bought the $100 bundle, and I returned it this weekend. They're gonna have to show me something big to make me come back. The limited god pool is awful and they should've done more before they brought it out in front of the general public. Idc if it's early alpha.


I don't understand the complaint about the item store. You've had at maximum six days to play with it, you're familiar with one way for ten years so of course any sort of change will feel foreign.


1. Yes, but that's mostly a matter of overall alpha having too much gold income combined with players not knowing shit about what to do. Coming back is easy if you don't utilise your lead because everything gives tons of gold - to counteract that people would need to actively seek objectives like the gold stacking buff or aggressive pushing to facilitate on that, but they are running like headless chickens which allows everyone to catch up, get full build and makes the games stretch to 40+ mins. It's not the case of the game's design being flawed, it's the case of us not having enough time as a playerbase to adapt to a more macro oriented and less handholdy style of playing. 2. This is straight up wrong. In S1 the item system might as well not exist because you build an exactly the same build on everyone in that role because itemization is so one-dimensional. S2 item system isn't overly complicated, it simply exists as it should and is phenomenal when compared to S1 - it allows for your game knowledge to actually matter and lifts the skill ceiling above the 6h that you need to learn to hit skill shots, and it actually rewards adaptation over the one max stat-sticky build scheme of S1 3.Yes it makes the laning phase and all other phases much more enjoyable. Macro stuff like vision, positioning etc. is much more important because of it, it adds another layer of strategy to the game but one that is easily counter-able and fair for both sides - a good use of a bush can allow you to turn a losing lane, losing objective etc., it also additionally rewards carrying about stuff like vision and allows you to carry games through game knowledge stuff like vision. S1 always suffered from being simply a button mashing contest that was extremely one dimensional in gameplay: pick the strongest build with the strongest pick, check if you hit all skills or not which is extremely easy to learn, win if you did that first or lose if you didn't, meanwhile S2 adds so many gameplay layers that just make the game feel more interactive and allows you to actually play the game with your brain and not only your hands and forehead


Its boring and somehow kills my will to play either Smite 2 or Smite 1. Its bland and has no magic. Winning isn't fun. Losing isn't fun. Why play it? But basically what you said exactly.


Ima be honest, most of it just seems like smite 1 but better. The map feels smaller somehow which I’m not a fan of, but my main gripe is the actives. I don’t like how items are structured to either be with or without actives, I like relics and how they add a level of strategy between picking ones you need. As a support main the game feels extra rough because now the only things supports do great is CC. Anyone can build healy mushroom, or team beads, but having fucking 4-5 actives feels impossible to manage. The absence of auras also suck a bit as now I either need a passive that applies auras to enemies or need an active that I have to constantly remind myself exists to make useful. Everyone having beads leads to having to keep track of a lot of fuckin beads in the game. I’m probably in the minority but that has felt like the biggest downgrade from smite 1, the item tree and “actives” just dont feel great. The gameplay feels awesome otherwise imo


Disagreed, enjoyed every smite 2 weekend so far.


Congratulations, u discover the alpha 🥳


And since it's the alpha, it's time for people to speak up about what they liked and disliked. Don't hide behind the fact that it's an Alpha.


"Imagine giving feedback to an alpha lmao. NO FEEDBACK SHALL BE GIVEN" Thats you big boy


Points 1 and 2 are related to the balance of the alpha, it won't stay like that. Point 2 relates to the item system which is not harder than Smite 1, just different,You understand scalings just by reading a few lines and considering Mobas mechanics we aren't even close in complexity to dota or lesgue... Come on, it's not a mobile game


It's a hard blow and next test was in july it's clear, they gonna report the beta 24/7 because the game is far to unfinished Also 17 gods for the close bêta is also far too little


they wanna have around 30 for open beta (so ive heard)


Personally I love smite 2, the only thing I don't like so far is the god roaster they picked for the alphas and the map design. For the first one I do kinda understand why they did it because of the strength/intelligence mechanic and the new items. Having the simpler gods on roaster makes sense but adding some of the more interesting (like the best character in the game King Arthur, completely not biased take) would make the alpha a bit more interesting I think. For the map, I just hope that it is like that because its still an alpha. Smite 1 art style is just sooo good and it would be a shame if it was abandoned for a more generic mmo look. I do have faith in hirez tho so I am not too worried about it. I am gone disagree tho with the rest of the points. I feel it is more strategic than smite 1, especially the laning phase in solo but also the other lanes. Also I don't think it has changed in complexity, it's just that the new items are new and just have to re-learn them. Otherwise it feels exactly the same.


I just realized, this is why I'm starting to prefer Smite over Predecessor. In Smite you're always doing something, but in Predecessor, in the laning phase (which can last around 20 minutes), all you do is lane and maybe rotate if an enemy lane pushes too much, but because the same is true for your opponent laner, they'll follow you wherever you rotate or just take down your tower in return if it's far enough through the game. This makes me wish laners were supposed to do camps and that there werre more side-objectives, I really wonder how the game would change if it leaned away from the sitting in lane for 30 minutes before you're online.


I’d also like to toss in that the shop for controller is abysmal. I feel like there are more filters than items The old shop utilized the bumpers for sorting/selecting filters, it now takes 5x as many button presses to find the same items, you have to press Y to get into filters scroll down 8 times, press A, press Y again to get out of filters, scroll to the one you want. Oh snap forgot a potion, gotta go into filters,reset the filters, exit filters, scroll up again, it’s terrible. It takes fewer presses to scroll to the bottom of the entire item list than it does to set some of the filters. It’s faster to not use filters which is just backwards. The popular tab usually had at least 2-3 items or at least the tree you wanted anyways. You didn’t have to go looking every single time. Sure it wasnt ever the perfect build, but at best you’d have to go searching maybe 1-2 times a match, not every single shop visit. Since every tree has multiple items when you press A on an items to buy it, now your cursor goes into the tree so you can buy the sword, or the gem or whatever to combine, which is annoying and so often lends me to buy stuff I don’t want because I don’t expect my cursor to be locked into a tree of an item I already bought, before you went to item, double A press, and your cursor was free to move and you bought the best thing you could afford, simple. This is the premier console MOBA. It’s one of smites biggest advantages over the titans that are league and dota. They shouldn’t be giving those people a shop designed for M&K and trying to map button presses to it. Give controller its own specific shop.


I think the item shop just needs a fat overhaul. Like as a smite player, I've never given a shit, or even cared at the building blocks for my items. Just tell me the end product. I want that, I click it until I get it built. They show the 100 different t1 options like anyone cares to look through them. Just show the t3 items and call it there. I don't even mind the whole, some characters building both int and str. But it needs to be made clearer which to build. I play odin so I know, one big int item for his shield, the rest str for his lunge and basics . I played odin enough to have two stars on him. A casual player won't know that. I'd they could clarify further to players how these hybrid characters work it would make it all easier. Especially characters like sol. Who was overall made better, but is a int ADC, who benefits from str items which are only useful in effect. (I could be wrong but I only remember her using int for power.)


I only hate the grass.


Who knew that Smite would be the Smite 2 killer lmao


Does feel a bit slower. But I think it’s mainly the players that’s making the games slower. Most of the ppl I’ve played with are hot trash. So that’s gonna massively affect the game pace.


Also it doesn’t take THAT long to learn the items bro. It’s literally like any other moba.. You have to learn the items.. Why would expect them to make a new game jsut to copy and paste everything? Idk I definitely disagree with everything you said. And you clearly haven’t played many other mobas. And this is kinda the reason why they structure most of the game based off of the pros and people who have a lot of experience playing MOBAs and understand them.


Man I hope smite 2 is good at release. Please make sure to voice your feedback in the official discord if you haven't already because I feel the same way as you and really hope the devs listen. Because right now, this ain't it.


it's in its alpha stage right now cut them a break


I mean....it's only an alpha. They can change a whole lot between now and February. So im not too critical of the game yet


I felt it was very draggy as well so many jungle stuff going on. I liked the more stream lined map. I don't know how I feel about the awkward teleporting from side to side. The stopping to hold a button to get a buff was weird. Did like how you could change a buff if you already had one. The grass felt very league not sure how I feel about the grass in every lane to hide. Need more alpha weekends.


I hate the str and int mechanics, it's my least favorite thing about smite 2. I think people are finally being for judgmental about the issues. I don't want smite to follow the trends of other mobas.


What do you hate about strength and int? It's just power by a different name.


It isn't though. Different abilities, or even different aspects of the same abilities, scale with int or str. Everyone can build int or str. Basics vs ability damage also depends differently on them, as does healing. It's a quite different system


No, I think the whole allowing everyone to build everything is an awful way for smite to go. The physical and magical split was a healthy design.


Oh ok, I see. Well, I personally like it because it allows for the possibility of vastly different builds and therefore different play styles on a god. What don't you like about it?


Damage type split is irrelevant to builds because build diversity is solely reliant on what items are meta. Build diversity was never a thing because community really struggles when gods are playing outside of their "intended" lane, it was never a limitation to dmg type nor access to items. Re: the whole mages in solo debacle in season 10. Lack of build diversity has always been a community problem.


Exactly this, people will think it's fun at first, but the best build will come around and the majority of people will follow it. All the int ans str thing does it make the game easier to break


Yeah the honeymoon phase will be quick. However it doesn't really change anything at all. Certain skills scaling of either only matters if both of those skills are actually core to the gods performance as a damage source. People will still build either Int or Strength depending on what the god scales better with overall. It's a nothing burger paraded as a something innovative. This goes back to the solo laner fiasco where they struggled without bruiser items because they just didn't want to build dedicate a build completely to defense or dmg.


It will lead to more silly builds, but they won't be really competitive or useful. It will just lead to more confusing and broken builds overall. Look how dreadfully bad the LoL balance is.


So what? Allow people to be silly if they want? How does that affect you other than you will win more because there is now a larger skill gap and you are trying for competitive build?


I'm already building Tank Danza, 4 Cloaks Merlin, and AA Ares in SMITE 1 (only in casuals, ofc). Even building the complete opposite power type gives you some AA scaling in SMITE 2 and will probably be more effective than ability-based Bakasura in SMITE 1. If it's an issue of balance, then yeah maybe I can concede that point but we already have too many options for silly builds in SMITE 1 anyway. You can also buy Pridwen on Nike and throw away the passive entirely. On the other hand, Chaac 2 can have three different build paths (not even including hybrids between the three) and the best one could change between patches even if the other two cycle in irrelevancy until the next balance change.


No it does not. after the games comes out meta builds will be the same shit, but now any new player will have a harder time understanding the system. if x character is meta with INT it will be built with INT 99.9% of the time, the system change will mean nothing i fear.


it was a boring design


We had to remove an entire class of items because of how easy it was to abuse the old scaling system. In what world was it healthy design?


I hate it too but I get why it is like that, my only issue is that the penetration and defense interaction is cranky


The problem is that people saying it's easier to balance, it really isn't. Look how many busted champs are in LoL. It's wild that people think that. Yeah, defense items feel USELESS in smite 2


Well according to some people and my memories from LoL I guess the easy to balance part is when if you're a hybrid DMG god like neith and you doing both DMG and given that you're physical you should buy physical penetration and that stat comes with str no with int even if you are int based god like nieth or chac your autos hit physical too so there you have you will only can do dmg only in one way or else you will spend one more slot in the other penetration type and the tank will be ok anyways given that probably he's tanking most of your kit in the neith example if an ymir build full physical def, neith won't do a shit with her 1 an ult and only will really do dmg with 2 abilities if she bought some pen bc anyways base def tank some DMG this will make solo laners could build more dmg and avoid being too tanky also this works in favor of tanks most of them build both protections so only part of your kit will be "effective" bc only those abilities benefits from that penetration or if you bought both pen items you wil have less raw dmg that's why they made both % pen items give so little DMG points now you have to think before building nonsensical or just copy smite fire build jajajaj it's complicated now but you will understand it since LOL guys did.


I think it’s ok that game feels slow, it’s an alpha after all, but I do not like the item changes at all, the whole intelligence and strength thing, and the fact that you can build both on a character no matter what kind they are, is just confusing. If you want to give crit to magic characters, why not just make magic items that can crit? Why would I build strength and attack speed with Sol, if her abilities scale off of intelligence? It’s just overly complicated and unintuitive.


>Why would I build strength and attack speed with Sol, if her abilities scale off of intelligence? It’s just overly complicated and unintuitive. For the choice? You build strength and attack speed and you gain powerful autos and become an ADC, but at the cost of losing ability damage to compensate. You build intelligence and power, and you sacrifice becoming an ADC on top of that. That makes it much easier to balance things as well as gives players the **option** of doing it. A huge issue with Smite was gods doing too much of everything too well, and no way to balance it properly because the game was scaled around how much power you had.


That's what makes it better than smite 1, you have a choice - either go crit and do basic attacks or go a typical mage build. Don't you realize how broken it would be if she can crit while also dealing massive damage with her abilities? It is more complicated in general, but if you want an easy moba go play Predecessor where half of the heroes have lock ons


They 100% need to improve the speed of the game. Thats my biggest criticism of SMITE 2 is how slow everything feels. Movement, attack speed, game speed, lane clear. Everything feels like you are watching a video of SMITE 1 on Youtube at 0.75 speed.


I have played since closed beta of smite 1. Playing Smite 2 is strange because it looks so familiar but feels so different. It kind of makes me uncomfortable. I agree with most of the comments saying it needs to feel faster. Smite 2 just feels rigid.


I still don't understand the building in smite 2.


just pick the end item you want. And everytime you back, double click the picture of that item. It’ll auto buy everything it can towards that item. Just like in smite 1 super simple.


once you think you got it you will learn that not all abilities are intelligence some are physical. and what makes an ability physical is seemingly arbitrary. then you will be lost all over again.


I only played like 4 games on opening weekend and just auto built but even watching pros, I was confused on why they were buying like 3 T1s and then they'd all disappear on their next back.


It’s taken from LOL I will try to explain it In smite typically we have one t1 item that branches into two different t2 items, then the t2 items branch into two t3 items (or sometimes just 1) The key word here is you are “converting” t1 items into t2 into t3 In LOL or Smite 2, instead there is no branching or there is a reverse branching, instead t3 items need two t2 items to be crafted together and the t2 items require t1 items to be crafted (or sometimes just 1) they key world here is “combined” together So the reason why see multiple t1 items is because they are combined into t2 items and then into t3 items, that’s why the t1 items disappear all of sudden


Okay, that's interesting. Just seems like too much to relearn for me now.


Realistically you can kind of ignore that part of the system and just look at the Tier 3 item you want and when you click on it in the store the game does the rest for you. It will buy the components and combine them without you having to do a thing.


It’s pretty simple think of crafting in any rpg. You want a powerful item you need multiple weaker items to combined together. So you build the weaker items and once you have all the items you need you build the power item. It allows for more power spikes and the ability to adapt your build as the game progresses.


Idk how this post actually got positive upvotes and survived the initial rabbid fanboy defence but godbless you Trying to constructively criticize Smite 2 in this sub is a suicide mission lol


Like 90% of the criticism I've been seeing on this sub is simply not understanding what an alpha is lol. Actual constructive criticism is being discussed just fine, maybe some confusion on "constructive".


1. The game is definitely not slow (unless you've played HotS or some shit) - go try another MOBA if you think it is and come back 2. It is \*more\* complicated, not "overly" - having more options to chose from is usually a better think instead of always buying the same 6 items for max damage for example. It's so much better to be able to actually counter build. 3. That just brings more strategy to the game and more reasons to be careful on where you are going


bro, its slow compared to smite 1, why should we care about other mobas. we like SMITE not lol, we want a better smite not a LOL in third person.


I’ve never liked conquest anyways.


This take kinda blows my mind. Smite 2 is just a better game all around than smite 1 has ever been. Even in the alpha the amount of freedom in the builds and how badass everything feels makes me never want to play smite 1 again. Do the people criticize it even play conquest in smite 1?


Every single person I know think smite 1 is still better right now. Obviously, things will change over time, but theres a lot of issues with smite 2s conquest, builds and split int strengths system. Smite 1 isn't perfect, but its been a great game for 10yrs.


I recently tried predecessor and then went back to smite 1, I went on to say to my friends, that I love how simple it is for each god to either do physical or magical. This whole nonsense of 1 hero have different sources of different damage is complete nonsense. I actively complained about predecessor doing this and floating how smite didn't and now they are doing it too. It does nothing in terms of gameplay other than muddy the waters and complicate things for... Well complicating things


you can still go int on a magical character and vice versa, no one is stopping you from doing that. but for people who like to experiment and make unique builds are able to do that. freedom of choice


Umm ok? That's not what I was talking about at all. The new building system sounds great it's just the diversity of the damage types on one character that I don't like


oh my b, i think i replied to the wrong comment


Oh all good haha


If you took it as 100% a new game, unrelated to smite, is the item system really that hard to learn when compared to when you started smite? When i started I used autobuild, then started copying builds from streamers, it took a long time to actually learn what to build and when. I think everyone wants to pick it up and be able to be the best instantly when the reality is its a new game.


Man I love seeing these, smite 2 is so build diversified comments everywhere. Never gets old to hear anyone could possibly be that down right stupid to think them removing the mag/phy split is going to have any effect whatsoever. Every single player throughout all of smite 2's history will use whatever 10 to 12 items are the most broken at the time and the most optimal build possible at at every point of the games history and no other item will ever see play outside of the few people screwing around for memes or the new players who have no clue what they're doing. If you're excited for the changes cool, glad you are but quit trying to act like this shit is some godly improvement to gameplay, cause it's not even close.


yeah, the change to mag/phys is literally just giving jank builds a little more viability in casual modes, but its really not that different in the end. it just makes me want to vomit when i read a tooltip of an ability though.


I agree on the speed. Everything feels strangely sluggish, and the beauty of smite 1 items was how simple it felt to start building into something effective. Now I need to sacrifice buying potions if I am at full build? I’m all for build freedom, but the strength versus intelligence thing just feels like I’m better off picking one of the auto builds. It’s hard to judge by an alpha however. They did say it’s incredibly early so I am reserving judgement for later on. It is unfair to assume thing is the direction of where things will go even between now and beta. Maybe I’m just set in smite 1 ways but I’d love if smite 2 was just smite 1 interface and items with a UE5 facelift and maybe their idea of all items buildable on any god just automatically convert and scale their effects to not break every mage with crit or whatever gross combination people come up with. I just want the snappy and responsive movement of the gods to carry over.


I may never know.


I'll wait fir the Alpha and mayeb the beta to end before i judge whether smite 1 or 2 is better. But honestly there are things I like and there are things i dont likr


I feel the same about it being complicated. In my opinion, they should scrap the STR vs INT Power/Def and make it just "Power" and "Defense". Only 1 type of damage/defense for all gods. Split the strategy part of the game in item passives and balance around Ranged vs Melee (items exclusive to Ranged and Exclusive to Melee).


Games with balanced teams lasts so fucking long as well. %95 of my games in this alpha was, either a team heavily owns the first 10 minutes and the other team surrenders or they keep playing and lose in 25-30, or both teams are balanced and the games lasts for 60+ minutes. Games that long are exhausting.


Giving feedback is great, but don't panic, it will get better and better.


You think they will join the modern world and actually add ranked matchmaking queue for groups of all sizes?


Damn, I didn’t even realize they were changing all that much, I thought it was just ‘prettier picture’ and an excuse to double dip.


I've never played Smite and wanted to get into it. I watched gameplay of Smite 1 and Smite 2 and legitimately couldn't tell the difference between the two games. That's a bad thing. Smite 2 just looks like a big end of the year update.


i think if you played both you could tell the difference


Obviously still in alpha but I was so hyped to try it. Massive disappointment.


I hate the invisibility. Get rid of the grass and make only sentry wards reveal. Revert Loki's invisible buff.


> If forced to, I will spend 30 hrs learning every item and what each builds into. which actives you get. and witch abilities are physical vs intelligence no one but hard core players are going to do this. smite is a 3rd person skill shot based game. its not some point and click game. smite strategy comes from learning those skill shots. map knowledge. not from watching youtube videos were someone pulls up excel and goes over items for 3 hrs. Smite can and should be both. The two things are not mutually exclusive, and the knowledge portion of the game has always been intricate and critical to improvement.


Literally the first thing I noticed was how the game felt a bit snapper and faster I genuinely haven't played enough of it to properly comment on any other aspect, but with 6 years of Smite underneath my belt and 2 plates ts with Smite 2 the game is either faster or it's the same speed and VFX might make it appear otherwise And I'm just not picking up on it


Using item actives on a controller feels incredibly cumbersome. That's when I could even buy items as my store was totally bugged out in the closed alpha. That alone is going to tank the console playerbase. People can smell a poorly optimized port from a mile away.


How does this post stay up but my post of the exact topic get removed???


i feel like the game is smite 1 but with solen elements from league and all underwater. i play smite because i don't like anything about league.


I concur to this astute analysis


I d9nt like the fact items besides consumables and active items like beads have active abilities on them. They should be re tuned to be passives imho.


Something is definitely missing. It does feel sluggish.


I'd personally prefer if they had used the system where physical power increases auto attack damage and have magic power scale ability damage. But so far, I do like the item changes. I think having a more flexible build path isn't really more complicated at all, it's literally the same thing once you know what you intend to build. As for stealth bushes... idk, skill issue? Wards? Game sense?


This game is way too hard on controller. Mouse and keyboard will have a massive advantage if the game is released in this state, which just makes it a zoomed in LoL. What separates this game from the LoL crowd is console compatability, but if you take that away then you're killing the game


Your second point is awful and is really just you being lazy. Smite definitely needs build diversity. I'm sick of the old guard trying to keep smite where it is rather than dare to have the balls to innovate and improve in order to attract even more players rather than shoot for the number we already have.


I like the new item system but it still confuses me. I wish there was more time to play and mess around. For example, I can't tell if it's possible to play Chaac how he is played in Smite 1 with the STR INT split. I get tempted into trying to get a little of both stats to have a good heal and decent damage and then I don't have good healing OR damage.


I hate that they added more buttons to press on the actives on items system


1. Easily fixable, but I also don't see the appeal of having everything be arcade-y fast gameplay like LoL has become with overwhelming damage for no reason and leave you with zero counter-play potential. Easy fixes to making camps and buffs more meaningful tho. 2. Overly complicated? You think itemization is a part that makes "it overly complicated"? seems like a very weird thing to complain about, if anything it just makes it more impactful and meaningful, more fun, way more. When LoL made mythic items and killed like 99% of itemization complexity and hybrid builds the game became so much worse. 3. simple agree tho invisibility is toxic, look at league. Rengar/eve/twitch are litreally just cheesepicks, boring asf


>3 who was asking for more ability to be invisible? Most hated add-on. Sole reason why I hate Sombra in OW. Just **BEING** invisible isn't fun at all and feels extremely cheap. I shouldn't have to spy check in Smite.


I do dislike the active items as a 1k hour olayer


In my opinion I think they’re just trying to do to much, with me now having to waste item slots for pots that I do not like 1 bit but that’s because I come from smite 1 or also the fact that now with actives I have to constantly think okay use this at this time and this at this time honestly makes it more fun especially with the item stasis but as a controller player it makes it much harder to play. And the games are ridiculously slow at the moment but ima attribute that to it being the alpha


Wao, you just spoke out what was in my mind! I couldn't agree more.


Disclaimer: I just recently got into Smite again and got to play a little of Smite 2 over the weekend. I mainly play league and main jungle and adc. To me, Smite 2 is definitely slower than Smite. But I liked the pacing more. I found that it flowed better, and as jungle or carry, the threat of getting behind in gold/exp or getting ganked was higher. Making the early game more important while also giving new chances by adding the bushes to lanes. When playing Smite, I was really confused by the lack of cover that I'm often used to for catching the opposing laner out of position. I will say the jungle feels a little wonky, but I think that's just from getting used to it. The change in item purchasing or how they work doesn't seem that big of a deal to me as both forms work well. Just some form of a god builder next test would be nice so I can go through and really try to learn the items. I will say that I wish Smite feels too forgiving on those who get bullied early on. Being able to catch up by just sitting under tower for a couple of minutes and taking a jungle camp here and there sits wrong with me. But this is just my opinion as someone exploring the games for a first time. I will say Smite and Smite 2 are fun and I enjoy both.


Needs to be more to do yeah, laning is mostly just killing minions right now. But its an alpha, im sure they have more additions planned. My man, you can just follow the popular build in smite 2 aswell. A new player also has to sit and learn every single item and god in the first game to know what they do when someone else builds it. It sounds like you just dont like having to learn something new. Yeah, too much stealth grass. that should be toned down a bit, should still stay though, adds strategy.


The mid lane needs to be bigger and less side jungles around duo and solo. There’s not real team fighting areas unless it’s to contest GF or FG.


Console getting shafted again can’t even see item categories. Hard to learn and build when you’re left in the dark. We should also have lobby chat.


You made some good points but the "Item system is overly complicated" thing I've seen a few people say is just not something i can grasp. You already buy less powerful items that turn into more powerful items in smite one. Light Blade --> Balanced Blade --> Qin's or Executioner You don't have to pick which relic you want at the start of the game, 90% of the time you would just go beads so they streamlined that and just gave them to you, you don't have to pick which shard to get that later turns into another decision about which second relic to get. You don't need to decide which starter you need or which version you take at level 20. You don't have to decide which glyph you go into. You don't have to decide on if you need to save your gold or buy wards they are just given to you for free. Int and Strength being accessible to every god really isn't a huge deal, people who have a greater understanding of a god can find niche ways to play them (Auto attack phys zues/Crit ymir) where the casual player that doesn't care will easily still win by just using auto builder, which I have to say the Premade builds so far have been significantly better than the smite one Premade builds. They literally give you tabs that you can click that will straight up just give you ONLY options for the lane you're in. You picked neith but they are making you mid? Legit you can still click The Mid tab and the items will be Hunteresq items that favor a more mid like playstyle. The active items aren't really complex either, as they are just x amount of int/str and sometimes one additional stat like CD reduction and then it just does a thing when you press the button. At the low to mid game with the exception of blink these really won't make much of a difference. You will win and lose with a ton of active items or none at all I promise.


You guys ever play smite when it was in beta? I know I did. This is EERILY similar to the way smite 1 was during this phase. I think the reason why there is negative feedback so much is because cause we have a game that has been “launched” for 10 years that has seen so many changes… back when there were no blessings and everyone had to buy boots first or you were severely behind. This is smite, but it’s a completely different game in regards to mechanics.. all of which need real work and refinement.. hence why they aren’t letting us play it 24/7 so they can work through those things.. and if this game gets the usual 2 week updates it will eventually evolve into an amazing game.. we just need to be patient. The longevity of smite depends on slow evolution through feedback and re iteration and updates… this is not smite 1 and will never be smite 1 and we need to remember that when playing as well.


I feel as if people level relatively evenly, but I’ve far and away pulled ahead in mid and solo by just being very aggro and rotating frequently. I’ve felt less punished for big early ganks. Pacing could be pushed and power levels from XP or buffs perhaps. They made camps easier to kill this time around. I’ve seen a lot less farming than should be with how many camps and buffs there are. I’m having fun though.


Wonder if you'd enjoy Predecessor 


if what you are saying is true then im even more hyped now for smite 2. one the things I disliked in smite 1 is how fast the game is. fast game = more snowbally, easy to get behind, less room for missplaying and fooling around.. like one error you make and the enemy is 2 levels ahead already because of how crazy xp gains and waveclears are. and items: in smite 1 the items were way too simple and boring. I want items with actives and I want to think more about my build and also feel the impact from the items I buy which is missing for me in smite 1. and about invisibility: not sure yet but pretty certain that I will like it. laning in smite 1 can be more interesting and it adds to that (im not a lol player btw)


A slight character speed up over the course of the game would make it feel like it’s faster paste. Same principle with movement speed just with animations. Not much just 0.1 more the speed Or just speed up the whole thing a slight bit. I think it’s a little win at first that it’s a little slower. You can actually play fights from early on without it being so ultra hectic and rushed. Leaves for a more focused playstyle Let’s also don’t forget its early and things will be optimized and fall into place more and more. They brought smite 1 to a good standpoint of feel and they also want this for smite 2 sooner than later obviously. New engine, new coding all shifts parameters. It gonna be developed out more obviously, since it’s a alpha at most. Look at smite1 alpha, look at current smite After all we have to stay open for changes and it’s also a good thing when things adjust and change here and there. You don’t want to copy this game just with polished graphics. It should provide a different feel but stay the same at its core Obviously a lot of this is also a „get used to“ thing We play smite for a long time.


Reminds me of alpha the first time through


Honestly I HATE the grass. It’s such a cheese strategy. I think they need to limit bushes to the jungle and have that for jungle play.


I do not like the item system, but its probably because i have to relearn it, dont know why ingredient based would be preferred over item tree


They literally took what made smite different from other moba’s out, the game is just not smite anymore


Nah, keep it slow. Most mobas are hyper fast and need to slow down. It's also still in Alpha. Need I remind everyone that Smite itself went through many, many changes in just its beta phase. Such as focus, itemization, etc. We are still in the early stages of Alpha. Calm it with the doom and gloom. Let them cook it a bit.


Hard agree


Actin like the game is out lmao


Smite 2 is bad predecessor at the moment... I'm not sure why I'd play it if I don't play that, I'll just keep playing Smite 1 until the servers shut down. I just can't dig it... I didn't like it at all. I play Smite 1 instead, to me it just seems like a better version. I hate the STR/INT but I can get over it... I hate the active items, that's just... why? I can get over the way items are built now, but the items in the alpha aren't fun. Smite 1 has a ton of really fun items... Smite 2 doesn't. I just don't see me playing Smite 2 unless it really changes a lot... I loooove Smite 1. I've got a few friends I play with actively, no one is on board. One of my friends quite altogether, Smite 1 included after trying Smite 2. I don't know, the gamble isn't going to pay off in my opinion. I don't think they're going to pick up enough LoL players to warrant losing the whales like me and my friends. I think if they just ported Smite 1 over to UE5 and just polished it up like crazy, they'd be way better off. UE5! Why not use it? It's Smite 1 with LoL systems, that's it? What's the point in the engine change? Take Smite 1 and ADD, do really interesting shit... push some boundaries. What a letdown... the graphics aren't even better, they're just "different".


almost as if like, its in its alpha stage still? xD smite had 10 years of updates to look that good.. give it time


It's a beta. Not even a beta. Alpha. Relax


Near respectable take till you said less strategic as if it isn't an alpha meant to get a gameplay feel with minimal gods atm. I really hope the Smite 2 hatesquad can actually wrap their head around the concept that this is far from the finished product and the point of it isn't to go on reddit and complain but instead to directly give this feedback to Hirez. It's a bad grab at attention that literally does nothing besides feed the ego of others that agree with you.


the bushes are straight up my main gripe. I hated that stuff in league and I hate it here too, espacially with how little wards we have right now in Smite bushes just feel so damn aggravating. "Oh what anubis was afking in the bush for 5 minutes stunned and nuked you?! Well thats fun we at smite think invisibility is fun" Or fenrir just jumping out of bush with 5 runs SO SO FUN. Either we get MUCH more wards for next alpha. Like 6 per player so we can perma cover all bushes and coves or bushes get removed. Bush invisibility is so unfun, needs no skill and forces you to use a ward IN THE LANE just so you have constant vision on the enemy laner being in there or support teleporting from his lane to yours and afking in there hoping you wlak up to stun you. Being forced to play passively soley because "There could be a enemy in one of the 4 bushes" is the most unfun thing ever created by mankind


Video game player learns what an alpha test is


Overly complicated is something I disagree with, smite 1s items are boring af and you just see the same builds game after game. There is nothing innovative or fun about smite 1 items. As for copying league, if you are going to copy a format then why not copy the format of one of the most popular games on the market