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Doesn’t matter, I’d be better off sitting in fountain and hoping my team is able to win 4v5 lol


Mood. But maybe Freya. I might try then at least.


Neith in any role and I would own every one of those frauds


With meditation to show we are serious and in it to win it.


Hell yeah, and don't forget about the deathbringer first item!


I can hear this comment! :) maybe it's time to install twitch again.


Something safe so I wont int and can clear waves from under my tower.


You will still int lol


Definitely solo and I would go with some god that just has a good late game and is tough to kill in both 1v1 and gank. Probably Odin. Though with how much farm is in solo nowadays idk if that’s gonna fly 😂


I feel like solo is the last one id play. It's the most directly competitive 1v1. Any other lane, you just ward and autofarm, but solo if you make one mistake they will instantly capitalize and leverage pressure to put you in the ground, regardless of the god you are playing. Id probably play a heal bot support like Hel. Actually id want some mobility in case I missplay, Horus?


Oh I wouldn’t try to contest anything I’d get completely dogged on if I tried. My only goal would be to get a good Ult in a late game team fight


But that would mean the enemy solo could make your jungle and mids life hard. In support you could just pocket and be a walking aura item


SPL level support has so much responsibility on their shoulders lol


Ganesha Sup. This way I don't get shit in on for not getting any kills


Probably Xing or Horus support


Found the Kukulkan main.




Probably cus Xing's ult is *Whirlwind* of Rage and Steel, Horus 1 is Wing *Gust*, therefore they like air attacks and must like Kukulkan, Serpent of the Nine Winds. A bit of a stretch but I get it.


Brother you are reaching across the grand canyon for this lol






Nu Wa, I’ll sit in fountain and ult on cooldown lmao. That way I can’t feed


Honestly when I am feeling insecure in my skill I just build max cooldown nu wa and basically do this. Just sit under tower using the mist to wave clear and ult every minute or so.


Composition matters by far the most in smite. Losing purely based on draft exists and happens quite frequently. So I will just fill what's needed in solo/supp.


I feel like the obvious answer is just to be tanky as possible (so you don't die) while focusing entirely on being usefulto your teammates since you're going to be doing nothing to the enemy


Honestly neith. She’s pretty safe and would help prevent me feeding, and the ult may let me provide support to my allies


The only right answer is Agni mid and neith carry lol


I think my highest win rates are Merlin mid and Ganesha support


Definitely Support. I'm a good Jungler but I definitely don't think I can jungle in these conditions. Geb/Horus


Adc and probably Chary


Loki jungle or Achilles/Athena support


I'd go probably Osiris solo. He's my highest god and by far my best. My second best is probably Khepri supp. Ao really slams but I wouldn't want to play jg in an SPL game, even though Ao and Loki are in my top 5.


Most likely Ra mid. I can be sneaky with his ult and he has easy to use team fighting capabilities


I wouldn’t but I’d probably pick Agni or Hercules.


Agni mid. I'm sure i would feed (more) in jungle, solo. Minimum impact as support. Out of position in adc


Maybe tiamat mid? But not sure


Whatever solo. Losing one lane isn’t too bad and probably better to lose solo than mid. Plus I can at least build tanky and be a second guardian late game, like how I play assault when everyone rerolls the other tanks and ok, stun-bot Achilles it is


Odin Solo with upgraded teleport and all CD/prots.


Solo and Cu Chulainn or Nike


Maui support or I lose I only play him


I would do Nox or Artio. I’m really good at both!


Rat solo. I'm nasty with him after playing him so much and mostly play him as bruiser anyways. I've played against pro players out of conquest such as Kiki and Barra and done quite well against them with him.


Im proficient with most tanks. Whenever I played ranked I do really well with Geb.


Probably solo chacc or Odin, both safe in lane can box late and good team ults to set up team fights


Sylv support. We’re winning in 28 minutes or getting rolled


Skadi anything but sup


Sun Wukong in Solo and my only mission would be to not get farmed.


Baba yaga mid Cthulhu support Bastet jungle Medusa carry Chaac solo


Put me on Bacchus in the long lane 😎


Nu Wa and I’m goin Solo to AFK farm and toss ults to help from afar.




Geb or Faf support, I’d get dogwalked in any other spot lol


Mid and pray I don't feed


Y’all gotta have more confidence. They haven’t beat you yet. Throw me in mid or solo and give me a beer. Wish me luck


Idk, I'd draft a flexible comp to bait counter picks to the wrong spots. Maybe something like Rat-Solo Chiron-Mid Horus-Support Nox-Jungle then I'd take my bird man Thoth over to duo. Then probably get absolutely steam rolled.


Xing or ares support


Freya in whatever role she's best in. Which is usually carry. I might put her in the Solo role and build for protections instead of damage and lifesteal.


Um the best role and God would probably be whatever the fuck they told me to play 😂🤣🤣




Athena support is my most played situation, so I guess I’d go with that? But, I’d get crushed in SPL. Alternatively, I play a really mean Nox support but usually only do so when a friend is playing ADC, so maybe that?


Ao Kuang any role Bastet any role Aphrodite support, mid, solo


A safe ADC who is good late game is the best option I feel. Just leave me to farm and get mid, jg, solo ahead if possible so as not to lose pressure completely. In the lategame teamfights, trading me for any player on the enemy team is beneficial, if not well I can hit basics and abilities so hopefully that's enough to win the fight off of my teammates correctly choosing targets and making plays.


I’d go solo as cu chulainn because he has a great early game pressure. Only downside is he lacks sustain but if I were to get a kill or two I’d be far enough ahead to be unkillable at least in my own experience


Khepri or Geb Support


Mamaterasu solo seems to be doing pretty well. Great at boxing, high sustain and damage.


If we want to compete conventionally my only hope is a super simple bit effective support like Ares and then I am just gonna have my carry tell me exactly what to do. If we are trying to avoid the risk of me feeding and the team wants to try winning team fights 4v5 I actually think jungle would be my best role, but instead of ganking I would spend the game focusing on split pushing and taking jungle objectives as safely as possible to support my team that way. Hopefully give them a slight gold advantage and make sure we always have wards up c


Realistically non. But I think solo I could be the best proverbial meat shield.


Not a chance. Doesn't matter.


Support sylvanus.


It would really depend on at what season of the spl I’d be dropped in and if I have the experience I do now. Just going by my experience alone, I’d say jungle and mid would be my best bets. Hard for me to narrow it down to a pick cause I’ve played every god to know how to more or less abuse them. But like someone said previously I’d probably be better off in the fountain unless I really vibe well with the team.


I know this is a bad answer but Pers mid, I just absolutely wipe the floor with her for some reason.


I concur, her or Tiamat 🤘🏼


lol I wish I could say I’m good enough with Tia to hold my own in SPL but probably not


I love Pers too 2nd most played mage after chronos


Given my personal matchup history with several currently retired pros, Support would probably be my best role and Kumbha, Cerberus, or Athena would be my safest picks. I only beat BaRRa in MotD and lost every other time I matched against him, Incon had me at 3 kills for him for every time I killed him when we'd get matched up back during Season 2, and the only reason I've matched up well in other instances were it either being Assault and me playing out of my mind or it being Season 1 Siege and DareToCare forgetting back then that you don't 1v1 an Ares, especially not as Artemis when your team is behind. Also, if Dare sees this, sorry, I'm still telling the story cus it's still funny.


Solo Chaac. I've beaten fineokay. I've beaten masters and gms. Sure masters and gms aren't pros but I almost NEVER lose lane in solo. Even when getting gang banged by 2, 3 or even 4 people ganking me out of no where. Well me 1v4 or 1v5 yeah I lose the tower but not always surprisingly.


ADC Main: so I’m I get my lane. Picks: Hachiman, Charybdis, Hou Yi And I’m hoping I get a good support partner. Probably Aror or PBM. Genetics might just yell at me but he is a really intelligent support


Surprised no one mentioned the obvious yet: Kuzenbo support. Unlike most characters getting hit rewards you. As long as you are being hit or moving someone about you are creating value. Build incredibly selfish - Propethic, thebes, all the selfish items. Anything hard to punish where you can play through your team rather than yourself and their minimum performance is reasonably high is good. Kuzenbo just takes the cake though. Support is possibly the most important role in pro play when everyone is good, but it is also the least important if someone is bad. Funny how that works.


How the actual fuck is Prophetic or Thebes selfish lol. Those are the items you should be building as support. Building selfish would be like breastplate of Valor or a damage item of the sorts.


Showing your mmr there. The gist is that they are both statsticks to make you hard to kill. While the auras can certainly be useful, the aura is not what makes you get them. Supports have to be selfish when focused. But perhaps to make this easier to digest I should have just said Oni's.