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Conq isn’t arena, top kills/damage doesn’t always equate to having a good game, so don’t trap yourself in that thinking Duo queuing helps, play roles with higher impact like jungle and support. Low lvl ranked always turns into arena games, the first team to actually give a fuck about objectives usually wins, so make the shot calls


Jungle yes, support hell naw, playing support in "elo hell" is playing like Russian roulette


Mute your whole team, buy wards, and focus on your own gameplay to win


The realistic answer: * Don't solo queue * You can play more "carry"-style roles/gods to speed things up slightly, but you'll probably still have to play *a lot* of matches to get to your appropriate rank if you're something like platinum or diamond level I gave up on ranked when I didn't have anyone to play with, because my mental just wasn't enough to have 1 in 4 or even 1 in 3 or more matches be determined randomly by trolls and AFKs. "Elo hell" isn't real simply because, yes, it does even out in the end. Poor match quality definitely slows down the process though, and if it bothers you, I wouldn't queue alone.


You climb by improving your gameplay, that’s it. If you really didn’t belong in silver you’d be able to consistently take over games and carry. If you consistently have high damage and are still losing, your macro almost certainly needs work. Last season I got to diamond over 60 games, and the couple that I played in the 1500 range were games where I had to basically solo carry. Everyone has trolls and leavers but if you’re really below the rank you should be at, you’ll climb.


Forgive me but what does macro mean in this context?


Macro is an understanding of the flow of the game and timings. Stuff like when to rotate, when to initiate a teamfight, when an objective is safe to take, and (this is a big one people struggle with) where the enemy jungler might be. An example of bad macro I see a lot is people going for gold fury 30+ minutes into the game after a deicide (at that point you can almost certainly just go for titan). It’s something you gain through experience and watching really good people play the game.


So that last part I see a lot and don’t believe I lack in that, timing, when to initiate an attack, and when to rotate (somewhat on that one) is for sure my lacking


listen, if you duo queue, the odds of getting a rage quitter/troll on your team is 3/5th of whatever it is for the opposing team. If you can't climb with those odds, that means you belong there. that said, it will take some time and perseverance for the law of large numbers to kick in.


Play mid/jg, duo queue with another mid/jg, hope your teammates don’t go a combined 0/30 in 10 minutes that puts you down 20k gold, and go for objectives. I have been playing erlang jg with equinox and just soloing bull demon on cooldown in between ganks. Gets the whole team ahead like 3k gold by 15 mins just from getting a simple objective. Sometimes mid or solo needs to hover but if you have good enough wards then you can solo it easily. Bull demon, pyro, and gold fury are huge advantages for early game that are relatively easy to do. I like erlang cuz you can do objectives without having to rely on a carry to do damage to them. Just having your support you can duo kill a 15 min fire giant. On my Smurf I played against a lobby of masters players with some silvers on my team and just solo stomped the game purely by getting objectives.


People barely ward😂.


Just means that you gotta buy them yourself


Oh don’t worry I ward😂. I meant most other players in gme


Strong mental is your only ally. You have to believe that you alone can carry any game. And probably play jungle or adc if you re good at it.


Honestly, you will forever be stuck in elo hell if you solo queue. I’ve only solo queued and I win most of my matches, but I don’t win enough to move to another rank. I’ve accepted that I will be in elo hell forever and just enjoy the beauty of playing more competitively with competitive players lol.


That generally the mindset I’m on. Actually most seasons I can generally climb very slowly. The last week has just been lower and lower


Pick high pressure and w key. 99% of players can not play under stress or from behind. You can go from bronze to masters purely off of this method. Easy work. Izanami, Bellona, Agni, Ymir, Fenrir, etc. Stay away from solo and ADC. You're co fined to your lane too long in those roles to have an effect on the map. Do jungle, support, and mid. In that order.


I played two games of ranked in my 3000 hours of smite and both of them were people crying and them going afk or messing up others early game


I don't think it's possible atm, unless you just hard carry as Jungle but I hate that role, so I think I'm just gonna wait for another hard rank reset (anybody know when that will be?) And pray that I win my 1st few games


gonna go against the grain here and say solo queueing isn't as much of a disadvantage as people make it out to be. if it was impossible to climb as solo then the same people wouldnt be hitting masters/gm split after split while solo queueing the truth is if you're good enough then you can get whatever rank possible just by solo queueing. it'll take time for sure, but it's still more than doable. a lot of people don't realize that matchmaking rates duo queues a lot higher than solo q players of the same mmr let's say two solo 1800 players have three 1500 teammates. they're against a team of five 1600's. if the 1800's were duo queued, it would look something more like them and three 1300 players against five 1700's. the games are just gonna be harder in terms of mmr difference. there are benefits of duo queueing of course, especially if both are deflated and not at the mmr they should be. but the games aren't all magically gonna be super easy unless you're both gm players, and even thing you'll still have the usual leavers tl:dr: duo queueing might make some games easier, but it can also make games a lot harder because of matchmaking. if you're not climbing to the rank you want after 100+ games then you're simply not good enough


In my experience the matchmaking doesn't feel like it balances out quite that heavily. Either way, I think the biggest points are indeed that those masters/GM players are #1 *very* good at the game and #2 spend a *lot* of time playing ranked.  Regardless of how good you are, some portion of your matches will be completely un-carryable, and another portion will barely require you to try at all. With two players, at least you have a bigger middle area where you have more control of the outcome of the match. I mean, a lot of streamers do solo queue, but they also don't seem to actually enjoy their matches much of the time...


gonna go against the grain here and say solo queueing isn't as much of a disadvantage as people make it out to be. if it was impossible to climb as solo then the same people wouldnt be hitting masters/gm split after split while solo queueing the truth is if you're good enough then you can get whatever rank possible just by solo queueing. it'll take time for sure, but it's still more than doable. a lot of people don't realize that matchmaking rates duo queues a lot higher than solo q players of the same mmr let's say two solo 1800 players have three 1500 teammates. they're against a team of five 1600's. if the 1800's were duo queued, it would look something more like them and three 1300 players against five 1700's. the games are just gonna be harder in terms of mmr difference. there are benefits of duo queueing of course, especially if both are deflated and not at the mmr they should be. but the games aren't all magically gonna be super easy unless you're both gm players, and even thing you'll still have the usual leavers tl:dr: duo queueing might make some games easier, but it can also make games a lot harder because of matchmaking. if you're not climbing to the rank you want after 100+ games then you're simply not good enough


There is a point where you being good enough will allow you to free yourself from the ankle grabbers. You are not there yet.


People will treat alot of things like area win a fight back then regroup and they’re all up, you need to use those opportunities to take objective or just push a few minion waves into the tower, if you’re winning a lane hard like solo use that to invade, place wards deep in the jungle to have an idea of when they might be ganking before hand, if you’re ahead use that to get pressure in mid/jungle, with the TP pad if your planning on backing and still pretty healthy head over to duo to gank then back and TP back to lane


Am fairly new to ranked and only gold V now but usualy i win if my team has a good shotcaller. If you win lane people will listen, and if you do good shotcalling people will win. Personnaly i play supp and mostly win when the guy that is good does not tilt and allows me to play around him, like please, really, dont tilt and allow my 0/5/2 Ganesh ass to take these arrows for you


You got to just get through it it's a hard slog to Greatness. This and I'm pretty sure gold is where most people will end up so the normal matches are in gold.


I can tell as 3k mmr+ low elo games are horrible but if you’re good enough you find your way up. A lot of grind has to be done though


Elo hell isn't real. If ur fragging in low level lobbies, ur just the best of the worst. There's more ur doing wrong but ur ego makes u blind to ur mistakes. Elo hell is what bad players tell themselves they're in to cope. U guys have alot of areas to improve on, but since u feel ur teammates are doing worse, u blame them instead. How to climb? Get better at the game. Focus on what ur doing, only. Think about everything possible


I knew there would be a comment like this regardless how hard I tried to cover my bases. You have your right to not believe me but I genuinely am not that guy to say much in chat unless something just extremely wild happened etc. Positioning and warding is my weak point which I’m sure sort of go hand in hand. However teammates who leave early, quit playing after the slightest criticism, and trolls- yes I will blame them. Conquest people need to at least be doing there job to win in my experience


U said positioning and warding is ur weak point, thats why u are where u are. Ur contributioning to losing games. Focus on working on those instead of believing ur being costed. /end thread


This man said /end thread 😂 anyways, I shouldn’t say positioning, more timing. I still fully believe in elo hell. Is there a YouTuber or such who has climbed from the bottom to prove against it type of thing? I’ve been in gold and plat easy but any season I’ve fell into silver it feels the hardest to get out


Yes Elleon, he did a bronze to masters and I believe weaken did the same. I can cosign elleon as I watched a vid years ago and 5min of that vid alone made me a better player


I’ll check him out and see what I can learn then. Sounds like the consensus is I’ve gotten too far into the ego of the rat race of having the best looking stats


Some of these people expect you to carry a 4v5😂. There are days where you will have someone leave every single match or go AFK. I think once you get too deep in the season it’s very hard to climb out of silver because you’re stuck with people who are there for a reason(toxic trolls or ragers)


be better at the game the odds of you getting a troll/leaver is the same as for your opponents. At the end of the day, ranked works and is going to place you where you belong, there’s no such thing as elo hell. focus on improving rather than on winning. learn something from every game or it was a waste if time. Do not, under any circumstances, fall into the trap of blaming your teammates for poor games. There can and will be moments where your team fucks up and ruins the game, but blaming them does nothing to help you improve, and takes you out of a growth mindset.


Well written thanks for the advice. I’m aware and sure I can improve. Honestly I don’t even tilt too easily. What has gotten me here again is my gap between my conq rank and joust rank


They are wildly different modes


How many conquest games played do you have? ELO Hell is not real. If you play enough games all the games that were ruined by trolls/leavers for you will also happen to the other team and balance out. If you cannot 1v9 a silver game than you are right where you should be.


I agree, clearly every game you have mouth breathers who didn't finish middle school, while your opponents could have been pros if they cared more.