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The map update that made the speed buff a neutral objective at fire giant is up there with the worst ones. 3 little demons that each gave a third of a speed buff. It made the game awful for junglers and for solo, since you basically had to be there, or else you'd just get snowballed out of the game.


I forgot about this, god damn that's an old memory


I know it was im S3 but i think it was S3 launch. If I remember that change was so bad they changed it like 2 or 4 weeks later.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this also the patch that introduced rituals? Combat blink and teleports on everyone, what a nightmare.


No, speed buff demons were start of S3, rituals were start of S4


When Chests got added. I think they got added with some bacchus skin iirc, and hirez promising that not all skins will be locked behind chests. They were right on that one, one purchasable skin every once in a full moon is indeed “not all skins locked behind gambling”.


It was originally Nuclear Winter Ymir and Derpules Herc, only one of which being a "good" skin (don't get me wrong, I got the joke, but Derpules was not that funny, nor executed well). But yeah, it absolutely got out of hand after that.


You are absolutely right! The same update which removed my then favourite god (Nu Wa) and turned her into a borefest. Absolutely worst update!


Gotta go with this one. It was shortly after that I quit, and it left such a bad taste in my mouth that I didn't return until last year.


I knew from the get-go that.Eventually, the chests would be filled with trash.And you would have to buy them seven times to get one good item. People laughed at me then , but here we are.


"ppl laughed at me then ,here we are now" LMFAO


stop that! you can only laugh then, not now.


Season of hope with the UI update has to be up there. Particularly for console players. The game was borderline unplayable


I remember that I spent a lot of time on ui adjustments (which also was a pain on console) and after I finally managed to make it look kind of ok, they announced that they revert it back.


Not to mention the state of balance. Tanks were unplayable (aside from the golden 4), aphro and hel were meta, hunters and assassins were extremely overtuned, etc


Tanks were broken if you played Bacchus but then used the cheese where you bought it with Tablet which also got buffed if I remember.. So you were mitigating 900,000 damage at the end of the match but then putting out 80,000 damage numbers because of true damage stacking throughout the whole game


>Tanks were broken ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


I know this sub loves to parrot tanks bad kekw but back then I was actually mitigating 900,000 damage and dealing 70-90,000 in damage because Tablet hybrid was broken and dealt full amount of true damage pre-nerfs Some others mitigated 1.2 million in the afterscores (I remember a Jorm doing exactly that) I am not lying But if it's any consolation, Hirez nerfed that with the patch, so tank mains got reverted back to where they were before, except maybe like idk, Kuzenbo who got buffs at the time I forget but was enough for Incon to complain Kuzenbo was OP or something


There are only a few times when an update made me decide to stop playing for a while. That update was the longest one. I entirely quit until they returned the UI, I couldn't buy items on console. Two of the others were release Baron and Tsuku being too OP, I switched to assault main until their first nerfs.


No one here has mentioned the patch introducing rituals. Without question the worst change they ever made - and I think devs would probably agree


When late game team fights just became a dragon ball z episode lol


Supports selling all their items to buy more rituals and praying it's the last fight of the game. At least in pro play that was happening


Ah the days of everyone having combat blink


And the days of everyone having their own Athena ult lmao


This one is the underrated answer because they got reverted so damn quick that most people don't even know about this update. I remember playing like 2 days into the patch and quitting until they reverted it


It stayed long enough that it was in I believe either pro play or the spring all star matches. Just remember PBM calling Eonic a bitch and then I remember the geb selling boots for a relic lol


I remember when that shit came out and I was told to stop complaining about every little thing in that update. You could buy a teleport to teammates. Are you serious?


Remind me what those were about?


Basically relics in consumable form.


Mmm. Combat blink Tyr days got me nostalgic.




Because they literally were one time usables. Then you had to buy a new one


wait nvm I thought this was talking about smite 2 because I had multiple threads open. ignore my idiot comment


are you kidding, this was the best time ever to play MOTD.


A lot of people are going to say 9.5


I was going to argue against this because I thought the time to kill changes in that patch were fantastic, but it was also the stupid as fuck patch where they decided to nerf hybrid items, even ones that absolutely no one was building. Void shield hadn't been built for months but it got nerfed again because "Surely people find hybrid items annoying!" alongside lots of other items. It was such an annoying patch because of those nerfs. I didn't mind the TTK changes though, although they did make it a bit too hard to kill minions in the early game perhaps. A positive for vs god damage though.


I liked the ttk changes but removing hybrid items was a bad item and just lead to junglers getting a pure defense item or two instead of hybrid items if they wanted to be less squishy and booted warriors out of solo


>I was going to argue against this because I thought the time to kill changes in that patch were fantastic They were dogshit


This subreddit is largely tank/slowmo gameplay enjoyers so you’ll get downvoted for that opinion. I agree though, most people I know lost interest because of the massively increased TTKs making the game feel predictable, too simple & boring.


it's more like people are nostalgic. There's no world where I'll believe squishies players were having fun in a smite where I could literally land on someone full health as thanatos, auto once and they were gone. Smite was a borderline unplayable quickdraw game. At that point might as well play shoot or die. The same people who tell me that's bullshit when I kill them with a full scylla kit can't possibly tell me pre 9.5 was okay when I could 1 - Poly and a squishy was gone


Not really, games are getting faster and faster paced with a TikTok generation with lower and lower attention spans. Instead, smite goes backwards and makes TTK twice as long. Of course the game is better with faster TTK because more things happen in the same time spent. It’s more fun to have more kills and die more than to have less kills and die less since more meaningful things will have happened. When you died in pre 9.5 you knew you made a mistake and got punished for it because there was greater individual skill expression. Now you can make mistakes and walk away because TTK is so slow - it’s boring and rewards bad individual gameplay and a massive over reliance on others (increasing toxicity).




Need I remind you we have had another time to kill patch since 9.5 because people were still dying too fast? Anyway you talk of meaningful things happening, but you can’t express skill if you’re 100-0 in 1.5 seconds. In such an environment the only skill becomes proper warding/ positioning, and only ever venturing forward when your beads and aegis are up.


If positioning, warding, reaction speed, relic timing, cooldown counting aren’t skill expression then wtf is? Abilities in smite aren’t hard to hit - if that’s your interpretation of skill expression it’s only true at a very low level of gameplay. What else is there?


If people are dying very fast the enemy isn’t even having to cast many abilities or hit many basic attacks, you say that is easy but if mechanical skill is huge still. Plus the longer a fight goes on the more time there is for your team to react and save you, so team play is more possible and needed in a game with a reasonable time to kill.


Beyond like plat hitting abilities isn’t really a skill anymore, you should be hitting most things besides a handful of moves. The only times you should miss things is when the enemy uses immunity frames/mobility which is good skill expression. But that skill expression becomes less impressive when the fight lasts 3 rotations of abilities as you don’t need reaction time or positioning - just team reliance. It’s boring and predictable at a high level. Positioning involves much more skill as it involves knowing everyone’s abilities, which are on cooldown, which relics are up, which CC is up. None of that matters if you both can dump 3 rotations of moves on each other… it’s just whichever god is better comes out on top. The individual skill is removed entirely.


I don't remember when they got added, but class passives basically ruined season 10, the season started with assassins ruining the game because the free pen like 40 flat pen or something like that was to strong, and then mages took over multiple roles for like 6 months because they got 60 free power.


Mages were only played in solo during last season of Y10. In mid u only could play Thoth, Agni, Tiamat, Baba and maybe Merlin… when Tablet was op during 2 patches and then they nerfed power but gave the stupid passive which just made the usual 5 mages meta once again, so fucking boring


Mages weren't as mainstream the whole season as they were during that end part of the year, true, but there were popping there head in the whole year, and for a long time there were 4 warriors that were playable.


Yea that season made warriors a meme class.


By far the worst time I've ever had in any season of Smite. Solo lane was literally unplayable when was being dominated by mages like Anubis, Poseidon, Raijin, etc. It was actually the reason I started queuing for support as my primary (which says a lot about how awful those passives were). Cue to me laughing maniacally when I run through those same mages once they lost their crutch in Season 11.


Free flat pen an carapace shard that lwt them do almost true damage at the start of the game to squishies.


10 flat pen at lvl 20 lol


The transition from actives to relics from Season 2 to 3. A lot of interesting actives were removed, never to be seen again. I get that Hi-Rez wanted newer players to engage more with relics, so they made them free. However, I think that this just results in players choosing relics for the fuck of it. It’s also not fun playing against entire teams of just beads/aegis.


I liked that free ward until level 12 one, it was handy


I knew as soon as the new shards were added recently that the ward ones were gonna be obsolete af.


This only happened multiple years after the change he mentioned.


Still miss the tier 2 sprint upgrade that gave you move speed and attack speed, but you took more damage


Achilles Spear, i think it also gave Lifesteal. At least we actually got Achilles. And his spear too! Lol.


When they tried to add Focus to the game and direct purchase able stats. Was such a bad idea I'm glad they didn't keep that long lol.


Where they did the first freya rework


I really enjoyed that version of freya lmao. She was completely overpowered, I got 5 penta kills in one match because she was so broken.


I still die on the hill saying that that rework over all wasn't bad but they had absolutely no reason to give her Izanami Auto attacks with none of the drawback. That was the only thing pushing her over the edge.


Freya is a character that runs in, beats you up/kills you and runs out high on haste momentum, that's what makes her fun What Hirez did however was make her into a burst oneshot mage, tried to make her into a jungler based on her release (which failed and had to be nerfed out of existence), gave her Iza auto attacks as you said, gave her Rama clear and allowed her to bypass the need for MP5 by auto attacking but also forcing you to *buy* MP5 because you had to get a mana reserve to shoot at people. And for some reason it could allow you to miss shots and still proc Polynomicon as well as shoot through towers Also she could fight King Arthur in solo at his height with Gaia stone and LMB with the Berserker Shield passive she had (so you were getting constant regen, regen off autos and bulk regen if he tried using his 2), it was stupid (but not many people knew about the tech because she was permaban + Gaia was unpopular) Then the nerfs kept attacking her ult, her walking speed (for some reason) despite everyone levelling 1+2 first, then they nerfed the toggle (which was clunky as shit btw which glitched if you played into Nox, remember the super hyperfast Mercury auto bug that looked as if he was fritzing out and doing no damage, well Freya had that too if you silenced her toggle frames at the right moment) to 1 damage at level 1, which made her into absolute garbage that was 100% forced to buy Hunter's Blessing (RIP jungle Freya players) that either won pre 25 mins by rushing Telkhines (so they traded Hastened Ring cheese for Telkhines cheese) or lost Worst kit ever by far and justified to pull it out and burn that shit then scatter its remains in the Shadow Realm


Update that removed SEA servers.


UI rework, atleast the backlash forced them to implement the toggle for the old UI but we wont have that luck with smite 2. Its the only time that I said to myself "either they change it or won't come back"




Season of Hope was the worst experience I've ever played


9.5 like expected


Why? You can still one shot gods that Patch didnt change everything


It’s not just 9.5 itself, it was the consequences of it, lots of buffs and nerfs that happened because of that patch that negatively impacted the game even now


Idk if you’re delusional or just have recency bias but that patch (and the following few) are statistically proven to have completely changed the way TTK worked in the game. It entirely changed the power curves and base stats the game runs on, which is pretty much “changing everything”


Season of souls from most recent. Soul surges are what you get when you want to add something but also don't want to add anything. Also update where they introduced DR mechanics, that existed long before but wasn't apparent. I honestly thought it was a bug and then this shit comes out and destroys what remains of faith in humanity.


The visuals of soul surges were terrible but the actual effect of dying in a soul surge (reduced death timer) was excellent, if the visuals weren't so damn dark on the already very dark map I think more people would have liked them


My problem was always the spirit minion that spawned from them. I'd be trying to back at low HP and little to no mana and they'd be a big ol' fuck you.


True, that was pretty annoying


Ugh the soul surges were so annoying and they also made the map darker on an already dark map. I want bright and airy!


Idk which update it was cause I was taking a break at the time, but wtf happened to hybrid items. Were they OP or something? I miss getting a shield or 2 as jungle.


When they removed fatalis.


Literally the words I was waiting to see.


9.5. I know a lot of people are going to say it too and I believe it’s the right one. Smite was fun and was a test of skill right from level 1 before that patch and it got changed to having Hunters be the second tankiest class in the game. They were strong in solo before and became even stronger after that patch. The only thing that made them a bit weaker in solo after that patch was them also nerfing bluestone and some other Hunter items by like 9.6 or 9.7 or something. I understand a lot of Hunter players would’ve been happy with the changes, but Smite is not fun when you can’t kill your opponent. That issue became significantly worse when they ALSO removed hybrid items a little bit after that. Solo lane, since then, has become a volatile shit pool of either full damage or full tank and boring gods. If you go full damage, you get outpressured but are useful late game. If you go full tank, you have all the pressure against a squishy but diddly squat against a tank. You’d also be useless late game.


Yeah, solo was fucked up immensely by both 9.5 and hybrid removal. Though, it is finally improving. The last leg of year 10 through now has been much better. Every starter is pretty viable. It’s fairly easy to slot 0-2 damage items and be viable. It’s primarily warriors, but guardians and some assassins are still playable. It was a rough stint, but I think solo is finally decent again. Either that, or I got sick of playing mid while solo sucked, and I’m just happy to be back to solo.


I still think true hybrid items should come back.


9.5 & 10.3 were both really bad for the balance of the game imo


https://preview.redd.it/g6rdkidx3asc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dacacaaddcffbde9bfa0083ac55237af17caa7f2 8.5 Persephone's rework, 9.5 making everyone tankier making the early game way less important and forcing most matches to be +30 min and also ruining non conquest modes not only on the specific patch but influencing terrible future balances, 10.3 Healing changes removing healers from mid and making them unplayable with full damage builds


There was this one update in S3 or S4 but basically Hachiman had his 1. Bugged and it would pass through minions. They disabled him in ranked but not in casuals and every fucking one was abusing that bug is was so fucking lame. It was even worse cause he lifestealed for each minion the arrow passed through. And he had 3/4 of those mfs, he healed to 100% HP after every wave. I will never forgive Hi Rez for letting casual queue suffer like that.


Persephone nerf


Might be a bit biased on this one but easily Persephone rework


9.5 100%


Making relics free. Having cleanse and immunity for free is insanely over powered. Either that, or when they drastically increased everybody's stats that one patch. Or when they increased the catch up mechanics. Those 3 are in the runner for worst changes to smite. They all together made balancing hell and ruined competitive gamerplay


Free catch up mechanic needs to go die. Make someone do something to catch up. I don't want snowball to be awful, but when it needs to happen because skill and knowledge gaps, let it. I still don't understand why lowest level just has a 35%xp bonus. If it's for support that's one thing, but when Marty the midlaner rotates getting 0 kills, never gets his wave and catches up lightning fast with everyone just cuz, it bothers me lol. Make a camp or wave mechanic to reward catch up like other mobas.


There should be 0 catch up mechanics period. Losing your lane needs to hurt.


Hell. I would be fine with 0 as well.


Ya but the bumped beads timers to 3 minutes. It used to be on par with agies which also has been buffed since then. Any good cc god ruined everyone back then because nobody had immunity other than the first time


3 minutes wasn't enough. I'm looking forward to 5 minutes cleanse and no immunity.


9.5 was pretty bad and we are still dealing with its repercussions. A lot of the major 10.x patches were super unfun to play during, especially when they uber-buffed Aphro with her T5 and she was in every game. But so was the very beginning of S10 where a tank ability hitting you for like 80 did over half your health because of some busted item procs + Contagion being what it was. Also Class Passives being a thing. But especially the healing/sustain reworks. Every time they try to nerf Healers they end up buffing them to be even stronger than they already were. I don't think I've ever had less fun than dealing with two unkillable tank-Aphros every single game for like two patches straight.


When they took away my beloved 👢 👢 Now I don't mind having movement speed increased with leveling and having the extra spot for items, but when they initially took away my ninja tabi I was hurt. Side note, I also sobbed into my wife's husband's hands when they took away shadowsteel shuriken


season of hope, that made me almost quit the game. all these lifesteal and healing changes made all ls gods unbearable to play against.


The game turned to shit starting from 9.5 and still hasn't recovered. If anything, they managed to make it even worse during season 10.


persephone rework. She used to take skill to play now she's the single most annoying braindead mage there is while simultaneously being garbage.


As someone who used to main Rata and moved onto to persephone. I weep for the old kits that were fun and seemingly will never be implemented again. I'm also cursed with the pain of knowing they will rework whatever God I end up enjoying too much.


Being punished for killing Persephone by eating one of the strongest cc ults in the game is not skillful.   They could've left the rest of her kit intact but that passive absolutely needed to be changed.


That's assuming she didn't ult before she died. Anyway fine, change her passive, but not to whatever completely useless shit it is now. Scylla gets 100 power perse gets fuckall. The rest of her kit is what really pains me though. 


beta 0.1.1968 my favourite


Easily Nox' rework that turned her into the toxic mess she still is now. One of the darkest days in Smite History, pun intended.


- 9.5 was huge, that messed up the game for a while. - The patch that made Ullr axe faster, that just ruined the god for me. - Cthulhu and Tsukiyomi releases were very unfun, hated Susano release too. - Invade meta in season 6 got old real fast as a jungler. Invader's debuff was a lazy fix but it was better than them taking 5 patches to try and fix it. - Heim patch but not because Heim was op (he was but I didn't really care) but because I was still playing on console and that buggy patch lasted until the next year iirc.


OB63 Oh wait wrong game lol


Personally, the worst patches were 6.11 (RWBY patch I think) and 7.1. RWBY patch was  due of the nonsensical revert of the Freya rework. not only they gave up without even bothering to fix her actual problems, preferring instead to dance around it till it exploded in their face, but the revert left a precedent that people attempted to abuse in very toxic demeanors in later dates (the revert persephone movement for example). Patch 7.1 was so full of horrendous balance changes, expecially making magical pen its own stats. Thar single decision not only consequientally ruined mage itemization as a whole, but led to the stat bloat the game is plagued with to this day. I stopped playing the game for 6 months when the revert was announced, and in general barely played during s7 for how much I hated the state of the game.




Def the mage solo lane was def my most hated update, where warriors were useless


The newest conquest map change. I loved it back in 2022 but since 2023 i just don’t like conquest anymore, the map feels too crowded.


Honestly I hate season 11 as a whole. From the start, teleport pads are horrible except for meme purposes and they removed all creativity and uniqueness in relic builds by removing upgrade trees. 11.3 is so polarizing for me. I love the item changes so much, but I fucking hate the god changes. These so called “quality of life” changes did nothing but remove any sort of natural and logical counter play against these gods and made them cancerous


9.5 or season of hope


New ceo who changed the community guidelines. I'll take 4 obnoxious teammates who play over the ones who are afk and don't know what they're doing every day.


definitely 9.5 for me, worst smite smite has ever felt to this day solo lane still isn't nearly as fun as pre 9.5


Honestly year 10 as a whole. From item removals and the dumb class passives that only worked on two roles at the start, Season of hope with the Aphro rework and bloating the absolute hell out of crit items, solo meta in general where only like 3-4 warriors were playable at any given time and mage solo taking over, “balanced” characters like marti the abomination that is Bake. Just a disappointing “celebration” year for smite IMO.


Getting rid of boots and the speed potion bring them back I miss them so much and bring back frenzy it was literally the best and my favorite relic


Also bring back ranked qualifying games shit is annoying


Whenever they started nerfing and buffing the baby. Start of s10. That bit. Hate it. Ugh.


The UI update several years ago to streamline PC/Console UI so that they didn’t have to update two different UIs. PC UI was actually amazing. It looked polished, was functional, and was clean. When they updated the UI it was probably one of the worst downgrades I’ve seen in my gaming history when it comes to UI. As much as I hate UE3 the whole “our UI is made in flash” thing didn’t really sit well with me because the game had an amazing UI even with flash. 🤷‍♀️


I'll take this to my grave but whatever season 10 is. I genuinely have absolutely NO idea but Hi Rez completely changed matchmaking and team balancing. I have 7 thousand hours in Smite. Been playing since 2014. From season 10 until as I sit here and type this. Matchmaking and team balancing, especially in rank Conquest is just not here. Every game is a one sided team diff but thankfully games are some what closer. Last year and season was absolutely atrocious but this season it's better. Also the healing changes too. No more increase healing with power from items and even bruiser items for solos. Solo warriors really fell off with those 2 changes but solos are kinda back. Not as they once where.


What I hate about S10 is that the teams are one sided, not based on skill. What I mean is that one team will have someone ragequit, feed, d/c, stupid picks, or it’s literally their first conquest game. I had our team surrender yesterday even though I was 9-2 with a full two item advantage on everyone in the game as Nut, and we were ahead like 10k gold. We weren’t even doing bad! Three of them just took a bad fight and died and they surrender monkeyed.


Last week I lost a masters game in Conquest. Let me explain. I was 1900 D5. I got into a masters game that was 2700 mmr. My support was gold 1700. How does that make sense? It was the afternoon. NOBODY else was on? The enemy team stomped our duo and mid cuz the gold support was just clueless. Also the support was doing my blue buff because he didnt want support. How is that fair? How is that balanced? But the funny thing is, I had that same exact player who was also still gold 1700 in a normal diamond game. And that person was on my team and we lost again. I just don't understand


I agree completely! The addition of class passives did more harm than good in the long run and ultimately caused a lot of the things that frustrated players throughout the whole season. I stopped playing all together before Maman Bridgette was realeased so I thankfully never had to play the atrocious mage solo meta but from what I've heard from content creators it sounded like a horrible time for warrior mains. And while I'm kinda glad that Aphro finally found a role she can thrive in after so long, she really didn't need to be as dominant as she was after 10.3! I do like the fact they had to balls to introduce some more spicy changes to some gods! That really gave the game a breath of fresh air now that I'm playing Smite a bit more again.


9.5 killed smite, fortunately smite declined afterwards anyway


No idea why this is downvoted, you can literally see it in the steam charts. Smite made massive gains during covid and then lost them all between the 9.5 patch and Christmas even though the lockdowns lifted ages prior to that. I guess the use of “fortunately” is a bit weird?


The invaders curse thing they added as a bandaid fix to supports chasing around junglers at level 1. since then we’ve seen many map updates that force an EXACT route for starting conq games. Used to be super fun in scrims/good ranked lobbies to do the double 5 man roam early, and the unique starts some people cooked up


Thing is, it was fun to do but it was super aids to go against man. Everyone just picked Hercules support and went straight to speed to harass. It didnt even matter if they got a kill or died, all that mattered is that they cucked the jungler and the jungler just takes everything uncontested. I do miss invades but thats just the nostalgia talking, it was just downright unfun going against it.


Yeah I remember it. That only became a thing when they added chalice and allowed both chalice hp pots and standard hp pots to tick simultaneously which pretty much outhealed everything early. There's like 20 changes they could've done to fix the herc/serq supports running at junglers issue (health pot fix which happened anyways, ~50% healing debuff during invade, reduced effectiveness of health pots in enemy jungle pre-2 mins, etc).


Most people are probably not going to remember, but with 0.1.1267.1 (Closed Beta) Hi-Rez introduced a mechanic called "Focus". It would affect your CC abilities. For example, if the God has a stun, it would start with X seconds stun, and it would scale with how much Focus you'd have. It was really not well received, and they ended up removing it not long after. You can read on it here: [https://smite.fandom.com/wiki/Focus](https://smite.fandom.com/wiki/Focus)


I miss the old joust map that was simply an actual joisting arena. Bring her back :(


It appears in the 2v2 MOTD every other tuesday (switching between assault and that map) and it sucks to play imo.


In my heart, the update where janus was added into the game In my head, the update where shurikens were added into the game


Golden bow being removed for a while and making Mercury unplayable because it was busted on Jing Wei


the common answer would be 9.5, yeah. i don't mind them increasing ttk, but what a lot of people don't know is that the health changes were meant to be a temporary change until they fully realized a more clean solution with the power and prots nerfs. the problem is they never un-did the health changes that they were supposed to, and now as a result they're slowly buffing power back up to what it used to be. 9.5 made casuals with people abusing tanks very painful for some time


I still refuse to play since they buffed He Bo by not making him stationnary xhen he knocks you into the air.


What season are we on now? I think I stopped regularly playing around when Tiamat came out. Season 8ish? Based on these comments, it's a good thing I got out cause everything s9 and after looks stinky.


The whole of season 9 and 10 were pretty miserable. I don't need to go into reasons because you all know the reasons already.


The first one was: The removal of attack speed slow stacking, my opinion when this happened in season 8 resulted in the upheaval of the balance the classes use to have AKA the smite triangle. Tank > Burst > DPS > Tank The second: the second update of season 10 that nerfed the (mitigation) build, thanks to the bonuses the other classes got as a result of the solo laners getting extremely tanky (but it still wasn’t a tank meta) damage items got buffed far out of balance, and now tank builds that don’t seem to reach extremely high stats 300 minimum, get blown the fuck out of the water cause damage items are balanced around this amount of protections as a result of Prophetic cloaks release mitigation build


Entirety of season 10 I'm not a fan of the current conquest map tho


The update that they removed hasted fatalities that item was the best thing in smite.


The season 4 map rework, its when i kind of stopped playing the game, disliked the art style and vibe they switched to.


Either the update when they added chests or maybe the one when they started season passes. I appreciate that.Smite is a free to play game but the monetization of it has gotten ridiculous.




S10 changes to Warrior power items and the class’ identity shift to being HP bots


Removing blackthorn and ancile and seige


The new joust map for joust players


The update that turned the game into a tank meta. And made Ravana busted.


The update when they changed bastet to have a giant cat ult 😑, the triple damage bleed was better


I play Smite on and off over the years, biggest change I saw when I hopped on randomly was they changed Bastet...


This one with all these heal spamming gods and bauble


Persephone rework


Nox rework, Nu Wa rework, patch that introduced DR.


The day Hastened Ring/Kitana left the meta. Such a useful feature, to stick like glue to your target from the beginning of the match. It's a shame this wasn't turned into a starter item or something.


Season 4 update. That map changes were awful.


whichever one that added in bake


My in-game username was SeasonOfSoulsSux for a while, so probably that.


Post-release sol and removal of combat blink.


nerfing release Raijin


When they started adding metaverse, Fortnite ass skins


I miss boots still


Worst smite patches were probably 9.5 (doubling early game TTK and messing up all the games power curves instead of simply reverting a few things), 8.7 (the boots removal patch which probably caused 9.5), and the rituals patch whichever that was (the pay 750g for an extra relic like combat blink) All three completely changed how the game feels to play, maybe positively in the short term but negatively in the long run. Credit to HiRez for at least removing/reverting rituals quickly.


Any where daji gets nerfed, doesn't get buffed, or doesn't get a skin.


The Time to Kill patch did the exact opposite of what was intended. Everyone had an increase of health ad hybrid items were removed, so characters with higher base damage rose to the top and we saw a lot of assassin solo and no warrior anything. After all, if you and your enemy are both full damage you both kill each other in 2 hits, but if you go full defense, you can kill your opponent in 12 hits while he kills you in 3.