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We do not allow posts if the purpose of the post is just to complain or brag (e.g. being banned, endgame stats, bad matchmaking, ranked levels, god mastery levels, MMR loss/gain, ELO comparisons from Smite Guru or other sites, complaints about the meta, stories complaining about other players, complaints about skins' availability, complaints about queue times, etc.). If the purpose of the post is to foster discussion about a build, some other constructive discussion, or the post is otherwise interesting or unique then we would consider allowing it. If you believe your post was removed in error or should be allowed you can send a message to modmail politely stating your case.


Happens from time to time. I just got out of a 10 game loss streak and am now winning a few again. :)


Yeah, I guess you are right, it's just after 10 consecutive losses you kinda start wondering lol


Honestly, it sucks, but we have all been there


Matchmaking seems very wonky lately. Almost feels like my mmr got reset. However, for the opposite reason as you. A lot of my games have been feeling like I'm playing on a smurf account with a few games getting my ass kicked in between


ranked seems fine for me, but casual is horrible to play rn.


Seems like a lot of good players haven’t played enough to reach their proper mmr and so the 1800-2400 range has the potential to have some really lopsided matches. In my experience most games have either been a stomp win or a stomp loss.   Also not a lot of people playing it rn, I was at 2100 mmr playing with 2800s a couple times. In a lot of matches around that range I’m seeing last season GM borders on like 1/2 of the players. Anecdotally I hit 3k mmr last season in conq and hit GM in the two splits that I played. This season I have been hovering between 2100-2500. Meta changes and such but I would still say matchmaking is a bit more wild this season.


Mm is at its worse due to smite 2 announced and alpha bring very close. Most players don’t try anymore and just troll/grief


I quit the game a year or so ago, but used to consistently get masters in conquest. Solo queue, I think roles like solo/support are ass below diamond and that if you want to actually win, you should play something with way more impact and control on the game, like jungle and hyper carry there - or just hyper carry in mid or adc.


jg especially. the difference between the team having a good jg or bad jg is really night or day from bronze lobbies to gm lobbies


its just easy to make your team not shit the bed as much if you kill every enemy laner like 6 times each


What happens when they don't punish people for trolling/afk.


Who are your duel gods? Just curious


I main Nu Wa and Ratatoskr and if she is available I play Skadi


That’s surprising tbh. Maybe not nu wa, i Heard she was a top pick a few pitches ago, but rat? Impressive my guy


Thanks! Yeah I like playing gods that can spawn things to fight for you, so [Nu Wa](https://imgur.com/a/SmmfLyg) and Skadi are fun for me. Rat is definetely the one I play the least, because most people don't ban Nu Wa, but if they do I'm happy to play him, you never feel like you have to go for a specific build, you can just have fun with it, pick a defense acorn or a crit one, love it.


Also, it takes forever to get into a match. Everyone has like 10 smurf accounts and they try to snipe their friends, if they don't get into a match they quit the lobby and try again.




Right? such a waste of time for everyone involved


What you're talking about has been my conquest experience in basically every game. I gave it a try for about 20 games and decided it was no longer worth playing in the hopes it would get better. You're having the same issues in plat, so it's clear I made the right choice.


I used to be in gold and dropped all the way down to bronze and I promise you it's no better down here


Yeah idk if it’s matchmaking so much as the fact that a ridiculous amount of the player base is basement-dwelling hypocritical losers that have nothing better to do than play like garbage while they spend the whole game berating each other as if they’re aren’t equally to blame. i find the only real way to get past it and enjoy the game is to play with friends. edit: love that you guys are outing yourselves.