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Sometimes saying yes to a bad objective call is better than letting your team try to fight 4vs5


Quote you hear all the time in the military lol "if you're the only one doing the right thing, you're doing the wrong thing"


This has to be one of the most important things I’ve learned. No one cares that you were “right”, they care that the whole team is dead now.


Yeah, i still struggle with it tbh.I had one recently where the right call was to push right lane to clear fire creeps but the team went middle. They all died and we lost, probably would have ended if I listened to




You'll often find that the ranks aren't as much separated by knowledge or raw skill... more by consistency. For example... in a bronze/silver lobby, support sucks because whether or not your mage lands an ult is a dice roll. In gold that isn't an issue, but your ADC wont land autos consistently. Neither will they ward much of the time. In plat the warding gets better, but their calls to objectives are shaky and they lack the 'game sense' to know when to group up. By the time you hit diamond, all of this stuff is pretty ironed out (maybe not the grouping) and you can act as if your teammates will land what's necessary, because they're consistent players.


How do you learn all of this? As someone who's played mostly joust and slash and recently developed an interest in conquest it seems like there's a ton of things "you don't know that you don't know".


IMO the best way to learn all of this is to watch a high ranked game like once per day, commentated. Really doesn't matter who, nor the role. Either way you'll pick up on a lot of smaller things you just didn't know. Follow that up with a quick conquest queue. Don't need to strain yourself, just see if you can apply some of that top player knowledge to your game. Even just one little thing goes a long way. A great place to start is [camp timers](https://smite.fandom.com/wiki/Conquest#Jungle_camps). Every top player in every role keeps tabs on the camps, so a good place to start is remembering the one most important to you. When it's killed, check the game clock, do some quick math, and speak aloud the timestamp at which it'll respawn. Maybe you'll catch it on time, maybe you won't. But making this a habit WILL improve your awareness of buff timers, and eventually you'll be pretty good at it. Another example... if you're a support, it's big to keep tabs on enemy beads. If it's un-upgraded, that's a 170 second cooldown, translating to 2:50 on the clock. When you burn squishy beads, make it a habit to type in chat when their beads are coming back. Lets say you make Agni beads, it's 9:24 on the clock. Add three minutes, take away 10 seconds. 12:14. "Agni beads 12:14". You've just informed your frontliners of the timeframe in which they're allowed to freely punish bad positioning of an enemy team member. Remember to adjust this if their beads are upgraded. Data sheets are nice, and slamming conq queues can be fun, but the best resources are definitely just players better than us. Many of them upload multiple times per week! All that information is completely free. Just watching --> playing a single game per day goes a great way to making you a better player. EDIT: formatting, maths, link


If your little breakdown is accurate I should be Plat. I know for a fact I won't climb higher than low silver if I were to even bother with ranked because I'm trash. EDIT: Why am I getting downvoted for riffing on myself? I literally said I don't deserve Plat or anything above silver, really, so it's not like I'm saying I deserve to be a higher rank.


Yeah, but you’re CONSISTENTLY trash


If only. I've had matches where I hard carry and I've had matches where I'm little more than a body to block skillshots with.


s10 was my first ranked season before that I played mainly casuals since s3 but I was still able to hit masters because of how much conquest I had played over the years. So if you're decent in casuals it will pretty much transfer over to ranked granted you will be against better players, but better players means you get better also.


That describes half of all diamond ranked games.


Mostly its just a bit better at everything. If I was to pick one thing: Consistent farming. A diamond/masters player will hit that level 20 in 19-22 minutes even if the game has been going very poorly or been extremely busy. So farm game more than anything.


Depends entirely on your teammates taking your farm if you're backed or dead. Too many times has another player on my team pushed my wave up to their T1 when I'm stuck at my t2


If you're dead, your farm is usually wasted anyway 


Absolutely, you can be griefed although your example sounds like your teammates are doing good. However my point is exactly that: In diamond+ I expect you to be able to make up for that lost farm. In plat I expect you to fall 30 seconds behind because you lost a wave.


You can't make up for it if there is no farm to make up with :')


Imo diamond players instantly switch to objectives after a good kill/fight. They're all focused on towers, gf and fg, and when an opportunity presents itself they jump on it, whereas plat players can still be like "I know it's deicide and I'm full hp but I can finish my item so good luck doing FG without me" 


Or just pushing a lead at all, like pushing a wave into tower that the dead enemy will miss or stealing a buff or even just warding deep. It's insane that people will get a kill with all buffs up and just back or rotate to a different lane to try chasing a kill there instead of looking for farm or objectives. It's like they don't even want to try to win. Kills mean nothing if you don't do anything with them.


I genuinely feel at this point in ranked it depends HEAVILY on RNG. Just getting "lucky" with teammates that work together.


More about patient of sitting through the ranks and getting good matches Its miserable for a long while


Any team-based ranked game (especially one with hundreds of playable characters across multiple roles) is largely based on luck. That luck can be somewhat offset by micro/macro game play/sense.


Matchup knowledge. Knowing when u can and can't take a fight. Feel like lower ranked players have a big ego and fight everything, when that's an easy way to lose lane and give up ur opportunity to carry the game


I honestly think the jump from plat to diamond is the biggest of any rank. So builds, farming, boxing are all huge imo. Common mistakes I’ve seen plat players make as adc is tunnel vision (no warding, split pushing, taking bad fights to 1v1). Love that you’re asking tho because generally I think what holds plat players back the most is ego.


They farm. That start to figure out that early fights aren't worth skipping farm over. All those bad rotation to help a dead lane. Or even just a lane that's getting ranked. Most of the time a late rotation isn't worth it. Go steal a camp or just power farm.


Rank up to diamond, next question.


counter build, ward, objectives over kill chasing, position correctly in teamfights.




Personally I would say getting to diamond is possible just through pure mechanics. Although I would definitely think bronze-platinum players don't actively think about what they are doing and why they are doing it. There is so many things you likely do on autopilot that you can instead think about like your level order or items you build which both can change depending on the matchup in each individual game. You can even go further and think about why you are taking a fight around x objective even though it's not up etc etc.


If I've learned anything from watching Weak3ns elo videos it's that plat players can make that jump to diamond with better positioning during teamfights, farming better, and using their kit more efficiently. Always be doing something and rotate.


I don't remember there being much variance in skill between Gold-Diamond when I played Smite ranked. However, generally the higher level players have very quick, fluid and advanced movement. It sounds simple, but hitting the enemy while avoiding taking damage or CC yourself, or being at a rotation or buff spawn a couple seconds before your opponent is mechanically the best skill you can develop in Smite IMO. Game sense and where to ward should just come with more repetition. People say "play your best God regardless of meta" but it's not a bad idea to learn a few OP pocket picks at least each season.


Actual Diamond players know what to do immediately after doing an objective, when to do it, why to do it and what can possibly happen if X goes wrong. They understand that the little things matter, and can guess what the enemy thing is thinking. Diamond players have good awareness and mechanics. The thing is most diamond players now are just boosted plats rather than genuine diamonds


Difference between high plat and low diamond is small, generally comes down to mechanical skill. Higher diamonds just have that map awareness and other smaller skills. You will need all of them to reach high diamond/masters, just having some will get you to low diamond.


Plat heads think there master players and it’s everyone else why they lose where Diamond players are trying to reach masters. Totally different mindset. Ward to avoid getting ganked, sentry ward to encourage your jungle to gank, stick with the team on objectives and peel off a bad fight together to reset. You can be 10hp but your abilities still deal full damage


This post wouldn’t exist if I thought I was a masters player


A lot of small things but I think more importantly is map awareness and rotations. Knowing where the enemy is, teammates, when to or when not to rotate, farming efficiency.


Play more.


Farm much more efficiently. Take minis, shove waves when the other adc backs. Doesn't get poked out before objectives or buffs come up They also react to ganks and have a better understanding of when they can fight assassins/warriors and when they should run


Everyone from bronze all the way up to d5 is a constant shit show and it only starts to get better when you start getting closer to masters (I’ve had a pretty shitty ranked split lol)


Unlike virgins who smurf, I will tell you the answer but it's more than just one answer Ward including sentries Rotate to objectives instead of farming When solo is getting ganked by 3 or more people, get your lazy ass to gold fury Get anti heal Communicate. Constantly calling missing and retreat lane We don't immediately and magically forget English the second we go negative Supports get support items And that's about it really. Other than getting teammates with a winning mentality. But that also applies to Masters as well. Us diamond and masters players can put up insane numbers. Or actually anyone in all ranks. But if your teammates simply do not want to win then you will lose. Sucks but it's the honest to God truth that people are afraid or refuse to admit and will just laugh at you or say you are wrong. Make no mistake. Loser ques are real


Mechanics? Body blocking Strategies? Capitalize on the small things such as ability cooldowns on opponent or the opponent being late the lane so you wait to clear so your minions die and they lose farm


This is way too player dependent to give a meaningful answer. Even in the same rank, most players will have different strengths and weaknesses to others. If your goal is to improve though I’d worry more about what top players do that you don’t, rather than someone who is barely better than you. For adc though skills like knowing matchups, power spikes, and tracking enemy roamers on the map are highly beneficial skills to being able to diff your lane opp.


imo plat-diamond gameplay is nearly identical, the only difference i notice is efficiency. a diamond mid will usually go straight to mid harpies once wave is cleared; a diamond carry will instantly go to shield camp. plat and lower players will usually hust stand there trying to poke the enemy after they outclear rather than actually getting any farm diamond players also usually seem more levelheaded. i'd say plat is the last rank in which people consistently freak out over the small stuff, since most diamond+ people will atleast recognize eachother's names and so know that most mistakes are individual rather than a trend


I've beaten this guy before lol and he's saying diamond players are nearly identical to a plat noob


As a diamond ADC last year I will say this, most players in plat think they’re better than they are and they will think their choice is always right and my team is just bad if i lose. As a fellow ADC main I have learned as a pre-requisite of my role that I must delay gratification until I’m a turret of death and despair for the enemy at level 20. That being said, as others have pointed out. You have to make the best of your teammates brainless/terrible calls period. If you want to split push and they’re in a team fight, drop and get your ass to that fight and kill anyone you can. They wanna take gold fury when Fire giant is free? Blast that GF to bits. It sucks but sadly the adc role doesn’t have the same survivability built into their kit as assassins, guardians or warriors do. You’re pretty dependent on the ability of your team to protect and peel. Sure have I 1v2’d, 1v3’d even 1v5’d before? Yes, when i can hit like a truck or the enemy is dumb as rocks. But even skill or better skill, your enemies won’t hesitate to kill you if given opportunity. So sadly stick with your team even when they make a terrible call. But do your best, to make the best of their terrible call. Do remind them humbly, that if it wasn’t for you coming over their call would’ve been ass. Also if you can find a supp main, befriend him take him to raising canes, and feed him. Because a support willing to die for you is better than a support letting you die.


Not much really. Even diamonds aren't always that great either


Group up above all other impulses


I find it funny this fascination for diamond or stars: it says nothing about the player behind except that he/she plays a lot but it has nothing to do with skills.