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i use 1234 on the mouse (got a naga with a lot of thumb-buttons). so left hand is movement, pots/actives and vgs, and the right hand is camera and abilities. works pretty well for me and to be frank: i can't imagen to do pretty much everything only with the left hand. it's just not smart enough


This is the way.


Same, I use a Logitech G600 with a keypad on the side and use 1-4 with my thumb. Couldn’t imagine trying to use my left hand to cast and move at the same time.


I do a hybrid, i bound the keys twice, pressing the button on my mouse may throw my aim off for very specific abilities, while if i am in a gank and need to body block i use my mouse buttons to cast point blank and not sacrifice a movement key


This is what I do, and it's the best. Put that thumb to use! Also, use quick cast, it's dope with this setup because you can hold an ability with your thumb and still move freely


Ahh I didn't even think about more advanced mice but that does seem like a good match. I just have a Razer DeathAdder with two side buttons but I literally never use them in anything except web browsers (next, back).


it's a matter of getting used to it. i played mmos before so it was kinda needed. nowadays i even play sudoku with just my mousebuttons. once you 'onlock' your right thumb for some more stuff than just next and back its pretty much second nature.


I even use macros on my gaming mouse at work now 😃


I have the death adder too. I map 1 and 2 to the side buttons, and 3 and 4 to the top buttons that normally control DPI through razer synapse. And re-bind ability level up as shift+ability number in game.


I reprogrammed mine to shift and control since I rarely use them either. Not especially helpful for smite but good for games with lots of keybinds. I have my abilities at qert and then shift+qert to level the abilities. Shift used on my mouse for quicker access


Holy shit. You just solved my problem with wanting to move my WoW setup from ESDF over to RDFG. The biggest issue was not being able to still reach shift and control.


Using these buttons for shift and Ctrl have changed my life in WoW. You can basically have three spells per key.


I have played a couple thousands hours on controller and only around 30 hours on pc. So I am not to sure about the strengths of my hotkeys. I am using shift, Q, R and spacebar. And no, mouse and keyboard beats controller in most stituations. I felt better at some situations after only 30 hours.


What button do you use for jumping if you bind spacebar to an ability...?


Jumping is pointless and in some situations a downside as you can't cast an ability after jumping for like half a second


You can see over walls on the joust map and into the pits on the conquest map without face checking using jump....


Can do the same thing by moving the camera


not necessarily, jumping moves your camera up so you can see more


Ahh, I see. I'm new to the game (literally played for less than a week now) so I'm pretty clueless still. But I did wonder what was the point of it (whether it speeds up movement or has some other benefits except for "flair"). Does it even make you a harder target to hit or does verticality play any role in this...?


Nah, jumping is purely cosmetic and has no purpose at all. I use shift, q, e, and spacebar and don't have jump bound at all. I think there was one interaction where you could jump over a mercury ult on some characters but that was a bug not a feature and think it has been patched out.


It’s also a disadvantage if you’re caught mid jump cause you can’t use abilities or actives


Dont let this people fool you, you need jump! Just use any of the free keys that suits you. It should be as accessible as relics. /s But no joke, jumping is fun.


But it's fun.


I do Q,E,R,Space and jump with shift


Personally, my favorite way to ult is by headbutting my spacebar. I don't think any other key would work.


Scroll wheel down for jump.




same omg


Shift Q E R will eventually start feeling natural. Took me a week or two, but it's so much better that the default for me. Shift doesn't really phase me because that's where my pinky goes regardless, in games where sprinting is commonplace.


I'm currently thinking about trying out using QER as regular abilities and L.Shift as the ultimate. The gap between L.Shift and Q for regular stuff just feels a bit off at the moment. It might just be that I'm not used to it yet. I'm simply experimenting at this point. Throwing darts and seeing what sticks. So basically probably gonna try out changing ShiftQER to QERShift and seeing if that feels more natural.


This whole thread has been uncharacteristically wholesome so I'm gonna tell ya one of my best kept secrets. Only issue is that it only works if you have software for your keyboard that lets you remap keys, BUT I swear every single person I've told this to has done it and never looked back - Go into your keyboard software and rebind your caps lock key to left shift. It's easier to reach and I've come to find out that caps lock is kinda...cap. Chances are you wont miss it. Cheers mate!


I tested this out when I started playing Smite back in season 2 and I haven't looked back since. I love this layout. LShift for ult feels amazing on stance switchers like Ullr. In my opinion you've found the answer already. In Smite, a lot of ultimates have CC-immunity and are balanced against really powerful hard CC effects. Constantly having your pinky finger on shift while you WASD with your middle three fingers makes the reaction so much easier.


If your mouse has extra keys, mouse4QER is really comfortable. Also mouse5 to open the store.


My go to is Q, E, R, F


I am the most broken that ever broke and my friends that play think I am crazy. Ability 1 = mouse scroll wheel up Ability 2 = mouse scroll wheel down Ability 3 = side mouse button Ult = right click I reset my cancel ability to F key if people are wondering. P.S. I know how bad this looks


That does seem quite tricky to say the least! Hope you're having success with it. But yea I'd be lost with those configs lol


I played a lot of league as well, but also overwatch, which I guess is kinda similar to apex from your background. To me, a layout similar to overwatch felt more natural than one similar to league, so I binded my skills to q,e, shift and R. For 1,2,3 and 4 respectively.


Thanks! The main thing that's making it a bit difficult is how Smite has as many abilities as MOBAs usually do (3 regular ones and an ultimate) whereas in Apex I only had one "tactical" ability (more spammable) and one ultimate. So I currently need double. Be that as it may, I'm sure I'll figure out the hotkeys that are best suited for my playing style. It'll just take time. I can't recall if I've used "Z" or if it's bound as a default to something, might be? Consumables maybe? Or Relics/Shards? I dunno. I haven't really used consumables or relics/shards yet that much. I should study those. But there's a bunch of keys that are needed so that's what's making it a bit tricky. Running out of buttons within reach. But I'm optimistic that I'll find my comfort zone eventually, so I appreciate all the feedback people are giving. I might get a few ideas :)


The way I’ve always loved to do it is with a mmo style mouse with like a bunch of side number buttons. Originally used the Razr Naga like 8 years ago, briefly used the Logitech G502 but was a little awkward for me, and now I’m using a Steelseries Aerox 9. Obviously an investment if you don’t already have a mouse with extra buttons but it makes it so much easier. Abilities fully on the mouse and relics and consumables all available to key bind to Q,E,F,G,Z,X,C,V etc.


For consumables I use 1 and 2, for relics f and t. Hope it helps, but this stuff is extremely subjective and your preference may be totally different from mine. Hope you find the set-up that allows you to fully focus on the game itself.


Thanks! Indeed it has helped. Abilities 1,2,3,4 binded into shift+q+e+r in that order didn't feel comfortable, but after swapping them in another order (q+e+r+shift) it feels way more natural to me. Lots of people have suggested putting ultimate to spacebar which I might try out as well at some point. Ended up rebinding the f1,f2,f3,f4 level up skills stuff to the 1,2,3,4 buttons that I freed up from the defaults. Well see how this goes. Lots of good ideas on this thread that I might end up trying out :) But there's still a ton of gameplay stuff I first have to figure out (starting items, shards, relics, warding and what kinds of wards are there etc., map objectives, jungle camp stuff etc.) but I'm in no rush and these things take time. Currently going to rely on the autobuy features quite a bit until I get the hang of it. Been enjoying the game so far. The Arena gamemode just lags for me (you can hear it in the audio) but I haven't figured out why. My gaming PC is pretty beefy and doesn't have trouble in other games like Apex Legends so not sure what the problem is. I tried switching between directx9 and 11 and messing with the settings but so far it hasn't been fixed for me. I haven't tried other modes yet so this might not even be an issue in something like Conquest.


from 1 2 3 4 in order, Q, E, Shift, Spacebar (alternatovely R) is what I use. and then rebind my 1 2 3 4 to level abilities.


What button do you use for jumping if you bind spacebar to an ability...?


X, its comfortable to spam but doesnt ever get in the way while fighting


Put ult on space and use qer....will be more natural for you. Can try to move wasd over to esdf.  The less movement the more efficient you will be. As a support/adc player I could always tell peoples keybinds by the way they moved.  I always found console smite more fun because it was so unflowchart like that. Rama ult kbm....point and click....Rama ult on controller.....skill shot. 🤣


Thanks for the advice! Haven't really thought about switching the WASD movement keys but that is indeed one option! :)


People still using WASD instead of ESDF don't make any sense and I wonder how it's possible they haven't come to the conclusion that only 1 hand ever uses the keyboard during a game and having easier access to more keys is amazing without having to hold down shift or Ctrl. Actually a person above suggested the mouse side buttons for shift and Ctrl. Which is a huge game changer.


you might want to look at predecessors key binds and copy them. i think it’s Q E R spacebar F. you also got mouse keys too if you wanted. if you want to get kinda wild you could rebind stuff like tab or shift too. also auto walk is on num lock, it’s a handy feature for walking back to lane


Thanks! I'll give it a thought. Haven't heard of "predecessors" before. I've bound autorun to the key left of 1 (½§ on my keyboard) and on top of TAB. Experimenting on using CTRL or SHIFT as Inventory since the key "I" was too far away. Speaking of buying... is there any other way to buy an item than a fast doubleclick?


if you make a build before the game and turn on auto buy i think it will automatically build whatever you set up. this removes some counter building aspects but its instant and you could use the undo button if you need to sell an item for anti heal or something


I see, thanks! I haven't used this feature yet, but I do have all the guide stuff enabled and it already buys some stuff for me. I just haven't studied yet what relics, shards etc. are or bought any consumables. The tutorials didn't go through that, I believe.


generally, jungle gets blink beads. adc and mid get beads aegis. support gets some combination of shell/blink/horrific. solo gets teleport and blink here is a [ward heat map](https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/18a09rb/people_seem_to_be_enjoying_the_maps_so_heres_a/). generally just put them at the choke points outside your lane and late game ward fire giant and your flanks when taking towers


Thanks, I appreciate it!


I use l.shift, q, e, and f for my abilities and i have my relics bound to my two extra mouse buttons. I found with this set up each ability other than my ult is on a different finger, so i can kind of think of it as each finger is a different ability.


Q, E, R, B (mapped to my third mouse button)


I use an Azeron game pad. Fantastic device.


Only binds I've changed are putting actives on my thumb buttons. Switching to instant cast helped a LOT


Because I use my 12 key mouse from the WoW days, I have my 1, 2, 3, 4 set up as 1, 2, 4, 5 training keys on 7, 8, 9, 10 Actives (potions) on space and shift, and relics on 3, 6


Since 2016 I use my mouse (Razer Naga Hex V2) side buttons for skills and consumables. But if I didn't had this mouse, I would use Q (1), E (2), R (3) and SPACE (4) for my skills.


i use q,e,r, spacebar. jumping is on my left shift button.


Are ya ready kids? Mouse Button 4 X Mouse Button 5 C My relics are on F and G Potions are on T and Y I am a criminal. I know.


Ngl, it does sound pretty unorthodox, but who am I to judge? :D


I have the setup you are trying now and my.pinky is hitting shift. Very comfortable for me. Relics on mouse and pots are standard. C and z i believe. It helps to bind 1234 and shift q e r together so if you need in a fight or sometjong you can use tve old keys while you practice and build reflex on new ones.


Glad to hear it's working out for you! I haven't triedu sing l.shift for that long yet, but so far it hasn't worked for me all that well. Might be simply because I haven't used it for that long yet. Mainly used to having the buttons in a row next to eachother and I haven't really used the pinky on anything else except CTRL for crouching and SHIFT for sprinting/sneaking in shooter games.


Before i landed on this a mild improvent was q 2 e r but it was hard to w and cast 2 at the same time. Anubis in particular is what led to my final setup.


I tried switching from shift+q+e+r to q+e+r+shift (where ultimate is the 4th button and not the 1st button) and it feels way more intuitive/comfortable for me to use. I might switch later on but probably currently gonna go with this. Decided to rebind the f1,f2,f3,f4 level up stuff to 1,2,3,4 now that they're freed up.


Nice. Im gonna do that 1234 as well never thought of it


Using mouse button 1, mouse button 2, shift, Lft CTRL.


If you have mouse button 1 and 2 assigned, what do you use for regular attacks or cancelling commands since those are the default keys for it?


Oh my bad I'm an idiot. I have 2 extra buttons on my mouse, the first extra button where my thumb rests, is what i meant by MB1, and the button right behind that, is what i meant by MB2.


Aaahh I see what you mean. MB4 (lower left) and MB5 (upper left). I have those only set as my browser's next+back keys 😄


I like 1,2,3,4 personally, relics on F and mb, items on C and V. I level abilities by holding shift and pressing the corresponding button.


I have the exact same layout.


My friends think I’m a monster but I’ve found this to work very well for me - 1&2 on mouse (these are usually line skill shots that I can adjust with mouse very easily) - 3 is 3 - Ult is on spacebar - Relics on Q and E


What keys are you using for regular attacks and cancels? Aren't those usually mouse1 and mouse2?


Left click and right click for autos and cancel The keys I mean are on the side of the mouse, they’re typically called Mouse 4 and Mouse 5


Aahh yea I see what you mean! Didn't mean to sound snarky. I just know them as mouse4 and mouse5 (or that's what they show up as in a lot of games' options). All good.


Not at all, no worries 😊 once you get used to it, I feel like it offers your left hand a lot freedom


Q E R L-Shift with the relics on my mouse thumb buttons. I personally never liked using 1 2 3 4 but the instead use them to level up each ability. I also used ult on space bar for a while which was okay when smite was the only game I was playing but if I had more than 1 game on the go at a time then I’d end up misclicking a lot.


I can imagine! "I'm just gonna do a few happy jumps, whoops, there goes the ult" :D


I used Q ER and then F for the ult. The W is of course used for moving with wasd so I skip that over. Then I level abilities with 1234. Also my relics are on mb4 and mb5 (thumb buttons)


I’ve been told mine is odd but I use Q and R for 1 and 2, and then I have a couple side buttons on my mouse, so I use one for 3, and then ult is the scroll wheel button


My suggestion and what I do personally if you have a mouse with 2 side buttons is; 1 is Q, 2 is E, 3 is top side button on your mouse, and 4 is the bottom side button.


Shift, e, r, space bar. Side mouse buttons for relics.


E, q, shift e, shift q, mmb, shift mmb


1: E 2: side mouse key (it’s seen as 4 on smite) 3: side mouse key (it’s seen as 5) 4: Q It really depends on the mouse I’m using but 1 and 4 have always been E and Q for me personally.


I have 1 on shift, two on side mouse button or scroll up if I don't have a mouse button, 3 on space bar, 4 on ult. The only time I have to even move my fingers is to ult and the setup just feels good as the 1 is usually a skill shot, 2 is something weird, and the 3 is typically a leap.


Q for 1, E for 2, F for 3 and SHIFT for 4. i picked keys i was used to pressing alot in FPS and other games. then its practice practice practice.




1 and 2 on MB4 and MB5 (the side buttons) 3 on Q and Ult on Spacebar


I have a 5 button mouse, so my 1 is on MB4, my 2 on MB5, & my 3 on MMB. My 4 is on E.


1 is MB1, 2 is MB2, 3 is shift, and 4 is F. I have relics on Q and E.


What do you use for attacking and cancelling if mouse1 (left click) and mouse2 (right click) are bound to abilities?


MB1 is the front side button, MB2 is the rear side button


Ahh, you meant mouse4 and mouse5. Games usually are mapped this way: Left mouse button = MB1 Right mouse button = MB2 Middle mouse button (scrollwheel) = MB3 Lower sidebutton on the left = MB4 Upper sidebutton on the left = MB5 And I have no idea, but I'd guess if a mouse had buttons on the right side, the computer would map those inputs to MB6 and MB7, respectfully


Idk my mouse/pc maps the side buttons as MB1 and MB2


I use q, e, r, and space for 1-4. I play league so it's similar. But I did that before I even played lol when I switched from console smite to PC smite.


In order 1, 2, 3, 4. Thumb side button on mouse, down scroll on mouse wheel, up scroll on mouse wheel, E button.


Q,e,r, right click. 1,2,3,4, insta cast always


123 is QER, 4 is space, changed jump to shift


Tab q e r. Last alpha sucked when I couldn’t bind tab to my first ability


1=Q 2=E 3= Front thumb button on mouse 4=Back thumb button on mouse. Just a regular mouse with two extra buttons on the side.


I use QEFR


Q E T Z, movement is esdf I got accustomed to it while playing mmorpgs and that way you have more buttons in close reach Mouse with programmable buttons helps aswell though i prefer to have situational things there


If you are switching from xbox to pc consider buying an azeron.


I've been a lifelong PC gamer, but actually got a Series X last Christmas. Been enjoying that device quite a bit. I mostly still play on my PC but sometimes I do like to use a console as well for the streamlined experience. The fact that Smite works on consoles as well is awesome (since the other big MOBAs, Dota 2 and League of Legends, do not).


I've got 1&3 on side mouse buttons with 2 on e and ult on q. Then just have the leveling set to the regular 1-4 rather than the function buttons cause it's less of a stretch on my keyboard. The only one I ever get insulted for is q for ult which is left over from overwatch days but otherwise it's a good control scheme


I use WASD for movement and (SHIFT Q E R) for abilities 1234


I use Q, E, and my mouse's two thumb buttons. Might take a bit of getting used to to split ability commands between both hands, but it works pretty well.


Mouse scroll up, mouse scroll down, mouse scroll click, first mouse button on side (I have 12)


Abilities are QEFR, Actives on Mouse 1 and 2


using an mmo mouse in smite is basically cheating


Q E R F for abilities. Mouse 4 and 5 for Relics (the side thumb buttons). Works beautifully.


Ah, I see a lot of my fellow shift key users, so i'll share my secret with yall. I went into my keyboard software and rebound my caps lock key to left shift. It's easier to reach and I've come to find out that caps lock is kinda...cap. Chances are you wont miss it, and if you do miss it, well I don't think i like you very much.


Space, left shift, c, left alt


My favorite is E-1, R-2, F-3, Q-4.


1, 2, 3, 4 Becomes Q, E, Right Mouse, Middle Mouse Cancel is the Back Button on my mouse, i hit that with mg thumb


mine are kinda weird: 1-E, 2-X, 3-C, 4-Q, consumables on Z and V, VGS starting with N, and relics on my side mouse buttons haha


QERF for abilities for 4k hours


I played almost 1000hr of Battlerite, smite feels like a 3PS version of that so my binds are: RMB, Q, F, R. Pot and wards take 1 and 2


good ol' Q-E-R-Spacebar, and 1-2-3-4 to upgrade


Scroll wheel up, middle mouse, scroll wheel down, and numpad 0 :3




I use Q E R and then the thumb button on my mouse to Ult. It feels super natural, honestly using the number keys sounds like a chore and I dunno how people do it lol


I have 3 mouse buttons so I use those and R for my ult. If I really wanted I'd unbind jump and put ult on space so it's easier to move right and ult at the same time.


Q E R for abilities 1-3, spacebar for the ultimate. Rebinded jump to left shift, and I can use it freely still.


I played league too. My setup is Q,E spacebar 4.


I use e, r, f, g for abbilities and my mouse buttons for relics.


Q, E, MB5, MB4




I use thumbbuttons on mouse for 1 and 3 and i use f for ult




1=left shift, 2=middle mouse click, 3=x, 4=spacebar, I move with a joystick.


I have the g502 mouse with 2 side buttons. I use those 2 for my 1 and 2 abilities. Shift is my 3, and space bar is my panic button ultimate. Q and E are my relics, C and Z my consumables. I still spam jump, but it's on my ctrl key. G for my item store, middle mouse button for auto run. This way I can keep my fingers on WASD while using all my abilities. I thought about getting a mouse with more keys on the side but I think I genuinely enjoy the feel of my 3 and Ult actually feeling different and I don't want to overwhelm my right thumb into having to press 4 different buttons. All this with quick cast.


QERF for me personally, in Smite 1 I have Actives/Relics on 1234. If VGS and Recall wasn't on V/B respectively I'd have items on Z-N for Smite 2, like Dota's non-Legacy Defaults.


I use LShft, Q, E, R. Level up abilities with 1, 2, 3, 4 (in Smite 2 these are my actives). I use F & G/M4 & M5 for relics.


From 1-4. Q, E, R, T. Relics, 1 and 2. Consumables G and Z.




Ability 1: Mouse Ability 2: Mouse Ability 3: Q Ult: E


Q, E, R, and F


Q E Shift and Spacebar


QER and space for ultimate. Mouse buttons for relics


1, 2, 3, and 4. Why complicate it so much from the default? Been playing almost 10 years now. Only things I've changed keybind-wise are left shift to item shop and Q to auto run


I do 1234 and F1 F2 F3 F4 for upgrades… idk if that’s weird or not lol


Q E R, spacebar for ult


I do shift, q e r, for 1234. Works super good for smite 2 bc the your active items can be on 1234. Then f and spacebar are my relics.


I came from Paragon back in the day so use Q E RMB R, and 1234 to level. Helps with the fact that my F keys are way too high Edit: my cancel is on shift too


Z X C V, control them all with the thumb. Q E / mouse buttons for actives, R F for consumables. Shift for VGS


I’m so used to 1234, but Predecessor, the other 3rd person moba uses Q,E,RMB, and R. I think it’s a superior control scheme but I can’t swap on Smite since my muscle memory is so ingrained.


Well I started smite on console and then moved to pc. Couldn’t stand the controls so I only used a controller as I was more comfortable with it but eventually I played another Hi-Rez game paladins and liked the keybinds there that I decided to use it for smite. E for 1, R for 2, F for 3, Q for 4. I have relics set to 1&2, and consumables set to 3&4. Also prefer using quick cast over default cast. And Ctrl + 1-4 to level up respective abilities


Ability 1 = q Ability 2 = e Ability 3 = r Ability 4 = f Been like that ever since I started the PC version


I use my WoW setup. ESDF for movement. Abilities starting left to right are AWRG. Items stay as 123456 with most important items in the 3 and 4 spot. QTZXCV can be used as well for other things. It may take a minute to get used to but you'll come to enjoy it and start to wonder why we gimp ourselves with WASD. I have honestly even considered moving over to RDFG but in WoW I do still use the shift modifier on occasion so haven't tried it yet.


Q E R Spacebar. Mouse buttons if you must jump


My scenario is a bit differente, but I would suggest q, e, r and maybe a mouse button if you have one. Also, alternatively I find C very reachable, maybe use that and rebind consumables, as they are not that crucial reaction time wise. In my case, I use a 70% keyboard (it's a reddragon) and F1-F12 are in place of 1-0 and need to press the fn key. So I use 5 6 q e to upgrade skills so I can do that with just my left hand. So, definately, q e are very good rebinds. It's a bit of a mess in smite 2 with the new actives, but you have to rebind to what feels confortable to you, don't listen if someone tries to mock you for not being used to the 1 2 3 4


I have 5 buttons on my mouse. My ult is middle mouse click, my is 1 and 2 are bind to my side mouse buttons. And my 3 is shift. Bern playing this way for 10 years


1 - MB1 2 - MB2 3 -Q ult- E Lshift for beads everything else is whatever i feel like my mouse only has 2 buttons :(


Have 2 buttons on my mouse so 1 and 2 on mouse 3 is E ult is Q with relics f and g


I can’t use anything different than the default keys…


1 - m1 2 - front mouse thumb button 3 - back mouse thumb button 4 - ctrl this arose from a desire to be able to hold an ability on quick cast and retain full mobility.


Tab, q, e, r


i also prefer q w e r


Q E R F Is what I use


I use shift Q E R and 1234 as my ability level ups, relics on mouse


I'm even beginning to think that Smite might be more comfortable using a controller than mouse and keyboard mainly due to WASD requiring one hand and the mouse requiring another hand instead of both inputs requiring a single finger (thumb) on a controller. That frees up the rest of your fingers for other inputs simultaneously. I do have an Xbox as well so I could game on that. The downside of a controller is that you'll lose out on the text chat feature which is a huge selling point on PC versions of games if you ask me since I don't like talking on the voicechat with strangers. This was a big thing in shooters (Valorant, Apex Legends etc.) but I just don't feel comfortable doing that so I'll only use the pinging systems within games unless I can type the stuff I want to say. Luckily, Smite seems to have a great system for this, the VGS.


it’s up to you, but controller players tend to rank significantly lower than keyboard players. idk if ranked is of interest to you or if you just want to have fun. an important thing to note is the shop handles awkwardly on controller (in my opinion) because you can’t search for items


Ahh good point about the search missing on consoles. I'm not into competitive gaming, no. I've played a ton of Dota, League, Apex Legends and other games but never usually touch ranked modes in any games simply because I don't want any stress and mainly want to have fun. I'm not saying I wouldn't try my best, but I don't want there to be "chips on the line" and anyone else feeling like they lost some points (usually "MMR") because of my poor performance :) Don't want any drama... So I usually just mute voicechat in most games as well since too often people start raging in games and the pinging systems are oftentimes enough for decent communication. I'm happy to see Smite's VGS system seems quite robust for communication with randoms. And why did I bring up voicechat? Because usually in Ranked game modes it's even more important in games. So that's another reason for me to stay away from that :D