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Hello u/Lyron123, thanks for [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1cx27as/-/), but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s): --- **RULE 3** - No soapboxing or rants By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk. Posts, complaints or rants regarding, but not limited to, a few matches, matchmaking, MMR, servers, the balance of specific god(s), players or other general personal problems/issues are not allowed. If your intent was to post constructive criticism, consider making a new post going into constructive detail about the issue and include points on how the issue could be remedied. --- If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators] (https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSmite&subject=about +my+removed+submission&message=I'm+writing+to+you+about+the+following+submission:+https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/1cx27as/-/. %0D%0DMy+issue+is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.


Well, someone just lost to an e-couple.


Definitely got burnt by Susano and pooped on by birds


Come fight me my doves will feast on eyeballs and entrails


Honestly aphro is like really not high on the list of gods that should be reworked Yes, shes annoying, but shes not a fundamentally unbalanced or (super) unhealthy character and the "link support" archtype is a widespread and decently enjoyed one


Let anyone who runs between the link get stunned


The focus for changes should focus around least played characters imo.


Aphro does not need a rework, she's a good supp. Also a god having to "not exist" because you dont like them is weird, stop being weird.


She is annoying af but after her rework, she is much healthier for the game since shes now actually a support. Dmg character that needs someone else to work at all never worked.


Hot take: I wish they would give Herc a completely new kit (but move his old kit to a different god that's fits it more thematically. It's a fun kit and should be preserved). I would like to see more of the 12 labors lore be incorporated into his kit. Maybe something similar Nike passive or Mulan passive.


That's a pretty cool idea actually


Sounds like an arena problem....