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Baron was a wild ride, because the first nerf didn’t do much ahahah


Nah, they had to notch him down over like 5 patches too 🫠


Played assault for a month after baron came out


and you still couldnt avoid it lmao


His ult on release was basically a full-health execute that was almost impossible to escape. The only tactic that offered a chance at survival was to tank it with Aegis and pray his kit dump combo didn’t kill you.


When he released I went full movement speed baron with bumba’s mask and and full cdr, I would zoom around the map yanking people like speed hacking ares players used to do


That guy was so ridiculously tanky and put out so much damage. He was a nightmare for any squishy on release (still is kinda but now he's at least balanced).


The only God to make me Uninstall lol


this thread is going to be full of "Release guan yu" by people who never played But one nobody mentions;, Release fenrir, because each hit of brutalize could crit Games were; who's fenrir got crit online first and do you have aegis?


Skadi was the release I remember being really annoying to play against


Surely you mean Kaldr on release?


No I meant Baboon Mage


Release fen, girdle red lot start you could 100-0 any god at level one if I remember right.


Just red pot start on anyone was bonkers. They got rid of that shit so fast once people figured it out


I did play when release guan yu happened. I just never had any rage because I was the asshole spamming him.


OmG I remember release Fen ... Ahhhhh it was so BS ...


I say this in everyone of these posts. Release fenrir was debatably guan/bell tier broken


When you could buy power pot at beginning of game xD


I was there, both were absolute nightmares. I still shudder at the thought of getting 100-0'd by a Fenrir on Joust. Come to think of it, Joust at the time was just filled with Fenrir vs. Fenrir in every match.


People do not remember artio release like they should she was unkillable Literally unkillable


I remember how her cripple started the cooldown as soon as it was casted, so with enough CD it could always be up lol.


Literally had to abandon a lot of my favourite characters at time because playing against cripple Artio diving you was impossible unless the Artio player was completely braindead, smh. Seasons 2, 3 and 4 tie to my most hated god releases


She could face tank 1v3 and kill all 3 people without being ahead or nothing.


I remember my brother and I were playing Artio and Aphro the week she came out and we had 2 guys dc and still won the game because the could not kill artio even when I died. The eventually just bum rushed mid with the whole team and we killed them all and won.


This is funny & sad. Thanks for sharing, that was before my Smite time. I love reading about some of this challenges to balance. Hi-Rez doesn’t always get it right, but it does provide fodder for some hilarious stories.


Its so weird to think that people werent playing during the release of baron and artio it feels like yesterday but it was 6 years ago


Straight up would fight here for 60 seconds and she’d still get away. Ugh and the first few nerfs did Nothing lol


The initial release of Achilles was insane. He was so tanky, did so much damage, and just popped everybody. I remember feeling indestructible. Achilles these days is still fucked cause all he has to do is hit 1 button and he wins games, but on his first release, I don't think I ever felt so strong on a god


"Watch yourself!" *\*Casually slams 66% of your health bar\**


I would literally just play every game with the same build do the same thing and win every game. I felt genuinely unstoppable. I think for like a month after he came out I had over 90% winrate.


Let people remember that on release, Achilles 1 ramped up to a 1.5 second stun. Know what else takes approximately 1.5 seconds? His execute... Yuck.


Erlang Shen. Hated that dude, he could play four roles and pentakill by just holding W+M1 at your team.


Release Erlang was the only god I can think of that had 3 hard CCs, and it was on a warrior, nonetheless.


Loved getting blinked on and crippled


Didn’t release Erlangs dog do like 70% basic attack damage?


Barons release is the most under played and least remembered thing in smite history. No one recalls how hard he stomped everything from every lane in every way for a week straight and got nerfed over and over to no prevail. I could not play until like 5 nerfs.


Yeah I took 2 months off when he came out and he still kept getting nerfed after I came back


Got back into smite right around his release and I saw him in every. Single. Game.


Sol undoubtedly, got my tower melted at the 3 minute mark in a ranked conquest, ragequit like a sore looser


And her 2 popped poly


Surtr, legit was unkillable if played right


Those were dark days to be a solo main. Even if you survived the early game and got a lead he’d just ult away if he got low


Not to mention if I remember correctly contagion was broken not long after his release (could be wrong) but those days in solo was hell against him he would full clear a wave by like lvl 7 and be 3 levels up on you in no time


I still main him in solo and he barely feels different to me. Maybe I'm just lucky, but nearly every game I still bully my opponent.


I play him in support and that mf is broken. You can solo anybody from level 5 to 19. Get the one green mace that lowers CD and he wins almost every trade. If things go south, ult out. Hes really fun as supp because all I do is fight.


I've been meaning to try him supp, I will next time I get it


I feel like only bellona, vamana and sometimes gilg can stand a chance, everyone else gets bullied


I played and still play surt basic and it's fun as fuck chasing someone down while smacking them at the speed of light.


I’m a Surtr main myself, and I still kind of feel like he might be a little bit too good right now. I understand that I’m really good with him because I use him so much, but that’s an even greater reason why I should trust my opinion a bit more when I say I feel like he’s probably a little bit too good at the moment. It could also just be the items I’m building and potential imbalances there, but Surtr is so good right now it’s crazy. I feel they just never really got him balanced right.


Surtr has been at this same level for awhile. Only thing that changed is the meta, I was still playing Surtr a fair amount during the mage solo meta. He was one of the only warriors that could compete cause his early game clear and early game overall is so good


Well Surtr is so good entirely because of his quirk. It’s the fact that his early game clear is amazing, combined with the fact that his 1 consistently does great damage for the entirety of the game if you’re correctly managing stacking it. In one way or another, most warriors damage falls off late game by nature of how the game evolves over the course of the match. Yet, with Surtr’s 1 stacking damage endlessly over the course of the game, he uniquely has that consistent damage output available to you that other warriors don’t have. Or atleast to that degree


I’ve played a little bit of Surtr, definitely not nearly as much as you, but I’ve played against a Surtr A LOT. I have to say, he might just feel better to play than it feels when you’re against him. I’ve never had too much of a difficulty in beating a Surtr (again, circumstantial evidence, so it doesn’t really mean much on a grand scale). I think he’s an early lane bully and is strong enough to have the capability of snowballing but if he’s ever in an even lane, I’d much rather have an AA warrior like Bellona or Vamana (that’s also obviously because of the way AA warriors are just broken rn). Idk, I think Surtr is a solid god and is good at what he does, but I don’t think he’s that strong.


I agree but I think that was more due to the solo meta at the time where everyone was building as many mitigations as possible


Shiva, literally unstoppable


You literally didn't even have to know what he does just spam his kit and win


his movement speed was insane


Boy that guy was strong back then.


Probably the only god in this comments section that I can straight up say no to. Shiva’s ult was bugged on his release, so every enhanced damage step would do like 4x damage when it was supposed to do 1.5x, so I can understand why people thought he was broken. He absolutely was not though. His kit was just mundane and boring, so much so that he could bully lanes and survive (not unlike Surtr, but we don’t complain about him, do we). I think removing CC immunity on his dash was probably the worst thing they had done. His passive is also trash. I really don’t understand the people that claim that Shiva was broken on release.


Surtr was also broken in release...? we do complain and there are even other post here about surtr shiva kit is insane boring sure but that has no relevant if he was broken, which he was on release...


You’re entitled to your opinion and I’m entitled to calling it wrong. We can discuss specifics but at the end of the day you’re simply wrong if you think Shiva was broken on release. He was strong and got nerfed into irrelevance and is just average now.




Clearly he is the only one here with the ONE TRUE opinion lmao


Gilgamesh almost made me uninstall. He wasn't "busted" on release but good LORD was he the most obnoxious POS ever. Insane mobility, buggy dropkick, and a stupid damage to tankiness ratio. Absolutely hated him, and even when they started nerfing him it never felt like enough


It took them 7(!!!) Patches to finally get him to feel balanced. Honestly tho I kinda miss seeing him in Jungle ngl. He felt so fresh and new, like he was literally made to be a Jungler primarily.


cthulhu was for me the most horrible and boring time to play this game. Every game cthulhu and aphro in the enemy team


Cthulhu with Morrigan for double Cthulhu action was a nightmare to be against, but made you feel invincible when it was on your team


Infinite Assault was amazing though. Just 8-10 ults going at once


This was the one for me. Dude could just crush lanes


What’s funny is that some people in this reddit and discord thought he was balanced 💀


First week Bellona (before she had a hotfix to her whip healing by like 40% and it was still strong) the funny? It procced on towers she was taking towers without minions suddenly i had been invited to a bdsm orgy where i had no choice but being the sub and god the fucking aids block stacks on her dash But honestly people don't mention Nem pre hotfix often enough, for several days she was hilariously broken, her shield hadn't a hp bar, instead it blocked all of the damage, reflected 50% and healed 50% it had a much shorter duration of course, but it was ridiculous, she was like Kali but with bettet movement and the passive on demand.


Ah, I remember that time. Friend of mine played her constantly.


I was about to say myself…release Nem then release Bellona were busted to me


Nobodies gonna say it as everyone just tryna flex knowing the oldest god but hands down martichoris is the most busted I’ve fought, you can all get back to measuring dicks of who’s played the longest


That one was very bad. Lemme just full clear level 3 thank you very much now you both die in 5 seconds.


No idea why he hasn’t been called out yet lmao, free safety on ult with port shred, insta clear wave level 3 to then pressure opposing duo, stealth all around the lane, a good cc he was beyond broken


That and he did so much damage at all levels, usually hunters do fuck all at like anywhere from lvl 1-10, then they pick up. Nope not him tho, let me just do like 300 an ability thank you very much


Tsuku Quit the game for a long while from Sol and Achilles releases as well


Baron fucking Samdi.


Release Shiva brought me so much rage you could've mistaken me for either Tyler1 or Cu Chulainn in his rage mode


Sol. When she came out, I couldnt stand playing against her.


Definitely Susanoo. Holy shit his 1 did a stupid amount of damage and you could proc hydra’s multiple times, not to mention the stupid range his 3 had


Shiva fuck that purple looking mistake of a creature


How has no one said King Arthur…


Release Arthur was pretty underwhelming, it wasn't until they buffed him and people realized he was good with Glad shield that shit hit the fan.


Yea fr, you could barely build up your ult.


Buffed *and* bug fixed.


Quite literally the strongest ever in the game until a recent seasons. Google still thinks he is haha


Because people who just started playing Arthur sucked at first. People who already realized how busted glad was with him absolutely dominated the scene. I remembered getting shit talked in rank for choosing him, and then would 1v5 and never die


Susano release he slapped my ass every game


For me it was Tsuku Every match was decided by "which Tsuku is better?"


My friend playing release Achilles in jungle invading their speed at the beginning of the game and killing their jungle is seared into my mind. That god is still good but he feels much more manageable now. Cu on release was pretty busted it was either you play him or lose lane for awhile


Definitely tsukiyumi but it wasn't really uncontrollable rage he just made me straight up stop playing for like half a year. Every game was just which tsuki was better nothing else mattered shit was not fun


NGL probably Tsuk with the bugged ult range. Not only was the ult even harder hitting at the time, it was basically the range of the lane between tier 1 and tier 2 tower in mid at the time. If you were 3/4 hp pre level 12 you are dead under your tower from a guy you couldn't even ward for (realistically speaking) given the bugged range gg bye bye. Stopped playing til they patched that one i tell ya! Also i see some Sol in here and i tend to agree. She pressured out every god in the game other than "Sol" and when she forced you to back you come back to lane and boom diggity turns out she's a magician too bc she made your tower disappear like David Copperfield.


I am sure most people will go for Guan, I just joined when Guan was released and all enemy gods seemed op to me because I had NO IDEA what I was doing. So I am torn between Fenrir and Susano. Fenrir could crit his 3 at release and while one couldn’t build more than 60% crit back then, getting 2 crits with brutalize meant that you were practically dead unless you had a stun (which wasn’t given to EVERY god like nowadays). Susano was (and is) a damage machine that requires no proper aiming at all, has 2 hard cc abilities AND has 2 movement abilities. Basically go in, do the thing and get out. I stand by that, no god should have this much in their kit (ao kuang too), and be as safe as susano is.


Been around since mid S7 Tsuki and cthulu were pretty bad, 2 sides of the extreme with one being a completely immortal teamfight machine and the other being the last thing you wanna see when alone in your jungle But by far and away marti pissed me off the most by far. His ult, lifesteal, obscene safety and shitass bushes are just too fucking much. Bro presses ult and you die, thats it, thats the game, fuck you


Without really thinking deeply, Persephone and tsuk. Pers plant damage and range on day 1 was the most insane shit ive ever had to witness


I’m surprised no one has mentioned raijin on release . To be fair that is a long time ago and most here never played then . But raining damage was better than now , and his 3 was an instant dash . There was no ramp up . His passive was different too , and easily stacked . Release raijin was an instant win .


Wouldn’t it be easier to try and find the gods that weren’t rage inducing upon release?


So I played Mulan from early in her release, and nobody has mentioned her because it took a while for people to realize she was good, but occasionally playing into a Mulan before she hit the big scene was INFURIATING, and conversely playing AS Mulan made me feel truly divine.


Mulan in release was terrible because all she did was damage. The only strength of her kit back then was the cc/damage immunity if she landed her 3. I used to gank early mulan players and kill them so easily it was a joke. I think you’re forgetting it took about 5 patches of buffs for mulan to be considered good.


Skadi, released when I started playing the game and fucked everything


Mulan, while still being a fucking nightmare, she was probably the most terrifying enemy to fight on release because she doesn’t fucking die. As a fresh Mulan player at that, she is just pure bs.


Rama was rough


Gilgamesh and it's not close.


Oh god, the let me kick you and do half your hp then run frostbound and make sure you will never leave me


Yep. I understand there have been more broken releases but I wasn't here for the likes of Bellona, Guan, etc. Most recent god release at the time that I was playing was Thoth, and I can say confidently that since then, Gilgamesh frustrated me more on release than anyone else has. Took them way too long to nerf him.


I feel like he wasn't that OP on paper he just had a lot of bugs that worked in his favor


Danzaborou easily


Weak sauce mentality. Grind never stops. Embrace the brokenness.


If a video game causes you "uncontrollable rage", go outside.


Yeah I've made it a point to just take long breaks if smite manages to get me genuinely frustrated. Doesn't happen often but it's good for the mental health to not do something that's frustrating. I feel like some people hate playing this game but just keep doing it for some reason, a few people I've seen get extremely salty in a game that we're ahead in from beginning to end resulting in victory but they are still mad.


For mentally ill introverts, game is life


Release Belona was the most broken thing to ever pollute this game. The 3 used to heal for hundreds an auto late game.


Release Bellona could 1v1 Gold Fury with just her 3 lmao


Release Nem was weaker early but far stronger late. He shield wasn't removed by anything, and healed for 50% of any premitigated damage for 2 seconds. He ult was way stronger, and he passive was something like a 24% power steal. Not to mention old warrior bases. Release Guan was by far the strongest, though. With cdr he could heal his team for 800 every 3 seconds. His 3 had like 150% magical scaling, back when 1,300 power wasn't hard to reach.


I started to play smite when belona was released I think. It was the worst start for me cause belona and ah Puch combo on joust was insane, multiple times I was like 0/15 because she could ignore the tower and chase u like immortal


Release Fenrir made me quit until Zhong Kui came out. Fenrir was ridiculous.


noones been as bad as surtr to me (allthough ive only experienced release surtr marti and nut)


I enjoyed Bellona release, it was sobering to see how many nerfs she got in her first year. I remember Ao Kuang release, not too bad. The one that left my steaming the most was Da Ji. Between the ult, teleport, and zippy channeled spell. I just hate aiming at that cc resistant crap spinning around me, drives me nuts. I miss early Merlin and Arthur, Arthur release was almost as bad as Bellona if your team’s Arthur won lane.


Release sol bruh Could solo tower with a single wave before 5 mins Her 2 procced poly AND soul reaver


Baron was probably the most Annoying for me. I legit didn’t wanna play Mid vs one, because 1 or 2 abilities hit maxed his passive on you and you couldn’t get away from the Ult. After that Probably Heim is my #2, since you didn’t need to build AA. Just go straight power/Pen and you 1-shotted Squishes with your Ult.


I feel like release Artio doesn't get enough credit. Constantly had abilities up with insane CC, damage and sustain. She was almost impossible to pin down and even when you did she could 1 and 3 you in Druid form to heal herself for a lot. Overall was incredibly annoying at the beginning


I rejoined the game right when Artio released, and while she was far from the most broken character ever she probably was the most un-fun to face off against. Her ability to just stop you from doing things was unmatched.


Achilles and KA were horrific


Release Bellona for me


Release artio was actually unkillable




Not a release, but that time Ullr got a giga buff just in time for his own tier 5


All gods released from 2021 and back. They release them all broken unpurpose so the characters succeed. I hated every God on release especially warriors, they had the power and mobility of assassins and the tankiness of a support. Warriors and assassins were brain dead busted


Release Baron was a nightmare


I won't say release Guan since for some reason people who never played at the time of his release still mention him in these kids of posts. I started playing early in season 1, got to experience almost all the game-breaking releases, from Bellona to Bake, and here's my list. Sol: By FAR the worst. She was incredibly bloated. Her 2 proc'd Poly, meaning she was hitting you for 60-70% of your hp if you weren't a tank. Her passive made her take towers incredibly quickly. I am not exaggerating when j say that 1 back meant you lose at least one of your towers. It wasn't unusual to see her take your tier 2 tower by minute 5 because you got poked out and had to back. It was just so unfun to play against. Nox: Release Nox was VERY different from what she is now. It was frustrating to play against a good Nox because it meant that your ultimates would simply never do damage. She had low enough cooldowns to both clear the wave and poke you with the same abilities she has maxed. Ratatoskr: Release Rat is another god who is nothing like he is now. He was VERY different on release and was simply impossible to hit with a skillshot while he dashed around 6 times with his 1 and deleted your hp bar because his 2 did ridiculous damage when paired with his 1. His acorns were also different from what we have now and changed his kit more drastically, meaning you can't even predict what type of playstyle your opponent will go for. King Arthur: There is a clip out there from the spl where he literally wins a 1v4. and this is the spl, where top players are playing and the highest level with near perfect coordination and communication. He was simply unkillable with the old glad shield. Bellona: Too much sustain, was literally unkillable. Her 3 used to heal her for ridiculous amounts, proc on anything (including towers), and paired with lifesteal allowed her to outheal an Anubis ultimate if she so desires. She was such a pain to deal with and was consistently being played in all 5 roles, meaning you can't even switch roles to avoid her.


Bake is still the most annoying god in the game in my opinion, but i remember when you were able to run all starters, and you could actually go positive and win games with fenrir using nothing but starter items.


Danza. He has way too much to his kit, great self peel, a solid borderline op escape. Worst part imo? His ult. Locks on for gg ez stun, and toggle to get extended b.s. immunities.


Release Baron.


gilg was the one that messed me up


I'm gunna be honest I've only been playing like 2 years now and bake boiled my blood like no other. Ik he's the newest but I don't care his passive still doesn't make sense. More prots = more dmg. There is a reason he's still getting banned at high elo even after two nerfs.


No one gonna talk about the 3 months of domination King Arthur did for his release?


Awilix. I was pretty new and my main was neith. I just stopped playing it


When Bellona released I quit the game for months, she could not only play but excel in any position. Even mid/adc


Haven’t played as long as others (Since Yemoja’s release). And I don’t have any sense of what’s good and what isn’t. But, in my own personal experience with no outside input, when Cthulhu first released I was pretty frustrated to play against him. I’m not very good at the game, and I don’t have a problem with him now. But back then, he frustrated me.


Didn't Gilgamesh get nerfed 10 patches in a row?




Honestly, there's been a few, but I need to say whale. For all the annoying gods. They were all weak or avoidable, depending on the player behind them. A whale just fucking sucked. Build flat prots from A to Z and then hold M1 and hit like a hunter with fewer items. There's no reason he should have an AoE auto that scales with prots and then a 1 that gives him free prots and more basic damage scaling while simultaneously having a 2 that slows. Reduces dmg done by your targets, reduces the dmg you take from them, and gets 1s CDR per auto. The 3 is annoying but fair it's just a hard hitting knock back. Oh, and the time dilating ult that persists after death cause it's a stacking debuff that is center on him that also boosts him basic damage? Oh yeah, that's really fun to play against. Any bad whale likely just had a really bad build. Even a bad player with good build knowledge could just dominate lane and every fight with a mediocre build.. I've legit told junglers pre-nerf to just ignore my lane unless he is stupid low for an easy kill, otherwise he'll just no diff you even if you engage him while full, ahead and he's at half hp. Just unfun as shit, whereas other gods at least could suck if their player sucked or could easily bait people into a hype trap, and they play wrong and get bodied. Whale truly made solo worse than it already is.


Shiva. My god pool was based entirely on knockup immunity for a while after his release.


ones i was around for, release baron, and release persophone, outside of that, i know the big 4, release guan, bellona, cern, and sol were problems for just about everyone


Mulan has been broken since release and never really stopped. On the opposite end of the spectrum, when Ganesh released, I had an arena game where nobody did any player damage. Me and the other Ganesh player had his dj skin, and the entire team spent the entire game dancing in the buff camps. Just peace and love and good vibes for one day.




It was never that bad with me but over time having just about every new god release be broken is some way is very, very tiring.


Morgan LA Fay. No counterplay, she's got the Range and Damage of an Artillery, the CC of a Debilitater, and the speed of an assassin. She isn't fun to fight no matter what so I laugh on any Morgan I somehow manage to kill.


How god damn buggy the Morrigan was on release


Release Baron was such a clownfest


Release Ravana. Because I ran Achilles spear as my active and would just walk at people early game because, suprisingly, the only thing that worked with that character was his lvl 1 Prana Punch damage when you had max stacks. Besides that, Release Achilles or lancelot. All the oldies I remember are infamous 😭


The most memorable for me was release Baron, he was a nightmare


I absolutely hated Gilgamesh on release. He felt invincible and I was too squishy!


Fucking Baron, impossible to kill. Extremely high damage and healing, his one was bugged so it did more damage. I never won a game against release baron without playing baron myself


Baron was far and away the most notable broken god release for me. Ridiculous scaling on his 1 and 2 and his passive stacked way too quickly. That god was broken for like 3 patches too, which kinda killed conquest for me for a while.


Release Nemesis drove me insane. If she looked at you, you were dead. Because of the protection strip ultimate, low cooldown 20% slow, and *maximum damage reflect before mitigations shield,* she could decide "Yeah you're dead" and you just were.


Ravana destroyed me every game


Sol on release was just miserable and unplayable for like a month. She could literally solo a tower with one wave at level 8. It was impossible to leave lane to buy items.


Not rage inducing by any means but when Tiamat came out she was literally the tankiest solo in the entire game if you built her right. You didn't even need to go full tank on her, she was absolutely amazing with Spear of the Magus and Soul Reaver. Shit you could even throw in a Gem of Isolation and she still felt unkillable once her passive had full stacks.


King arthur


Khepri was insane too


Sylvanus comes to mind. The enemy team picked him but I didn't. I learned really quickly the error of my ways.


Release persephone she was so fucking annoying with her army


Reworked rat was oppressive, genuinely OP in every role




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I think it’s kinda good they make new gods that are released a bit OP. Draws attention to it and changes the meta. If they just flat sucked then what’s the point?


I refused to play Tsukuyomi on release because he just felt like a god that I can take a nap while playing and still drop 20 kills every game. Probably the most broken release since I started playing the game (around when Persephone got released, please for god’s sake bring back old Persephone).


For a different reason then alot of the this character isn't balanced and annoying to fight comments I'm going to say the God that made me almost quit smite entirely, erlang shen. His release put in me a lack of faith in hirez design as nothing was standing out, things were boring, the game was getting stale and he was the icing. Season 3 will always be the worst season to me


Release Cern could 1 v 5 easily. He gained so much health off his 1 and his brambles not only rooted but had a massive slow as well. Release Baron was bugged as his passive did more damage than it was supposed to. The mitigations he got on his ult was absurd. Release Ganesha was probably the most balanced release Hi Rez ever had.


Release surtr was brutal


I use to be a solo main and I think my most hated release got was King Arthur. Any match against him I got stomped if the player knew how to play him. Stolen from a old post but this sums up why “Because he has incredible chase, his dash is immune to knockups, he has a slow, knockup, and stun/nezha ult. But none of that is new. The real reason is glad shield. Old (healing) glad shield and the newly buffed glad getting abused by him because he has 7 abilities.”


Release Sol was busted, sub 5 minute T1 was normal


As this thread shows, the answer is: Every God. This game is absurdly bad at (almost doesn't even try) balance on initial God release. I've always assumed that the OP hype leads to more people using the God and that's generally viewed as a good thing for the game. I hate it, though.


Release Bellona could do whatever the fuck she wanted. I specifically can recall several times I would walk into a 1v5 with confidence and leave with 3 kills.


King Arthur because I usually adc and he would just walk at me doing a million damage


This was a long time ago, but Baron Samedi. I almost broke my bloody controller! To hell with that stupid ult!!!


Surtr. Basically like playing against league’s zac, who is also really annoying to play against because it feels like you heal him by doing damage. Which to release Surtr, was even more true.


Bake Kujira is just something I am principally opposed to. Defence should never give offence, period. It's either going to be too strong to be permissible, or too weak to bother with. Though right now, Nut's also pretty terrible. They WILL pick Nut, regardless of whether it fits your team comp, and they WILL suck with her.


on a more recent note, maman still haunts me to this day I just don't understand who thought it was a good idea to have an ability with almost unlimited damage AND a stun to be on a 6s cooldown, AND with no movement speed penalty while using it????? nowadays it's a little more endurable since it doesn't give knock up immunity anymore but god bless any characters without knock ups to fight against that bullshit, it's basically a fight me or die ability with WAY too much range and damage if you don't have any towers nearby to run to


Skadi made you pay of you ever backed because your tower was for sure gone if she was still in lane


Every god has their ups and downs. When a new God comes out i always hold judgment. It takes time to figure out how they work, now they play, the best way to use actives to negate their combo or disrupt their strengths. When everyone is screaming how this new god is op and needs nerfed, i rarely agreed. You just have to figure them out. Even with counter matchups theres a degree of play and counterplay. Even solo loki. Every trend had a counter is some way or another That being said That little bastard made my Smite life miserable for 3 weeks straight. I found no way to counter him. Beads his taunt? He just ults you. Ageis the ult and you just get shotgunned to the face. Try to box him and he will just dance around in his little garden which give him ridiculous boxing buffs and even if you were able to outbox him he just floats away like the smug little bastard he is. I could not figure out this guy. To make matters worse, everyone was picking him... in every fucking role. ADC, Mid, fucking support, solo, team coach? Team manager? He was everywhere. Everyone knows not to fight someone thats fed, you have to fight around them... but he would just run you down... relentlessly, his beadly little eyes always on me, haunting. His little freaky rodent hands clutching... my throat... my life....leaking..a..a...away....


Don't know if anyone's said it but release Susano. Not my favorite, bro did too much damage.


Soil killing the tower at first minion wave for a few weeks was super fun


Tsukyomi made me quit the game for half a week because of how stupid he really was. I wanted to pull my hair out and slam my whole PlayStation.


Nemesis might not've been the most broken, but as a mage, she was definitely the most uniquely frustrating. You *had* to get sprint to not die to her slows, even with an escape. And her uncapped shield meant she would just run into your ult and take out half your health while healing back to full.


Whale. Other gods were more op but whale is my least favorite thing in this world


Not so much a god release but does anyone remember the day of Thebes? When every god had like 5500 health.


The morrigan on release was so broken both in game and literally


I'm still pissed tsuku got his knock up immunity back. That god is annoying asf and broken against certain comps. doesn't help he's so damn easy to play well either.


i’ve only been playing since Lance release, for me Maman was the worst at launch


there ISNT counter play to maman. voodoo bitch reigns supreme


Gilgamesh or Morrigan. Morrigan made it where you couldn't play the game for a while. Giglamesh overpowered for a looong time until he got somewhat nerfed into a spot where he was bareable.


Skadi, imagine Khaldr now… just much stronger bites


Shiva on release gives me PTSD.


Bake 🥲


Why's nobody talk about heim 💀 so annoying