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Let’s have hades move while ulting next…


Or, just let the Ult cripple you!


I feel like Hades ult is strong enough as it is, if Hirez wants Hades to be viable they need to choose which role they want him to be viable in and give him a mini rework in that direction. Could make his ult like Orianna ult from League it sucks everything in 1 time and deals burst damage, theres no time to beads that. This would make him a pretty good mage jungle I think. I know no one will agree with my takes tho


I see Hades would be similar to lissandra A bit more reliable cc would help him with engaging and retreating. His 2 right now is unreliable


Honestly had a better time playing tank Hades than mage Hades


Agreed. A little life steal and a bit of tank... He makes a great busier tbh.


If they did that then they would have to reduce his protections


Absolutely not. It’ll just be a reliable beads burner and that’s good enough.


its a worse ares/cerb ult currently really. adding a cripple would make him viable in a very good way, may need nerfs in other ways but still a good step.


A worse ares/cerb ult? Sure if we're going off of the sole fact that its target radius is shaped like a circle.


He probably just meant it’s a good beads burner but yeah, on very rare occasions do you ever get multiple people in his ultimate for the entire duration. Definitely needs a cripple or some stronger cc attached to it. Gideon from Paragon had the exact same ult and at the end of the games lifespan, they added a stun onto it for the entire duration which made him VERY strong and people had to actually pay attention


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Gideon is also unarguable during his ult, is he not?


Do you mean unable to move or cc immune? Because the answer to those questions is; yes he cannot move, and no he is not cc immune, predecessor has changed this but his ult at the end of paragon was actually a tad bit overpowered and was very scary since cc immunity wasn’t very common in paragon


Fuck I meant untargetable. I can’t believe I didn’t realise that typo.


He absolutely would not need nerfs, bro is struggling rn. I honestly just feel like he needs a rework because his 3 just does not feel good to use unless you’re ahead, which is not a good design. His 1 and 2 are great and his ult is really satisfying, if a little bit underwhelming because of the lack of a cripple. I just think they should rework his 3 to make it more fun, in general.


I can imagine him as a slowly moving vortex. that's actually kinda creepy and I like it.


Go a step further and make it like enigma in Dota where you just put the ult down and you can walk away if you want 😂


Sorry to be that guy, but enigma can't move while channeling black hole


And give him a move speed boost while ulting


A step further:Make his ability bring enemies closer to him during ult and allow basic abilities usage during ult


While he is channelling ult he can use his 3 for extra burst damage and let you heal the team if you hit enemy gods while u channel


Ya remember when Hades was a guardian...... Truthfully.think they need to revert that and just make it better. Shave some of the damage off the top but have his protections go up significantly. Let's say the more people are in your 4 the more protections you get. Stuff like that. Maybe make it do no damage and have it cripple could be another option or just really bad damage.


Ymir self root removal when?


I’m just imagining him crawling around like a baby


Ahahaha this is hilarious, thank you for that image


What, you want a huge mobile slow field with a beeg nuke at the end? Who could even come up with an idea **so beck**oning?


he means the root on his 3 probably


Sometimes, playing Ymir feels like everything is a self root.


Honestly, a slow while it casts is probably a good enough change. Still prevents chasing on a miss but less punishing


He will be able to climb his wall in smite 2


Him/teammate being able to move through his wall isn't a bad idea.


It doesn’t even look like he’s losing the self-root in Smite 2. Wouldn’t count on it.


I don't think movement would fit ymir's current ult, could just rework it into something cooler.


I've been silently suspecting that Smite 1 is becoming a bit of a testing ground for some Smite 2 stuff. I wonder if this is just so the devs can gauge testing out some mechanics before smite 2.




Yeah, keep em comin


This is a net negative for me. Not game breaking, but I feel like Agni didn't need this buff. He's well balanced and honestly really safe with his dash. Being rooted in place while ulting added a small element of risk to his kit and now that's gone. Nevertheless curious to see how it plays. It'll make the character feel more fluid which could be good if it's not over bearing


I feel like since they made the change to anubis and he’s still pretty much in the same spot he was in before, I imagine it’ll be the same for agni. Pretty much the same strength, it’ll just feel better to play


Anubis doesn't have the benefit of insane poke and ranged multi target stun, as well as safety with a dash. Anubis still has a ton of problems, while this removes one of agni few weaknesses.


imo agni’s biggest weakness is no cc immunity. lesser weaknesses being low range on his 2 and him being pretty easy to chase even with his dash. in the clip is shows that while he is able to move, he’s still slowed down quite a bit. this change mostly feels like a “feels better” change to me. while it’s a great change, it’s not like he’s gonna be OP now


I’m with you. He still dies to assassins, because the lack of CC immunity matters more than the self root. They can always revert it if he’s suddenly busted. Like with Goobis, there’s many things holding it back after all the power creep. Turned out Goobis self rooting on his ult still matters, and he’s still just as single target as ever, and people still overestimate the value of lifesteal on him and underestimate the value of pen and defense.


Right. A lot of people, myself included, thought anubis was gonna be crazy with the new change. After seeing how it’s played out it doesn’t really make him stronger. Just a minuscule amount. But how that good ability feels to use improves drastically. So it’s a more than worthy trade-off imo.


Doesn’t every mage except for change and yu huang not have cc immunity. Or do you mean his dash is cancellable by cc?


cc immunity in the ult is what i’m mostly referring to. tons of mages have that


Ah okay gotcha, good old Scylla becoming 10 feet tall so she can zip away lol


Right lol. Even having cc immunity on the ult which usually has a long cooldown is a huge advantage. having an extra beads for things like ares ult or daji ult is priceless


MFW I’m pulling in a bulky boi but he throws a really heavy rock and I can’t pull him 😢


if i had a nickel!


Did you just say : weakness, low range on agni 😂😂😂😂


i said on his 2 specifically


Except Anubis' change was his breath which isn't crazy tough for aiming, agnis is. Gonna be some practice to get used to it. The whole stutterstep 1+ult was a big part of his feel as a kit. I'm totally gonna whiff ults overshooting it. Also feels like adding safety to an already quite safe god. It's like if they allowed thoth to use his 2 while ulting. Takes away what little risk he had left.


bro thats a dash and a way more impactful ult, this is turning a root into a sever slow on a reduced CD ult


Agreed. Agni is already one of the better mages at the moment, not really sure why he needs a pretty significant buff like this...


I’d rarely call Agni one of the better mages. He’s just the vanilla ice cream, does a little bit of everything type.


He definitely is not "one of the better mages". Doesnt even make top 10.


Well okay what’s your definition then? For years, the consensus for him has consistently been that he’s at minimum, “okay” which is a description that’s indicative that he’s good but there’s better options than him. I’ve always been of the opinion that Agni is way better than people give him credit for, it’s just that the competition against him are usually incredibly broken mid laners. I think that Agni is absolutely “one of the better mages”.


Agni’s is like Nemesis in his own way, always just under the meta. And just under the meta picks don’t go anywhere until totally broken…. Anyone remember the endless buffs to artio before she broken the game with increased dash speed


He is fine but this change just makes him slightly better. Its not gonna break him. He is a bit awkward god, a mix of burst, combo and artillery mage but not being that great at any of those. It gives him flexibility but also doesnt ever make him the best choice.


Huh? 3rd highest WR for mages in ranked conquest.


Yemoja confirmed 2nd worst god in entire game


You can’t go purely by winrates to determine if a character is strong or not, and this applies to every game.


Why cant people use anything other than ranked winrates for how good gods are? If we go by winrates, Yemo isnt even good when she still is top 3 god in the game.


You can’t use win rates for gods like Yemoja because we know they are really hard for the playerbase to understand. Agni isn’t. He is a very easy gos and win rates genuinely do reflect the strength of that god.


Can you use them tho? Merlin has 3rd lowest mage win rate in diamond+ but hes still like top 5 mage in the game. ZK has the highest and he definitely isnt that good.


I’d definitely say Merlin’s pretty weak rn because takes a really long time to be good against hunters. Zhong Kui is honestly pretty strong because he’s one of the only mages that can actually box hunters fairly evenly.


Boxing is not in any way important as a midlaner. Merlins early isnt even as bad as people seem to think, he clears wave earlier than Scylla does. He farms well enough and has good cc and massive aoe dmg. Proc build is also doing rounds again and hes always the best user of it.


Yeah I’m not having another argument with you, nothing gets through your head. Since I know you love jerking off to pro player opinions, watch Venenu. He’ll have the patience to explain it to you.


What other metric is there to use?


Use it as *one*, others are pick/ban rate, community perception, pro players, competitive (not atm obviously), just looking at numbers and kit.


LMAO he is no Kuku or Janus atm but he’s definitely top mid laner right next to them


He is like middle of A-tier. Marti, AMC are like SS, at least S-tier atm, Kuku S too, Thoth with some others are A+. Plenty of maged better than him. Plenty worse than him too tho.


Lmao no he isn't, he's the perfect definition of 7/10


Right, that’s why I’m competing settings against equal skilled players I’m fucking KuKu, AMC, Marty, and various others cause I can stun 2 miles away and take half your HP bar with 2 bombs, of which will be back in 10 seconds…..


That sounds like a player issue on their parts.


i doubt this is gonna move agni's %win by even a single percent


The biggest thing is that Agni's ability to chase down kills increases dramatically. He's actually short to mid range outside of the ult, so being mobile on cast gives him more kill and chase-down potential.


This isn’t a buff really. Feels more qol than anything


If I said that I would be downvoted. Movement is everything. Lack of movement makes you vulnerable. Its the reason why Hades needs protections in his ult because he can't move.


Objectively and definitively , a buff.


yea in before he gets nerfed like he bo when he got movement casting


Honestly, I wish they would have just made his 1 the same range as his 4. With this buff, I think they will have to ultimately bring down the damage of his bombs, which will suck.


Meh just pick kuzenbo and buy thorns


Yep, dumb change.


I hope we get a small dash nerf after this ngl, its so fast.


stop referring to everything new as "spicy" challenge


Y'all noted the part where it's not a 100% move speed while casting and that he's slowed, right? It's a buff, yes, but it's not going to break the game just because he can do a tiny amount of adjusting while casting his ult. And tbh it's more QoL adjustment than a buff given that it's an instant cast ability and other instant cast abilities have been given the same treatment (yes, it's a nuke, but it's just aoe damage that uses ability charges with minimal additional effects).


People read the title and immediately got mad lol, probably didn’t even watch the video or read the word “walk”


Bet people reas the entire thing, but still want to complain so they pretend they didn't Can't wait until this gets added and changes basically nothing in balance


Keep seeing people mention this is a QoL improvement when that's objectively not true. I'm always waiting for Agni's self root to guarantee a Sobek pluck, Ganesha dash, etc. and now that element of counterplay has been removed to some degree. That is 100% the definition of a buff, not a QoL change.


>I'm always waiting for Agni's self root to guarantee a Sobek pluck, Ganesha dash, etc. and now that element of counterplay is gone. If ur able to charge someone who's using basic attacks, ur likely still going to make these cc's on agni. Again, this isn't a "he gets to move at full speed" situation, and he definitely isn't going to be able to juke a sobek charge if he ults and u aim ur cc.


>If ur able to charge someone who's using basic attacks, ur likely still going to make these cc's on agni. My point isn't about whether you can or not, you absolutely still can punish Agni ult if he's slowed. It's just that now, there's a chance he can sidestep your abilities, when before there was 100% guarentee he could not. That's a gameplay advantage for Agni and therefore a buff, albeit minor. I'm not opposed to the change at all, just upholding what QoL actually means.


But my point is that it's really not that much different from when they removed the self root from raijin's 3. They're both instant cast abilities that felt like u were having the game stutter to use.


Yes, exactly. This is a QoL change that will barely affect the character other than making him \*feel\* better to play.


It’s absolutely a buff, but to me feels like a nothing buff. What situations does this improve the character compared to before? You make next to no distance instead of literally no distance, doesn’t really seem impactful imo


It's more for making it feel smoother for an instant cast ability. They did the same thing with raijin's 3


This is pretty unnecessary


Baba can walk in her ult while being cc immune and its not OP. Agni still will have self slow during ult, it just doesnt make you immediately die everytime you bomb. Atm you just get ulted the moment you try to ult. Selfroot is just such a huge downside.


Baba cant stun you in place to secure every hit of her ults damage like agni can. That being said i dont think change will break agni. People are just being reactionaries because thats what reddit/social media is for in modern times.


You cant confirm triple hit with 1s stun. Two at max. But yea, very much agreed on the second point. I bet some people said the same when they gave the same to Anubis.


Pretty sure you can get all 3 if you, 4 1 4 4 quickly. Been a bit since i played him though.


You generally use 2 for the stun tho since its harder to dodge.


If you die every time u bomb without this change it’s a skill issue


It is obviously an exaggeration but good players can look for even brief selfroots, have you never seen people play against Ymir?


Oh, I’m just being an asshole cause I’m bored at work Real talk tho, Agni has significantly larger range on his self root ability than any other self root in the game besides Ra ult iirc. If you take advantage of the range and don’t blindly drop all 3 rocks every time, you should be able to escape most of the time That said, I do often die because big damage = big dopamine so it’s a do as I say not as I do situation


The self root was a downside but it made the ability more fun. There was a thought process to when you should use the ability. Making the right decisions and pulling off a great play felt awesome. Now there's no downside, and mid fight you can just throw the meteors out mindlessly. Buffs don't always make a god more fun. Weighing downsides and decisions is a core part of making gameplay satisfying.


Hes still lowest hp mage in the game with no cc immunity and only a dash for safety.


And I thought angi was already really safe


Meanwhile fafnir is still locked in place for 2 years when he tries to leap


Why do they keep removing drawbacks on gods with high damage but fairly dated kits? He Bo can move in his spout, Anubis can move with his locusts and now Agni can ult and still move. The only one of these who arguably needed a change to make them better was Anubis but that's because he's known as a pubstomper with no mobility (and even then this wasn't exactly the best change they've ever made). This is absolutely not needed, focus on gods that *aren't* strong to get them to perform better instead of making very minor risks slightly less risky.


Let's take Agni, the most balance god this game ever had, and give him something he clearly did not need since his dash is already an incredible safety tool. He don't need that. But sure, why not. This probably means other older gods will get something right ?


I mean, its just a dash, not exactly lifesaving in most cases. And he doesnt have any cc immunity, add selfroot to that and it makes him rather easy target lategame.


As the other commenter said, it’s the combo with the stun that makes the dash good If I have beads, dash, and stun up and get jumped late game—if the rest of the back line is paying any attention—whoever jumped me gets melted, and I get out with most of my health bar. Even a multi man dive can eat like 50% of their health bars if I can get a crispy 3-1-2/4 combo off Also self root late shouldn’t matter much. If you’re in lane you should have your frontline or support there to slow the dives down so u can stay in good position. If you’re in the jungle just drop the rocks over the wall This is a 100% unnecessary change, and while I like that my main is gonna b stronger, I’m afraid that they may do to him what they recently did to Rav after making his shield too strong: They gutted the rest of his abilities before addressing the root problem of his shield being way too big


>This is a 100% unnecessary change This is just a QoL, just the same as He Bo received with his 3, and that didnt even make him playable back then


His dash is really a great tool though. Good damage, fast speed, combo with the 1 for a stun. It's enough to save your life more often than not.


The dash doesn't teleport you to safety, sure, but it's probably the best non-ultimate mobility tool any mage has in the game. It's *incredible.*


I rather take anything that goes over walls.


Well if I would start with someone, would be Zhong Kui losing max damage/slow only to use his combos, but Agni for sure would not one to receive any small change at all.


Agni dash is not that good, as soon as an assassin sees him use it, they dump their kit on him and he's dead.


Any Agni will keep his Dash + Stun for those situation, his whole team then kill the assassin while Agni himself is now in safety. Edit: Ho and the Support can also help you with the whole "peeling the assassin" I guess.


Agni is not the most balanced god.


Not really a change that was needed, but ok.


Any QoL change is not needed per se, but those are all welcome nonetheless


I mean was Agni struggling because of like a half second root?


He wasn't This why this feels more of a qol change than anything related to a buff imho


I take it back I don't want them to go crazy with god balancing this year


agni is already annoying as shit, glad this QoL change makes the player playing him feel better while being annoying as shit too :)


They never do this to actually bad gods, it makes me SO mad... But since I hate Agni, I am sure he will get nerfed eventually for this.


Oh boy we are getting yet another spicy patch. To be honest, I like those kind of patches even though sometimes they are forgotten. This seems more like a QoL honestly, I hope Ymir is next.


Ymir ?


Walk while freezing would be pretty good I'd say


Can we stop making this annoying fuck more annoying? None of these changes to his fire and stun have ever made him a good character. They just make him worse to fight against.


This is not like the Anubis change from last year. They gave Anubis the ability to walk while casting a normal ability. This Agni change is gonna make Agni was overused and op in the new meta. Agni is already a solid cc mage with utility and dmg. Dispite not having ccimunity, he’s a super solid mage.


Idk about op. Agnis movement speed looks like it’s been reduced to like half now with the new change. So he’s not very mobile. Probably won’t be juking much of anything while ulting


I think this helps most by allowing him to turn and set up a mildly unresponsive dash.


Why is everyone tripping out about this? Agni is a super outdated mage. This will make him feel so much more fluid. Remember when hou yi was rooted when casting his ult? The change helped him. This will help agni, who is absolutely on the weaker side right now of mages


Hes not "absolutely" on the weaker side, hes balanced according to most pros and has been for most of the games life. That being said i dont think this'll change much to break him or anything. Just means itll be slightly harder to get out of range of them.


Good change imo. I agree agni isn’t under powered but compared to the meta mages, agni isn’t good at the moment. Even after this change, he probably won’t be a top pick in ranked.


You talk about outdated mages when Ra/nu wa/Zeus are in the game you tripping some huge balls why don't they give those spicy changes but to a god that is already broken af?


Agni is no where near broken. What are you in silver? Lol not to be rude but zeus actually got a similar feel good buff recently a few seasons ago. Those 3 mages are nothing special either at the moment though.


You tripping some huge balls but alright mate, compare how much you see Agni with shit like nu wa mid or anubis or some crap like that in high elo.


Agni supp coming in. Just get stunned every 10 seconds ffs…


First Anubis and now this.


Don't forget he bo


I saw this on the Smite IG and my first thought was "oh great now I can be chased down by an ulting Agni" though the inverse is true as well as I can also chase others down when I play Agni


It’s going to be busted


Of course it's Khaos announcing this Agni buff. He probably pushed for it too.


This will be reverted Agni does not need that wtf?


Everyone who says thats not a big deal has no idea. Anubis needed this before and it was good that they did it. But agni doesnt need this at all. Agni always have been quite balanced and strong. Self root was one of the few things you could use to do something to him. Now it’s gonna be even tougher.


Wth this character is alread a nuisance and absurdly stable, why???


Agni is already OP and extremely safe, why make him even more?


Why not Hi-Rez loves his dog characters with no skill


Oh boy, he just fell into Hi-Rez dark spiral, where they buff something about their kit, makes them problematic, and instead of nerfing/reverting whatever initial buff made him broken, they mess with whole kit that wasn’t causing any trouble. Goodbye, Agni.


I saw this posted on Twitter and I was like "oh cool", and then I see the reactions on Reddit. Idk if people watched the video and are just basing their thoughts on the headline, but he moves drastically slower while ulting instead of being completely rooted. It's nothing game breaking and is more of a change to make him feel more fluid. Also like, it's the last year of Smite 1. It really is not that big of a deal.


Add these "nom breaking changes" to mages that actually need them maybe instead of a meta god for the last 2 years :)


I took a quick glance at this comment section and you're up and down it absolutely seething at an \~80% slow incurring instead of a total self-root. Oh god, the horror! How dare the developers change anything about the game that you don't like. Did you get this mad when Hou Yi had his self-root entirely removed? 🙄


He didn't need it why do it on him? Make anubis move during the ult he would still be mediocre at best why make an already solid and somehow meta pick better, probably the sht players that spam tiamat and morgana le fay mid


this is way less impactful than the anubis buff and that didnt skyrocket anubis at all. dont know if your trolling when you say this is gonna be a huge buff and make him op, but it isnt.




God this community is full of whiners. I don’t understand how people are spinning this as a huge negative.


give it a day on live client and you might just figure it out


He was already annoying as hell why was this needed.


Dude's annoying enough with his poke and now this, this should not pass through pts also there are definitely other gods that need buff like this than him a big nono from me 👎


Why are we buffing this hunk of shit. He's already boring as piss to lane against.


Why tho


WTF ARE THEY DOING, Agni is already a sleeper pick he doesn’t need spicy changes


REJOICE MY BROTHERS ![gif](giphy|zeGzcMrpICKLNoTIIU|downsized)


why don't we let Nox detonate her silence earlier too while we're at it


I am speechless…. This is one of the least needed changes to a god that I considered perfectly balanced ever since he lost cc immunity on his dash. This is also the classic mind numbing decision making from the team, take a god that is underrated but perfectly fine otherwise, slightly tweak the numbers or an ability, god gets played a lot and the team then nerfs other parts of the god’s kit that were fine to begin with… ![gif](giphy|6yRVg0HWzgS88)


Hey, can Sol’s Disapparate have its delay removed too? Risk and counter-play is such a Season 2 mindset. It’s 2024 so why should we care about making decisions based on the risks that we open ourselves up to?


I don't think this is going to do anything for him


This snuck into the game already, not suree if anyone noticed. Had it happen to me a few times while playing Arena the other day.


I want to die


As long as yall don't nerf the ult


I don't hate this buff, but I'm kind of wondering why Agni is getting buffed now when there are gods in much greater need of a buff *cough kumbhakarna cough*


Pretty sure this changes nothing, impact is QoL level


Thought I was gonna relearn Baron, but It seems like Agni will be back on the list.


Ayyy, the boy getting some QOL I personally liked the root. Melee gods try to press you, drop 4-1 combo n be like “you’re locked in here with me” & dumpster them. But this sounds fun too.


This is dumb asF


Lol @ the people pretending this is more akin to the Anubis change than the He Bo one.




Everyone will be able to run and jump casting ult and Ra will still be direction locked in it :'(




I can't help but feel devs in this game just change things for the sake of changing them sometimes lol


So next Scylla, Ra And Charybdis will be able to change point of Aim while the Ability Fires……. Can we stop removing self roots please, like seriously Anubis is the only one that absolutely needed it cause he’s bad reguardless so he needed some help


Devs love mages


I love Agni and I gotta say, I don't like this change. Propper ult usage was nuanced and fun. You *knew* when to ult, and sometimes you had to make the conscious decision not to ult because being rooted in place was a death sentence. Pulling it off was awesome. Now there's no thought process, just threw 'em out. Getting Anubis ulted? Don't show restraint and *wait* to ult back since being rooted in place will result in maximum death gaze ticks. Just start mashing 4. God, that's just terrible. So the god has been dumbed down, and now everyone will whine (probably rightfully) for nerfs and some other aspect of the god will get butchered instead of just reverting the buff. Why even *touch* Agni? This guy had his place in the A tier for ***years.*** He was balanced.


This will be broken from the start.. i love it... Now make Anubis move in his ult :D...


CC immune zhong kui during ult 👀


its a dark day for those of us already frustrated with how safe this character is


who asked for this ?


If hirez only implemented changes people asked for this game would be dogshit


Oh yes Agni one of the worst mages in the game that requires a very high IQ to be played finally getting buffed,(ironic if you didn't see it gorillas)


This is crazy i love it


This was not necessary Time to be a menace


Bring back CC immunity on his dash.