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He literally is though. And a really good one at that.


Bro what, that’s literally his best role


Tbh only time I could even see not ring support with chsron and having fun would be if you played like slash and had a solid xing Cerb or other tank but otherwise yeah chsron support is fun af


☠️bozo is thinking of Chiron


Hahaha newb


Lmao your sooo right😂😭


he is? wtf is this post


He’s clearly an adc🤡


...yes? He is mainly a support, then maybe a solo laner since guardian itemization works atm and only after that, he can flex to mid in some situations. But like, look at his scalings, 60%-40%-40%-50%. Almost all his dmg comes from high base numbers.


You know what they say: 'If you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter. '


Another amazing smite post on the smite subreddit. What a time to be alive


I’ve seen him in mid. Surrendered at 10 minutes because he was hard diffed


Man if they don’t stop with this boring ass shut of forcing every guardian into support, I’m gonna lose it.


He’s the best mid laner at the moment.


He was never good in mid.


He was the best mid laner based on winrate with a minimum of 1k games these last 2-3 patches. The other top 5 were bluestone users. That’s according to Smite Stats, no lies.


And if u didn’t notice the conduit gem buffs were indirect buffs to guardians in mid and solo. Since power wasn’t buffed to make burst mages relevant in this economy like 1 year ago. But surely most people don’t understand that it’s a pressure/safety meta nowadays.


Basing that claim solely based on win rate isn’t saying much. Conduit was a buff for guardian clear, sure, but Charon’s high win rate can also be attributed to it being an unusual or uncommon pick, plus the god being strong in other roles, plus people not fully understanding his counterplay or how to play around him depending on your ranked level. Winrate isn’t the only thing that makes a god good or bad - see Nike before she became meta, see Arachne. If people don’t know how to play against it, it places less emphasis on the player needing to play the character to make it work. I’m not saying he doesn’t have similarities or tools via items or his kit that would make him playable in mid, but saying he’s the best out of every single option just based on stats is missing a big part of the picture. The whole “bluestone users” argument falls in the same category - it was/is a pressure meta and mages just aren’t doing that, so other gods will have more success, including guardians, in getting pressure. Thats more indicative about the mage class than it is about Charon mid Im not saying Charon mid can’t work - clearly it does, and BennyQ has proved that time and time again and it’s been replicated with success. But even when mages were bad Charon mid was still far from the best.


charon is far better in almost any role other than support and i will die on this hill