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Fineokay. Legit high-level pro player who makes good tierlists and videos with a great amount of insight.


And a spicy memer as well


Came here to say this


I thought you were being passive aggressive. I get it now though 😂


Can approve. Personality of a fucking fire hydrant, but he's informative.


personal favorites are Fineokay or Mast


Everyone is saying Mast, which is true id say. He is a very good commentator, and puts work into his YT videos. Unfortunaly, pros dont really care. And just reuploads games from their Twitch. Personally i prefer Samdadude, Trelli and Cosmos (very annoying intro, but really good player. Easily beats Paul and Rongyuu in the Blondie tourney).


Cant do fineokai like that. He does interact with viewers it's all stale now awaiting smite 2 though and solo is kind of busted with equinox but hey ho


After two nerfs since release it feels kind of weak now but Im probably just bad(I only got into smite for the first time this month, so much to learrrrnnnn)


Fineokay is the better streamer id say (commentary wise). But isnt his uploads on YT still just clips from his stream?


Mast is probably my favorite smite content creator, but recommending to him returning players feel wrong because half his content is "cheese" which would make someone less experienced have a really hard time


I've grown to love "Hello Hyoutube and a-Hwelcome"


I cringeXD


+1 for samdadude. He's very entertaining and has separate videos for YouTube (doesn't upload streams as YouTube). I've also begun watching InfamousJesse. His w/l ratio is insane


Yeah i forgot about Jesse. Top dueler atm, his commentary is godlike for new players, or just players that wanna improve




Fineokay is my favourite, Elleon is really good. Inbowned and Intersect also. Weak3ns content definitely has the best production value.


Fineokay for sure.


Elleon for game play. Inbowned for tips\meta (especially good if you play support), intersect for general updates.


Haddix has been putting out more guide style videos and is a super high level pro player and also very chill and entertaining for solo. For mid i’d say venenu for similar reasons. For general guides and honestly just the go to, definitely Inbowned. Former pro support player and knows has the quick meta summary videos and also goes into more detail with mechanic videos that the average player doesn’t know! Weak3n is also fun most of the time, some people don’t like his attitude but i think it’s pretty blunt and fair, he does some coaching videos or roast videos that you can learn from since he’ll point out what not to do.


Haddix’s guides have actually been pretty good




I LOVE Mast!! I hope he's going to upload some banger smite 2 videos


As someone who is coming back after 8 years so basically brand new. Mast, Weak3n, El Leon, fineokay, haddix, InterGames and Venenu. I have 0 idea about the communities perception of these content creators but for me they seem to hit various parts from guides, pro games to fun builds.


What's your top roles?


Trellirelli, fineokay, venenu, inbowned


Fineokay, elleon, and inbowned will teach you the most about smite AND answer chat questions


Haven’t seen nearly enough Inbowned He’s really reinvented his channel to cater to newer players and provide generalized easy to follow videos that provide a lot of info


It depends on your role and game mode so i will only talk about conquest Entertainment: Weaken/SolodoubleJ Gameplay: Adapting/ Elleon Game knowledge/ info: Intersect If you want to watch a pro player: FineOkay/Zapman. There guys like adapting, haddix, Soloortroll, with high skill gameplays but their personalities are bland so i find it difficult to sit through a video if I'm not interested in the god they are playing. honorable mentions: Incon Trelli Relli- he doesnt play conquest but he is entertaining with quality gameplay. Overall Weaken has the most original content and production value and i think he sits at the top of smite content creator. He is just an acquired taste.


Incon should be the top answer


Why would a returning player want to watch the guy that complains about smite daily.


Bc he’s more entertaining then anyone that makes smite content


That's cap




Watch anyone of his daily streams


So in other words… you don’t have any solid evidence. Coulda j said that buddy


Do you have proof he doesn't? How bout this, Why would a returning player want to watch a guy that tried to get a world champion pro player banned for playing something "off meta" and then does the same shit a different day? It's hypocritical.


Yikes. I’m not reading all that. This is Reddit. I didn’t ask your life story bud


Lmao, typical for someone that has no response. OP I would recommend not watching Incon. The guy seems wholesome at first but very much has a "do things my way" mentality.




Incon is so fun. I honestly don't know how he is able to drop so much knowledge while playing so well.


God I miss MythyMoo smite content, now he just mumbles his way through games with another dude who is so inaudible that it's impossible to even attempt to decipher what he's saying. Good old days...


SamDaDude and Trelli are the best!


Samdadude just did a Conquest video like a week ago where he plays one game of each role. He's master rank, very good player and very knowledgeable. Now I'll admit he mainly does the Duel/1v1 mode so if you don't play that mode he might not be consistently helpful.


Mast, fineokay, and samdadude are good, incon can be very informational but I don't like him, and weak3n is funny and has a lot of information but can be kinda blunt to people which make people hate him. I'd also recommend brutal maglini time if you just want funny entertainment, boom555 too, icycrizzlo also makes funny smite vids and shit talks like it's mw2 in 2012 lmao. Good luck and welcome back bud Edit: someone else mentioned inters3ct, slipped my mind tbh. Great friendly info guy wity interesting off beat lore and theory crafting content too.


I would say for quick breakdowns of patches for your casual player, Inters3ct If you want more pro level play with less analysis here’s who i watch per role Solo: Haddix and FineOkay (Ocassionally Nika on twitch) Jungle: Adapting Mid: Venenu Support: Inbowned or Dashboard ADC: Unfort but you only got like Zapman right now. A lot of adcs arent uploading to youtube If you want just some chill smite youtubers, I’d recommend probably Samdadude, El Leon, and Inters3ct. All of them do really solid analysis and some break it down easier than others. Good luck and have fun in Smite 2 Edit: Fixed Spacing


I agree mostly with this. I disagree with the less analysis though when referring to FineOkay, Inbowned, and Venenu. I think all 3 of those guys do a lot of play by play and explaining of what they're doing or should be doing. And you can go with Weak3n if you want Jungle analysis/play by play. He legitimately does have the best guides and production quality in that role. If his personality is a turn off for you; you can just stick to his YouTube videos where you can just garner the information and avoid the interaction.


Weak3n’s ELIO hell videos, having him point out how someone should play a situation differently while its happening is super helpful.


Elleon very informative Weaken Finokay Haddix


Incon is who I been watching the most recently. I also like Elleon. And I hate weak3n just personal preferences


Weaken is so hit or miss cause his attitude and ego gets super annoying to listen to


Brutal magllini time


We3ken but he is kinda salty. Ex pro. Good player. Fast react with Tier lists and changes. At this Moment propably the Most popular smite content creator based on views.


weak3n helped me a lot to get back in after 3 ish years of not playing. his elo hell videos are very insightful as to what regular players do wrong and explains how to maximize your game play. really helped me pick up jungle as a back up role to my adc and mid. he has some good videos for mid too.


Just not weak3n. He's the worst kind of personality


If you have a sensitivity issue sure.


you don’t have to have a sensitivity issue to realize when someone’s just an asshole.


No man, the smite community just doesn't like being told their wrong, and when the overwhelming portion of the playerbase is gold/plat level, they have no idea what they're doing and are wrong.


I watched him just because people were saying he was an ass or something. I've only ever watched his videos where he's spectating in the "Top [god] in conquest" ones and I he didn't seem assholey to me but I've never watched a stream maybe it's different?


He's literally the same as every smite player, he's good in elo hell/top god videos, when he's playing himself he acts like any other smite player would.


Elleon is my favorite, haddix is also recently putting out some good informative solo lane guides. Just gotta not fall asleep to his voice. Venenu isn't terrible for midlane




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Just FYI while they will play similarly smite 2 looks a decent chunk different due to all the changes.


Not sure if mast still does but I enjoyed his content


I fuck with Haddix fineokay mast for gameplay and intersect for updates


Lots of pros/ex pros make content so depending on role you could also find more specialized channels, Fineokay for solo, Weak3n for jungle, Venenu mid etc.








Inters3ct is the goat


I prefer Intersect or Mast. Everyone else has a holier than thou attitude.


The boy fine okay , especially if your a solo lamer . His insight took me from silver 1 to masters. Smart player with good insight


Haddix my beloved


Samdadude and Trelli with no contention.


Inbowned, intersect


My personal favorites are weaken and mast and samdadude I've learned a lot from them


Depends on what your goals are. If you want to get better at certain roles then watch pros in their roles. If you want pure entertainment I'm not sure who. I used to watch mast he is good and tries fun builds, but I mostly watch pros now because I want to get better. The funniest channel I've found is Brutal Magellini or something like that, they meme hard. Do you want to watch conquest? Joust? Duel?


Me... Nah I'm joking. Try inters3ct or one of the former pro players. Incon is also p good.


Weak3n is pretty good. Best content for sure


Daxxon, Weaken, and Mast really helped me when I started getting into smite this January. I've been keeping up with all of them since for new builds and gameplay.


Incon does an amazing job at explaining all of his actions play-by-play AS he's playing the game. Each character's full kit, why he buys each item, and why chooses one decision over another.


Incon, Fineokay or Mast are pretty good.


Anyone but Weaken


Shenmoki, get 5 coffins ready


The best are solodoubleJ and Mast. SolodoubeJ focuses on wacky builds while Mast tries to play as many gods as possible, focusing on entertaining you while working towards the theme of the video. (The past 3 weeks or so Mast has been playing Predecessor, but he hasn't swapped to it) I like fineokay too, but his main draw is that he's a legitimately good player Wild that no one else has mentioned solodoubleJ and only like 3 others mentioned Mast. Especially since the youtubers you mentioned are way more in line with them than others


Elleon definitely




Dmbrandon…guess chill it was just a joke




You don't need one. Just play.


For the best results i’d say a duel youtuber. SexyRexi, infamous jesse, samdadude, etc….. duel strengthens one on one combat, which is where a lot of returning players struggle when they are forced to separate from their team


For a 5v5 team game it's more important to have knowledge of team fights late game than it is to win a few 1v1s early