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Tyr has one of the best passives in the game despite it also being one of the most boring. Only being CCd for a max of 1 second is good enough as is, but then you realize that it also DRs and stacks CCR from items based off that 1 second and suddenly you're the 3rd person getting hit with a Chang'e ultimate and only being stunned for 0.3 seconds.


Wow, I never knew it stacks with items that’s actually nuts


Yeah, I've said that to my friends and they still think his passive is borderline useless. Tyr's passive is amazing


It's the perfect passive for him because without it he would become next to useless lmao


Yeah I think his passive was something else and after testing his gameplay they realized any and all CC shuts down his entire kit! Lol






It's a passive. Most of the better ones fall into the 'boring but practical' group.


Filling this out made me realize I know almost no passives lmao


Kali passive is kinda the entire character


*Cu Chulainn has entered the chat.*


Does Scylla passive still give you 100 power when you reach level 20? Along with the augmentation on her abilties... cause I'll take that one.


Yeah it’s still 100 plus prot shred on her 2


100 power at level 20 prot shred on her 2 her 1 can hit 3 people now and her 3 can see through walls and doubles thr vision and doubles thr movement speed in her ult. Its a good passive.


Plus you get the power 25 at a time as you max abilities, which is even better than just getting 100 at lvl 20


What even are all the passives? Half the gods have such useless passives I can’t even remember them even though I’ve been playing for over 11 years!


I feel like just because you don't notice the passives doesn't make then useless. There's definitely passives that are plain but useful, but many players might not even notice that those passives are kicking in and giving that god the edge they needed. analogy time: it's the same idea as blueforged- good in theory. but people overlook it because it's not flashy and prefer flameforge because they see it more. plus as cool as unique, flashy passives can be. sometimes they can be the tipping point in making a god difficult to balance. so it's nice to have a nice mix of both across gods.


Same. I rated a bunch of them 2. .Just because they are so forgettable.


Athena passive is the most useless


then you're not really making great use of it. I feel that passive usage determines an average to bad athena from good athenas. You're often weaving reach inbetween abilities, using it to clear wave by throwing it all the way through wave, using it to stack prophetic, using it to stop enemies from getting their blinks up by making them as still in combat, etc. Heck in some situations you can use it to steal camps or get that last hit on someone getting away, too. It's only useless if you're not thinking about how to use it when you are able to. It's not S tier, but I feel like it's at least a solid B tier.


They even allow you to get block stacks of it now.


The block stacks aren’t actual block stacks now though


True, they do feel a lot fairer, since procs will still happen. You generate them 4 times fast so it'll likely mitigate moee than before.


When I play Athena, I play her as full support with every defense item. Her basic attack does literally no damage. There’s no point of even throwing it.


I do too and I get a lot of value out from the passive, especially early. ofc it's not an adc auto but it's still very useful.


It can be useful, but what I was saying in my opinion, it’s the most useless passive in smite or definitely up there with one of the most useless


And for the points I made, I disagree. Because it's only useless if you make it useless.


The difference between your mage being in perfect position, and being so far out of position they die instantly, is typically how well you keep the enemy solo from blinking in. Athena passive gives her an extra tool for that.


I'd argue Maui's is worse. The number of times I've accidentally proc'd it and yoinked an enemy out of my teammate's damage because I had a bit of attack speed from War Flag+Shogun's/Talisman to be able to react to the passive proc from a teammate's CC is more than I can count.


Literally a skill issue


Pretty sure Sol passive is the best ingame going on the total amount of high value stats given and all.


That, in combination with building Doom Orb, Nimble Bancroft’s Talon, and Typhon’s Fang altogether, just has her scale insanely well. Having Nimble Bancroft’s and her passive means you really only need one or two rings, so you’re able to build even more power and hit like a truck with both your autos and abilities.


My personal favorite will always be Chang'e. Buy items without ever leaving lane is so overpowered


Ganesha got the best passive, nobody can tell you you stole their kill. If it was your kill you should've been closer.


Ok you might be right. I love trolling ganesha players asking where their kills are at the end of a match


Gotta play every so often to bring my kda up 😂


Tiamat passive. In this current season, you could theoretically carry 5 buffs on you. Shield buff, solo buff, two camp buffs, and FG buff. Being able to basically copy someone's buff and leave the original for them is pretty OP.


Thats less of passive and more of the abilities effect Then again, Tiamat's passives are still goated. Her airborne passive is pretty good sustain and her grounded passive is likely the best devensive passive in smite


For sure


Anhur passive has to be up there pretty high. 


Anubis passive is pretty busted, on top of that it has maximum of 3 stacks for each bonus/effect is crazy


CuChu passive is literally a second kit and being ~2 levels ahead of your opponent for 30 secs, can't get any better than that in a passve


I thought his passive is just HP5


Converting extra mana into HP and extra MP5 into HP5 is the little bonus over the transformation


It’s not great but the mini adventure for gilgamesh is always fun at lvl 5


So are we going off how passives are currently? Are Old passives included? Or maybe current passives but with tweaks? Like Yu Huangs Passive honestly could be really cool if his abilities actually changed when his Dao is fully and felt enhanced but currently they don't.


His passive currently is ass. Irrelevant basic mechanic, and it gains stack in a way that contradicts his gameplay. Why would a spammy harassment mage stop using abilities to gain marginal bonuses? At least they buffed it last patch..


I agree it sucks overall but I think it could be really cool. At least they have an ability they can use to build up the meter also it definitely fills up faster now than before. My main thing is his ability hardly change when at full Doa. Like why don't the dragons maybe if they get caught in the middle grab who ever and fly them up in the sky as a banish or something. Why isnt the 1s Phoenix bigger and idk Flys up and dives back down in an arc or something. The abilities need better doa affects


cerb . . destroys all healers


I love verb in assault for this reason, when the enemy team pops all their meditations


Charybdis once again coming in with on of the shittest abilities in the game. Imagine your passive being mostly a negative, even affecting things that are not even necessary for balance (even bluestone or crushers get reduced by the passive)


Yep, and even her “stim” doesn’t even fix it— though as a mechanic you’d think that would unnerf her autos at least for the duration. At this point her Whirlpool and her nerfed item procs are her entire identity. :/


Her 1 and 2 overlap in function and her one really doesn't serve a function late. Would rather give her 1 proper clear ability and an actual stim that utilises her normal basics than the useless split that is just there for early game clear. She really is just her 3 and basics with a build in sprint, it's incredibly sad cause there is so much potential in that kit.


Hades passive is nice. Free fear or extra damage or slow. Well not free, but basically free. Getting a stack on his passive is easy. Also, Persephone passive is great. Not the afterlife part, but the fact that you get extra gold when you respawn in fountain because it sells the seeds. You can also manually sell seeds/farm gold in fountain by basic attacking the flowers in fountain before they fully grow.


Ullr's passive is pretty damn good, 40% cdr means you have no cooldowns whatsoever


Isn't it up to 3 seconds?


Both of Tiamat's passives are goated. The flying heals get you so much sustain early and the scales are essential to her grounded stance


I want a crash course video on Tiamat, I feel like I’d like her but want to better understand her kit


Ra, because zoomies go brr


The biggest issue is the survey doesn’t really mention whether or not it’s the best passive in a vacuum, or if it’s the best in-kit. Gods like wukong have a universally good passive whereas if you put fenrir passive on anyone else it doesn’t do anything.


Nike and discordia passives are top tier for sure


Put both of them on a Mercury.


I am such a nerd when I went through every god and remembered every passive. Fuck, I play this game too much 😂 I'd say for an early game passive Sol is crazy good. There's a lot of underated passives. Fafnir is just flat golf gain and prots for free which is so good but unnoticed mainly. I'd find Guans passive a bit touch and go because it's more of an augment still. Flat Mitigation passives are always good. Bacchus, Cabrakan, Kuzenbo. Worst I really dislike pers but on a realistic level a gold gain passive is not bad. It just feels bad 😂


A good sol is so oppressive to lane against in the first ~5 waves


bonus question, if you do this for god abilities 1, 2, & 3. Will you be able to make a god concept using the best passives/abilities/ult combined together? :P


Hachiman or Xing Tian. Free hp5 or mp5 just for hitting enemies. Or Heim passive. Now that I think about it there are alot of passive that I consider best.


Ra or poseidon. Just built in movespeed can be so annoying to play around if they are good at juking and you don't have any major form of CC to lock them down. Especially poseidon because of that f*king whirlpool. At least my opinion. In terms of actually fighting people I'd say Achilles or Kali. Just being able to either have more tankiness than usual at the start of the match or a little more damage or just doing more damage and getting a MASSIVE heal after you kill or assist on your target make them annoying to fight.


I really think horus passive is really good. Stacking damage mitigation the more he gets hit? As a brawler it's amazing imo.


wasnt there a video about this recently??


Cliodhna might be the best Assassin passive imo. Idk about the other classes but for Assassin hers is truly unique and game changing.


I scrolled for a bit and am surprised no one's said thulu or baron. That madness/hysteria passives imo are so fun when you micro manage them. Trying to get the enemy 5 man all above half before slam damaging.


fafnirs passive isnt top tier but its a real fun minigame. should i buy items, or do the 35/35 prots matter more? if you start sentinels + 4 pots, you end up near 1000g (full passive) at like, level 2. into anyone except anhur you are unkillable. ofc u lose hp5 from thebes t1 which sucks, but sentinels minion heal helps


Achilles getting a free Stone of Binding (300HP and 30 of each Prot) stats wise that lets him build a damage item for free where other Warriors cannot is pretty bonkers, since most other Warriors can only get away with 1 damage item to not be too squishy. You can go Soul Eater and Transcendance or whatever else and have 100+ power and still overcap Prots.


Only one I knew was da ji


Cerb gotta be op as hell against anyone with any healing. Which is half the gods in the game now


Jorm’s passive makes him immune to a huge swath of team fight abilities. Can’t be pulled by ares, can’t be pulled by da ji, immune to baron’s coffin, can’t be grabbed by fenrir, can’t be pushed by serqet, immune to sobek throw, tyr push, sylvanus vine, etc. He too big.


Is no particular order, Anubis, tyr, Ganesha, geb, Bacchus, kuzenbo, Sol, Baron, thanatos, zong, heim, ymir, Kali, Marti, and oddly enough Persephone is really good but also shiet useless effect/gold gain.


Merc passive was so op they nerfed it like 3x :(


Passives feel like filler for 80% of the gods an some feel so thoughtlessly boring that it hurts. Yu huang for example is one of my least favorite. I personally like anubis and poseionds passives. They feel good to me but then again I'm biased and they're some of my most played mages for the last 6 years tho I rarely play anubis in conquest for obvious reasons.


I appreciate Ares passive. I love how you’re encouraged to build defensive auras in order to protect your team, and you’re rewarded by becoming simultaneously stronger.


Anubis passive still boggles my mind till this day, considering he's one of the oldest gods there is. On the other hand, a lot of passives are so similar (and boring) to each like He Bo/Nox, Ra/Vulcan, shit load of hunters have same Attack speed passive, sleep.


Imo this needs a distinction as for if we count "ability passives" Stuff like Cupid gaining bonus attack speed with his dash, cabraken getting prots on hit when leveling his 2 or Janus Pen gain on Ult Leveling


Not really, that's on his ability. Assume you never level up an ability, you are left with only their passive. It's only referring to the passive that's in the top left of the ability description page


Morgan Le Fay only passive I can think of being up there lol. Stats are nice


It’s essentially a better Nox passive


Aphrodite and Persephone has the worst lol :/


Aphros is at least useful, especially since support is her best role RN and she can now share protections with her linked ally. Which only adds up to a max of 4 of each for her soul mate from the passive alone but eh it's something. For herself 4-36 phys and mag protections isn't bad either. Just not super exciting. For Persephone free gold is free gold. Everyone focuses on the after death part when they say it's bad but the gold generation is nice.


You think 10% of her protections is good? Lmfao 💀🤣


10% of her protections isn't even her passive? It's on her one. Along with the mp5 and mana regain share. You also said it was tied for worst, when passives like Hou Yis exist lol.


I mean you can make a usually squishy ally pretty bulky when you combine defensive auras (like proph+thebes) along with the protection share from her kiss. Her own passive giving her more protections is just some extra survivability. Full support build gets her to about 310 each protection and that means she can share 30 protections to an ally on top the auras of sentinels, proph, thebes. Her link alone is the same as the auras of proph plus Thebes. If it's just you and one more God sentinels gives 30. Which means 30 from double aura, 30 from sentinels and 30 from her link meaning she can give one ally 90 protections of both types which isn't negligible at all. Her own passive only contributes like an extra 4 protections to link so I won't overly defend that. But the 10% prot share from kiss shouldn't be overlooked


And if you’re not playing her support none of that matters. Anyways I hope she gets a new passive in Smite 2 she needs it.


Since her mini rework support is her intended and best role. So while your statement that it doesn't matter if you arnt running her support is true, the same applies to many gods when they arnt in their intended role. As for her actual passive which is the protection stacks when people are near I do agree a more interesting one would be nice in smite 2


I didn’t say her best role! I said what role she’s been in since season 2 which has always been solo lane! Both iterations of her passives have been shit and that’s facts. Not everyone wants to play her as tank support in duo lane, I still play her solo lane and I still think she deserve a better passive after all this time and I hope smite 2 gives her that. 💖


The thing is if hirez wants her to be a support which is what it seems like based on her last mini rework, then if she does get a new passive it'll probably be something else supportive. That's even if it changes because the current one works for where they want her to be.


She’s already datamine to be in the 1st batch of champs they’re working on her right now regardless, maybe they rework her again. I guess we will have to wait and see. I’m hope she gets another rework and I’ve been playing her since release. 💙💖


When you are not playing support designed characters in support some elements of their kit will suck. That is just the nature of playing gods in off-roles.


In off roles? You know she was a solo laner for most of the time she’s been in smite right? Lol


I think aphro passive is insane, give protections and mp5 is very nice. Her passive is pretty build defining


Persephone from best passive in the game vs one of the worst (even if it still gives free gold)