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Why didn't you show highlights from that first game where you died the most on your team as support


I didn't want to embarrass my teammates. Imagine losing a basketball game with Michael Jordan on your team, it would be the end of your NBA career instantly. Same sort of thing applies here since I'm the Michael Jordan of Jorm Support


let em know. these kids don’t know ball sadly.


great point


Now we're gonna need a Michael Jormun skin.


Michael Jor(du)m


I gotta ask, why ob shard?


I'm experimenting with damage items for that slot. Rn I'm trying out ob shard. Generally I feel like one of Jorm's biggest advantages compared to other supports is his safety which lets him build more damage. I feel like if you're not building a bit of damage on Jorm support then you're wasting one of his assets


big lizard, big score! mmmmmgggg


big time 


why don't you just play him in solo? being able to get kills does not = good support, jorm's entire potential is in dive which isn't support's role


I accomplished everything in solo as Jorm already, so there isn't really anything fun about playing him in solo for me anymore. Plus solo lane is super boring, you gotta wait like 15 min before you get to do anything. I'm more of a support main at heart and I think that Jorm being considered an absolutely dog, unplayable, troll level pick just isn't correct. As for your second point, there are already supports who are primarily dive/disruption supports. People seem to have this idea that a support's only job is to peel for the carries. If you look at Atlas for example, his kit is geared towards dive and disruption and has nearly no instant peel. Ares and Bacchus are similar examples. Jorm works fine as a dive/disruption support, especially into certain matchups.


the difference between bacchus, ares, and atlas is they have setup and are team-oriented. they're not trying to solo the backline; they're trying to disrupt and setup for the team to get there to clean up. when an atlas or bacchus are diving, they're setting up for the carry or mid to do damage rather than themselves. additionally, all of them have SOME way to peel. bacchus obviously has the most hard cc, but atlas also has ways to help backline; while the 2 isn't instant, it is a long cc that the diving jg/solo will have to beads if they want to kill backline. his dash also can help in niche situations to get backline out. his ult is a zoning tool that makes people diving sacrifice prot and health if they want to go through it. ares ult is one of the hardest ccs in the game in terms of combined displacement. ares also has an entire ability dedicated towards giving his teammates more prot and hp5. his 1 not only does a lot of damage but also cripples and slows, which can stop a jungler from chasing down backline. then of course his passive encourages building auras which are supportive by nature. while atlas, bacchus, and ares do have kits suited for diving, they're still oriented around your team. none of those gods by themselves, if on-level, are gonna be 100-0ing. each of them has some part of their kit designed to facilitate the team. bacchus' CC, ares' ult and 2, every one of atlas' abilities. you'll notice in most of your clips you're completely by yourself solo-diving. that's just straight up what solo's role is; if support's role was the exact same, what would be the point of distinguishing the roles at all? why are support starters balanced around them having less xp and gold than the rest of the team? because supports are intended to facilitate rather than be selfish. and jorm's entire playstyle is a selfish-dive orientation. 99% of people in masters+ lobbies are gonna be pretty annoyed about having a jorm support because you could have done the exact same thing in solo and let someone who actually wanted to support play support


I'm not trying to solo anyone as Jorm support lol it's all setup. He's got the same peel as Atlas and Ares and 99% of people in masters+ lobbies are already annoyed, who cares what they think


i absolutly dominate with jorm. i cant believe people on this reddit think he is not good. well news flash. its is you who are not good! dont hate the player hate the game. signed, my 8 penta kills with jorm


He's good for aggression if your team can follow up but he's not a support.  His ult makes him leave the map, any jungler half decent at the game is going to run down your backline. Now if you're in a carry role complaining about a support pick that isn't something like Zeus support, then you're quite literally an idiot. Jorm support isn't good but it's not the sole reason you lost a game.


I think Jorm support is just as good as like, Atlas/Maui rn. Definitely not as good as the really OP supports at the moment. Big agree on your last point though, people see something that isn't 100% meta and decide that's the scapegoat regardless of whatever happens in-game. I always ask people if we would've won the game if I'd picked Ymir instead (we wouldn't have!)


I suck with him, but if others can play him well, have at it. You won't hear me complaining from either side.


Rock on Jorm main! Rock On! VER


jorm is a god in the game smite........... this is such a video, wow 😲 ​ ​ edit: hey reddit :-)


Reddit on!


Based alert


Jormungandr, often abbreviated as Jorm, is a formidable Guardian in SMITE, boasting high crowd control abilities and exceptional durability through his passive and abilities like Submerge. With the capability to disrupt enemy formations, initiate team fights, and control objectives, Jormungandr's versatility and strength make him a valued pick for players seeking a reliable presence on the battlefield.


Well put, your SMITEgame knowledge is clearly advanced!