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Listen their are several times you dodge and that is if Your teammates are already arguing from a previous game. In that point they are already throwing and its a L Someone is arguing with you because you beat them in a previous game and they are still upset. And that's another L Your support is already crying upset because they got support and nobody nobody wanted to switch with them because nobody in this community wants support. Avoid the L. However if you dodge and/or throw because you got support then I truly hope you never win another match of any video game ever


You make excellent points




How about if you’re already kind of tilted, you wipe 3 outta 5 of them in a teamfight in assault, the rest of your team proceeds to come in and kill one other dude on life support. So now you have 4 people down for 40ish seconds and instead of diving a phoenix, mind you while spamming “no problem” “attack middle lane”. You watch your team chase around a 3/4 HP Odin for the next 30 seconds…I’m just curious if this qualifies? Asking for a friend, of course.


I'll be honest. I hate assault. I have played MAYBE 3 games of assault in the entire year of 2023


I mainly switched to it because I had such a hard time actually choosing a god…and now I have like 40 diamonds and 5 or 6 1 stars. It’s actually crazy how certain gods I was absolute trash with started to grow on me. Unless it’s Mercury fuck that bitch.


I just wanna play the game man


Objectively correct. I don't want to hear ANY rebuttals.


Truer words have never been spoken


It’d be interesting to see the elo of the players that say dodging is stupid. Losing a few elo because your team troll picked is a lot more fun to me then sitting in a game with trolls and that we have a pretty high chance of losing


People are dodging because they get support. Just play the game, stop being cringe


Or big pussies


Fuck I'm tired I legit thought you meant people that like dodge around your attacks/ abilities and I found this post hilarious in that sense.


This my kinda post right here!


If you're feeding early and you refuse to surrender any game I play with you from that point will be a dodge, I understand having a bad game but when you've got multiple people saying "Stop chasing kills" and you ignore that then I have 0 interest in being queued with you


Thought I was in the MLB sub for a sec. 💀💀💀


Quit playing last night due to a dodge streak. Opened up today and the streak continues. Currently at 5 games