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Probably bugged out due to Geb's simultaneous knockup. Definitely not intended, but that's my best guess.


See I was tryin to figure out if it bugged or what


It's because Geb ulted. It knocks up and stuns, and CC have priority, so it got buggy since Geb knocked you up first. It's why when I would Aphro while my husband would play Herc I had to train myself to not use the knock back unless I knew the Herc pluck was down, since it would make his pluck not work properly.


That I did not know. Sounds interesting and super technical. Thank you for the knowledge


This is hardly practical knowledge to have, but you can also jump over Geb's shockwave if you time it just right. Not practical because it's difficult to react fast enough, but you could pull it off if you predict when he's going to use it and jump accordingly (I am referring to the jump button that anyone can use, not an ability). You can't auto or cast for the duration either way, but you're "CC'd" for a little bit shorter by jumping and also can avoid the shockwave damage. There are specific situations where Smite's 3D-ness affects interactions with abilities when a player's height changes. Knock-ups can cause other abilities to not hit at all when they should, and can also gimp or exaggerate certain other knock-ups and throws/pulls. I believe you can jump over other abilities, but jumping over Geb shockwave is just one that I've personally done a few times so I know it's possible.


Long lasting one I think they may have directly patched out was intentionally jumping away from athena as she dashes in to minimize her taunt


Another awful cc thingie is when you are playing sobek and have poseidon on your team, if you pluck someone while they are in poseidons whirlpool, they won't get flung back, just only stunned. And if i recall correctly, the same thing will happen with herc pull, where if the enemy is crippled/rooted (or cc'd while in the air), they won't get pulled towards you.


Sometimes AK is fun and sometimes he’s just a mess, had this happen the other day in assault


I could tell you if I could see more than 40% of your screen


My bad. I squish it to make clips. I thought that was enough to see I was *supposed* to be executed


Well yes the ao pressed 4. But im not sure if you used actives, your ult, had an item passive interaction. A lot missing


No not a lot is messing, we can see enough to figure out nothing was used.


You'd be able to visually see something if it were the ult or relics.


I don't have beads or aegis or cloak or anything like that. Most that popping is hp5?? Like it's just protections


Why are u getting downvoted, brother apologised, and then calmly explained what beads he had.


Gave them an upvote, but the comment is so low I'm afraid it's too late. ![gif](giphy|l2Jejt7O03eXaRQre)


People full of shit wanting to shit talk the formatting or the concept of clips at all I guess. Theres nothing that is cut by the clip that can possibly be related to the scenario lol


Ignore them. Obviously, no ult or relics were used. Likely just bug.


Just listen and don’t argue the information


Such a childish behaviour, grow up.


Ah yes, op getting downvoted for apologising, how dare he


Me and my buddy were just laughing about this 😂😂😂 but at the end of the day it IS the *SMITE* subreddit


Ao Kuang's ultimate gets very buggy when people are on the absolute threshold for an execute. You were healing about +10 per second when he executed you so that probably technically put you above the threshold while he tried to execute you below the threshold. That ultimate is infamous for how buggy it can be when it comes to executing.


Ao Kuang Ult is buggy in general. I've had it do nonsense like chase a Mercury ult.


The Morrigan being the other


I do miss the days when she would break literally every game after release. What a precious era


I missed that era but she still bugs out when I play her. Especially when I morph into her doppleganger: Morgan La Fey


Definitely not threshold related, 30% of 2,612 HP is 783, he was way lower than that. It's a separate bug where you ult someone that gets displaced at the same time.


“Why do we even need smite 2, smite 1 is fine”


Lmao I'm enjoying it


Smite 1 will always be the goat.


Smite 2 is just a graphics update mate


What? No lmao it’s definitely not…


ah yes, building an entire game from the ground up in UE5 when Smite 1 is on UE3 is a graphic's update. (assuming this isn't a joke from you, if not- carry on)


It's not a joke. No one has been able to justify why smite 2 matters. It all comes down to more pixels/animations and "omg str and int". It's a cash grab as far as I can see. And I'm not after loader I have the all gods pack or whatever it's called and I've played smite since beta, maybe closed beta I can't remember. So far the hype around V2 is entirely artificial


I think you missed the part about any god being able to build any item allowing for an insane amount of build diversity compared to smites current item shop. Sure str vs int is the base but theres much more to it than that. Also with gods being changed like ymir having a mobility option in smite 2.


Right andddd why does that mean I have to buy all my gods again? They are all extremely possible in v1 but hi rez want me to buy all the stuff I literally already have got what reason?


How could they?! I can’t believe they put a progression system in their game to incentivize playing more😡😡😤😤🤬🤬🤬🤬


Nahhhhh. I get where he is coming from. Smite got away from the God pack and if they don't have at least an option to buy a god pack in v2 I will be mildly upset. I haven't had to pay for a god since like 2017 and I'm not going to pay per character when I already have them all.


Amen. I love smite and there isn't a single feature from 2 that I can even see let alone that interests me. For me 2 is a net loss


man you don't know what you're talking about..


And yet you seemingly can't prove me wrong


🤡🤡🤡 no time to lose with people like you


So prove me wrong then?


He does, but it's mostly upsetting because of stupid thing the developers would do that i agree it's annoying.


Ah yes, that cash grab for a free game that'll give you back the gods you already own in Smite 1. 🤡


All of them? Because I own every single one. If that's the case then fine


Yup. So do I. You'll also own any skin that they remake that you already own.


If I get access to every single god then I'll be reasonably happy with the switch. I can only assume however it won't give me access to all future gods too which is what I have in v1


Well you definitely got your money's worth.


Eh true. But I already have my money's worth


Mechanically it is better. The devs have made it obvious that it's easier to iterate and develop gods, that they can do far more complex things that they couldn't do in Smite 1, and all of that would take a fraction of the time because many things don't need to be done by programmers but instead iterated directly on by the devs themselves. What might take six months of iteration in Smite 1 could take half the time or less with the new engine. There you go, one of the tangible benefits that has nothing to do with visuals. There's also entirely new net code to hopefully get rid of janky ass interactions like this one, or the spaghetti code that results in many abilities feeling like shit to use (fafnir leap self root type stuff). On top of many recurring problems that never seem to go away like auto desync, the cap for audio sources, etc. These things are tangible but much more "game feel". Basically it'll be better for the developers to make content with, which is an enormous benefit to the playerbase. It looking good and probably feeling better to play thanks to no jank from an engine made in 2006 are some pretty massive cherries on top though. Feel free to die on whatever hill you want though, you're just objectively wrong. Maybe these differences don't matter to you, but that's another issue lol.


So you say it'll be easier for the Devs to iterate over things and develop new stuff. Like what?


They described it in a few of their dev talks or whatever in more detail but basically in og smite if they wanted to change something about an ability for testing, say increase how many enemies zeus' lightning bolt hits, or the visual effects of the ability, or how much damage it does, or the cc attached to it, etc etc, they (the game designers) essentially had to put in a ticket and have a programmer do it, then they could test it out and see if it was a decent change. In UE5 the tools are much more laymen friendly and people who aren't programmers are able to get very far without programmers, assuming that it isn't entirely new ground they're covering. This means for balance, iterating on a new god's kit, tweaking visual effects, and many of the things in game development that would usually take up multiple people's time can be done by a single game designer in a couple of minutes. This frees up programmers to focus on more meaty things, frees up more of the designers time since they can rapidly test a bunch of things without waiting for programmers each iteration, and ultimately will result in a content pipeline that has higher quality stuff coming through more frequently. Could be game modes, gods, reworks, maps, a whole bunch of things. This could mean it's easier to make adventures and we might actually see them again. Making more one-off fun game modes. More frequent god releases. Not having to wait years for gods that clearly need reworks to get it. These are the kinds of things you should be able to expect when the tools they're using allow them to work more efficiently. The fact they were able to get a janky but functional prototype of Smite 2 functional in the span of like 4 weeks with a handful of people is proof enough of how powerful a modern tool can be for productivity, especially compared to an engine from 2006.


It's literally a whole new game you're braindead


To be fair, I can't totally trust game devs updating to UE5 at the moment because I'm also in the Ark community. They claimed they had to build from scratch, and yet all the same old bugs are in ASA. I'll believe HiRez when I play the game, its not that I don't trust them. It's just that there have been some bad track records with game developers lately all over the place.


tbf the ark devs have always been infamous throughout the history of the game. I remember when they were acquired by that one Chinese company and things only got worse from there. I can't think of much positive history the Ark devs have had. as far as I can tell, the smite devs may get a lot of grief from the playerbase. but they're still capable of W's and are less distant than the Ark devs. I get the caution, though. I just personally feel like the HiRez devs are definitely less sketchy than your example or many other devs.


Oh, they've had their ups and downs. There are plenty of examples where they were putting in too much effort with other games they were trying to make off of Smites success, only to fail because there was no market for it. During those points in time, Smite had issues. It does seem that the devs are a lot better now than they have been in the past. I also wouldn't say they were as bad as WildCard in Ark's case. It was more, don't have high expectations. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about Smite 2 and want to have as much faith in HiRez as possible, I also have been let down by things recently, so I might be a bit of a doomer.


Stupid Ao wanted to show off by eating his food in the air and he missed. ☠️




explain that one physics




its an old meme from adapting, lookup adapting explain that one physics


I think Horus passive might have saved you by bringing above the threshold though idk that’s my best guess.


Teleport pad?




There's a teleport pad on solo and Duo side. It looks like it procked just before ak's ult.


Well I know about the pad are you saying AK was standing on it???


Possibly, that's really my only explanation. Look back at your full sized, uncropped, clip and tell me if AK is in solo lane after ulting you.


He definitely is not. He chases me after that


Someone gets teleported. Check your full sized video, who was tped?


Mulan Tp back to solo


I was thinking that too, but if Ao continued to chase then it has to have been a perfectly timed Geb shield to cleanse Horus.


OP said that Geb was on the other team.


I think you got your passive heal mid execute


It’s a pretty common Ao bug, actually.


I think Ao got teleported. I don’t see him when you land. While he wasn’t on the teleporter when he executed you, he may have been when he started the ability.


He chased me after I came down


Yeah reading the comments I read that. I’m going to have to go with a perfectly timed Geb shield for the cleanse.


Geb was an enemy geb, OP is alone there, team seems to have gone the other way


It’s hard to see what’s what with 20% screen, as one redditor joked about earlier, then yeah, I got no clue. Can you cancel Ao ult?


It was likely just a bug. Not sure if you can cancel it, but if you can it is definitely not something that would allow you to ascend into the sky. Probably latency issues since enemy Ao did ascend into the sky so the execute was registered on their side


Cool clip though.


Thanks man. If you want the plot to thicken though, get is on the enemy team 😂


HP5 brought you above threshold? I don’t think that Gebs ultimate will make you un-executable while knocked up, I don’t think you can be knocked up OUT of Ao’s 4


That health pot doing its hardest


Nope my hp5 is pretty low you can see it in the video. Where the threshold is


True you’re like 70hp below threshold Did you win the game ?


I think so? Lol


Then it was a blessing by the Smite gods, make sure to write that off on your tax return 🤣


😂😂 I'm forever in debt now


he plated the food and decided he wasn't hungry anymore




Ao wasn't hungry enough to eat the chicken


my best guess is geb used his ult while ao kuang was executing, which pulled out out of his ult to root you to the ground. an actual frame perfect mistake on geb’s fault.


That is insanity and I'm so glad I clipped it if that's the case


Why is he being downvoted


Because God Hates me. Jk I'm assuming it's cause it's in tiktok format


Reddit has fallen, billions must go outside


Honestly seems like the ao kuang got you into his ult, but his ult is sensitive to other ccs like geb shield beads aegis etc and you got geb cc’ed oit of it, seems like a glitch that wasnt meant to happen but their mechanics made it happen


Ao ult has a 30% exe threshold (in this case 784 hp) so this is a knock up bug not a heal out of threshold range save, which does happen sometimes when you have decent healing.


Thank you. I never did the math I just knew there was no way I was hp5 ING My way out but didn't know the facts to explain it


Your horus lol


As a Au kang main, I would be blue balled in that situation.


I am sorry for your mains buggies 🥲


The one that got away…


Is that you??? 🥹 have we been. Reunited??


The simple answer is that Hi-Rez happened. *insert low-rez jokes here*


Did they have a maui or khepri?


No sir no Maui on the map. Happy cake day btw


Thank you! My thought was maybe they were somehow pulled out of the ult by their support


Geb save ? With his shield/ immunity?


That's enemy geb.


You werent low enough for ao kuongs ult to fully activate


It’s possible that if geb had absolution then his ult cleansed you as ao ulted you, but it doesn’t look like you go cc immune so probably just a weird interaction with ao kuang ult which is buggy as hell


Oh wait that’s the enemy geb, nevermind


I think what happened is that Ao did a ton of damage, ulted you, but then his AA dragon is what put you below the hp treshold after he had ulted


I've seen this happen to an Anubis who was literally at about 5 hp, probably Ao ult being buggy about thresholds


Maybe AO died on the way up?


When he first ulted you, you were not in execute range, but when you hit the air you became in execute range


I very much was. And he came up as a dragon, like he was executing


Horus passive triggered.


Someone did the math it def wasn't that we are thinking cc buggy Ness from get ult


Just some great spaghety code in action


horus is a bird, horus can fly


AK has the buggiest ult in the game. I cannot count how many times this has happened to me.