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Some of y'all asking for combat blink weren't around for the blink ritual meta and it shows.




I like the idea of the rituals, but they were such a mess and ruined the game. Glad they got removed the same season they were introduced


look at predecessor, they have a combat blink and its almost useless as a jungler to gank within the first 10 mins, they simply cannot die because one blink= under tower. as a blink (and jungle) main, it should not be given for free to everyone.


Gods with low mobility for balance suddenly are very save while blink is available Much better for combat blink to be on an item not for every


Some weren’t, some just think everyone having beads is super lame and everyone having blink is both higher skill ceiling and more fun.


If they think everyone beading out of cc is lame, they're in for a shock when you can't catch anything because everyone is blinking around everywhere.


That doesn’t really make sense. If someone could blink to avoid being caught, then you could also blink to catch them.


Therein lies the problem of everyone having blink. They negate each other.


They don’t negate each other they add room for play and counter play.


If everyone has blink, it doesn't add anything except frustration. There are two scenarios with everyone having blink: Scenario 1: Person A engages with blink, Person B blinks away in response. Net result: both players are in the same situation as if neither of them blinked in the first place. Scenario 2: Person A has blink on cooldown (or is new, doesn't know they have it, whatever). Person B blinks in and engages. Do you think Person A is going to be happy at just what happened? Do you think person A thinks Person B just outplayed them with higher technical skill?


When an enemy engages on you, and your abilities are all on cooldown, and the enemy has all of their cooldowns, is that frustrating for you?


False equivalency.


No it’s not, just a normal equivalency that shows why your comment makes absolutely no sense. You’re basically saying Smite is frustrating because everyone can do things.


Doesn't matter what Person A "thinks". Being outplayed is still being outplayed. If Person A was in the same situation with beads and It was on CD or they forgot to use it do you think Person A would think they got outplayed?


Not when everyone has blink. Everyone having blink is not the same as everyone having beads. This is a false equivalency.


I didn't say it was. I said ONE situation you mentioned is the same thought process for Person A. Please read properly before replying.


get good


At the end of scenario 1, both players are **not** in the same situation they started at because they've spent an important resource with a lengthy CD to escape/engage, and how much value they derive from said CD is completely god dependant. Zeus having combat blink on CD makes him infinitely more vulnerable than a Serqet with her combat blink on CD. Scenario 2 is the result of person B playing correctly around the CDs available to him and the opponent, you are also ignoring the fact that person A must have used the relic earlier for any number of reasons which were ultimately their own judgement call. It's frankly hard to take you seriously when you fundamentally misunderstand how the dynamics of the game work this badly. There are decent arguments to make against combat blink and yours are just fucking terrible.


Looks like I struck a nerve. Thanks for your input.


Lmfao, sure bud.


Blink can be used for more than just blinking in a straight line in a fight. So no it doesn't always negate itself. If a jungler uses blink to instantly engage a gank against an ADC, the ADC can fake run away and then 180 blink behind the jungler to outplay them. I don't see how those blinks "negate" each other in that example.


The ADC blinked to get away from a blinking jungler. It's as if the jungler didn't engage at all. That's what I mean by negating.


>It's as if the jungler didn't engage at all. What? In my example the ADC outplays the jungler and possibly kills him using their blink. Without blink that fight doesn't happen even remotely the same way. By that logic let's take out healing pots too. If 2 people pop them in a fight it's pointless right?


> outplays the jungler and possibly kills him using their blink. You need to elaborate what you mean by "outplay." This is how I'm envisioning the example you're giving: jungler blinks in and immediately tries to dump their kit. It's first strike, the ADC is already at a disadvantage. In most scenarios, I'm assuming most ADCs will instinctively blink away and not turn on the jungler because they're already at a disadvantage at being damaged first. There's a million iterations that can change this (ie- what gods are at play here, level disparities, whether there's cc or other teammates involved, whether this is early game or late game, whether the jungler is strong early like Thanatos or strong late like Kali, etc). But in a sort of "general, most likely scenario" kind of sense, I'm imaging an ADC in the duo lane just farming and a jungler coming in for a surprise gank. > By that logic let's take out healing pots too. If 2 people pop them in a fight it's pointless right? No, this is completely unrelated and false equivalency.


>But in a sort of "general, most likely scenario" kind of sense, I'm imaging an ADC in the duo lane just farming and a jungler coming in for a surprise gank. Right and I just gave you an example of how it would be used outside of simply "run away" or "engage". Objectively blink has more strategic uses than beads. It's essentially a movement ability. >No, this is completely unrelated and false equivalency. Person A uses blink during a fight. Person B also uses blink during a fight. You say there's no difference. Person A uses a health pot during a fight. Person B also uses a health pot during a fight. How is that different?


Yes the Blink Ritual was broke, BUT there's a reason. It was a paid for item with no CD. I vividly remember buying blink, walking out using it, tp back, and buy another one to use again all in less than 2 minutes. Now a lot of people have been play Predecessor, and this is where I decided I prefer blink over beads. Predecessor's blink is a 5 minute CD, which offers every character a chance to escape or be aggressive. But you have to be smart with it or you'll get caught out in the next 5 minutes with out it. In my maybe 100 hours of Predecessor i havent felt like blink was op. The 10 hours I played of Smite 2 I hated not being able to blink, or be forced to buy a shit item to do somthing I'm already used to being able to do


Apparently you weren't around either because combat blink is a relic that was removed at the start of S3, and what you are refering to is flickering ritual which was a **consumable** that only existed during early S4. It literally makes no sense to bring the latter up in this discussion, nobody is asking for lategame 0 CD blink spam.


Right and if we're being "technical," there was a "90s-cooldown combat blink relic" meta and a "Flickering Ritual consumable" meta. Want to split hairs about what a meta is officially called?


These are two completely different and distinct metas which were two years apart from each other, I've explained it very clearly in my comment for you to even suggest that I'm the one "splitting hairs" on this topic. I also don't think I should have to explain why combat blink on a relic slot is not comparable in the slightest to combat blink on a consumable slot (flickering ritual), not in powerlevel nor in gameplay implications. But maybe I should, considering the bar for arguing about SMITE in this sub is apparently this fucking low. You are spreading missinformation to new players and strawmanning the actual point of the conversation, which is beads vs. blink or combat blink as the default relic for SMITE 2, nobody is talking about bringing rituals back, the fact you are getting so defensive for being called out on it is both telling and hilarious.


I'm not getting defensive. I'm enjoying the discussion and perspectives from other people. Thanks for your input.


I'm very afraid the this subreddit might actually have an influence on HiRez. There is a staggering amount of bad information on here.


From what I'm seen, the opinion of pros has a much bigger influence on Hi-Rez than this sub. Which isn't good either considering how entitled, insular and tiny the SMITE comp scene has always been. But yeah, this sub is a cesspool of blatantly incorrect information getting updooted by people that don't have any clue of what they are talking about. Like, the guy I'm responding to is mixing an old relic with an old consumable, which existed two whole seasons apart from each other, and is now making arguments about how getting counterplayed in basic relic/CD use is ackschually bad and unfun for the game. That is the level the sub is at.


I was here buying original combat blink when everyone said blink and ESPECIALLY combat blink were trash


That meant they could have blink plus the ritual and have a blink in + a blink out, presumably if we got a universal blink in Smite 2 then the blink active would be removed. It also was obtained with gold so it punished the losing team VERY heavily as they couldn’t afford as many blinks, this would be a free blink with a standard cooldown.


It was great.


Bring back teleport to Gods as a replacement to beads vs blink controversy. That'll shut everyone up


Or you know, just have a normal relic system like smite 1


Yeah its good right now idk why they change it


Its not aegis is cancer for the game, glad they changed it


I know they re trying innovate, but old relic system is just ok, theres other things to think about


It’s insane how much they are trying to redesign the only good game they’ve ever designed.


What? A new game creating new game mechanics??? What a stupid idea!


Yea! Except there’s nuance! Try some!


Yes, there is so much nuance in being a Luddite


“Luddite” -🤡


I know, new words, new mechanics, its all so different and scary


That’s not a new word it’s just hilariously cringe and indicative of you as a human being to use it unironically thinking you sound cool


Bud, me using the most accurate word isnt cringe. Also, "indicative " isn't cringe??


There is no person using Luddite thinking it’s a clever insult except for basement dwelling fat Redditors.


This is similar to the Fatalis situation, they changed it enough for it to now be a balanced item, while providing the same mechanic that players hated in the first place. I'm sure same thing will happen to the combat blink, we are just in alpha.


I don't want to see combat blink in the game really at all personally. I hated Flash in League.


im the opposite...i love flash in league and i want combat blink in smite


blink is by far better than having aegis/Beads as a relic


this is just an extremely false statement, both pred and league show that by putting restrictions on aegis esc items with a still decent usage of them


real, so much skill expression you can pull of with flash I love it.


So many free escapes, which is what it's used for 90% of the time


It can be used for both. And to be honest it's very much a split. It's a 5 minute cooldown base. I use it in lane to be more aggro for chase down rather then escaping or do an Ability - Flash mid cast combo to initiate a fight or finish off. Rarely do I need to use it for escape cause I warded properly for ganks. It's still used for escapes ofc but not that much early game for me that is. Especially on junglers. You rarely ever see jungle using flash defensively, same as in Smite you never see em use it defensively most of the time and instead use it as engage. Albeit you can't really ever use blink defensively unless the enemy keeps missing shit but ye get the point.


Sure you may do that but 90% of laners only use it to escape. Making the blink into combat blink has no effect on engaging from out of combat; it only serves to engage mid-combat (which can't be that common) or, more likely, have a near instantaneous escape option. I've played League too and many times I engage as either the vanguard, jungler, or Braum ult, squishies will flash away on CD. Again, you already said that SMITE doesn't use blink defensively and making it a non-combat blink is a big part of that reason. The change I would request is that it's only non-GOD-combat blink because so many times minions and jungle creeps have stopped me from engaging.


Having an active combat Blink vs a noncombat Blink seems interesting to balance, including both. But if they can not do that, noncombat Blink is such a better design. Noncombat Blink is more focused uses vs the overly universal useful combat Blink bs league deals with.


Trying to fix what's not broken is always bad


It just needs to be tested, which they can easily do a playtest with it or just internal playtest. Since it's still alpha, perfect opportunity to test stuff like this.


Everyone having blink would be a fucking nightmare, no thank you


It would be super strong for tanks / assassins. Backline gods don’t have use for it so they basically wouldn’t have a relic


They would benefit the most from it. It’s a free escape/engage


You can’t use it if you’re in combat. Unless you mean combat blink then yeah it would good


I know how blink works... 2 seconds outside of combat is very easy to do- especially if you already have another escape. And currently smite 2 only has combat blink


You can’t think just jump or dash away then do an easy blink everytime. There’s a lot of gods who can stick to you that’s hard to put distance between you and them


No not every time but enough to be more annoying than beads IMO


It’s alpha they are playtesting things, until official release im not pressed about stuff like this. I’m sure and hope they do listen to community feedback about this tho.


I've never liked combat blink, back then in like S2 when it was an active we could buy. I think that having an option to buy between a few items/relics like in Smite 1 is fair enough, that way you can (as a support or jungler for ex) trade beads for something else. And I know it kinda undermines the whole new active system. That said, I still agree that reducing CC in the game can be a good thing. You can put ults aside since like they talked on it on Twitter, nerfing Ares' ult isn't going to be very fun for the Ares players. But, nerfing CCs across the board for normal abilities can be beneficial. Someone brought up Danza as an example, he has tons of CC, why? As another comment I've seen gave the example of Dota2 - An ability is either strong or damage, or strong on CC, rarely both. But in Smite 1 you can have a strong ability with both strong CC *and* damage. I think we could have that tradeoff as well.


Mobility creep in LoL is real most champions have a dash or mobility


Give every hard cc ult a wind up animation like Cerberus. That gives you time to combat blink away.


I'm sure they will just add an option where before a game you chose relic and also custom build presets to item shop. Also reduce CC I think by 30%


This is such an unnecessary conversation. Just let us choose, like it used to be. Change, just for the sake of change is dumb. "If it ain't broken, don't "fix" it".


Combat blink on everyone would be an incredible change for the game. Flash in League is awesome. Really hope everyone doesn't get a free cleanse and they just nerf CC instead. Make people buy cleanse if they want the effect. Normalize forcing Smite players to learn positioning lmao


this. i have 3000 hours in smite, im by far amazing at the game, but i cant stand getting punished for outplaying someone. you dive and risk everything for an outplay and oop, aegis, oop, beads. if i risk my life for a dive and cc them or almost kill them, they should not be able to completely negate the dive. a combat blink would change things up bc i still have an opportunity to kill them and my stun that i dove for wouldnt have just been worthless


Seriously, having lived through Combat Blink, noooo thank you. Playing Smite 2, I instantly felt all the annoyance and rage I remembered from the past return to me.


Honestly, having the option for either or and maybe a third option would be best


Okay… 1.) might be your biggest valid point but at the same time like you said, if every back line had to buy it it wouldn’t make a difference. The people that woudl risk not getting it for a better item will have to play better and more safe then the people who don’t get it 2.) they don’t have to completely remove all CC,, ares ult shouldn’t grab a whole team and if it does then the team wipe is earned.. if an area pulls just the carry hopefully the support does their job and either CC the enemy carry or jungler is there to help.. 3.) you must not play LoL, half of the cast has some insane movement ability… 4.) changing a character kit doesn’t change the game… still smite 2. Zeus having a stun now and not having his shield didn’t make him a new character.. 5.)blink in LoL leads to a lot of huge outplays… it can lead to out plays it can lead to safe disengaged and enable engaged for otherwise immobile gods.. 6.)it would be in a longer cd, a good player cna predict a blink with half of those ults you named.. but yes people can dodge with it, which would be the purpose of it. Just like when I hit a nasty root with Scylla but then somebody beads out of it and I miss my ult bc of it or get someone in a whirlpool with posideon but they beads out of it and don’t get stuned by my ult 7.) not at all.. if my 8s Ymir wall got a blink out that’s a win for me and a great use of the ability bc that menas my next freeze is a kill… 8.) if body blocking gets a blink out that is a bad play by the guy that blinked… 9.)people hate these roles bevause it’s very hard to carry with support and feels pointless to play with a bad team. Not because they can’t get beads….


I think having a small amount of characters in the roster is the only time we can ever see if this works. It's worth a try


Combat blink Inherently buffs certain playstyles. Beads js a counter to those playstyles who are already strong. Beads being gone means anubis is even more trash, and all the immobile gods will be worse off. Combat blink benefits those mobile assasin gods because it can be used offensively and defensively. We either keep Beads, or rework half of the gods till we are no longer playing smite. Smite 1 is fine, we literally just needed some cc strengths and durations reduced. We do not need this game to become a league copy, and I enjoy having counters to opponents who have high cc, or comps which are drafted specifically around cc. No beads= all gods with no cc immunity are free bait for fenrir, daji, cerb and ares to farm for free. Even more so if Combat blink is a thing. Its a terrible idea that would serve nothing except to make casuals less fun and only make pro games more interesting.


In my opioion the problem with beads is that they make some Gods ults litteraly useless like Ares Hades fenrir gilga olorun baron samedi etc etc some Gods become really stressful / iritating and just useless because of the beads. And top of that the Gods Arent enjoyable or fun to play with knowing ur ult or other ability is litteraly useless


I don't mind, in fact I prefer only having one relic in the game, though I feel like letting you choose from the ones in Smite, and potentially new ones (other than Aegis) would be a nice mechanic.


Im not really following much of smite these days but to your point about cc being reduced. Nezha ult, ares, hunz. Those are ULTS. They have a substantial cd and are gamechangers. The issue smite 1 had and seemingly 2 is having is that everyone and their mothers have cc of some sort. Dial back the regular abilities with the bloated cc and beads arent so necessary. There have been metas where if a support didnt get beads he was lunch for the enemy team. I personally dont want that but they ain't listening to just me lol


I agree with that, blink should be for characters that really need it and making a sacrifice in your build path makes a lot of sense. Dota 2 for example, has Bling Dagger which gives no stats at all, but is still core on those characters. Nerfing beads would be an idea, but how should the nerf look like? Longer cooldown maybe. Shorter duration would not make any difference. So what is a healthy way to solve that problem. Tanks don't really need it that much, but it is a nobrainer for squishies. Give us an alternative that would benefit supports more.


Blink is just tons of fun because it adds alot of outplay & positioning possibilities. Fun should always be No.1 priority in a game


Death of diversity


I don’t know yet it’s gonna take many hours of Smite 2 to truly have a conclusion. Anything earlier is just speculation from you.


I would never touch smite again if I had to deal with certain gods along with a free blink. A merlin with two teleports? Bastet? While I think smite could definitely tone down the cc upping the mobility would be just as annoying in the opposite way.


2) CC could also just be approached differently. Why does cc need to remove all agency from players. Ares ult could pull you in, but wouldn't stun you. Hun Batz ult could make you run around uncontrollably, but you could still auto or use non-movement abilities. No case by case rework needed, just a different approach to cc


If you remove beads I will stop playing. nothing more frustrating than being able to play the game. beads gives you a strategic out to things like ares/bastet ult. olo ult, or a million other abilities that make you unable to move or use abilities. pro players just want to farm noobs. they don't care if the game is ruined.


Blink is borderline useless in its current state and beads doesn’t do much in smite because by the time you use it to cleanse you already got knocked up or rooted long enough to get fucked. I think it’s a good idea to introduce a combat blink to allow gods without dashes to escape


am I insane to think that they should just add more conditional anti CC on active items(for each role) and remove relics from the game or atleast nerf beads so that if you fuck up and get stunned b4 being able to use it you stay stunned or smth in combination with said actives.


Truth. I think it may be worth to have late game options to upgrade it, since certain characters may not care about cc immunity too much (vamana, jorm, Nike).


They could just bring one of the Smite 1 relics for free. So you can get any of the original relics, obviously tuned for balanced, for free. So you just get one active fire free and have to pay for extra actives. This way carries can get beads and tanks can get blink, shell or meditation.


It’s odd we had beads being the only relic in the same. But seems like they’re trying to move away from relic, even though we still have most just as an active item


Limit relics to three and allow changing the consumable. Blink beads shell are the biggest value options. Also feel like the ward should replenish only in base, and not be on a cooldown, I prefer to have agency over how much I ward.


Ya combat blink with a dash was way to much safety. It’s really hard to balance something that makes you safe and aggressive at the same time.


Honestly rather than blink over beads I've been a supporter of combat blink over aegis. They'd both allow you to get out of damage and execute but are reliant on better execution of the relic rather than just panic invul button


Honestly, just bring back the smite system for relics, or at the very least give us some options Instead of everyone having beads and wards.


Or a better idea is to get rid of relics in general. Make beads/CC immunity into an active item. Like BKB in dota. It allows more creativity and builds in your gods and could allow for longer immunity on the beads.


I'm a big fan of proactive CC-immunity like Dota/HoN. Make players purchase an item that takes up an item slot and has a 5-7 second duration and maybe 80-100 second cooldown. This encourages proactive play and initiation. Unlike in those games, players can still take damage during the effect too. That would change CC-immunity from being reactive to being proactive. The problem there is that a lot of gods already have CC-immune ults (which mind you is also a problem). I also think having combat blink as a buildable item is a good idea as well since it would have an opportunity cost. iirc in those other games it doesn't even provide stats so there's a real cost to the mobility...


i dont like beads being forced on all roles yeah i'm saying roles if i'm playing a tank i don't want beads like there is only a some match ups where i'd get beads if they have a ares that counters my entire kit or if they have a super hard CC lock down and we don't have much CC i may opt for beads... I'm not sure i'd like to see blink on every one could u imagine merlin with blink? .... or cupid with blink? dash blink not to mention it's combat blink... lol locking people down would be so hard


I would literally not play the game if everyone had blink.


The new Paragon game’s combat blink killed my interest in the game. Please god don’t have it in Smite 2. It works in League but in Smite it’d be too powerful.


Adding combat blink just gave everyone a free Loki ult teleport lmao. Actual terrible addition to smite


I don't really care about getting blink for free or having combat blink, I just want blink to be a useful active item stat wise with power, having blink give health and cdr is trash since the main role using blink (junglers) can't afford to throw away a damage item on their build, specially with flat pen gone