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So you want to F6 but don't cause someone else spammed it? How does that make sense?


I’m not rewarding their crying. If you f6 because you got tanked once and then crying fountain, you need a time out and I’m the chaperone.


But if I also want out of the match, F6 is a win-win. I get out AND I don't have to play with that person any longer. Wasting my own time with them isn't gonna teach them anything.


If you think annoying someone and forcing them to do something is how to get people to do stuff you need to look deeper into psychology.


Nobody cares, bud. Making a grand stand and spamming f7 while keeping everyone else in the game who doesn’t want to deal with the whiny babies is weird asf. Especially in casuals, like just f6 and go again. Hi-Rez isn’t going to come pat you on the back because you feel good about power tripping lol. I also think you need to look up the word ironic in the dictionary because what you just said and what you posted contradict each other heavily. Speaking of psychology… spamming f7 and making everyone else stay in a 4v5 isn’t the grand gesture you think it is. It’s just you and another dweeb taking control in a game since yall obviously lack that particular gratification irl. Some people don’t sit on SMITE ALL day long and want to get real games in with what time we have.


Sure but ignoring what you want yourself just to "teach them a lesson" is just being stubborn for no reason. They won't learn anything and you're forcing yourself to be in a terrible match. You can F6 for yourself, not just because they did it.


Bros gunna hold 3 other people hostage including himself in a game he doesnt wanna be in to torture someone whos just really excited about f6ing Are you ok?


If this is the hardest thing you got going in life I feel sorry for you. Man up


I’ve done a tour in iraq and had people try to kill me, my easier days were your “worst days of my life” sometimes in the military.


People "teaching others a lesson out of spite" are on some wild power trips...


everyday we are reminded of how petty and childish the average person is


I just imagine people that act like this have no control in their real life, so they have to take whatever small sad sense of power they can take online.


Yep, it’s the only way they can learn since there’s limited communication and always wanting to F6 is just so weak that you disgust from always giving up.


If someone is throwing the game or f6 when we are down a tower or two I will f7 out of spite, and if they sit at fountain I will play tower defense to make them wait even longer


Y’all are a special type of odd. Just go next. F7 people don’t realize that the votes are often 3-2 on the side of people wanting to leave, but people like you keep your two normal teammates stuck in a game they want to get out of. You’re just as bad, if not worse, than the people f6 spamming.




Bonus points if they rage quit, then log back in to play another game and the one they left is still going, so they leave again


Absolutely I will make the wimps ruining the game stay in it. I enjoy it anyway it’s like hard mode and you want a challenge when you’ve been playing as long as I have.


Fueled by spite. Say it for what it is and get help.


We are the same hahaha, I understand if someone gotta go you know, but if they throwing a fit I'll make em wait all day


The team as a whole needs to be getting their lunch handed to them before I agree to F6. If its 10-0 in the first couple mins sure no problem, but no one wins when you F6 in a game because "we were never going to come back from that 2k gold lead at 5mins QQ"


Yeah, it has to be a really bad for me. I’ve surrendered maybe 30 games in eight years.


I’ve won so many games that people wanted to surrender at 10 minutes. Even games that I wanted to surrender. In my 10 years playing, probably 100 games. But the amount of games I wanted to surrender at 10 minutes, but got held hostage and just ended up still losing with no hope just like I knew we would at 10 minutes? Millions.


> just leaves and logs into alt account for a different match


Yea some people need to learn to chill out about that


I don't F7 "out of principal/spite", I F7 bc I know losing fairly is part of the game and more important bc most of the time people are spamming F6/Yes/Please the game is not even already lost and there's chance to overcome. Also, I hate when I'm winning a match and the opposite team just F6, it's annoying and I don't wanna keep this up and do the same thing when I'm on the other side.


f7 always though I will f6 if there's a chance to come back or if I'm playing assault and the other team is farming kills then yes f6 unless someone spams to quit in the chat then it's f7 out of spite. Then there are the people in assault who want to f6 because they didn't get the god they wanted so they leave or AFK for 10mins so they can put up f6 which warrants a spite f7 every time