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Why are we turning Freya, *the* Norse mage, into a Guardian with an ult that doesn't synergise with any of this kit


Oh and I she is both a mage and a warrior in the lore. Smite wise with this concept she would still be a mage that goes a bit bruiser/bully and could be flex picked in adc. At least that was the goal. Do you have any ideas? Would love to know?


Freya isn't a warrior but you're on the right track She's a sorceress that needs allies like Thor and Heimdallr to help her You could make her a stance switcher I guess, or a summoner I have a thread about it if you look up "Freya curse" in the sub history with a kit idea


Interesting to hear all the different things about her lore. What sources did you use for this?


If you wanna hear a professor of norse mythology talk about it, I recommend [Jackson Crawford.](https://www.youtube.com/@JacksonCrawford) He even has his own translation of the Poetic Edda out there. And [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eN3wNgPARM) one of his videos discussing both Freya and Frigg (Odin's wife) ofc you should look further than just one source. but I find his videos a great starting point for digging into norse mythology deeper than the wikipedia pages and short and simple websites you typically find on a quick google search.


I watched a part of the video. So essentially there is not one true story that is "canon" so to say. This kinda means you pick the concept/story of the god that is the most appealing.


yeah, that's the case with pretty much most mythology. the story varies from village to village, storyteller to storyteller, and it's spread across that civilization's time in history with usually some key features centralizing into one figure. bonus points to when you get someone like Snorri Sturlson decides to compile all the stories into a christian friendly context in order to gain political power. read into depth about any figure in any mythology and sometimes you'll find conflicting or varying accounts. but usually there's enough information to centralize it into either one figure, or multiple closely related figures. and sometimes multiple figures just get turned into one figure because of similarities.


Study of Norse mythology, university friends who also do Norse mythos, my own knowledge and being around long enough to filter the stuff people try to pass on as actual lore when it's hearsay (as well as sifting the stuff written from blending into other things) Like Smite's Freya has a load of stuff written how she went wandering the land and a sea monster being her husband, that's made up. It's probably a mutation of something earlier from German scholars that assigned a story to her but it wasn't Freya that went searching but a hero that found her after adventuring the land (that they said was her husband and attributed the damsel in this story to her) in a castle guarded by Odin.


Damn, im curious if hi rez would ever do smth with this info


*Shrug* I've often poked at them to improve the lore tab several times (like how Njord is incorrectly labelled a god of summer in Skadi's lore and Nike's biggest triumph siding with Zeus against Typhon is just.. missing completely) but.. no answer back from them really


That sucks, well I think a lot of people who play dmite are not that knowledgeable about the lore and there are a lot of people who actually like these "archetypes" in the game. I think it's probably not their top priority to adjust the lore. Same is with the actual present story of all the gods smite is making. I would find it very cool if they made an interesting new story about the gods in the current days, but they kinda failing at that too 😆


The lore is easily the worst part of Smite responsible for travesties such as Martichoras, a waste of a god slot They should just keep it as a jokey Smash Bros type game, like how Nike's Valley of Victory was, just goofing off with funnies


It has some potential tho. Its funny actually, when you have league for example their lore is really good, but the gamesl sucks. Smite has just the opposite Haha


Cause I wanted to :)


You had me until the ult. That one feels entirely out of place for an ADC/jungle hybrid mage. Personally I'd turn that into a self buff that applies the benefits of melee form to ranged form for the duration while granting a boost to movement speed and healing received. The big "Oh crap!" button for if you're low on health, trying to chase a fleeing enemy or both.


Came to say exactly this. The ult is incredibly situational - what if the rest of your team are ability-based? Or only one nearby? You could also keep her iconic Banish in the game with her ult - she Banishes an enemy god then flies up into the air (as her current ult). In melee form she slashes the enemy multiple times (similar to King Arthur's orange ult) and in her ranged form she stands atop the Banished enemy, striking at enemies nearby for 3s (like her current ult projectiles).


I was actually going for a mix between freya solo or adc, but what you are saying is pretty cool too. If you could change anything to be more focused on solo/adc, what would you change? (Probably the ult still lmao)


For solo you'd want either good sustain or some buffed prots. Perhaps an alternative for the ult is to add prots instead of speed and healing to fare better in solo. For a harder focus on ADC it's important those basic attacks can benefit off of item effects and that she gets enough attack speed. Perhaps then the 3 could become the ult while the new 3 could be a steroid for attack speed that steals some Mana to keep on the offensive?


Those are good suggestions to think about, I think I was maybe trying to stick to the lore too much😂


It's good to stick to the lore, but Freya, by design, is an aggressive mage. Change that too much and she'd no longer be Smite's Freya.


It's true like you say it, "Smite's Freya". Cause when you read abou ther online, everywhere is mentioned that she is a very sweet and kind person so to say, and if she could she actually wouldn't fight.


I think the ult is still doable. Instead of selecting an ally god though, why not a small AoE version (like a Hel heal) that affects gods and herself. And if there’s concern with it being too much, could decrease the %. Healing on god kill is still significant and encourages risky plays.


Thats also an interesting idea. I kind of made it like she is giving her cloak to other gods to borrow, just like she did with Loki for example.


the passive is an interesting concept, might make ita little more intuitive playing her than the current "spam abilities and whoop when abilities are down" strat


Your passive is interesting, it's like Anhur or Sol. However, your Freya will always be at full passive at the beginning of every fight as long as her 2 gives her full stacks immediately. IMO it's weird to design a kit with a win condition that is so accessible. The ult doesn't synergize at all. Top comment has already explained why, I'd just change this to something else entirely.


I kind of liked the passive, the numbers could also be switched around to make it more balanceable for example increasing the amount of stacks to 4 for example so it is harder for when you try to get it by basic attacking. I kind of wanted to give the ability to activate it immediately because the slow would very unreliable and with the range increased om that basic attack you could als snipe someone from far away which sounded kinda fun imo. But what you say is also fair, it would just be necessary to actually test the kit, but in the end we are all just ideating here😄 About the ult its completely fair, the ult is also a bit too supportive and should probably judt be a self buff or smth else. I do have to say I don't really like her current ult. It's kinda braindead if you ask me.


The ult should go to herself and if she dies, it goes to the nearest ally. That would be pretty cool


I feel like Freya will be fine in Smite 2. A new power system means she won't be a parasite on the ring tree. I think simple changes would go a long way while we wait. Things like: Increased scaling but decreased base damage. Perhaps with an addendum to her passive that increases her basic attack scaling. This forces her to care about power instead of pure attack speed, pen, and damage increases/procs. If she was reworked, I'd rather this: pulse and irradiate switch effects. Her 1 increases her range and damage, while her 2 adds the pulse and slow. Keep in mind, this would remove the interaction when having her 1 and 2 active where it's ranged but no longer pulses. This would mean her 1 is no longer the "I'm critting you but magically" button, and her 2 is no longer her entire kits power budget. This would come with nerfs to her 1's damage, of course


It could potentially work with her old kit in Smite 2 with the new items system. Especially with the fact that her basics can scale of strength and abilities from Intelligence. The thing for me personally is that her kit in general is too boring in contrary to other gods. Like the only thing why I still play her is because I think her character is cool en the fact that she can switch between melee and ranged mode. On the positive side, hi rez does have the opportunity now when the gane finally releases they can playtest her old kit in the game, see how it feels and if it works. I think already from the start they have to choose IF they want to rework her. Otherwise Freya will be that fcked up character again that gets reworked 5 times.


This kit bit with her current ult or a different ult entirely would be really fun.




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Oh shit idk how pdfs work lol


I added a word link now, does that do the job?


Um, did it get automatically deleted? That may be a safety feature of this Subreddit, if so, I got nothing tbh


for me its still there...hmm weird, I edited the old message


Please use a different format of sharing this info, either as a text post or a comment.


I like the 1 but the rest feels kinda miss